編號:826(2片裝) |
字幕:阿拉伯、悠樂、保加利亞、中文正體、中文簡體、英、法、德、希伯來、印度、匈牙利、印尼、義大利、日、韓、波斯、波蘭、葡萄牙、旁遮普、羅馬尼亞、俄、西、泰、土耳其(24種) (續198期師父開示) 清海無上師以英文講於韓國首爾 「緊急求救!全球暖化國際視訊會議」 2008.05.22 兒童健康國民聯盟事務總長暨總統永續發展委員會前孩童健康政策研究組會長李庸仲先生(Lee Yong-Jung)︰我一直興致盎然地聆聽您的談話,我想可以把它歸納成三方面︰靈性、素食、和諧共存。我想提出幾項關於食物和永續社會的問題。目前周遭的食物都對我們身體有害,當我們攝取這類食物時,體內微生物的平衡會被破壞,然後我們可能必須與它們對抗(微生物佔了地球生物總質量的一半)。最後我們可能會染上異位性皮膚炎、脾炎、氣喘和過動症,目前這些疾病的罹患率是廿年前的三倍,而罹患高血壓、癌症和糖尿病的機率也增至三倍之多。韓國所爆發的禽流感、諾羅病毒、耐抗生素細菌,全都是因為有毒的食物所致。 我們必須檢驗這些有毒的食物,首先是加工食品和食品包裝中的化學添加劑,其次是工廠化養殖場過度餵食牲口的抗生素,第三是被濫用的殺蟲劑,第四是基因改造的食物和感染狂牛症的牛肉。這些問題非常嚴重,因為我們約有七成五的食物是仰賴進口,國內自行生產的僅佔二成五。經過調查研究,這些食物問題和全球暖化、甲烷及二氧化碳的排放都有關係,會引發孩童的健康問題,也攸關人類的存亡。您把這些複雜的問題全部簡單總結成一項,也就是素食,這我可以了解,但我在想,難道我們不需更全面地多管齊下嗎?比方說我們必須實施永續農業,也要改變我們的思考模式,改變我們的食物營養表;我們必須用更具體的教育方式讓民眾了解,經由選擇適當的食物,我們就能拯救自己和全體人類。這是我的看法。 清海無上師︰這些問題好像不簡單處理,但其實很簡單。如果你有小孩,而你知道什麼對他好,那你一定會想給他;如果你知道什麼東西對你的小孩不好或有毒,你一定會想盡辦法拿開。所以那只是人類的思考習慣,覺得做不到,其實可以,只要拿走那塊肉,用植物性蛋白取代就好了。現今到處都買得到素食,很簡單!即使買不到現成的食物,各種豆子、米、扁豆也都富含植物蛋白,這些食物會讓你的生活更加舒適、健康、明智,而且又能大大提昇靈性。我不明白為何政府、父母或任何負責這方面事務的人會覺得困難重重而不想改變習慣,提供健康的食物給孩童。大家都希望孩子健康,是嗎?而經過研究所得的最新資訊,我們知道什麼食物對孩童最好。不含牛奶和乳製品的素食,對所有年齡層的人而言都是最佳飲食,因此我們何不給他們最好的? 對我而言,很簡單,只要給他們最好的食物,那麼其他各方面就會隨之迎刃而解,你會看到好處;要是沒有好處,你隨時可以讓他們還葷。不過我相信各位父母、教師等負責照顧孩童健康的人都會喜歡素食。你們會看到他們在生活各方面都有所改善,不只是身體更健康,智商、活力都會更好,性情也會很溫和,比較不用擔心孩子會有暴力行為。謝謝您關心孩童,他們是我們的未來。謝謝您,李庸仲先生!民眾必須去做,不論政府能不能做,這是父母可以選擇的。 社會的良知和憐憫心 韓國正確教育家長會祕書長李姬政女士(Lee Hui-Jung)︰目前在首爾的清溪川前方,有學生舉行燭光集會,以抗議進口疑似感染狂牛病的牛肉,因為學校的伙食可能會含有這種牛肉。學生抗議是因為學校的伙食統一,他們別無選擇,所以他們在清溪川舉行燭光示威,因為他們不想吃狂牛肉。學生的父母也抗議,因為他們不希望孩子在學校吃到這種牛肉。這場抗議顯示學生非常關心目前的教育環境和學校的伙食供應問題。我覺得孩童通常比大人更有同情心,所以他們才會走上街頭抗議。他們在網路上看到一些短片揭露動物受到不人道的對待,讓他們覺得動物就像他們一樣,因為他們的教育環境並不理想,競爭壓力很大,他們必須苦讀到深夜,或是一早就到教室,就像被關在小籠子裡,沒有太多選擇的餘地。所以我覺得我們的學生同情那些被關的動物。 雖然他們在這種教育環境下成長,同情心變得麻木,然而心地還是很純潔,對動物的痛苦感同身受,所以很同情那些動物。不幸的是,我們越是在這種環境下受教育,越會失去對動物的同情心。學校的環境應該要讓孩子有時間親近大自然,並接近動物,然而目前的教育體制卻限制了孩子的作息時間和活動空間,強迫他們要完成課業。 我們的教育環境應該培養孩童對貧困者與弱者的同情心,包括動物和被圈養的牲口所遭遇的痛苦。我們的教育體制應該好好設計規劃,鼓勵學生關懷我們的地球和動物芳鄰,並透過教育倡導一些可以解決目前地球問題的方法。然而,實際情況卻不是這樣。我想請問清海無上師,我們把孩子們放在這種充滿競爭的教育環境中,迫使他們變得對地球麻木不仁,這樣我們如何鼓勵孩子具有環保意識?我想請教您這方面。 清海無上師︰感謝您的關心,李女士!對於目前因為進口牛肉的問題而在首爾公開表達自己意見與關愛動物之情的學生,我也在此致上同情和感謝之意。他們的態度讓我深受感動,他們身為學生,課業十分繁忙,而學校的課程也沒有提到關於動物受虐的情況或教導他們如何善待動物,但他們仍然知道。他們自己去查資料,並實際採取行動,我對此十分欣慰。我衷心希望這種風氣會傳到其他學校,並遍及全國,讓民眾了解動物性產品的害處,以及我們人類對待可憐、無辜又無助的動物弟妹是多麼不仁慈。 所以我感謝您,也代表動物感謝他們!至於您問我如何正確地教養小孩,這個問題非常、非常重要,父母和老師應該共同來討論。帶領教師和家長參加這次運動的人,應該蒐集所有具體又有信服力的科學證據,證明孩童的飲食最好完全不含動物成分,即使蛋和牛奶也有害處,因為它們是取自動物。動物被餵食化學藥品,有各種荷爾蒙,會讓孩童的個性變得狂暴。因此如果小孩的行為不符合大人的期望,請不要一味地苛責他們。他們出生時乖巧、純真、可愛,我們撫養他們長大,沒有給他們應有的適當營養、適當照顧和最好的規範,因為我們身為父母的人,也沒有得到我們所需的適當照料。因此現在我們要改變歷史,我們要研究,要確實明白素食絕對有益健康,各方面都對孩子最好。要蒐集證據,蒐集所有相關研究、所有具有信服力的科學證據,大家同心協力把它傳播出去。 然後一起決定我們必須改變孩子的飲食;飲食改變之後,其他一切也會改變,孩子的行為會改變,智力會提高,孩子和家長都會開心。你們都想要給孩子最好的,素食對他們就是最好的。必須讓孩子吃素,然後其他一切會隨之而來。相信我,信任我,你們試試看就知道。這沒有害處,只會更節省食物開銷。直接走到蔬菜區,不用去其他地方。吃素、不喝酒、不抽菸,也不吸毒。 選用天然新鮮食材,以達到最佳的健康狀態 順便提醒一下生產素食品的朋友,即使是製造素食品也要小心,不要放添加物,不要加太多防腐劑。我們不要在素菜裡添加任何有害物質,也不要加太多味精或太多鹽,這些也對健康不好。所以吃素應該用當地市場的新鮮食材,這樣對你的孩子最好;從當地市場買,而且越新鮮越好。不只是要素的,也要講求新鮮,選用健康的素食產品。請所有生產素食的人留意這點。 謝謝您提出這個問題!您的問題非常重要,因為關係到孩童和社會大眾。謝謝您,女士!祝您萬事如意!希望您剛才提到的學生運動在貴國和全球傳揚開來,使所有學生都效法他們,也讓每個人都注意到他們想要過一個更美好生活的訴求;他們值得這樣的生活。非常感謝您!上天賜福給您並加持他們的活動! 韓國學校膳食協會會長朴卿用女士(Park Kyung-Yong)︰我負責管理學校的學生伙食,我的問題跟之前的問題有關。政府明令學校的膳食必須包含三成的動物性蛋白質,為了遵守法令,學校的膳食每天都會供應牛肉、雞肉或豬肉。如果我們把全國所有學校膳食所供應的牛肉等肉類加起來,為數驚人,這表示說為了這些餐點而遭到屠宰的動物數量也很可觀。身為工作人員,我從未想過這是嚴肅的問題,但參加這場會議後,我想我需要重新檢討學校膳食中的肉食。此外,我認為我們需要訂定新的政策和法令,也需要使用大豆之類的蛋白質來替代動物脂肪和蛋白質,因為大家都知道那是優良蛋白質。目前我們學校的膳食正在增加素食菜單,但我認為我們必須嚴肅正視肉食的問題,並討論及設計使用替代蛋白質的菜單。