


聯合國氣候變遷專家小組主席 帕喬里:…能毀滅兆億資產

美國第45任副總統 阿諾.高爾:我們有氣候危機,整個地球面臨危險

印度前環境部長 甘地:我們非常接近紅色警戒,或許我們明天醒來卻發現已無可就藥

首席氣候科學家 詹姆士韓森博士:我們已真正面臨緊要關頭

聯合國第七任秘書長 科菲安南:很清楚氣候變遷必然發生,並帶來衝突、貧窮等

歐洲委員會主席 巴羅佐:若我們不立刻行動,氣候變遷將會加劇各地的衝突

美國前任總統 柯林頓:我相信氣候變遷是唯一能徹底毀滅世界文明的力量

歐盟人到執委 米歇爾:你會面臨各種災難接踵而至

英國倫敦前任市長 肯.利文斯通:氣候變遷是造成災難的極端氣候

體育健將/好萊塢影星/加利福尼亞州州長 阿諾史瓦辛格:就像森林大火等災害

洛杉磯市長 安東尼奧:海平面上升

哥倫比亞大學地球研究所長/UN秘書長特別顧問 傑佛瑞.薩克斯:食品價格不斷上漲

美國國務卿 康多莉扎.萊絲:到疾病的散播


美國總統 布希:今年稍早聯合國跨政府氣候變遷小組的報告有兩個結論:全球氣溫正在上升,而且大部分是由人類活動所造成

聯合國氣候變遷專家小組主席 帕喬里:聯合國跨政府氣候變遷小組第四份報告中,我們評估了多項穩定氣溫的措施

聯合國行政秘書 Yvo de Boer:在二零一零年,可能會有多達五千萬人口因氣後變遷、沙漠化與森林濫伐而流離失所

美國國際開發署署長 佛爾:專家告訴我們氣候危機的肇因並非暫時性

美國政治家/前美國貿易代表/常務副國務卿 羅伯特‧佐利克:解決氣候變遷困難與日俱增

英國倫敦前任市長 肯.利文斯通:無人能保證人類文明能存續


布朗首相指定國會議員 班恩:我們必須因應迅速嗎?是,我們必須!因為我們並沒有多少時間

聯合國氣候變遷專家小組主席 帕喬里:氣候變遷一定會有重大負面衝擊

聯合國環境規劃署執行長 史坦納:廿一世紀初,環境大幅度迅速惡化,這是對地球上人類的嚴重警示

紐約市長 麥克.彭博:我們毫不懷疑氣候變遷是事實,現在的問題不是「它正在發生嗎?」或「情況糟嗎?」而是我們該如何因應

聯合國秘書長/南韓外交官/政治家 潘基文:氣候變遷是我們一起造成的,讓我們同心協力解決

聯合國行政秘書 Yvo de Boer:我面臨的挑戰,是讓他人明瞭必須嚴肅因應無可避免的氣候變遷

聯合國氣候變遷專家小組主席 帕喬里:肉品生產與消費釋放非常巨量的碳排

荷蘭國會議員暨愛護動物黨主席 瑪莉安‧提盟:超過全部車子、卡車、船釋放的碳排


加拿大多倫多市長 苗大衛:如何生產我們吃的食物與我們吃什麼食物,關係重大

澳洲昆士蘭省議員 李羅南:每件事都會影響環境,生產牛肉破壞最大

聯合國氣候變遷專家小組主席 帕喬里:我們吃太多肉了

荷蘭國會議員暨愛護動物黨主席 瑪莉安‧提盟:氣候問題的根源──就是吃肉!

聯合國氣候變遷專家小組主席 帕喬里:吃肉甚至危害人類健康3...

加拿大多倫多市長 苗大衛:我常吃素,茹素是我們每個人皆可做到的


澳洲昆士蘭省議員 李羅南:吃食物鏈比較低層的食物對環境有絕佳助益

布朗首相指定國會議員 班恩:選擇茹素其實是非常簡單

荷蘭國會議員暨愛護動物黨主席 瑪莉安‧提盟:只要一天吃素,或吃素更多天

美國國務卿 康多莉扎.萊絲:氣候變遷並不只是未來將發生的威脅,而是共同努力的機會

洛杉磯市長 安東尼奧:現在就該付諸行動

布朗首相指定國會議員 班恩:我能幫什麼,政府能幫什麼,你能幫什麼,我們如何同心協力?

舊金山市長 加文‧紐森:問題是從此刻到未來我們該幫什麼?


紐西蘭總理 Helen Clark:我們須盡一己之力

聯合國第七任秘書長 科菲安南:作為個人各過我們的選擇,我們購買的東西

首席氣候科學家 詹姆士韓森博士:若我們了解並採取必要措施,我們會有更好的情勢

聯合國氣候變遷專家小組主席 帕喬里:若你少吃肉,你會更健康,地球也會更健康



英國倫敦前任市長 肯.利文斯通:讓兒童能在地球上擁有好的生活品質是我們的責任


聯合國氣候變遷專家小組主席 帕喬里:少吃肉帶來雙贏

布朗首相指定國會議員 班恩:地球上未來容納六十億人的唯一方法,是與大自然和諧共處,這是唯一的方法


聯合國氣候變遷專家小組主席 帕喬里:開始吃素,加入環保,拯救我們的星球!

VIP QUOTES AD – Climate Change

If the future of the world depended on me, what would I do?

