清海無上師以英文講於日本東京 1993.05.22(影帶編號#375)
清海無上師以英文開示於新加坡共修會 1994.09.28(影帶編號#446)
不只是因為素食本身有益健康,也因為蔬果的振動力對我們的身體很友好,而動物的振動力就不那麼和諧、和平了。事實上,要過簡單健康的生活很容易,我們並不需要吃這麼多的藥和打針。很多人把有毒的物質帶進體內,所以才會傷害自己;若是知道如何過一個簡單、營養、健康的生活的話,我們真的不怎麼需要醫生,然後醫生們就能有更多的假日,這樣醫生和我們都能保持健康。 ♥
Being Meat-free Makes Us
Healthy and Carefree
Q: The purpose of an animal's life here on earth is to be eaten by human beings, and if we stopped eating them they would all be dead and useless, don't You think so? M: No, we can eat animals if we want to because we are stronger and more intelligent than they are so they’re helpless against us. But the question is whether we should use our strength and intelligence to abuse those who are weaker than we are when we have other choices by which to survive. Besides, today we are raising more cattle, pigs and chickens so more exist now than there used to be. And according to scientific research, the great amount of money, time and land used to raise animals is weakening our planet economically, financially and even health-wise. It is even said that many wastelands, many deserts, are the result of raising animals in the past because wherever cows are raised the land is frequently unable to be used for growing crops.* We need a big land mass to be able to feed cattle or other animals, and their waste products pollute the water in our lakes and rivers, as does the fertilizer that goes into the fields to produce grass and all the other food for animals. And the antibiotics and medicines that go into the animals’ systems, the water to wash them and all the hygienic measures cost a lot of money and manpower. So in the long run it's a loss of business for the world. It's no good for us. It's not my right to tell you what to eat, but according to research, eating animals is no good for us whatsoever, economically, financially, politically, health-wise and in every other way. I am not yet telling you about the moral obligation and guilty feelings that go along with the animal diet. I’m just telling you science-wise, the scientific aspect. Inherently we all have a great love within us for all things that move. Therefore if we eat animal flesh, we subconsciously feel very guilty. It breeds sickness and all kinds of uncomfortable feelings and unhappiness in our lives. That's why we suggest that if you want to find a truly happy life, a truly free, carefree life, you should refrain from eating other living beings. ♥
We Can Actually Live a Better Life
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai at a Group Meditation, Singapore, September 28, 1994 (Originally in English) Videotape #446
Nowadays many sicknesses, different diseases, kill people, about eighteen million a year. Because some of us don't take precautions to guard our precious body which has been given to us by God to do some mission on earth for some purpose, and also to realize our almighty power. We do something like smoking too much, drinking too much, eating too much flesh, inviting all the bacteria from the flesh into our systems, etc. And all these killing factors make our lives a miserable time.
Actually we could live a better life if we organized more, if we appreciated our body more. If we ate just nutritious food for our body, and ate not just because of the taste, and ate just a reasonable amount, then of course, our health wouldn't be so greatly endangered. You see, most vegetarian people become healthier. Is that not so? [Audience: Yes.] Many of you became healthier after receiving initiation and switching to a vegetarian diet. Is that not so? [Audience: Yes.] Actually, the hospitals are full of meat-eating people (laughter). No problem; we can see the proof there.
It's not only because the vegetarian diet is healthy in itself, but because the vibration is very harmonious to our body whereas the vibrations of animals are not that harmonious, not so peaceful. Actually, it's very easy to live a simple, healthy life. There's not so much need for medicine, no need for so many injections. Many of us harm ourselves because we put poisonous substances into our bodies. Otherwise, if we know how to live a simple, nutritious, healthy life, we really don't need doctors so much. And the doctor can have more holidays and both of us can stay healthy. ♥