清海無上師以英文講於墨西哥坎昆 2010.12.05/09
獲得人身:需9.2無限兆億(zillions of zillions,註1)的靈性點數 | |
要活到100歲 | 另外還需20無限兆億點 |
要達到第3界的天堂 | 要有400無限兆億點 |
要有錢,只是百萬富翁,還不是億萬富翁 | 另外還需30萬兆億(zillion,註2)點 |
要一生都健康 | 另外還需35萬兆億點 |
要有堅強的意志 | 另外還需6萬兆億點 |
要當國王或皇后 | 另外還需70萬兆億點 |
要當總統 | 另外還需53萬兆億點 |
要當王子或公主 | 另外還需46萬兆億點 |
要像愛因斯坦有150的智商 | 另外還需22萬兆億點 |
要長得好看 | 另外還需20萬兆億點 |
要聲音好聽 | 另外還需18萬3千兆億點 |
要和世界、周遭的人以及所遇到的人都有良好的關係 | 另外還需27萬兆億點 |
要生在和平的國家 | 另外還需24萬兆億點 |
要婚姻美滿 | 另外還需23萬兆億點 |
要有好的小孩 | 另外還需35萬兆億點 |
要出名 | 另外還需17萬兆億點 |
你擁有的點數越多,所賺的利息就越多。 |
你持守越多戒律,就擁有越多天使,這些是真有其事。例如,以百分比來計算: |
沒打坐的人得到5%。 |
打坐的人得到15%。(因為他們在比較高的意識層次。所以我們等級越高,得到的加持越多) |
如果你打坐看光,例如唸「嗡」或「嗡嘛呢叭咪吽」,或修呼吸,像是觀想、哈達瑜伽或勝王瑜伽,可多得5%的靈性加持點數。 |
一般而言,一個修觀音法門的人除了吃純素等等,還加上每天打坐,就能多獲得30-40%。 |
如果你一天吃三餐純素,就多獲得10%。如果一天吃兩餐純素,就多獲得20%。如果一天只吃一餐純素,就多獲得40%的靈性點數。 |
如果你是食氣者,又打坐,就能獲得30-70%的靈性點數。 |
一位高等的明師、聖人,會加持你500%。 |
如果明師的等級高於第5界,給徒弟的靈性加持是4千%。更高等的明師,或是最高等的明師,如耶穌和佛陀的等級,祂們每天、每次都能加持你4千%的靈性點數。比方說,如果你靠近祂們,或你和祂們在同一世界--當然,越靠近,加持越多。但你什麼事都不必做,祂們每天就能加持你4千%。 |
一位第9界的在世明師,即使距離遙遠,也可以加持嫡傳弟子3萬%。如果越靠近,當然加持就越多。這裡是說從遠距離加持。越近的話,加持越多。 |
一位普通的聖人,例如:一個印度的和尚,吃素、打坐,修任何法門,不一定是我教的法門,他的功德就可以自動加持你30%。 |
外星人每天加持你10-60%。 |
如果你赤足走在乾淨的地方,例如走在沙灘上,就有5%的加持。只要光腳走就可以。 |
一棵可以用手環抱的樹,例如森林裡的松樹,光一棵樹,一天就可以加持你15%的靈性點數,你只要待在那裡就行了。連小植物也會加持你。 |
月亮加持你40%。 |
看得見的星星加持你40%。看不見的,意指遙遠的星星也會加持你,但比較少。 |
海加持你非常多,還有太陽、河、水、風、空氣也會加持你約10%、15%。 |
露天打坐,比在密閉的房子裡打坐多賺59%。建築物的牆越厚,得到的加持就越少--少一點。 |
在花園裡行走,或坐在花園裡打坐,比在一個小房間的水泥地上打坐所得到的靈性點數多。 |
長髮也能加持你5%。大約像我的這麼長,就能多獲得5%的靈性點數。 |
你的狗每天能加持你3%。 |
我的狗加持我6%或8%,因為他們吃純素,而且我愛他們,他們也回報我的愛。他們不會隨便給加持,連對他們的人類同伴也一樣。如果那個人不愛他們,他們就不給。例如,當我不在家或很忙時,我有專人幫我照顧狗,不過狗卻沒有加持他們那麼多。狗會加持他們1%、2%,但卻加持我8%、6%,依體型大小和吃純素的時間長短而定。狗跟我生活越久,加持的比例越高。 |
如果是一隻吃素的狗,會加持你3%。 |
一隻非吃素的狗給你的加持會比較少,大約2%。 |
一隻中型的鳥會加持你4%。 |
一隻大型的鸚鵡加持你更多,有8%。 |
一隻養在院子裡的火雞,會加持你5-10%。 |
連一隻弱小無助的雞,都會加持你2-6%,或10%;如果你餵他們吃純素,他們就有更多力量加持你。 |
一隻兔子加持你4-6%。 |
一隻牛會加持你7-15%的靈性點數。 |
一隻豬會加持你5-10%。 |
一隻小綿羊會加持你5-10%。 |
一匹馬會加持你6-15%。 |
一隻成年的大象會給你40%的靈性功德。 |
一隻海豹會加持你13%。 |
一隻山羊會加持你5%。 |
一隻野生的老虎能加持你2%。 |
一隻獅子加持你1%。 |
鵝加持你15%。 |
大黃蜂加持你1%。 |
一隻蝴蝶加持你1%。 |
一隻蒼蠅加持你0.5%。 |
野鳥也會加持你;海鷗加持你8%。 |
連鱷魚也加持你2%。 |
一隻野豬加持你8%。 |
烏龜加持你15%。 |
一隻野貓加持你2-6%。 |
連狐狸也加持你4%。 |
我們如果吃動物,功德就會被扣掉,以償還那些動物。 |
To help us to be more aware of the blessings we have been given and the way to gain more for ourselves and the world, Supreme Master Ching Hai has revealed on several occasions the number of spiritual points needed to achieve certain attributes of human life, as well as those bestowed by higher beings, nature, animals and other sources. She reminds us:
Peace comes with a price. Peace comes when we elevate all of the whole world's consciousness. So, don't point a finger at this and that leader or this and that group. The whole world shares happiness and sorrow all together. We are all to be blamed and we are all to be cherished; we are all to be respected, and we are all to be loved. We all share this home together. Please, I need all of your points put together for the sake of peace and the planet.
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Cancún, Mexico, December 5 and 9, 2010 (Originally in English)
The Preciousness of a Human Life
We’ve all heard that human life is precious. Buddha said that it’s easier for a turtle to go all the way from the bottom of the ocean up to the surface and meet one random little piece of wood that’s passing by with a little hole in it than to become a human, meaning to have a human birth. You may have heard that, but you don’t know how precious it is. I am going to put it here mathematically, so you know how many. Heaven does have points to classify who is who. We humans are very, very precious.
To get a human body: 9.2 zillions of zillions* spiritual points | |
To live a full 100 years | need an additional 20 zillions of zillions |
To get to the Third Level of spiritual Heaven | 400 zillions of zillions |
To be rich, like a millionaire only, not billionaire yet | need an extra 300,000 zillion |
To be healthy all your life | need an additional 350,000 zillion spiritual points |
To have mental invincibility | need an additional 60,000 zillion |
To be a king or a queen | need an additional 700,000 zillion |
To be a president | need an additional 530,000 zillion |
To be a prince or princess | need an additional 460,000 zillion |
To have 150 IQ, like Einstein | need an additional 220,000 zillion |
To have good looks | need an additional 200,000 zillion |
To have a good voice | need an additional 183,000 zillion |
To have a good relationship with the world, with the people around you and whomever you meet | need an additional 270,000 zillion |
To be born in a peaceful nation | need an additional 240,000 zillion |
To have a good marriage | need an additional 230,000 zillion |
To have good children | need an additional 350,000 zillion |
To be famous | need an additional 170,000 zillion |
And the more you have, the more interest you earn.