我了解到學校膳食必須提供更環保的餐點、提供素餐。既然您吃素,不知您是否可以提供一些適合學校膳食的素食菜單和食譜。如果您對學校的素食餐飲有任何建議,我可以在我們設計餐點時提出來。 清海無上師︰噢,哇!非常好的問題,朴女士,您很用心!非常謝謝您!你們看,這是一個很好的開端。首先,依我的淺見,您有心這樣做,將會得到加持,然後您會有堅毅的魄力去實現它。您必須將事實告訴家長會,並儘可能告訴所有家長。您可以發傳單讓每個學生帶回家;請求校委會的准許,然後發給孩子。蒐集所有關於素食的好處和肉食的壞處等資料,然後取得家長的支持。告知學生,告訴您在協會、教育界和學校所認識的每個人,然後提供他們相關資料,這樣他們才會了解您所說的,並支持您的理念。我們必須提供證據給他們,不能只是告訴人們:「要吃素,這樣對你有好處。」我們必須激發他們的智慧和好奇心,提供他們所有令人信服的詳實資料,然後他們才能一起決定:「好,我們選擇這種飲食。」大多數的人都會選擇素食。經過您努力不懈地提供種種關於素食益處的科學論證後,我希望他們會選擇素食,因為人們只相信科學。 再來是道德的問題,您可以給他們看一些動物受虐、被屠宰的照片和影片,然後問他們:「如果你是那些動物,你感覺如何?」當人們親眼看到動物受到殘忍虐待的真實情況,我相信他們一定會決定改採素食。現在大家都知道素食有益而肉食非常有害,這是全世界的潮流。因為肉品的危害,他們回收了數百萬公斤、數百萬份的肉,世界各地時有所聞,迄今已有許多國家這麼做,所以蒐集所有這些證據給他們看。你永遠不知道自己吃的是什麼,所以最好選擇健康的飲食。你永遠不知道進口肉品有沒有問題,政府事實上無法為你控管每塊牛肉,到處都有漏洞,還有政治說客,會讓大家失去判斷的能力,或認為肉品當然安全。我們現在只是從健康的觀點來談論,尚未談到我們對那些弱小、沒有防禦能力的動物所需負的道德責任。我們不能殘忍,我們必須仁慈、有愛心、慈悲,因為我們是人。每次我們看到有人善待別人或是做好事時,會說:「那很人道,那是人道的行為。」是嗎?因為我們是人,我們必須人道對待所有眾生,包括動物鄰居。好,因為我們是人,我們必須仁慈、慈悲,那是我們的本性,不要因為其他事而忘了。謝謝您提出這個問題!祝您萬事如意,並得到上天的加持!感謝您所做的事!謝謝! 另外,「無上師電視台」的網站(SupremeMasterTV.com)可以免費下載各種國際素食料理食譜,如果您想下載使用,這完全免費。或是您可以聯絡我們韓國的小中心,索取免費的食譜。此外,「無上師電視台」的網站也針對這方面議題提供各種有力的科學資訊,您可以上網下載並傳播出去,讓人們了解改變學童飲食的必要性。 拯救地球的所有方法中,全素的生活方式最好 主持人︰因應全球暖化與氣候變遷的方法很多,清海無上師,您曾建議最快和最有效的方法,包括使用永續能源、多種樹、在日常生活中儘可能節約能源,而最重要的是,使用無動物成分的產品,其中包括採取素食或純素飲食。可否請您進一步為我們解說這些解決途徑? 清海無上師︰我們已經討論過吃素在倫理、道德、科學與物質層面上的利益。不僅是因為倫理、道德或物質上的利益,也因為對我們每個人而言,這是拯救地球最簡單的方法。甚至在政府採取任何措施之前,在科技發展成功之前,我們已經可以遏止全球暖化,只要我們放下那塊肉,以素食蛋白質取代。它們看起來類似、吃起來類似,而且對我們的健康、靈性、智能,以及往後在天堂的生活等各方面都會更好,甚至現在就會獲得加持,不用談到往生以後。所以我認為每個人都應該加入茹素的行列,這是我所要講的。因為這是拯救地球最好又最快的方法,人人皆可做到,甚至無需科技,也無需新能源或政府,我們盡一己之力來做,這就是為什麼我強調素食。如果政府也一起做,幫助我們提倡素食,哇!那非常感謝政府。如果科學家發展出更好的科技,而且生產夠快供我們使用,那非常感謝他們。但茹素我們必須馬上開始,這是最好、最快、最安全的方法,對我們自己和子孫都好。如果你愛你的孩子,請開始茹素。謝謝你! http://video.Godsdirectcontact.net/magazine/WOW624s.php Go Veg to Give Our Children and the Planet Our Best (Continuation of Master Says Column from News Magazine #198 ) Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, during the SOS! International Seminar on Global Warming videoconference, Seoul, Korea, May 22, 2008 (Originally in English) Mr. Lee Yong-Jung, Secretary-General of the People’s Coalition for Children’s Health, former head of the policy research team for children’s health on the Presidential Commission for Sustainable Development: I have been listening with interest to Your discussion, which I think could be summed in the three words: spirituality, vegetarian diet, and co-existence. I want to raise several issues that are related to foods and a sustainable society. We are surrounded by foods that are poisonous to our bodies. When we are exposed to these kinds of foods, the balance of micro-organisms in our body will be broken and we might have to fight a war with these micro-organisms that make up half the world’s organisms. The diseases that we might end up getting will be atopy, splenitis, asthma, and ADHD, which have tripled compared to 20 years ago. High blood pressure, cancer, and diabetes have also tripled. Problems that manifested in Korea include avian flu, noro virus, and antibiotics microbes, all due to poisonous foods. There is a need to examine these poisonous foods. The first one is chemical additives in processed foods and food packaging. The second one is the overdose of antibiotics that are pumped into livestock in factory farming. The third is the overuse of pesticides. The fourth one is genetically modified foods and mad cow disease-affected