
清海無上師以英文講於西班牙馬拉加國際禪四 2006.9.30 
































Master Says

Sharing a Universal Language Helps Bring Understanding and Peace on Earth

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, September 30, 2006, Four-day Retreat,
Malaga, Spain (Originally in English)

I wish that in the whole world, we could speak only one language. It would be more convenient to have one language, but also the native language. I wrote a letter to the President of the European Parliament. I praised the EU for all its achievements, all its generosity and all the beautiful policies, which have helped make Europe a better place, with better welfare for many citizens. The EU is good. Its members are doing their best for humanity, and they really take care of whatever they can. So I praised them for that, because they help many under-developed countries.

Then I said that, in my humble opinion, it would be much better if at least all the EU member nations learned one language, apart from their native language. I didn’t say to abandon the native language, because the EU countries have many languages and they still accomplish a lot. But can you imagine if all the member nations spoke just one language? It would be easy to understand each other, and there would be quicker decisions. The EU opinion is that they want unity in diversity, and they respect all cultures and all languages, which is very beautiful. I never heard anything more beautiful than that! But we could preserve our culture and learn one extra language. We need it anyway.

They already speak English in the meetings of the Parliament and elsewhere. So why not just choose one language? They could choose it by vote. I wrote in my letter: “We can vote openly to choose one language.” All the people could vote for it, so that the EU won’t seem to be discriminating, for example, preferring English and looking down upon Polish or French. We could list all the languages and see which language the most people vote for, then choose that language as the official one for the EU. And the rest is the same. Through that, we still can communicate with each other easier. When you learn English as a child, you speak like the English people. It’s easier. And then you can communicate with any other nation and can learn of the beauty of that nation through already understanding each other.

It’s easier that way, in my humble opinion. Because, let’s face it, even the most intelligent person cannot learn all the languages in his lifetime. No matter how much a person respects all cultures and languages or would love to be able to speak all languages, it’s not very possible. Number one, you’re busy with many other things. Number two, your brain has a capacity limit. And above all, your time: Life is short. So that’s why I encourage all of you to study English. Even though it’s not voted as an official language in the EU or any other union, it’s easier, and it’s more or less universal. So, we don’t vote; we just learn English. How about that? (Everyone applauds) I vote; one vote only. (Master laughs)


Understanding Fosters Connection and Friendship



For example, it would be easier if I could speak English with a Peruvian. Then, even if I don’t understand Peruvian, she can tell me about all the beauty of her country in English, I can tell her about all the beauty of my country in English, then we go from there. If we begin the friendship with the same language, then I can study more Peruvian or she can study more Aulacese, if she chooses and if she has time. She might choose to learn Polish instead; I wouldn’t be offended. Or she might choose to learn French to know the French culture; I would not feel insulted, because I also understand her in English.

I don’t see any problem in speaking one universal language and learning other native languages by choice. Learn it from childhood in school and have a double language in every country: the official language and the native language. Then if you understand this universal language, you can translate all the beautiful treasures: the beautiful literature, all the things that you want to say about your country you can write in English, and the whole world will know about it. For example, everyone who wants to know about Peru will read and say, “Wow! Peru is great! Peru is really, really ancient and cultured; there are really good spiritual people there. I like Peruvians. I went to Peru and I studied more about Peruvians. I married a Peruvian, and now I stay there!” (Laughter and applause)

So then each person has a choice. If he doesn’t feel that Peruvian culture appeals to him, he can turn to French and read all about France, in English. And he might think, “Oh, this sounds better.” Then if he likes it, he can go to France, marry and have French children. (Laughter) But if he still doesn’t like it, he can turn to Spain and read all about Spanish literature, culture and history. Depending on whether he likes that or not, he can go to Malaga, stay in the Center and be a monk or whatever. (Laughter)

It’s OK to understand everyone. So I see that it’s more beneficial if we have one official language. And I said in the letter that Esperanto was a very good idea, even though not all people approved it. So we don’t need to learn more languages; we have already too many languages. So we just make an open vote, and all the EU members vote for the language that’s easiest or most convenient for them. Why discriminate? It doesn’t matter if English is the official language or not. You’re all EU already; aren’t we there for unity? So, it doesn’t matter what language is chosen. We are not English or Polish; we are not anything any more. We should say we are EU. Then it doesn’t matter which language is chosen; it’s among us, right? We just choose one by the most votes and announce it to everyone. And then we learn that language. That’s my humble opinion. (Applause)

Encouraging Unity While Preserving Diversity

The EU concept is almost like us; we also respect diverse culture. We have Peruvians here to prove it, and we have Mexicans, and Germans, the English, Polish, (Audience: Columbian!), and Columbian even, from so far away. And we have Puerto Rican, we have Portuguese; we have all kinds here, yes. But it would be nice if we understood each other in the first instant. Then we could share with each other whatever we wanted, without having to wait for one more year before I could talk to you: (Master jokes) “Wait there:” “I will learn Portuguese in one year and I’ll come back.” “You wait for me, OK?” “I’ll marry you, but wait one year!”

