清海無上師以英文講於奧地利克拉根福 2007.05.29
恢復人類彼此間的手足情誼 |
為了錢,我們才有戰爭、才相互爭鬥,變得貪婪而開始掠奪,然後或多或少,我們崇拜金錢比崇拜上帝還多,問題就在這裡。本來應該是「我們相信上帝」,而不是「我們相信金幣」。目前這只是一個理論,但或許有一天,我們的星球會採行這種系統。我看到我們正在往這個方向前進,如今所有富有的國家都在幫助較貧窮的國家,「四海之內皆兄弟」似乎是非常可能的事。根據我們蒐集到的資訊以及「無上師電視台」播出的訊息,「四海之內皆兄弟」可能不久就會成真,和平很可能就要到來。是,看起來是這樣。我很高興,我每天都越來越興奮!我們從種種跡象看到人類的手足之情越來越明顯,越來越接近和平、愛和仁慈。我們自己也可以運用這種系統,我們在一起生活,為世界工作,然後交換彼此擁有的東西。但因為我們世界已經採用貨幣的系統,我們暫時還是必須配合,也許以後就會慢慢改變。 不光是系統要改,人們的心態也必須改變。我希望將來會改變,因為人類會更開悟,更加了解到自己存的錢,一個人也用不完,沒有人能夠每天用一百萬美元。所以就算一個人賺很多錢,其他人也會得到利益,或是他往生之後,反正錢也是被家人拿去用,所以何必累積業障呢?經由不道德的手段賺錢,可能會招致惡業,例如有許多不是很好的職業,像是製造或販賣武器、賣毒品、販售或製造酒類,這些都不是很好的職業,對工廠的老闆不是很有利,相反地,對他們很不利,會讓他們累積很不好的業障。 而且坦白說,他們所賺的錢自己一個人也花不完,也許一開始是自己花掉,比方說去買好車、買飛機,但後來其他人都會去用那些錢,像是他的親戚、朋友、員工,或是任何和他有關係的人。如果他把錢放在銀行,銀行會用來賺利息,甚至會拿去用在不太好的用途上。如果錢是用在好的用途上,那麼錢的主人在靈性方面會得到利益;如果不是的話,他就會有麻煩、有不好的業障,沒有好處。 所以老實講,創造這些工作機會的人,像是製造、販賣武器或毒品,所有這種販售體系的老闆,他們本身並沒有得到多少利益,而且還會因為他們所擁有的而頭痛不已。即使他們累積很多財富,但因為他們是老闆,所以必須承擔很多責任!即使是不好的工作,也必須承擔責任,而且還會吸引形形色色的人來,這些人只是為了毒品或為了快速致富,人品不很正直,他們不會幫你很多,反而會搞亂你的生活、搞亂你的安排、破壞你的計畫。做這類行業的老闆,不是什麼都好,而且整天都有頭痛的問題!他有一大堆麻煩、一大堆工作,就算他有很多錢,也沒有心情享受。當一個人有這麼多責任和頭痛的問題時,怎能好好享受任何東西?他可能連吃都吃不好,甚至無法享受他所擁有的榮華富貴,只能偶爾向朋友、親戚或商場來往的人士炫耀一下,但比起他所必須經歷的頭痛,這種時間非常短暫。就算是好的行業,也會有頭痛的問題,更何況是那種不道德的行業!那就更頭痛了。 |
洞悉因果真相 |
但有時我們不知道。我的意思是,他所承受的頭痛、心痛、麻煩和壓力,就已經讓他在世時像活在地獄一樣,而死後還有更糟的等著他。有些人不相信有天堂和地獄存在,所以才會做這種工作或這些惡行。如果他們知道,如果他們能看一眼真正的天堂,或看一眼地獄的實際狀況,我想他們會放下一切,獨自到山上或森林懺悔!他們會離開家人、離開朋友,放下一切,趕快懺悔,趕在死後下地獄之前懺悔。 但對眾生來說,這個物質的身體是一個很大的障礙;除了眼前的事物,他們看不到任何事,只能看到幾公尺內的東西,他們看不到天堂、看不到地獄。所以有時我會為所有這些人感到難過,因為他們掉到這種陷阱,卻不知道有多嚴重的後果在等著他們。 |
喚醒世人,讓人間更像天堂 |
但是我認為世人還是會覺醒,有一天大家會醒悟,然後各方面都會變得越來越好。我真的那樣祈禱,讓所有無明的人、所有不知道後果的人、不知道地獄和天堂的人,都能醒悟過來,並看到一點自己行為所產生的可怕後果;或是從事善良工作的人,會看到那些工作所帶來的好結果。做好事必然會看到好結果,這是一定的,自己多少會感覺得到;就算沒有直接看到,至少你會感覺到它的好處。所以只有做好事才會讓人感到舒服,做壞事則會讓人感到不舒服,這是必然的。不過有些事情的好、壞非常微細,我們不會強烈感覺到那種影響,或是有些人很遲鈍、汲汲營營,心思被工作和種種念頭佔滿,沈淪於他們的生活方式和習慣中,以致於忽略了發自內心的警告和直覺,以及來自下意識的道德呼喚,他們完全置之不理。他們可能知道,只是不想聆聽、不想加以理會,因為眼前的利益和坐擁財富的短暫歡愉,使他們變得盲目。 但即使在這個世界,只要看一下電視,就會知道自己的工作造成何種影響。有些人就是這麼無明。我不曉得怎麼有人明知自己製造的產品會使人喪生,甚至殘害無辜的婦孺,卻還能安心地活下去,我不曉得那種人怎能這樣安心地活著。我不曉得如果有人靠販賣有害物品或奪人性命的殺人武器而從中獲利,他們怎能睡得安穩。我不曉得世上怎麼有人那樣做還能感到心安理得。在他們內心,怎能接受那是正當的謀生方式?你們覺得有人辦得到嗎?不能!不過有些人卻可以! 同修:那些人的意識層次很低。 師父:是,意識層次很低,也許就是這樣。或者,他們可能只是被訓練得陷入這種情況,也許受到成長背景的影響,他們從小就被訓練去做這些事情,所以才會變得麻木不仁。很可惜我們沒有足夠的管道把好的訊息傳達給每個人。但願我們所傳達的一切能夠廣傳出去,默默地進入每個人的潛意識,並喚醒每個人,那麼有朝一日,世界會變得更像天堂。 |