beef. This problem is serious when we consider our dependency on foreign foods, which is about 75%, compared to 25% of our domestically grown foods. When investigating them, these food problems are interwoven with global warming, methane gas, and carbon dioxide issues, which lead to children’s health problems, as well as the survival of humanity. You have summed up these complex issues into one simple issue, which is vegetarianism. Although I understand, I wonder whether we do not need more comprehensive approaches. For example, we have to practice sustainable agricultural approaches and we have to change our patterns of thinking. We have to change our food paradigms. We need to educate people that through our food choices we can save ourselves and humanity as a whole in a more concrete educational system. That’s what I think. M: It seems not that easy to tackle, but it’s actually very easy. If you have a child and you know what is good for him, then you definitely want to give it to him. And if you know what is bad or poisonous for your child, you will take it away from him at all costs. So, it’s just the habit thinking of humankind, the feeling that this is not do-able, but it is. Just take away that piece of meat, and replace it with protein from the vegetable kingdom. Nowadays, we have vegetarian food available everywhere; it’s very simple. Even if we don’t have available food, all kinds of beans, rice, lentils are packed full of vegetarian protein, and they will make your life much, much more comfortable, healthy and wise and are very, very spiritually elevating. I don’t understand why it is so difficult for the government or for any parent, or anyone who is responsible in this matter, not to change the habit of giving the children what is healthy for them. You want your children to be healthy, yes? And so, we do the research, we know what is the up-to-date best for the children. Vegetarian diet, without milk or dairy products even, is the best diet thereof for everybody at all ages. So why don’t we give them the best? For me, it’s simple. Just give them the best food, and then everything else will come along. You will see the benefit. And if it doesn’t benefit, you can always change back to the meat diet. But I’m sure you - I mean the parents and the teachers, the ones who are responsible for children’s health - will like the vegetarian diet. You will see their improvements in all aspects of life, not just health but in intelligence, vitality and the peacefulness of their character. You’ll have less to worry about with your children’s violent behavior. Thank you for being concerned about the children. They are our future. Thank you, Mr. Lee Yong-Jung. The people have to do it. The government can do or not do it; this is up to the parents to choose. Conscience and Compassion in Society Mrs. Lee Hui-Jung, Secretary-General of the Korean Parents Association for Correct Education: Right now in Seoul, in front of the Cheonggye River, students are participating in a candlelight vigil gathering. This is to protest against importing meats that may have mad cow disease. This meat could be used in their school meals. So students are protesting because they don’t have any choice in uniformed school meals. That’s why they are having a candlelight demonstration at the Cheonggye River, because they do not want to eat “mad cows” meat. Their parents are protesting as well, because they do not want to have this beef in their children’s school meals. The protest shows that students are seriously concerned about the current educational environment and the problems of the current school meal system. I think children generally have more sympathy compared to adults, and that’s why they have come out to the streets to protest. They saw some clips on the internet about how animals weren’t treated humanely and from that they felt that animals were like them because their educational environment is not so desirable. It’s so competitive; they have to study till midnight or in the early morning in their school rooms. It’s like they are in a cage, a little cage without having much choice, so I feel that our students empathize with those confined animals. Although their sympathy becomes dull as they grow in this kind of educational environment, they are still pure enough to feel this pain, so they have compassion towards these animals. Unfortunately, the more we are educated under these kinds of circumstances, the more we lose our sense of consideration for our co-inhabitants. Our school environments should be set up so that our children can spend time in nature, where they can be near animals. However, our children are confined in terms of space and time in the current educational system. They are forced to complete their curriculum. Our educational environment should cultivate children’s compassion for the needy and the weak, including animals and the suffering of confined livestock. Our educational system needs to be designed to encourage concern towards our planet and our co-inhabitants, and to promote solutions to our current planetary problems through education. But in reality, it is not designed that way. My question for Supreme Master Ching Hai is: We are forcing our children to become desensitized from their own empathy for our planet by putting them in this kind of educational environment in the name of competition. What can we do in order to encourage their ecological empathy? So, I would like to ask You about these matters. M:: Thank you for your concern, Mrs. Lee. And by the way, I would like to convey also my sympathy and my gratefulness to the students who are expressing their opinion right now in Seoul concerning the beef imports, and concerning their love and care for the animals. I am very impressed by their attitude, because as students they are quite busy and it’s not like the curriculum in the school would have informed them or taught them anything about animal cruelty or how to be kind to animals. But they do know about it; they do research about it, and they do take action about it, and I’m very glad. I do hope this will even spread further into other schools and whole nations and keep people aware of the harmful effects of animal products as well as the unkind treatment that we humans measure upon them, the poor innocent defenseless brothers and sisters. So, I thank you and I thank them on the animals’ behalf. Concerning your question about how to raise children rightly, this is a very, very important question and the parents and the teachers should get together to discuss this. And the leader of this movement for the teachers and the parents should be more equipped with all the concrete scientific and convincing