
清海無上師以英文講於以色列特拉維夫 1999.11.21(DVD#671)








Children Are Naturally in 
Contact with God

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Tel Aviv, Israel, 
November 21, 1999 (Originally in English) DVD #671



Q: Do you think that children could experience God?

M: Yes, yes! We have many children from six years old who talk to God all the time! They can do it more or better than adults, because they are more pure or more simple; they have not the problems and the troubles that we have as we grow up. We have to take care of so many things, and we’ve been troubled so much by our job, our business and all the demands. But children don’t have anything to do: They are so carefree. So they very easily get to God, instantly, anytime! They are much better than we are. That’s why children should learn, because when they learn as a child, they’ll never forget, and they’ll always keep the constant contact with God, better than us. All our children are better than our adults.

I think some of you must remember from when you were very young, from the day you were born until the age of three or four. Some of you still remember the contact with God you had all the time. But as we grow older, to ages four, five, six or seven, we begin to learn too many physical experiences. Then the experience with God and the contact with God fades every day. And now we’ve grown up and we’ve forgotten completely. Children are always in contact with God, at least very young children, up to the age of four or five.

Because the connection has just faded a little, it’s very quick to reconnect it. And that’s why the Bible also mentioned that, “You have to become as a child again in order to enter the Kingdom of God.” You have to put down everything and sit in complete concentration on God. That’s difficult, but I can show you how, and I can make it easier. If you know the way, it’s easier. 


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