答: 如果那樣做會讓你覺得舒服,你可以先那麼做,然後再依照我們的修行法門打坐。
Just Let God
Run the Universe
Q: The Buddhist tradition includes practice of the Four Viharas; namely, love, compassion, joy and peace. Is it OK for us to do that along with our practice as a way of sending love?
M: If it makes you feel good you can do that in the beginning, but then do our practice.
Q: Like while walking down the street or seeing people?
M: I really would advise you just to repeat the Holy Names. Don't use your mind to send love or things like that because it will not help anything. When you repeat the Holy Names, that's the highest love you can send and it is automatic!
Q: In all honesty, I haven't really made a connection with the Holy Names yet.
M: Then take your time, but it is the highest prayer you can give. For example, all these miracles that happen, all the visions that you hear about at retreats or on tapes and the love you feel from people or you feel from me are not because I sit there and imagine that I'm doing the Four Compassions, sending things in all directions. I’m simply being. I let God run the universe and let Hirm send the compassion. I don't do anything.
So if you want to reach that, you also don't need to do anything. You just need to repeat the Holy Names, meditate and everything else will come along. We have already tried to do too many things for centuries and nothing has happened so just do nothing for a change and the world will be peaceful. ♥