evidence of the better diet for the children, meaning the animal-free diet, absolutely free from animal traces. Even eggs and milk are harmful because they’re derived from animals. The animals have been fed with chemical substances, all kinds of hormones, which drive the children crazy. So, if your children’s behaviors are not according to your liking, please do not blame them alone. They are born nice, innocent and sweet. They have been brought up by us and we have not given them the due goodness, due care or the due best standard that they so deserve, because we also, as parents, have not been fed this due attention that we also need. So, now we have to change the course of history. We have to research; we have to know for sure that the vegetarian diet is really absolutely healthy, the best in all aspects for our children. Get the evidence. Get all the studies necessary, all the scientific and convincing evidence, and get together to spread this information. And decide together that we have to change the diet of the children. When you change the diet everything else will change. Their behavior will change, their intelligence will improve, and you will be a happy parent and they will be happy children. You want the best for your children, and that is the best for them. The vegetarian diet, you must give them that, and then everything else will come along. Believe me; trust me; you try and you tell me. It will do no harm. It just helps you to save more money on groceries. You go straight to the vegetarian section; you don’t need to go anywhere else. Vegetarian diet and no alcohol, no cigarettes, no drugs also. For Optimal Health, Choose Natural and Fresh And by the way, a message to the vegetarian-producing people. Even with vegetarian food, we have to also be careful we don’t put additives, too many preservatives into it; we don’t put any harmful substance into vegetarian food. And we don’t put too much glutamate or too much salt. Those things are also not very good for health. So, the vegetarian diet should be fresh from the local market. That would be the best for your children - local market, and the fresher the better. Not just vegetarian but the fresher the better, and the healthy vegetarian products. To all the producers of vegetarian food, please be aware of this. Thank you for your question. Your question is of paramount importance because it’s concerning the children and the society at large. Thank you, Madam. I wish you all the success. I wish the children’s movement that you mentioned just now, the students’ movement, will spread all over your country and into the world, and that all the students will follow suit. Everyone will heed their cry for help for a better life that they deserve. Thank you so much. Heaven bless you and bless their movement. Mrs. Park Kyung-Yong, Head of the Korean Association for School Meals: I am in charge of preparation of school meals for students. My question is related to earlier questions. The government has made a regulation that 30% of school meals have to be animal source protein. In order to keep the regulation, we provide beef, chicken or pork every day for school meals. If we add up the amount of consumed beef and other meat that is served for school meals around the country, it would be a staggering amount. It means the number of animals slaughtered for these