


清海無上師以英文講於英國舍瑞 2006.01.03





































Simple Living, Good Meditation

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Surrey, United Kingdom, 
January 7, 2006, (Originally in English)

P: We came here and found work.

M: It’s easy?

P: Just simple jobs.

M: Is it easy to find a job here?

P: It’s very easy. If you want a simple job, doing cleaning and things, it’s very simple.

M: Yes, why not? Just enough to live, my God!

P: Yes, there are a lot of jobs in cleaning.

M: No need to have a big deal job if you’re simple.

P: We have a lot of time free as well for meditation, because we work very early in the morning.

M: You work in the morning here, now? (P: At 4 or 5 o’clock, we go and do our cleaning jobs.) Wow, that’s very diligent! (P: And then we’ve got most of the day free.) Oh, I’m impressed! (P: It’s a great life! It’s very nice.) I’m impressed! Both of you are working together?

P: Yes, we both clean together.

M: But, where did you get the cleaning job?

P: In offices, and in people’s houses sometimes.

M: Oh, I see, I see. So, you’re employed by a company, or just freelance?

P: Some are freelance and some are through an agency.

M: And you’re fine with that? (P: Oh, we like it.) You both earn enough?

P: To live on, yes!

M: Yes, you look happy! (P: Oh, very!) You’re both very wise.

P: We’re very, very happy! It’s through all Your help, and just because of You.

M: Why? What did I do?

P: Miracles every day! You gave us some advice on a video to do very simple work, cleaning, and it’s worked out beautifully.

M: Yes! If you want to be president of the United States, I cannot guarantee that. But if you just want to have an honest living, by the labor of your hands, there’s plenty! Just take the jobs that other people don’t want and that don’t need thinking too much. Then your mind is free, also. Recite the Holy Names all the while, blessing their home, and get paid for it!

P: And we listen to Your MP3s when we’re cleaning, too, with Your music and chanting and lectures.

M: Oh, that’s nice. Also, it’s very healthy to do exercise. Some people have to pay lots of money to go to the gym. And here, you just lift the chair and clean the table! (Laughter)

Q: I used to have a problem in my knees when I meditated, but since I’ve been cleaning, with so much exercise and bending, I have no problem now.

M: It’s also the karma. If we do some work to earn a living, it’s better for everything. You feel good in there (Master gestures toward Her heart), so when you feel good, the body feels good. It’s connected, the emotional, spiritual, mental and physical; they are all connected. Yes, you know that very well. Sometimes when you are very depressed, you easily get sick. And then there’s pain here, pain there, pain everywhere. So some people look down upon physical work, like cleaning or doing anything. I don’t! I have respect for everyone who gets a job and gets paid. As long as you get paid, I have respect for you. (Everyone laughs)

P: The people are really happy to find their houses all clean when they get home from work. (Master: Yes?) And we’ve found that people who don’t even know us just leave us their key, and then we just go and clean. They are very trusting, which is lovely, very trusting to leave us their house to clean.

M: Yes, it’s because you are good. They can feel it. (P: Yes, it’s nice.) That’s good. I’m happy for you. And you are happy, yes? (P: Every day!) Good!

P: We say thank You every day.

M: You are so good! You are good people. (P: Thank You, Master.) No, it’s you who are good also. Because you are good, you have your self-esteem and self-confidence. You just do whatever, and you still feel great. Some people don’t have self-respect, so they think they have to be something in order to respect themselves. In our group, it’s different. You do what you do, and as long as you take care of yourself, earn an honest living if you can, that’s all we want. We don’t care who you are, normally. I never ask! At the time of initiation, they do ask you what you do, just in case, in a group or if they go to disaster victims or something, they know who is capable of what. Or maybe if you are in a Center, you are appointed to work at something. If you’re an electrician, you take care of the electricity in the Center in case something goes wrong. That’s all.

But I never need to know. I don’t even know! For most of you, I don’t know who or what you’re doing. Sometimes I ask, just for conversation, just to talk. But I don’t need to know who you are. I don’t need you, totally! I just need to know that you are happy, like you’re doing the cleaning job, you are really living my teachings. You go earn your honest living and you take care of yourselves and you save time to meditate. That is the most respectful thing you could ever do. When you do this or that job and just earn a little money to take care of yourself, you don’t bother anyone and you don’t incur any trouble. Because sometimes the more you spend, the more you have to borrow, and that binds you, which is no good. Better live within our means, with whatever you have. If you have big, then spend big. If you have small, spend small.

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