
清海無上師2008年10月11日 講於泰國巴吞塔尼
「遏止全球暖化︰馬上行動」視訊研討會  (原文為英文)

前美國太空總署科學家、泰國國會議員暨教育家阿翁‧居姆塞‧納‧艾尤迪亞博士(Dr. Art-ong Jumsai Na Ayudhya): 我們何時會受到全球暖化危機的襲擊?造成全球暖化的真正原因為何?

師父: 艾尤迪亞博士,根據每天所有的報導顯示,我們已經遭到氣候變遷的侵襲了,只不過這些情況是發生在世界各地,所以我們並沒有在同一時間看到所有的衝擊。無論如何,如果我們繼續保持現狀而沒有做出改變,那麼大約在四年內,最糟的情況就會來臨。如果大家沒有改採慈悲的生活方式,那麼惡報就會降臨我們身上,因為「種什麼因,得什麼果」。由於這些不好的共業,我們將無一倖免或只有極少數人能存活。




少年法庭首席陪審法官坎妮卡‧斯里坎特拉柏恩女士(Kannika Sirikantraporn): 您如何說服社會上每個人,包括國家和社區的領導人、精神領袖和一般民眾,還有那些貧窮和未受教育的人改變態度,並開始認真幫助解決全球暖化這類環保議題?

師父: 是的,女士。我認為政府必須加強新法的制定,並且使相關的訊息傳播到世界各個角落,每個國家都必須負起責任向人民說明這項生存計畫的重要性。人類必須先存活下來,才能談其他的方面,因此政府扮演了一個很重要的角色,媒體亦然,如果我們能得到他們相助的話。如果政府說明情況,並提供所有的資訊,人民就會了解。再怎麼無知的人民都會了解,因為這攸關他們的生死。我們必須深入民間舉行研討會,提供全球暖化的證據、前因後果和解決的辦法。當災難迫在眉睫時,政府會立即疏散民眾;當發生戰爭時,人民都會被告知該如何保護自己,政府甚至會徵募新兵,好讓他們出去保衛國家或出去打仗。


問: 謝謝您。我還有另一個問題︰畜牧業是造成全球暖化的原因之一,但那些依賴畜牧業為生的人,他們該怎麼辦呢?

師父: 好問題,女士。他們可以種植有機食物。現在有機食物非常流行,這類食物非常有益健康,而且需求量很大。此外,世界糧食短缺已經是眾所皆知,飼養牲畜又讓食物更加短缺。而有機耕作使用較少的水、較少的時間、較少的勞力,卻能生產更健康豐足的食物給所有人享用。


我們的「無上師電視台」網站( )有提供相關資訊給有興趣的人。有機耕作甚至不需要很多資本;就算需要資本,政府也應該補助有機農夫,而不是用那些錢去幫助肉類生產,那會危害人民。推動有機耕作對每個人都有益,包括農夫在內,所以我認為這是非常明智的行動。謝謝妳,女士。



泰國溫室氣體管理局自然資源、環境政策與規劃處處長普拉塞蘇克‧查莫爾曼女士(Prasertsuk Chamornmarn): 社會大眾該如何為全球暖化即將帶來的衝擊做準備?

師父: 我們沒辦法做很多準備,而只能靜觀其變,因為我們不知道災難何時會侵襲我們,不知道能在哪裡準備和準備什麼。即使我們儲備一些食物等等,也不見得會有幫助,只會使世界的糧食短缺更為嚴重。所以我們只能依靠自己累積功德,而這一點我們都能做到。藉由改吃素食,我們現在就能救自己。吃素是慈悲又很有愛心的行動,我們以愛心對待其他眾生,上天就會慈悲對待我們,因果法律總是很精確的。





《每日新聞報》記者彭普拉派‧蘇宜喬小姐(Pornprapai Sueakeow): 我們聽說科學家已承認全球暖化的問題,了解它會造成天災和水患。有消息說科學家正在其他星球尋找適合人類居住的新地方,我想知道您是否知道此事,還有您對於將人類移居到其他星球的情況知道多少?謝謝您。

師父: 我們無法逃避惡業,我們無法逃避自己行為所導致的後果,妳知道我們必須清付。所以,如果我們不想得到惡果,那就必須做好事。無論如何,如果妳想要去另一個星球,我想我們走不了多遠。我們有一些太空站,但那是否足夠供全部的地球人居住,我不確定。我們在火星上有些升降攝影機,還有從月球上拿回一些泥土,這是我們目前所擁有的太空成就與進展,這不是很樂觀。妳想要去哪裡呢?我們必須吃素、必須有愛心,然後一切都會改變,因為功德福報和愛心的氣氛會改變一切。



管理系統認證中心的策略計畫和業務發展經理薩通‧山畢帕先生(Saton Sanpipat): 全球暖化的問題是否該被列入全國的議程?如果是,我們該怎麼做才能達成此一目標?

