![]() | 清海無上師以英文講於美國洛杉磯國際禪三1998.12.17(影帶編號#641)
答:謝謝你那麼美麗、善良。我真心希望你們每個人都能這麼輕鬆、自在、開悟,對上帝的恩典如此感恩。你越感恩,越能看到事情的肯定面,也就越能得到肯定的結果。我們對上帝越感恩,就會得到越多的恩賜,形成一種良性循環。恭喜你,師兄!你做得很對!♥ 明師反映徒弟的心境清海無上師以英文講於美國洛杉磯國際禪三1998.12.17(影帶編號#641)
http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/ch/news/162/index2.htm ............................................................................................................... incere Gratitude Attracts God’s Favor
Q: I've been longing to see You since I heard about You and read Your little booklet The Key of Immediate Enlightenment, and when I got here it was even more than I expected. The people around me everywhere, the brothers and sisters, are just full of love. Even before I saw You I felt like I was just floating in the air, and then when I did see You my mind trembled. I don't know what to say. I just want to thank You very much. Also, I’m a Muslim by birth and I saw other Muslim disciples here. I had thought that it was just me! Thank You very much, Master. May You live a long, very healthy life for us. Thank You. M: Thank you for being so beautiful, so beautiful. That's what I want all of you to be: so relaxed, so carefree, so enlightened and so grateful for God's grace. The more grateful you are, the more you will see things in a positive way and the more positive outcomes you’ll get. The more grateful we are to God, the more favor we’ll gain. That's the circle. So congratulations, brother. You’re going the right way. ♥
The Master Reflects the Disciples’ God Consciousness
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, International Three-day Retreat in Los Angeles, California, USA, December 17, 1998 (Originally in English) Videotape #641
Q: Hallo, Master. I don’t really have a question. I just wanted to wish You a Merry Christmas, and looking at You now I see how patient You are with everyone talking about their experiences and asking questions. This Christmas, I think You really need a vacation and You should have a holiday.
M: OK; same to you! Thank you. It's all right; it's my job. It's just that if I seem to be patient to you, it’s because you’re all patient. If I seem impatient to you, it's because one of you or some of you are impatient or needing that kind of impatience. I am just no one. I'm not patient; I'm not impatient. I'm not good and not bad. I'm not compassionate; I'm not lousy. I’m just a blank copy. And God does whatever Hes does to you for your own benefit.
I'm a blank copy, a white sheet of paper so whatever is written there has your own signature. Thank you anyhow for being so encouraging. I don't consider myself to be a very patient person; I don't consider myself anything at all. I cannot plan anything anymore.
Q: If I were where You are I would have been out in the first five minutes.
M: I know; I wish I could be like that but Hes glues me to this chair: the Old Guy, our Father. It’s because you are not sitting here that you think like that. If you were sitting here you would not even be able to think anymore. You would just be a blank, new sheet of paper every time.
Q: Good, I look forward to getting there.
M: You will, you will. All of us will. ♥