Actually, language is not all that necessary; love is the most necessary. But the thing is, if we could express our love and opinions and beauty through a universal language, there would be less war, more peace, more harmony, and more love among humankind. So I advise you, even if you are French or German ’or Spanish, let your child learn English, privately, if they don’t learn English in school.

Most people who study in school know some English. Even if it’s just a simple conversation, people feel they’re connected. The inner connection takes a longer time! See how long it takes between me and you? So for Pete’s sake, do make the outer connection first! Because even if we speak English together as English persons, we still sometimes misunderstand; imagine how we misunderstand each other in speaking so many different languages. And every language is expressed differently!

So how long will it take you to learn English, if you don’t learn it from childhood? Or any language; English is just an example. Even though English is very simple already, it takes many years to understand all the hidden nuances. So, how would we be able to understand each other if we wait until we are big and then start to learn another language? It’s possible, but you cannot learn them all! So it would be better if all the countries got together to vote for one language. Not just the EU, but the EU will start it from here, and then every country will join in learning one language. And then, apart from the native language, we also preserve all the culture. We don’t diminish anything; we just understand each other more. We appreciate each other more if we know what it’s all about. If we don’t know, how can we respect? How can we love, how can we connect with that native race of people if we don’t understand anything about them? For example, there’s so much talk about Arab Muslims or Iranian nuclear, but it’s not like all Iranian people are bad or that they are even bad at all. It’s just that it takes so long to understand each other. So, if we have just one language, then we can translate all the good things from any language into English, and it can go into any public library so we have all the available information about all the possible countries, and then we’ll understand each other more. It’s so easy!

Every language has its secret beauty. So we have to preserve all the languages in the world, that’s for certain. But still I think we need one universal language so that everyone can be united and more harmonious, and the world will have peace more quickly. I suggest English, but if you don’t like that, you could learn French or Spanish or Chinese. Of course, the more the better, if you have time. But English to start with because it’s more simple and more people speak it. Is that right? (Audience: Yes) OK, then we’ll do that. (Applause)

Miracles do happen, but aside from miracles, everywhere in the world you can find some people who know English and who can help you right away. Language is very important. How often do you go to another foreign land, and even though you just speak a few broken words in their language, they’re so happy? It’s a pity that we don’t have enough time in our life to learn all the languages, which are all very beautiful and very, very amazing! So at least if we learn English, we can always find someone if we get into trouble. Even a taxi driver speaks English. A coffee shop owner speaks English. A waiter speaks English. From them you can get help; you can understand each other, to begin with. You can find someone who speaks English anywhere. So at least you can help yourself.

That’s my humble advice. If you’re stranded in a country and you don’t know where you are or where you’re going, and you’re hungry and you need some food and so on, but if you don’t speak that language, what to do? There’s always someone, somewhere who speaks English. That’s my experience.

Start Learning Now

All right, then I guess we can start our kids learning English. Maybe privately is better than nothing. You can get a private teacher or an initiate who needs to earn extra money who can teach them some basic English, if the school doesn’t teach English, or if they’re too young to be taught English in your school. Because sometimes they don’t start teaching a foreign language until they’re in high school, and it’s too late then. It’s not because I’m a British naturalized subject that I advise this. It’s just that in my travel experience, it helps me a lot: to clear misunderstandings, to find a destination or to find a necessity. Maybe you can organize something like one English teacher for the whole Malaga or Madrid Centers, for your kids or for yourself. Learn as much as you can with the teacher; later you can buy discs or tapes. You can listen when you sleep. You can listen all day, like you do with music, or just for a while and then you’ll get the hang of it.

Nowadays there are different ways to learn a language very quickly. Not just English - any language except maybe from a tribe in Africa, or some remote local language such as Aulacese from the mountains. I don’t know if they have that. But to find some popular language, like English, French, German, Italian, Spanish or Portuguese, I don’t think it’s very difficult. If possible, demand the quick learning method. (Master jokes) We are the immediate enlightenment people; we want everything quick!

After you learn the basics, you can continue trying to read newspapers, or read my lectures if you don’t like newspapers. Our magazine is also in English, and we also have news around the world, or you can listen to our program in English. The more you listen, the more you understand; the more you read, the more you understand. You are lucky, because I also speak in English, and my English is very simple. Even as a foreigner you can understand it, if you know basic English. So, whatever words you don’t understand in any article, highlight them and go home and look in the dictionary or look in the computer. That’s how you learn.

And now, because we’re always interacting with each other and there are always English people, you try to talk to him or her. It might be first in broken English, but that’s how you correct yourself. I say English because in many countries people do learn English and it’s easier to find an English interpreter or someone who speaks English than to find a German-speaking or a French-speaking or Portuguese-speaking person, in my travel experience. Because sometimes if I get lost, I look at the person and ask (in German), “Do you speak German?” “No”; the same for French, Chinese and Aulacese. But when I ask, “Do you speak English?” “Yes!” So, since we already have a very convenient, easy to learn and popular language, why don’t we just learn that? It’s not because we prefer the English people; it’s just that their language is OK, and we use it for our convenience.

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