Any time you want to ask yourself a question, you should first ask the question, "Why am I asking this question? and "What's the need for the question?" Anything that you can not solve you should try to change; that's all. You have all the power, all the ability and all the assistance from Heaven, the angels and the masters in the ten directions to help you. There is nothing you can not do, so just make up your mind and say that you want to follow through with the hardship, with the course, with the crazy plan that you have laid down as God but you have to take care of as a human being.
That's the difference between when you were God and you didn't know what it was like to be a human being. You had never been a human being before you came here. So you laid down all kinds of complicated patterns, all kinds of strategies and projects and you thought you could follow through with them. Of course you are God so you can do anything you want. But once you come down, you become a commoner, a human being and you have to take all of God's plan and that's why you cry. So just in case you think you can not do it, then just leave it. Don't hold on to your pride. Make a new plan, something easier, and then follow through with it.
Sometimes we are not successful in some endeavor, and we blame God or blame the Master power, blame our neighbor, blame the boss, but first we have to think what the problem is with us. If you lose your job, you have to think about why it happened; maybe because unconsciously you didn't want that job anymore. If you lose your wife, or if you're unhappy in marriage or your marriage goes on the rocks, you must check inside whether lately you have been neglecting your spousal duties or unconsciously you want to change partners, you wish that your neighbor's wife would become yours, that the two women would exchange houses.
Subconsciously you will manifest this kind of situation for yourself, that maybe suddenly your wife becomes cold, or she becomes more agitated, aggressive and makes much trouble in your marriage. Then if she walks out or if she makes more trouble than you can bear, then you must remember that maybe it's you. If it's not you, then it might be her. There is no God in there. God doesn't care so much what you're doing but Hes stands by. The God power always stands by in case we want to change our plan, in case we want to have Hiers assistance because our plan has become too complicated, too troublesome to take care of.
That's why every time we call out for help, help will be there. But help will not come the way you wanted sometimes because the way you wanted is not always good. So it just comes, whatever it is. Normally a sincere prayer is always answered; it never goes unheard and unnoticed. So if you lose your job suddenly or your boss is nasty to you, check whether lately you have grown very tired of this job, or unappreciative and wish that you had an easier life, an easier job - the boss is lousy, the job is too much, or anything like that.
You lose it and then you feel, "Oh, it wasn't that bad. I was just complaining a little bit inside." But actually our thoughts, our speech and our actions are very powerful. Especially for the Quan Yin practitioner because you're already reconnected with your own Godly power. So whatever you think, whatever you wish, whatever you say will eventually come into being, come to pass. So please take care that what you think is only truly what you want. Don't always think nonsense and then later regret it because you're God. You create everything with your thinking.
That's why the Buddhist scriptures say: Everything is created by the mind. It's truly like that. So try to create a favorable environment for yourself if you don't want to be uncomfortable. Try to create friendliness, peace, harmony and everything smooth for your life with your precepts, with your pure thinking, with your positive desire. So even if it becomes difficult, you will feel more comfortable.
Most people speak in a very habitual manner like: Someone is clever, if we love him, we might say: "Oh, he's a little devil," and we say things like, "Oh, hell!"; "What the hell, she's a beautiful girl!" or "Oh, my life is damn fortunate." So we always connect damnation with our luck, our beauty and our happiness, and this is not good for us. It would be more proper if we counted our blessings and blessed every situation that we happened to be in, have left behind, or encountered. Even if it was a thing we didn't like, we should just say: "Bless you! God bless You!" and then go somewhere else. If a plan is not good then you should just leave it. Realize your mistake and make another plan. Because you are God, you are Buddha, you can create anything you want, absolutely anything, but you must believe it.
The trouble is we've lived in the negative power world too long and our faith has become very thin, worn out with bad experiences that we've created for ourselves. Actually we create all the bad experiences and all the negative effects for ourselves so that we can struggle. That's the game. But then after some time we get too tired and it's time to pray. Then we get the Quan Yin Method and go home. Even then, after we practice the Quan Yin Method maybe, we still encounter problems because our mind very habitually creates new problems again. It will say things like: "What a hell of a woman!" you know, "What a beautiful woman! " In Au Lac we say things like that too: "Oh, she is terribly beautiful!" or "Oh, he is awfully nice!" That's the English saying, "Awfully nice!", or "She was terribly beautiful!" or "He is a hell of a guest!" or host. Oh, it's terrible.
Why not just say "He is a wonderful fellow" or "She is such a blessedly beautiful woman" or "This kid is terrifically intelligent," not "He's a devil," or "He's a little devil." Because he is very clever, we call him a little devil or say, "Oh, he's a clever devil." These are just some examples of our habits, and so we damn every situation that we encounter, even the happiness and the good fortune that we get. It's no wonder that our life is always a kind of mixed salad. We have a little happiness, and we also have a hell of a lot of problems. Wow, there are a lot of bad words we learn from some of the media, we watch it and think it's so funny. We don't think there's any harm in it, we repeat the same thing and we imitate them. It's just done in a very innocent spirit. But because we are God originally, everything we think, every word we add we must be careful about, because it's powerful. If it's just idle thinking, then maybe it doesn't take effect so much. But if it's really serious, sincere thinking and a deep rooted desire, then it will come true.
Just because it doesn't come true right away after you wish for a wish, you think it comes from nowhere or it's just like a very coincidental fortune or misfortune. But actually you have created it somehow, somewhere, sometime before or just now and you have forgotten it. I have had experiences like this. So try always to think good so that everything that comes to you is good, favorable. Even if it isn't good, at least you are always thinking of good, and that's clean and you will feel good that you think good thoughts. At least you don't feel responsible for the bad things that happen to you or to someone else.
