清海無上師以中文講於國際聚會 2009.07.18
感謝你們支持好的理想,幫助世界、地球,幫助人類與動物。這樣做對你們很好,你們會賺很多功德,上天會記下你們的功勞。你們做的任何好事,上天都會記下來;做任何壞事,功德也會減損。我們做任何好事,從事好的工作、好的職業,都能賺功德。比如說你是農夫,種有機作物給人吃,天堂會給你很大的獎賞。如果你為人做衣服、織布、做被子等等,功德很大。做任何利益上帝兒女的事,天堂都會給你很多點數;做任何傷害上帝兒女的事,就會被扣點;不只是有業障而已,還會被扣點,減損功德又造業障,然後等級就降低。從事任何對人有益的職業,滿足人們的需要,就會加分。有加分跟減分,從事好的職業、好的工作,就加分;從事不好的職 業、好的工作,就加分;從事不好的職業、不好的工作,就減分。 所以就算你是賣素包子,也是好工作,就算是兼差或週末賣而已,也會賺更多功德,除了打坐的功德以外,還會賺額外的點數。如果裡面放傳單,又額外加分,然後就能拯救地球。因為你有理想、有心想救人類,想救這個有60億人口的世界,功德無量!還有拯救數不清的動物,也是功德無量。傾注你全部的愛心去做,當然會有很多功德,就算你不想要也會得到。 http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/ch/news/207/index.htm ............................................................................................................... Thank you for supporting good ideals and helping the world, helping the planet, helping humans and helping animals. It’s good for you to do it: Good for you and good for your merit. Heaven takes note. Anything good you do is noted as good in Heaven. Also, anything bad we do reduces our points. Every good thing we do, every good job we do, a good profession even, earns points in Heaven. For example, if you are a farmer and you grow organic food for people, Heaven gives you very high points. If you make clothes or weave clothes for people, or blankets and all that, Heaven gives you very good points. For anything that benefits the children of God, Heaven gives you good points and high points; anything that’s harmful to the children of Heaven brings minus points. Not only bad points but minus points: minus and bad points, so we go down. Every good profession that fulfills people’s needs brings us up with good points. Good profession, good job—good points. Bad profession, bad job—bad points. So even if you sell steamed buns, that’s a good profession. Even if it’s just part-time or a weekend job, it earns different points, more points, extra points, apart from meditation; and putting flyers in there is more extra points, and saves the planet. Because your idea, your heart wants to save the people, wants to save the humans and save the world. Six billion people, that’s a lot of merits! And many, many millions of animals; that’s a lot of merits also. So, put all your heart, your love into it. Then of course you have merits; even if you don’t want it, you have it. http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/207/
at an international gathering
on July 18, 2009 (Originally in Chinese)