師父: 首先最重要的是,我們應該利用政府系統去鼓勵新的計畫,像是增進人民的合作,也就是我們必須讓人民知道現在情況緊急,遏止全球危機刻不容緩。時間急迫,我們必須同心協力拯救我們的世界,必須拯救我們的生命和地球上的所有生命。其他方法都太耗時了,我已一再告訴大家,即使科技能幫忙,但它所需的時間太長了。所以最快又最簡單的方法就是停止使用動物性產品,然後我們會有更多時間發展更好的科技。如果我們停止飼養牲畜,也不再殘忍對待人和動物,結果會像奇蹟般出現,幾乎是馬上或在幾週之內就看到結果。如果現在大家都停止吃肉,不到八個星期的時間,氣候就會變得宜人,被破壞的一切都會在八週之內恢復正常。如果所有世人都不再吃肉並轉向慈悲愛心,結果馬上就會顯現。現在的情形就像是我們要往南,卻朝北走。所以要去南方的唯一方法就是掉頭往南走。我們現在所做的事--殺害動物和人,既不慈悲也不尊重生命,這是錯誤的行為。因此,如果我們想要為自己和自己的生活帶來不一樣的結果,就必須做與目前相反的事,這很簡單又合邏輯,每個人都懂。非常謝謝你。



公共衛生部新興傳染病管理局副局長達莉卡‧金耐特博士(Darika Kingnate): 目前我們正面臨北極冰層快速融解,同時我們也看到人類從動物感染到數十種新的疾病,譬如瘋牛症、豬隻病毒和禽流感,這主要是由人類畜牧生產所造成。請問師父,您認為是否有可能說服人類減少畜牧生產?而且該用什麼方法呢?謝謝您。

師父: 當然可能,博士。減少畜牧生產與牲畜飼養,就可以減少全球暖化的主要禍源至少八成以上,而且也可以減少氣候異常、天災與吃肉所引發的致命性疾病。連科學和醫學也都證明人類應該採行可以拯救生命的素食,遠離所有的動物性產品,這樣我們就能拯救地球,並拯救我們自己、我們子孫和動物的生命。我們必須改採這種有益的素食,也就是不含動物成分的飲食,然後一切都會如你們所願。地球會變成天堂,人人不虞匱乏,沒有人會挨餓、沒有戰爭、沒有疾病、沒有災難、沒有全球暖化,世界和平、快樂、富足,我以佛陀之名保證如是,謝謝。



國稅局電腦工程師亞歐瓦玲‧斯里柴南女士(Yaowarin Srichainan): 全球暖化的效應會讓泰國受到多大程度的影響?我們所能預期的最壞情況又是如何?怎麼做才是讓世人認知全球暖化嚴重性的最有效方法,以便每個人能盡一己之力,盡早預防此一危機的發生?謝謝。

師父: 我們不該強調全球暖化所造成的最壞影響,不該預期災難發生,而應該開始把重點放在如何預防它。我們必須掉頭轉向,朝著對泰國人民和世界最有利的方向邁進;再說一次,那就是過慈悲的生活、吃素,吃純素更好,也就是不使用任何動物性產品,如此一來,善良的氣氛就會包圍我們的地球,當然也會包圍泰國。




The Blessing of
Benevolent Action

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
during the

“Stop Global Warming: Act Now”
Pathumthani, Thailand,
October 11, 2008 (Originally in English)

Dr. Art-ong Jumsai Na Ayudhya, former NASA scientist, Thai Parliamentarian and educator : When will the crisis of global warming hit us? And what is the actual cause of this global warming?

M: According to all the reports every day, Dr. Ayudhya, we have been hit by the climate change already. It’s just in different areas of the world, and so we do not see the total impact of it at one time. Anyway, if we do not do anything more than right now, the worst will come still, in approximately four years. And if no one has turned to the compassionate lifestyle, then the bad retribution, or, “As we sow so shall we reap,” will be upon us. According to this collective bad karma, none of us or very few will survive. The actual cause of the global warming, according to the law of the Universe, which is the law of cause and effect or the law of action and reaction, is that we will be reaping what we have been spreading. So, all the anguish, the crying of war victims, of the oppressed and the innocent beings - from the deep jungles to the vast sea, from a developed country to a less developed country - all this suffering and lamenting engulfs the Earth right now and covers the planetary atmosphere, piercing even to Heaven. So, how can we reap any better reward if countless beings grovel in such agony and suffering that even hell would pale in comparison? And when will it hit us? Well, it’s already hitting us, but I’m not sure how more worse it will become. I pray that we, as a human race, wake up and take action quickly, really quickly, like yesterday, so that we will not have to bear the worst consequence that is awaiting us.