Actually if you just lie half-heartedly, or say something not nice, just idly or absentmindedly, then maybe the effect is not so great. But it could come true. It depends on how powerful you are. That's how witches, black magicians curse people into trouble, or people are possessed and feel ill by any curse or black power. These things happen because witchcraft is just like any other science. It's just black science or white science. It becomes more powerful with time, with practice. It's just like you keep reciting some mantra, and you meditate on one thing and it becomes real, becomes powerful.
Similarly, if you practice negative actions or negative mind power, then you also develop that kind of black power. Because we are God, we are made from God, we are as capable as God of creating absolutely anything whatsoever we want to create. It's like we have created this body, we have created this universe, we have created everything that we need at one time or another, by group power or by individual power. Group power is stronger, of course, and that's why you can see in many of the nations, most of the citizens inside are very much alike in thoughts, in actions and ways of living. So people say, "Wow, I'm proud to be American." There is truly such a thing as American or English or French because of group consciousness.
That's why group meditation is very powerful - if we all think the same thing or have the same goal, then the power will mix together very powerfully. It's not that one person is not powerful but everything in a mass is powerful. Like a drop of ocean water; it truly is ocean water and it truly has all the potential and qualities of ocean water, but it's only a drop. Whoever puts together in the ocean even just a drop like that becomes the ocean. No one can say he is only a drop in the ocean anymore but he is the ocean now. That's how it is with group consciousness and group meditation.
That's why you should make sure when you go to group meditation that your mind is pure and try to go in the same direction as everyone else, the way Master and God want or the way you want. It's not the way Master wants, really, it's the way you want, isn't it? It's you who want to become Buddha. It's you who want to be one with God again; it's you who wants to realize yourself. So make yourself that which you wish. Change your thoughts, your speech and your actions into those of a God-like being. Set for yourself a high standard: "Okay, now I want to be God." Then just do everything that you think is God-like, at every moment of your life, in every minute of your daily activities. That's how you get near to your goal. That's why you meditate, you keep the precepts, you eat vegetarian, you are tolerant, you keep all beings in love and harmony, you try to do your duty and you try to be as good as God, a mini-God even, but better than nothing.
Then one day the drop will become the ocean. Once we enter the ocean we will become the ocean. Sometimes the water is already in the ocean but is separated by a cup or plastic bag. That's our karma, our ego. So one time, one day the cup will be broken somehow or the plastic bag will have a hole in it. Then the drop will become the ocean. But we should make an effort. It's not that every effort will not bear fruit and not that karma is always there and whatever you do it will be the same. It's not the same, is it? It's not the same because you have decided to change the course of your life now already, so everything has changed.
That's why since your initiation, you are connected back with yourself and you try to live the way of God, and your life has changed. You feel better, more worthwhile, more real, more like the way you want yourself to be; you feel more noble and that's the way it is. That's how we become God, by following our goal, by trying to lift ourselves up to the standard that we want to reach. That's all there is.
If you want to be God and you say: "I want to be God. I want to be God," and you recite it like a mantra, it will never take you anywhere. It will only bring you the wanting to be God and nothing else, so you'll want all your life. So don't want anything, just do it. Do whatever you want to do and don't say, "I want money. I want money." Go and earn it. If you keep wanting, wanting, then all you have is want. It's not that you should just force yourself to think positively but you must know why. Everything you think falls back upon you so you have no choice but to think positively, think good about yourself.
So any time if something really goes wrong, then we must check up on our own inner self whether lately we have been lacking in effort, lagging behind in something, or maybe we don't want that thing anymore until we lose it and then we feel sorry. So don't let things go so bad and then feel sorry. But even when it's already going bad like that, you can change it.
You are God and are being good, you feel good and noble, and go toward the goal that you want to achieve. Now I want to be God, I want to be good, and I want to be noble, so then just go. Then you will be more and more beautiful each day, because you became what you think, you became what you love. It's like a couple; they look like each other because they love each other. Like the owner looks like the dog because he loves the dog. Then if you love God, of course you will become like God, at least outwardly, and inwardly too, because the inner changes the outer.
People who love and have dogs and cats don't go for plastic surgery to change their appearance. They just change from inside. Their heart just goes into watching their dog every day, loving him, paying attention to him, playing with him, worrying about him, missing him, thinking about him, dreaming about him, and eating with him. They eat chocolate or ice cream together. The owner licks, licks, and then gives the dog a lick; especially children do that; they share candy, ice cream, chocolate, everything. They eat from the same plate, too, cutting a sandwich in two halves and then the dog takes one, and they take one. Anyhow, if we just love a dog or partner and we can come to look like a dog or partner, so much, then if we love God of course we will become beautiful and like God.
Looking like God might not be having our appearance look like God, but the inside will look like God and God will recognize it. We will know we are God because we will feel good and other people will recognize the beautiful God-like appearance in us. But also the appearance outside changes too. That's why, sometimes immediately after initiation, I hardly recognize some people, they change so much, so beautiful, so young, so handsome and looking like a child. I can't believe that it's the grumpy person who just came in half an hour earlier, yelling at everyone and doubting everyone. No one could even go near him.
After that, he looks like a child, like an angel; and really he becomes so different in his appearance, like he has undergone surgery to change his face; and the way he talks, the way he walks, and his complexion, everything. I don't know how long he can keep it but it is so good after initiation. Many of you too, you change and change and change every day. The more you are diligent in practice the more beautiful you become, men and women alike. Sometimes after a few months you come back and I can not recognize one or two people. If you didn't see a person for a long time, afterwards you see them and say: "Oh, how did she become so beautiful - younger eyes, more sparkling, the smile has more energy and the skin has become tighter, pink, young and smooth, very different?"