Blessings Offered by Higher Beings, Spiritual Practice, Nature and More
The more discipline you keep, the more angels you have. And these are real things. For example, if 100 is the scale (for 100%): |
One person who doesn’t meditate gets 5%. |
The meditating person gets like 15%. (Because they are on the higher level of consciousness. So the higher we go, the higher blessing we get.) |
If you meditate on Light, for example “Om,” or “Om Mani Padme Hum,” or on the breathing, like Vipassana, Hatha, or Raja Yoga, you get 5% more spiritual blessing points. |
On average, a Quan Yin practitioner who meditates every day has 30-40% more extra, apart from vegan meals and all that. |
If you eat three times a day, vegan, you earn 10% more. If you eat two times a day, you earn 20%. If you eat only one vegan meal a day, you get like 40% more spiritual points. |
If you are a breatharian, and you meditate, you get 30-70% spiritual points. |
A high-level master, a saint: would bless you 500% |
If the Master is higher than the Fifth Level, she or he would bless the disciple like 4,000% spiritual blessing. The higher master or the highest one, for example, of Jesus’ and Buddha’s status, they would bless you 4,000% every time, every day, in spiritual points. For example, if you’re near them, or if you are in the same world with them - of course, the nearer, the more blessing. But they would just bless you 4,000% per day without you doing anything. |
A Ninth Level Master on Earth, even remotely, blesses his or her direct disciples 30,000%. And if nearer, of course, even more. That’s from afar, or remote blessing. Nearer, more. |
A normal saint, for example, a monk in India who eats vegetarian, and meditates on any method - it doesn’t have to be my method - he would even bless you 30% by his own merit, automatically. |
UFO people bless you from 10-60% every day. |
If you walk barefoot in a clean area, in the sand on a beach, for example, you have 5% blessing. Just to walk barefoot. |
A tree that you could put the arms around, for example, a pine tree in the forest, one tree alone blesses you 15% spiritual points daily, by just being there. And even the small plants. |
The moon blesses you 40%. |
The visible stars bless you 40%. The invisible ones, meaning the faraway stars, bless you also, but less. |
The sea blesses you so much, and the sun, the river, water, the wind, the air blesses you also, like 10, 15%. |
When you meditate in the open air, you get 59% more than when you sit in a closed building. The thicker the building, the less – a little less – the concentration of the blessing. |
When you walk in the garden, or you sit in the garden and you meditate, you have more spiritual points than sitting on concrete in a small room somewhere. |
Hair blesses you also, 5% – long hair. Long hair, about my length, you get 5% more spiritual points, extra. |
Blessings from the Animals
Your dog will bless you 3% every day. |
My dogs bless me 6% or 8%, because they are vegan and I love them, and they respond to love. They don’t just give to anyone, not even their human companion. If that person doesn’t love them, they don’t give. For example, I have caretakers who help me to take care of the dogs when I am not home and during the day when I am not available. But the dogs don’t bless them that much. They bless them, yes, 1%, 2%. But they bless me 8%, 6%, depending on size and long-term vegan or not. The longer the dogs are with me, the higher the percentage of blessing. |
If it is a vegetarian dog, it blesses you 3%. |
A non-vegetarian dog would bless you less, like 2%. |
A medium bird will bless you 4%. |
A parrot, for example, a big parrot, blesses you even more, 8%. |
A turkey raised in your yard, he or she will bless you 5-10%. |
A chicken, even so small and helpless, blesses you 2-6%, or 10%, because if you feed them vegan, then they have more power to bless you. |
A rabbit, from 4-6%. |
The cow will bless you 7-15% in spiritual points. |
A pig would bless you 5-10%. |
The lamb would give you 5-10%. |
A horse will give you 6-15%. |
An elephant will give you 40% in spiritual merit, the grown-up one. |
A seal on the sea, would give you 13%. |
A goat would give you 5%. |
A wild tiger can bless you 2%. |
A lion blesses you 1% |
Geese bless you 15%. |
The bumble bee blesses you 1%. |
A butterfly blesses you 1%. |
A fly blesses you 0.5%. |
Wild birds bless you; seagulls bless you 8%. |
Crocodiles even bless you 2%. |
A wild hog blesses you 8%. |
Turtles bless you 15%. |
A wild cat, 2-6%. |
A fox, even, 4%. If we eat animals, our merits have to be deducted and given to that animal. |
Master also gently reminds us of our appreciation for the blessings we continually receive:
Every time you meditate, every time you remember, just: “Thank you. Please bless me. Thanks for your blessing.” And take it in: “Thank you, all of you. All of you – all the trees, the plants, the Earth, the air, the Sun, the Moon, the stars,” all the deities that bless you, the angels, the UFO people – visible, invisible – and all the animals, wild animals... To view Supreme Master Ching Hai’s message, “How to Get the Most Blessings,” please visit: You May Not Know