以分享的方式取代金錢制度 |
也許有一天我們會廢除金錢制度,人人共享一切,整個星球共同分享,因為這個星球不是只供你、我或某個人居住,它是大家共有的。沒有任何地方寫著:地球只有富人可以住,或是只有美國人、歐洲人可以住,沒有任何地方有這種條文。因此我們真的應該分享一切,包括科技、發明、食物、知識、智慧等等,讓人人都能享有。 這就是我們目前正在做的事,但我們只是小規模地進行,因為我們是個小團體,不是那種大企業、大財團之類的,我們只是正當賺取金錢,然後還有餘力就跟別人分享。重要的是,我們分享愛與和平的訊息。現在透過媒體,我們就有分享的管道,而這種方式更理想。我很樂意,也很高興在世上傳播愛與天堂的訊息,讓大家都能過更好的生活。因為說實在的,即使我提供食物給非洲所有飢餓的孩童,支付每天的開銷,那樣又能拯救多少生命?我往生後,就無法幫助下一代的孩童。然而,我們若能喚醒人們的意識,就可以使他們變得更聰明,使人人變得更明智、更慈悲,進而互相幫忙,並自力更生,因為人人都更有聰明才智,再加上來自其他有力人士的協助,他們就能自立自強,所以我算是間接幫助。當然我也直接幫助他們,我們盡己所能,全力幫忙。不過我的意思是,送人最好的禮物,就是喚醒他們更高等的意識層次,這樣他們就會醒悟過來,變得更有能力、更能多方面幫助自己,不只是物質層面而已。因為一旦你夠聰明、夠冷靜,就能好好思考,有條理地想一想:「我要做這件事、那件事來幫助我自己和家人,我要賺足夠的錢來維持家計。」這才是對別人最好的幫助。 無論如何,我衷心期望有朝一日能廢除所有的疆界,也許保有政府,但純粹是為民服務;沒有國界,或許也沒有貨幣系統,大家共享並各取所需。不過要達到那種境界,世人必須醒悟,必須知道自己需要什麼,而不是自己想要什麼。我們想要的東西不勝枚舉,真正需要的其實少之又少,因此我才建議你們要生活簡單,這樣就不用依賴很多東西。 |
同修:有時我們從事某種行業,我們無法得知自己的工作成果會被拿去做什麼用途。(師父:我了解)如果有人付錢換取我們的服務,通常是利用我們的發明來達成他們的目的,有些甚至是我們不認識的人。 師父:確實如此。 同修:所以心裡常會疑惑是否為了錢而出賣心智和靈魂。我們該如何取得平衡?也許無法全然避免,我並不過於理想化,但是要如何平衡那種後果,並找到正途? 師父:我也不知道。重點是整個星球必須覺醒,整個星球、全體世人必須覺醒,並提昇到更高的意識層次,這麼一來,如果你發明了好東西,別人就不會拿去用在不好的用途上。假如別人利用它做壞事,那不是你的錯,也許你不必為此自責。但是全球的人必須覺醒,提昇到更高等的思想層次、更崇高的道德水準,那麼每件事自然會好。至於要平衡後果,你也無計可施,除非你把賺來的錢拿一部分出來行善,否則如果別人利用你的發明去做不高雅的事,你也莫可奈何,問題是在這裡。 諾貝爾和平獎就是因此而設立的,因為那位先生對於他的發明被用在破壞性的目的感到很難過,所以他加以扭轉,現在那些基金就是用在和平的用途上,這是一種平衡的方法,一種宣揚和平訊息的方法。儘管如此,我們仍希望最好不會發生那種事,我們就不必補救自己職業所產生的不良後果。但我們必須努力提昇全體人類的意識層次,而那也是我們目前正在做的事,我們一起努力去做。 開播電視台也是為了這個目的,那是其中一種工具,一種傳播更廣泛、更有效的工具。不過我們同時也利用種種小規模的方式在進行,比方說大家出去傳播訊息、分發傳單、請人吃素、煮素菜招待別人、參加博覽會、分發樣書、舉辦講座等等。我們所做的每件事,都是朝那個目標邁進,這樣你就無須去補救工作上的不良後果。 |
定命主要是依據所作所為而定 |
同修:有些人照理應該會害怕下地獄,可是他們卻不怕。也有一些人非常高雅,但他們是無神論者,可是他們也能夠感應到內在師父,他們嚴守道德規範,有時甚至勝過那些有修行和信仰上帝的人。所以是否真的有必要讓所有人都相信上帝和地獄的存在,這樣他們才會當好人? 師父:不用。沒有做壞事的人,即使不相信天堂和地獄,他們也會去天堂。 同修:他們強烈拒絕相信這些,有時他們會表示只相信眼見為憑的事物。 師父:你是指科學家嗎?(同修:不盡然)我是指那些從事不道德工作的人,因為看不見天堂和地獄,所以才會那樣做。至於一般人如果沒做什麼壞事,他們相不相信無所謂,沒有人會強迫他們。只是對那些真正有麻煩的人,我希望他們能看到天堂和地獄,這樣他們就會停止去破壞或販賣破壞性的物品給別人而毀了他們的生活,了解我的意思嗎? 同修:了解,師父。您是指那些一心謀利或動機很低等的人。 師父:是、是,那種人的下場會很悽慘。 同修:是否只有當他們心懷畏懼時才會停止那樣做? 師父:是的,假如他們有些了解,也不一定要害怕什麼,但如果他們知道背後的真相,知道那些被掩蓋的事實,就不敢做破壞性的事,不敢販賣毀滅性的武器或器具,我的意思是這樣。不過如果人們有道德,時時做好事,他們不需要相信天堂或地獄,他們心裡自然知道。即使他們表面上說:「我不相信天堂、不相信地獄。」但也許他們確實相信,或至少他們下意識知道天堂、地獄的存在,所以才會時時做對的事,他們之所以那樣說只是為了談論而已。不管他們說他們相信天堂或不相信,都無所謂,事情不一定是全憑口說。 同修:是因為頭腦不相信嗎? 師父:也許他們真的相信。也可能他們那樣說,只是為了讓自己看起來像個硬漢,或是為了順應社會風氣等等,不然的話他們確實相信。 http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/ch/news/188/ ........................................................................................................................ |
