清海無上師以英文講於以色列特拉維夫 1999.11.21(DVD#671)
Meditation Is a Must
to Complete Our Life
Q: How can a person combine the spiritual way of life with hard work and pressure? M: It’s not a combination. It’s a way of life; it’s a must! You have forgotten to include it in the so-called “our life.” Our life is missing a little part, that is, the “contemplation” part and the “quieting down the mind” part. That’s why our life is so incomplete, so tiring and has so much suffering; so we must remember this little part. Then it’s more whole, that’s all. It’s not a combination, it’s a must. It’s already there, but you have forgotten. Sometimes we read the Bible or the Torah, and we see all the experiences of God, of Heaven, of the past spiritual Masters or spiritual disciples of the Master, and we wish: “I would give anything to have the same experience.” “I would give anything to see God, to see the Light of God, to hear God.” Don’t you think so? Then, give a little. Give two hours a day or even one hour a day. That’s not much! We have 24 hours to work for the physical body and for the world. Only one or two hours for God is not a combination; it’s not a compromise: It’s a way of life. We must, to complete our life. Actually, it does not take much of our time. For example, the time we take to gossip on the phone, we cut it out. We sit for ten minutes or half an hour, to connect with God, to “gossip” with God, to complain to God or demand something. These are the times we must talk to God. We have only one Father, and we don’t talk to Hirm. And when Hes talks, we don’t listen. Isn’t that the life? We listen to everyone except Hirm, and then we complain that Hes doesn’t hear our prayer or that Hes doesn’t hear our request. Hes does! And Hes answers all the time. We just don’t take the time to listen. We must quiet down in order to hear Hirm. |