Governmental Support in Saving the Planet Is Key

Mrs. Kannika Sirikantraporn, President of the Associate Judge of the Juvenile Court : How can you persuade everyone in the society, including not only the leaders of the country and communities, the spiritual leaders and the lay people but also those who are poor and uneducated, to turn around and start seriously helping and taking care of the environmental issues such as the global warming?

M: Yes, Madam. I think the government must reinforce new laws and make information available to all corners of the world. Each nation must take responsibility to explain to her people about the importance of the survival project. The humans have to survive first before we talk about anything else. So, the governments play a very important role, and also the media, if we can have their blessing. People will understand if the governments explain it and make all the information available. No matter how uneducated, people will understand, because it’s concerning their life and death. We must make grassroots seminars to offer evidence and logic and the solution to the global warming. In the case of imminent disaster, the government would evacuate people in no time. And in the case of war, people are always informed how to protect themselves. The governments even recruit new army members so that they can go out and protect the country or go out to war.

So, in this case, it’s even more urgent than war. I’m sure the government will have a solution to it. I’m sure the people can be informed anywhere in the nation. The government has the power that’s vested in them to do this. So, I can only beg the governments of the world to please use their mighty force to rescue the planet. Thank you. May God bless us!

Q: Thank You. And then I have another question: Cattle farming is one of the causes of global warming, but for those whose life and well-being depends on the occupation, what should they do?

M: Good question, Madam. They can grow organic food. Right now, organic food is very “in.” It’s very healthy for everyone, and it’s in very big demand. Also, we are short of food; we are already informed of that. Raising livestock makes us even more short of food. So, organic farming uses less water, less time, less labor and produces more healthy food in abundance for all to enjoy.

In our Association, we have many members who are doing organic farming. And it’s proven that anyone can do it. Anyone who is interested can log on to our website to know all the information of how to do organic farming. It’s so easy and so simple; you don’t even need much water at all. And the food grows so fast, even one or two person can take care of many hectares without much problem at all.

So, we have the to inform everyone who is interested in it. It doesn’t even need much capital, but if capital is needed, the government should give subsidies to help the organic farmer instead of using those to help the meat production, which is harmful to us. To help organic farming is helpful to everyone, including the farmer. So, I think it’s a very wise step. Thank you, Madam.

To Prepare for Global Warming, Just Change to Compassion

Mrs. Prasertsuk Chamornmarn, Director of the Office of Natural Resources, Environment Policy and Planning, Thailand Greenhouse Gas Management Organization : How should a community prepare for the upcoming effects of global warming?

M: We cannot prepare much. We can only wait and see because we don’t know when it will strike us and where and what we can prepare anyway. Even if we stockpile some food and so on, it is not always helpful. It just makes the world food shortage worsen. So, we can only rely on the good karma that we can create. And that we can do: We can save ourselves right now by turning to the vegetarian diet, which is benevolent and very compassionate. And by being compassionate to others, Heaven will be compassionate to us. The law of cause and effect is always very correct.

So, the only thing we do to save ourselves is to be compassionate and to change to a more noble, benevolent lifestyle without meat or animal products. Then you can see immediately, the weather will change. Everything will return to a more peaceful abundance because Heaven is merciful. And we have to start to be merciful like Heaven; then we can experience Heaven. There’s no other way we can prevent such a disaster like this. That’s the only thing I can tell you.

The ways we are going right now are destructive by all means - physically, mentally, scientifically, morally - which is all wrong. If we cause suffering to others, we cannot expect happiness in return. We have to do the opposite of what we are doing right now; then the outcome will be opposite. What we have been doing is bringing us disaster and trouble and maybe mass destruction in the very near future. So, if we want to reverse the course, we have to reverse our action because every action provokes another reaction. So, if we want to have a good result, we have to start doing good. Be veg, go green, and do good deeds.

Our Only “Escape” Is through Good Action

Miss Pornprapai Sueakeow, news reporter from Daily News : We have heard the scientists acknowledge the global warming problem and that it will cause natural disasters and flooding to come. There is news that scientists are finding a new place for humankind on another planet. I would like to know if You know about this and how much You know about the situation to move humankind to somewhere else. Thank You.