meals is huge as well. I have never considered this a serious issue as a worker, but after attending this seminar I think that I need to reconsider the meat consumption in our school meals. In addition, I think we need to set new government policies and regulations. I think we need to use protein product alternatives to animal fat and protein such as soy, since as everyone knows it provides such high-quality protein. We are currently including more vegetarian choices for our school meals. But, I thought we might need to take meat consumption more seriously as an issue to discuss and develop menus that use alternative protein sources. I realize that we needed to provide greener meals, vegetarian menus for school meals. Since You are vegetarian, I wonder whether You could provide some vegetarian menus and recipes for school meals. And if You have any advice on alternative school meals, I would like to refer to that when we design our school meals. M: Oh, wow! Very good question, Mrs. Park. Very good endeavor. Thank you so much. You see, this is a very good start. First of all, in my humble opinion, you will be blessed by wanting to do this, and then you will continue to have strength to do it. You have to inform the facts to the parents’ association, and to all the parents that you can. You can give leaflets to each of the students to bring home or to the school board and ask permission to distribute it to the children. Get all the facts about how good the vegetarian diet is and all the facts about how bad the meat diet is. And then get their support. Inform your students. Inform everyone that you know in your society, in your world, in your school. And then, get them all the materials necessary so that they understand what you are talking about and support your ideas. We have to give them the facts, we cannot just tell people, “Okay, be vegetarian. It’s good for you.” We have to evoke their intelligence and curiosity; we have to provide them with all the materials that are convincing and truthful, and then they can decide together, “Okay, we choose this diet.” The majority of them will choose it. I do hope they do, after you diligently inform them of all the facts about how good the vegetarian diet is from the scientific point of view, because people only believe in science. And then comes the moral issue. You can show them some of the cruel pictures, cruel videos about how the animals are being treated, being slaughtered, and ask them a question, “How would you feel if it were you?” If people see the evidence and are faced with the cruelty of how the animal has been treated, I’m sure that they will decide to get a vegetarian diet. Right now, it’s a worldwide trend that everyone knows the vegetarian diet is good and the meat diet is very harmful. They recalled millions of kilograms, millions of units of meat because of the harmful effect, everywhere in the world. Up to date, there are many countries in the world that do that. So, get all this evidence and show it to them. You never know what you’re eating. It’s better to choose the healthy diet. You see, importing meat and all that, you never know if they’re good. The government cannot control every piece of beef for you, actually. There are loopholes everywhere. There are also lobbies; people will turn a blind eye and all that or take it for granted that the meat