Ban Ki-moon: The hour is late, it’s time to decide. I’m quite confident that you will make the choice wisely. In addressing global warming issues, the scientists have made it quite clear

Prince Charles: Climate change, as a self inflicted wound, if you like…

Rajendra Pachauri: …can wipe out the very meager assets.

Al Gore : We have a climate crisis that is a planetary emergency.

Maneka Gandhi: We are so, so close to the red line, that perhaps we may wake up tomorrow and find that there is nothing to save after all.

James Hansen: We have reached a point where we have a real emergency.

Kofi Annan: The message should be clear, climate change must take its place along those threats like conflict, poverty.

Jose Manuel Barroso: Climate change is responsible for conflicts that can only deepen in the future if we don’t act as soon as possible.

Bill Clinton: It (Climate Change) is the only thing that I believe has the power to fundamentally end the march of civilization as we know it.

Louis Michel: You will have a catastrophe added to another catastrophe.

Ken Livingstone: Climate change means catastrophically violent weather.

Arnold Schwarzenegger:…like wild fires and devastation.

Antonio Villaraigosa: Rising sea levels.

Jeffrey Sachs: Rising food prices.

Condoleezza Rice: To the spread of disease.

Prince Charles: The North Polar ice cap is melting so fast. But what seems to me to be important is that some of the effects we are witnessing now are happening twice as fast as scientists were predicting just five years ago.

George Bush: A report issued earlier this year by the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded both that global temperatures are rising, (and) that this is caused largely by human activities.

Rajendra Pachauri: And if you look at the 4th assessment report of the IPCC, we’ve assessed several stabilization scenarios.

Yvo de Boer: In 2010, there could already be as many as 50 million environmentally displaced persons due to climate change, desertification and deforestation.

Henriettta H. Fore: Experts tell us that the situation underlying the crisis is not a temporary one.

Robert Zoellick:  And it is getting more and more difficult every day.

Ken Livingstone:… and there is no guarantee that human civilization can survive.

Prince Charles: The doomsday clock of climate change is ticking ever faster towards midnight; we are simply not reacting quickly enough.

Hilary Benn: Do we need to move faster to answer the question? Yes we do! Because we have less time than we thought we had.

Rajendra Pachauri: So climate change is obviously going to have a major negative impact.

Achim Steiner: The scale and the pace of environmental change at the beginning of the 21st Century are a serious wake up call to us as human beings on this planet.

Michael Bloomberg: We know without a doubt that global warming is a reality and the question today is not “is it happening?” and not “is it bad?”, but what are we going to do about it?

Ban ki-Moon: We are all part of the problem of global warming. Let us all be part of the solution.

Yvo de Boer: The challenge you face is to prove to people that you are serious about adaptation to the unavoidable.

Rajendra Pachauri: Meat production and consumption is hugely intensive in terms of carbon dioxide emissions.

Marianne Thieme: …more than all cars, trucks and ships added together.

Maneka Gandhi: Unless we change our food choices, nothing else matters, because it is meat that is destroying most of our forests, it is meat that pollutes the waters, it is meat that is creating disease which leads to all our money being diverted to hospitals. So it is the first choice for any body who wants to save the Earth.

David Miller: The food we eat and how it is grown and the kind of food we eat matters a lot.

Ronan Lee: Everything comes with an environmental price, beef production in particular.

Rajendra Pachauri: We consume far too much meat in this world!

Marianne Thieme: There’s where the climate problem is: our meat consumption!

Rajendra Pachauri:…something that’s harmful even for human health!

David Miller:  I do eat a lot of vegetarian meals; I think that’s something we can all do.

Andrew Bartlett:  That’s one of the easiest ways that we can make an immediate and quite substantial impact.

Ronan Lee: There are some wonderful environmental benefits in terms of taking a couple of steps lower down the food chain.

Hilary Benn: And the choice we face is a really simple one actually.

Marianne Thieme: Just for one day or more than that, become a vegetarian.

Condoleezza Rice: Let us approach climate change not simply as a looming future threat, but as a present opportunity to work together.

Antonio Villaraigosa: The time for action is now.

Hilary Benn: What can I, what can the government do to help? What can you do to help? How can we do this together?

Gavin Newsom: And it’s about what we do from this point on and this point forward.

Matt Petersen: Individuals can take action.

Helen Clark: We have to play our part.

Kofi Annan: And as individuals through the choices we make, the purchases we make…

Dr. James Hansen: If we once understand this and take the necessary actions, then we actually have a much better situation.

Rajendra Pachauri: …and if you eat less meat, you will be healthier and so will the planet!

Dalai Lama: Then, there’s some kind of realization of individual responsibility to take care of this planet.

Richard Branson: Our generation has inherited an incredibly beautiful world and it’s really in our hands whether our children inherit the same world.

Ken Livingstone: That is our duty, so that our children can have a decent quality of life on this planet.

Prince Charles: We cannot be anything less than courageous and revolutionary in our approach to tackling climate change.

Rajendra Pachauri: It’s a win-win situation if you eat less meat!

Hilary Benn: Living in harmony with the natural world is the only way for the future, 9 billion people, one planet, one chance to get it right.

Taipei City Mayor Hau Lung Bin: Today, if we want to reduce CO2 emissions, the vegetarian lifestyle is absolutely a very effective way. The difference between a vegetarian diet and a meat diet is the reduction in CO2 emissions, which is almost 3 times as high with a meat diet. Furthermore, the vegetarian diet is very good for our health.

Rajendra Pachauri: Go Veg, Be Green and Save our planet.



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