清海無上師以英文講於 泰國素可泰‧塔瑪提勒空中大學 氣候變遷研討會 2009.8.15
Lead the Veg Change
and All Troubles
Will Subside
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Sukhothai Thamathirat, Thailand Videoconference,
August 15, 2009 (Originally in English)
During the recent climate change conference, “Solutions for a Beautiful Planet,” held in Thailand, Master spoke via videoconference in the following excerpt with a message asking world leaders and individuals alike to act immediately and with determination, so that we can save the planet and walk together toward a benevolent, caring and vegan Golden Age.
To all the leaders, I call on them once more to put their love first, for their countrymen and women. And for all the children to accept with courage the deed that must be done; to use the mighty power in their hand and entrusted by people to save the world. The global livestock industry is now contributing almost as much to global warming as the energy sector, or even more. And I know it contributes at least 80% of it. Meat production is depleting your people’s water, damaging their health, pushing them to war and breeding new, deadly diseases each day. It is killing your people. Only you can stop it. They need your shining, heroic, vegan example, because they really look to their governments, to their leaders. They will be greatly facilitated by your laws for organic vegan farming, and campaigns for all laws to make the much-needed lifestyle, vegan change. Your co-citizens, your subjects, will appreciate you, praise you, love you, support you, and they will remember you for saving the world for generations to come even, for saving their lives and the lives of their loved ones as well as their future children. And Heaven will reward you greatly. Lead the veg change. Promote forgiveness and peace, and then even all other troubles like poverty, conflict, even financial crisis, pandemics, will also subside. I thank you leaders of nations, for all the efforts in these directions so far. But if you allow me, I honestly say that what we are doing and planning now is not enough, and not fast enough, and I bid you the courage and faith to do more and faster.
To the organizations of the world, including the media, who understand the strength of a social movement, thank you for your work to inform and to encourage people to the exciting, humane, beneficial, chic, animal-free, vegan way of life.
To the individuals, thank you for doing your part to save our planet, but please, to make it in time we have more to do and we have little time. We have to continue to urge our leaders and our fellow human beings, neighbors, to change. Be vegan, to save themselves and their families and children, and the animals, and everything they feel is worth living for. We can get out of the danger, but through the right direction. Our house is on fire but the water hose is right there in front of us. Just pick it up and use it. It’s as simple as that. Just be vegan, and please be quick, our days are numbered.
To all humankind, Heaven loves you so much, so we have hope for the planet’s survival, more than ever before. We shall awaken to a new, compassionate, vegan planet that is full of loving energy, kindness and blessings to no end from Heaven. I pray you all will continue towards this peace in our reach. Thank you so much, all of you, thank you.