

清海無上師《天藝》 英文版新書發表會視訊會議


清海無上師以英文講於美國加州洛杉磯《天藝》英文版新書發表視訊會議 2008.12.12(DVD#852)


Connecting with Our True Self
Links Us with Our Inside Creative Power

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Videoconference: Premier of English Edition of “Celestial Art”
Los Angeles, California, USA
December 12, 2008 (Originally in English) DVD # 852

When we are more connected with our True Self, then more beauty and virtues will reveal
themselves, because we are that. We are beauty and virtue and Truth. And they will reveal themselves to us because they came from within ourselves, and we will live in them or express them
through art or noble actions. Our true nature is beauty and virtue. So, it’s easier to materialize these
qualities if we are on spiritual course, which is the connected journey of rediscovery of our origin.
That’s why people who practice spiritual way of life, they are more connected with their great Self
inside, their creative power inside. That’s why it’s more effortless for them. It’s natural and logic.


清海無上師以英文講於美國加州洛杉磯《天藝》英文版新書發表視訊會議 2008.12.12(DVD#852)


Art Uplifts Our Spirits
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Videoconference: Premier of English Edition of “Celestial Art”
Los Angeles, California, USA - December 12, 2008 (Originally in English) DVD # 852

When you see something beautiful, a flower, painting, photo or hear some lovely music
or poetic verses, don’t you feel better? Don’t you feel more relaxed and loving? Yes, so at
that moment, your heart feels open, your spirit expands, and you love the surrounding, you
love the people near you. And the relationship between you and others suddenly has more
meaning and deepens, and your thinking is more positive. That’s how art uplifts our spirit.
And if our spirit uplifts, then the world is uplifted.


清海無上師以英文講於福爾摩沙西湖 2007.02.24(DVD#783)


Poetry Is a Very Good Instrument to Teach People
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Hsihu, Formosa - February 24, 2007 (Originally in English) DVD # 783

 Poetry appeals to the heart, also to the intellect, also to the emotion of human. Therefore,
many of the Masters in the old time, they favored poetry as a teaching. Rumi used a lot of
poetry to send it to his disciples. Or maybe that is also the mode, mode of that time, the
fashion. All the Masters write poetry. Or maybe also, many of the Masters, they are very artistic
themselves. Or maybe after they get enlightened, all their dormant talents sprung up to life,
and they know how to write poetry, they paint pictures, dance and sing and all kinds. So this is
one of the talents that has been awakened in some Masters, after they get high enlightenment.
And it’s easy to remember, easier to remember a poem than a whole big lecture. So poetry is a
very good instrument to teach people, and make them remember very well.

與真我聯繫使我們連結內邊的創造力  /  藝術提昇我們的心靈  /  詩是教化人心的好工具

引用清海無上師新聞雜誌211期 P38、P45

    創作者 龍取珠 的頭像


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