M: We cannot run away from bad karma. We cannot run away from the consequence of our actions. We have to pay, you know that. So, if we don’t want to have the bad consequences, then we have to create good action. So, anyway, in case you want to go to another planet, I don’t think we are very far at it yet. We have a couple of space stations; if that’s enough for the whole planet, I’m not sure. And we have some crane camera on Mars and some dirt from the Moon. That’s what we have for now, and that’s where we are. It’s not very optimistic. But where do you want to go? We have to be vegetarian and be compassionate; then everything will turn around because good karma and loving atmosphere changes everything.

The Immediate Response of a Meat-Free Planet

Mr. Saton Sanpipat, strategic planning and business development manager, Management System Certificate Institute : Should the issue of global warming be made into a national agenda? If so, what actions should we take to make this happen?

M: First of all and foremost of all, we should use the government system to encourage new projects, like new levels of citizen cooperation. Namely, we must let people know it’s urgent now and it’s time to stop the global crisis. Time is short and we must all act as one to save our world from disappearing, to save our lives and all the lives on the planet. Everything else takes too long. I have told everyone many times that technology takes too long, even if it helps, it takes so long. So the fastest and easiest way is to stop consumption of animal products. Then we will have more time to develop better technology and scientific advancement. If we stop livestock raising and the cruel practices on human and animals, the result will be like a miracle: almost immediately or within a few weeks. If everyone stops eating meat right now, within eight weeks’ time the weather will change into benevolent, immediately: Everything that has been damaged, will return to normal, in eight weeks’ time. If everyone on the planet stopped eating meat and turned into a compassionate heart, the results would be immediate. It’s just like we want to go south but we are heading north. So, the only way to see the south is to turn to the opposite direction and head south. The way we are doing right now, in killing the animals and humans, it’s not benevolent or respecting lives. It’s wrong. So, if we want the opposite effect for ourselves and for our life, we have to do the opposite. That is very simple and logical, and everyone understands that. Thank you so much.

Eliminate Animal Products and the Earth Will Become a Paradise

Dr. Darika Kingnate, Assistant Director of Emerging Infectious Diseases, Ministry of Public Health : We are at a time where the Arctic ice is melting at a very rapid rate and concurrently; we are seeing more than ten new human diseases being transmitted from emerging animal diseases, for example, Mad Cow Disease, pig virus and bird flu. The main reason is caused by human livestock production. Master, do You think it is possible to convince people to reduce livestock production or not and using what means to do so? Thank You.

M: Of course, Doctor. Reducing livestock production and livestock raising will reduce the major cause of global warming, at least 80% of it. And it also reduces weather turbulence, natural disasters and fatal diseases for which animal consumption is the cause. It’s even scientifically and medically proven that people should adopt the life-saving habit of the vegetarian diet and stay away from all animal products. Then we will save the Earth and save our lives and the lives of our children and animals as well. We must turn to this beneficial vegetarian, meaning animal-free diet. Then everything else will be as you want. The Earth will become a paradise. No one will ever lack anything. No one will go hungry. No war, no disease, no disasters, no global warming. Nothing anymore except peace, happiness, and abundance. I promise in the name of the Buddha, it is like that. Thank you.

The Protective Shield of True Goodness

Ms. Yaowarin Srichainan, Computer Engineer, Bureau of Internal Revenue : To what extent would Thailand be affected by the effects of global warming and what would be the worst we could all expect? What would be the most efficient and effective way to create awareness of the seriousness of global warming to the world so that everyone would help do their part to prevent this crisis as soon as possible? Thank You.

M: We should not emphasize the worst effects of global warming. We should not expect the disaster to come; we should begin to focus on how to prevent it. We have to turn to the opposite direction, which is in the best interest of Thai people and the world. That is, again, to live a compassionate lifestyle, to be a vegetarian, better even, vegan, meaning no animal products whatsoever so that the benevolent atmosphere will envelop our planet and of course Thailand.

With protection and blessing from Heaven, we create a shield around us, around our planet, by a very compassionate, powerful, benevolent atmosphere. That is the only protection that is safe and everlasting. So, we have to help spread this awareness of global warming and the survival solution. The government must inform themselves well and then inform the people so together they can decide the best course of action to change the negative energy to a beneficial and merciful one. Then all will be saved and live happily now and in the future. We must live according to the compassionate teaching of the Buddha. Be veg, do good and we can go green after.

To watch the Supreme Master Television coverage of the “Stop Global Warming: Act Now” videoconference, please visit:

Master Says

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