
清海無上師以英文講於奧地利 2007.05.27




不是說我有他心通或天眼通可以看到,我不是說那種能力。我自然就知道一切,譬如一個超市收銀員工作一整天的感受,她必須不斷地動手結帳,有時還得拿起重物,像是一大箱礦泉水、一大瓶牛奶等等。她必須把商品拿起來掃描,然後放到另一邊,有時還得再拿起商品,為顧客裝進塑膠袋裡,或是把東西抬上來掃描等等,她整天都做這些事。我知道那種感覺,我知道她會感到痠痛,但不是每個人都知道。即使那就像你在看自己的手那麼顯而易見,你也不會感受到,但 是我知道,所以我才說我什麼都知道。我也知道計程車司機的心情,他每天過著單調的生活,賺錢養育兩個小孩,供他們讀大學,而待在家裡的太太甚至還設法幫忙遠在科索沃或非洲等故鄉的親人。我遇到很多計程車司機都是從外地移居歐洲的,所以我知道他們的感受,我就是知道,也很同情這些人。所以我才說我什麼都知道,也因此我愛他們。





你們都知道,我看到任何動物都很喜愛他們,譬如松鼠、鴨子,他們在我看來都好漂亮、好可愛!他們每天來敲我的門要東西吃,但是他們的神情就像天真無邪的小孩一般,並且不失身為上帝子民的尊嚴。他們不是像乞丐那樣,而是昂首闊步走到我的門口,等著得到愛心的對待,而且他們也知道自己會得到愛,因此一副很有自信、很有把握的神態。他們不是來乞求食物的,不,不是那樣。他們很清楚我對他們的觀感,以及會從我這裡得到什麼,他們確信不論得到什麼,純粹都是出自愛和尊重,別無其他。我確實也很尊敬他們,所以他們走過來時,哇,真是漂亮!像皇室成員一樣。有時我會開玩笑,不說某某公爵,而稱他們蘆葦林頓鴨爵(The Duck of Reedlington),比方說這樣,因為在我住的湖邊經常有一大群「蘆葦林」的鴨子,所以我稱他們「蘆葦林頓鴨爵」。而母的就稱為「鴨爵夫人」(The Ducess),而不叫公爵夫人。這是我幫他們取的皇家稱號:蘆葦林頓鴨爵、鴨爵夫人。我的身邊只有皇親國戚,別無其他。我有一整國的王室貴族組成的氣派行列,有某某男爵、女爵和某某公主、王子,因為他們的風度就像那樣。







The Qualities of Unconditional Love

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Austria, May 27, 2007 
(Originally in English)

Unconditional love is a very uplifting power. You must try to be like that, but I can't teach you that. I cannot. That you have to do yourself. I cannot force you into unconditional love. Then you'll say, “OK I'm giving this with unconditional love,” but that's not it. It must be real, from the heart. Every time, after you do something unconditional, really unconditional, without thinking of reward, just for the recipient's benefit, you immediately get some revelation or some good vision, some enlightening idea or something revealed to you that had not been revealed to you before. Or, the blessing or the bliss or the happiness from Divine protection or Divine Grace - you will feel it.

I cannot teach you this. I can only tell you to be this, but I cannot teach it to you. It depends on your karma; it depends on your determination to be good; it depends on your determination to get that blessing that you lost. If you're really determined, then your mind will also change automatically, and then you'll become unconditional at one point. Or you will be unconditional from that point and then your life will change. But all this is only talk about unconditional love; I can't help you to do that. I can't even give you your unconditional love, because it's yours. You use it or not; it's up to you.

Unconditional love is when you're doing it without thinking that you are unconditional. You just do it automatically and Heaven will judge for you. Try to be selfless at any time; at least train yourself, so that one day it will become real; it will become automatic. Train yourself in any selfless act you can; also random kindness as I have told you. I did that, not because I wanted blessing from Heaven; I just did it because it gives others pleasure. And I feel what he or she feels, because I can identify myself with that person.

It's not like I am a psychic or I have a third eye to see. It's not that kind of knowing I'm talking about. I just know everything, like how the cashier feels in a supermarket all day long when she's moving her hand and taking sometimes heavy things, like a big pack of mineral water or a big bottle of milk. She has to take it, scan it and put it on the other side, and then sometime has to lift it again into a plastic bag for someone. Or, she lifts something up to scan it and all that; she does it all day long. I know that. I know that she would feel pain, but not everyone knows that, even though it's as obvious as your hand here. You would not know that, but I know that. That's why I tell you I know everything. And I know how the taxi driver would feel in his humdrum everyday life of feeding two children and raising them into college. And even the mother who stays at home helping some relatives in Kosovo or Africa or wherever she originally came from. Many taxi drivers I met are foreigners in Europe. So I know how they feel. I just know it, and I have sympathy with all these people. That's why I tell you I know everything. That's how I love them.

Acting Purely for the Sake of the Other Being

Whatever I give them is purely love, just to make their life better at least for that day. I talk to them; I ask them about how they feel in this land, and they tell me everything. “Oh, it's very hard, the language, and being a newcomer is very difficult; now we still feel like strangers here. They don't think we are French and they don't think we are English.” He tells me all his emotions and his family problems and his uprooted feelings, everything. And I'm sure he will feel much better after that. He feels unloaded. It's not only the tip I give him; I give him my love, my sympathetic ears and my sharing of sympathy for him. It's because I know how he is and what he feels; I just know it. So I don't want to boast to you, saying that this is a kind of unconditional love. But it is a kind of unconditional love! I do it just for them, not for me. Sometimes I would rather sit there quietly and meditate, which is also good for him. But to him, the practical help is just to talk to him and give him good tips also. Or, I let him talk and I just meditate. But I listen, you see? He knows I'm listening, and that's helping him.