is safe. We’re talking about health standpoint only, not to talk about the moral obligation to our weaker, smaller, defenseless brother and sister co-inhabitants. We cannot be cruel. We have to be kind. We have to be loving and compassionate because we are human. Every time you see someone treat someone nice or do something good, you say, “That’s very human, that is humane treatment.” You see? Because we are human, we have to give every other being human treatment, including our own neighbors. Okay, so, because we are human, we have to be kind, we have to be compassionate because that’s our nature. Don’t let anything else make us forget that. Thank you for your question and I wish you all the luck and blessing from Heaven. And I love you for doing this. Thank you. By the way, in SupremeMasterTV.com we have all kinds of free to download international cooking recipes for you. It costs you nothing if you want to download and use them. Or, you can contact our Centers in Korea to ask for free recipes. Also, SupremeMasterTV.com provides in this matter all scientific and convincing information and evidence for you to download if you need to use them to inform other people and to convince them about the idea of changing the diet for the children in school. Of All the Ways to Save the Planet, Host: There are many ways to cope with global warming and climate change. Supreme Master Ching Hai, You have suggested the most efficient and effective ways, including using sustainable energy, planting more trees, saving energy wherever we can in our daily lives, and perhaps most importantly, using products that are animal free. Using animal free products also includes adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet. Could You please share with us more details about these solutions? M: We have covered the moral, ethical, scientific and physical benefits of a vegetarian diet. Not only because of moral or ethical or physical benefit, but because this is the easiest way for every one of us to contribute to saving the planet. Before the governments even do anything, before the technical developments are being offered, we already stop global warming if we forsake that piece of meat and replace it with a piece of vegetarian protein, which looks similar, tastes similar, and is even better in every way -- for our health, for our spirit, for our intelligence and for our next life in Heaven. We will be blessed right now even, not to talk about the afterlife. So, I guess everyone should join in and be vegetarian; that’s all I am saying, because it’s the best and the fastest way to save the planet, and everyone can do it. There’s no need even for technique, new energy or for the governments yet. We do it; we do our part. That’s why I emphasize the vegetarian diet. And if the governments join in and help us to promote more, wow! Thank you so much. If they have developed better technology and produce it fast enough for us to use, thank you ever so much. But the vegetarian diet, we must start right now. That’s the best way, the fastest and the safest way for us and for our children. If you love your children, try the vegetarian diet. Thank you. To watch the Supreme Master Television coverage of the “SOS! International Seminar on Global Warming,” please visit the following link: http://video.Godsdirectcontact.net/magazine/WOW624s.php |