


清海無上師與澳洲雪梨小中心的視訊會議 2008.08.17








Only Love Begets Love

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
Sydney, Australia
August 17, 2008 (Originally in English)

Many people are worried and wonder what else we can do to speed the awakening of people in our efforts to save the planet for ourselves and future generations. During a videoconference with our Association members in Sydney, Australia, Master spoke of how important it is for love and compassion to be awakened among humankind so that danger may be averted and the planet uplifted.

We are doing what we can already. It’s up to the people now. It’s especially up to the government and the media to help to alleviate the situation. If they don’t turn to the compassionate way of life, then I don’t know what else to do. The law of cause and retribution has to take place, no matter whether we like it or not. Just the same as the laws in your country: If you kill, you will be imprisoned or even dead. Well, the law of the universe is similar; killing will beget killing and suffering. There is no escape from that. And we are trying to let people know this, to remind them of the law of the universe, to remind them of their true great compassionate, loving Self, and now it’s up to people. We continue to do that and we wait. Just do what we are doing and be patient.

I wish I had a magic wand and could wave it around and “Hoop-la,” everyone would become vegetarian, and the planet is saved. But it’s not like that. They have to awaken themselves. They have to practice compassion. Then the compassion will beget compassion; love will beget love. If I force them to become vegetarian, it’s not the same.

The thing is, they have to do it themselves so that their compassion, the love in their heart will beget the compassion from Heaven; it will beget the love of Heaven, and that’s how it works. Suppose I saved all the people on this planet right now; suppose I could do that. Would you like me to do it? (Audience: Yes!) You would, of course, fine. I would also! But the thing is, what will happen to our planet? Think about it. They will continue warring with each other. They will continue to massacre the animals en masse. They will continue to be living in not a noble way. What is the good of this planet to exist like that? It’s like hell! For the mass of animals and other people in the war conflict zones, it’s like hell. So, for people to be awakened to being compassionate and noble, that’s more important – and then the planet will be saved by itself. I know you are concerned. Me, too. But this is the only way; it’s the correct way.

I love humans, but I love animals as well. And I would love the humans to be more elevated, now and hereafter. Because if they’re just thinking, “Oh, nothing’s happening. Even though we continue to live our wicked ways, continuing to kill and do things that are no good, we still live and happily. So why not?” That’s no good for them; because life continues. After their life finishes here, their life will continue elsewhere. And if their merit is not good and they have bad karma, after they die, they will get even worse retribution. I don’t want that to happen to them also. So rescuing their physical life is not as important as saving their souls.   Master’s Words

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