
清海無上師以英文講於英國舍瑞 2006.01.08




有些 人真的很沒有體貼的心!有時他們將狗放在卡車後方,沒有任何能抓住的地方,就這樣在熾熱的六月烈陽下,或是在氣候炎熱的國度中,自顧自地開著車,任由那些狗兒東倒西歪。狗兒的腳可能會受傷,或是被熾熱的豔陽曬傷,就連我們也受不了。我無法了解許多人做事的方法,我想不通有些人為何如此麻木不仁!


如果可能的話,我們應該盡全力做到最好。否則即使一時救了動物,卻任由牠們陷入另一種困境,坐視不管,那麼救牠們有何用?談起這些事情又讓我感到心痛。我沒辦法拯救全世界所有的狗,但是你們如果看到類似的情況 (有受忽視或受苦的動物)、看到不對的事情,要設法糾正,不要只是因為一時不便就坐視不管。 


Master's Words


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
Surrey, United Kingdom, January 8, 2006 (Originally in English)

Anything in this world like that hurts me a lot. I can’t watch TV right now because of things like bird flu, where they take thousands of chickens or ducks, just take them by the neck, throw them in a bag, close it, and throw it in the garbage. Can you imagine, if it’s you? Imagine it’s you! They just bury them alive, just like that! Or throw them in the fire, and burn them alive. Imagine it’s you! If all the world could just be vegetarian and not breed a lot of chickens and let them be them, they wouldn’t bother anyone. 

Oh God, I cannot watch all this! It just hurts me, and I can’t sleep. Anything in this world, when I look around, it hurts me all the time. Even when I was younger, if you remember I made a poem, “I Don’t Know What to Do with My Heart.” It’s because of that. Even when I was younger, before big enlightenment, before the Himalayas, I really couldn’t bear it. That’s why when I was married, I couldn’t enjoy. If I watched TV, I would feel sad for many days and many weeks. I worked in the Red Cross, and nothing was happy. And when I was young, I witnessed people dying and suffering, and war and all that. There’s just nothing really good in this world. 

So, anything can hurt me, so easily. Sometimes I even see healthy, good children being pushed around in prams without any covering in the front. Of course they are warmly dressed, but the cold air can hit their face, also the debris from the street or anywhere. Because you are tall, you are walking up here but the baby is down there. So I also feel hurt for that baby, because they are delicate and something can flow into their eyes, or they can breathe something bad or the cold air into their nose, which can be painful! 

Some humans are very inconsiderate. Sometimes they put the dogs behind them on the truck, without anything to grip. So they’re just running under the hot June sun, or in some very hot weather kind of country. The dog is just slipping here and there, and he might be hurt on his legs or in the heat from the sun. We could not even bear it! So I don’t know how a lot of people do a lot of things. I don’t know how some humans have no feeling. 

So the thing is, whatever you do, consider the other party. Then it’s easy to understand and to feel it. Don’t ask me how enlightened you are and what level of sainthood you are in. Just watch yourself. Watch how you react with other people, how you treat other people and how you treat the less fortunate animals. Then you know what level you are; you don’t need to ask me. Because if you are enlightened, you must be more intelligent. More intelligent human beings can see everything better than before. When your eyes are open, you see better! So just watch yourself. Don’t bother asking me when you’re going to reach the Fifth Level and be a Master and all that.

You have to do the best, alright? If you can! There’s no use rescuing some animals and then just putting them into another different kind of hardship and neglect. Talking about these things, it makes me feel painful again. I cannot rescue all the dogs in the world, but if you see a neglected, suffering animal or something that is not right, try to correct it. Don’t ignore it just because of inconvenience.


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