This is just an example. Whatever you do for others, purely for the sake of their feeling good and their own happiness - that is unconditional love. To not even consider having a reward from Heaven or having a blessing because of unconditional love - that is unconditional love. But you have to do it. You have to retrain yourself. You have it in you! You are divine. You're from God, or you have at least some quality from God. You are that. You only need to retrain yourself, OK? Retrain yourself into the divine footsteps. Go in that direction, and then slowly you will remember: “Yes, it's like that.” You'll do it automatically, and you just cannot help but feeling love for every thing and every creature you meet.

The Animal's Innocence of a Child and Dignity of a Creature from God

You know, I love all the animals around me that I see – the squirrels, the ducks; oh they are so beautiful in my eyes, so lovely, lovely. And they come knocking at my door every day for food, but they knock with the innocence of a child and the dignity of a creature from God. They don't look like beggars. They walk with their head high and come to my door expecting love, knowing that they will get love. So they're very confident, with a very secure kind of attitude. They don't come begging for food: no, no, no! They know very well what I feel about them and what they get from me and they are very confident that whatever they get is pure love, pure respect and nothing else. I really respect them as well. So they come in – Oh, so beautiful! Like royalty. Sometimes I make fun; instead of saying “The Duke of Something,” I say “The Duck of Reedlington,” for example, Reedling-ton, a ton of them, a ton of “reedlings” next to my lake. So I call him “The Duck of Reedlington” and the female duck, “The Ducess,” instead of the Duchess. The Duck and the Ducess of Reedlington - I give them some royalty names. I have only royalty around me, nothing else. I have a whole country full of royalty, beautiful brigades of “Sir This” and “Ducess That,” and Princess This and Prince That, because that's how they behave.

They come to me, not like beggars and not even as children waiting for their mother, but as creatures of God. With the pure innocence of a child, they have no doubt that I will love them and I'll give them food. They have no doubt in their mind. And they have no humility, no humble feeling that I'm giving them anything. They feel that this is normal. That's just love exchanging through physical means like bread or cereal or some fruit or salad. They love salads. Some swans eat salads, or sometimes we grow alfalfa , or lettuce or peanuts and give it to them. I ask someone to research what they like, and then I give them that. But they don't come like a beggar or feeling ashamed. They have dignity all the way through, which is beautiful.

So if you give something with unconditional love, the person or the beings who receive it don't feel shame; they don't feel degraded, they don't feel like a beggar or a receiver. They don't feel that. They just feel there is love - expanding love and exchanging love or recycling love or interacting love. They don't feel like they need this bread or they need this tip, nothing like that. They just feel happy. And they feel dignity because I don't give with the attitude of a giver, even to a taxi driver or anyone. I give with respect. And I do respect. So the animals feel the respect, and the person to whom I give the chocolate or the tip, they also feel respected. Because before that I make sure, even if the humans don't feel much, I make sure they know that their job is good, that they are doing well. I thank them very much for keeping the airport clean, for a very good ride, for a very clean taxi, for his patience, for driving every day like that, and for being a good earning father to take care of his family. I let him know that he's worthy of what I give and that he just receives what he deserves. But I do respect his job. Without a taxi driver, no matter if I have a million dollars, can I walk a hundred miles? Nothing can help you if the taxi driver's not there. So I make sure they understand all that - by talking, not explaining or teaching but by talking together. Then he feels that I respect him. Or, the same with animals; they know that I respect them and I love them so much. So they just come with a natural dignity and wait there. Or, they knock at the door or come next to the door and tell the dog. They feel very natural.

So, unconditional love will make people feel dignified, deserved and loved. And that is what we should offer to people, not just money or kind words. It has an effect like that, if you exchange with real love and respect. (Applause)

I cannot teach you, you have to do it yourself. And perhaps you're doing it, so that's good. That's what many of you do, I guess. So that is good. Continue doing that. Even if at first you do it with intention, just keep doing it. At least the other one benefits! And later on, it becomes automatic, so that you don't even think. Everything needs practice, just like riding a bicycle. First you have to get hurt, with skinned knees and bumps on your elbow, or you fall down oftentimes. But later, you ride automatically. You even stand on the seat, and do some tricks! If you continue your practice, you'll become excellent at it. So you already have love in your heart. Just reuse it. Retrain yourself. Relearn how to use this love, to spread it and to give it. The more you give, the more love you have. It's just like that. And you cannot stop; later on you cannot stop loving anything you see. You're already doing it now, you've already started to love people more. You love the flowers and you love all the animals more than you loved before, because you see them now with different eyes, with enlightened eyes, with the loving eyes of a Saint. And to some degree, you are a Saint already, a different degree of Sainthood. So, just continue it. Make it more. Any opportunity to show love, just do it. And then you have it, and then the love is all-encompassing again, and you will regain your unconditional love, the whole thing again, 100%. And that's how you do it. That's how you get more blessing. Not because you do it for blessing, but it's just the automatic outcome.

Master Says


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