Elevated Consciousness is the Best Gift to Humankind
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Klagenfurt, Austria, May 29, 2007 (Originally in English)
M: It’s a funny world. It’s such a funny world, that we have to depend on money to live. Isn’t that so lousy? D: Money makes the world go around... M: I know, it makes the world go round. But it’s such a funny world. We shouldn’t be depending on those pieces of paper to survive, but we do. It’s horrible! The system used in this world is like that. In other worlds, they don’t use this system. They just have enough. They share; so there’s no one who is ever short and no one has too much. Everyone just has enough of what they want and that’s it. There’s no “more” and no “less”; everyone has enough. If our world had the same system, we wouldn’t have war, and we wouldn’t have hunger. They’re just exchanging, the systems on other planets. They just exchange. For example, if they have to build a road, then the engineers build the road, or the builder builds the house, the doctor treats the patients, the farmer tills his land. They’re exchanging services; that’s all. Everyone has a common store where they come and get what they need, and it’s distributed. Everyone has just enough of what they need: not according to how they work but according to what they need. There’s no money on such a planet. Everyone uses the same resources and protects the same environment. Everyone is aware of the interrelation and interdependence between each other, and they treat each other like a big family. The food and necessities are distributed evenly everywhere, to every corner of the planet, so everyone has access to them. And each one works according to his or her ability. No one is denied food or the basics of life: no, no! But there’s no money; you don’t carry anything with you to go to buy anywhere. If you need something, you just go in any of the stores and ask the store manager. You can say you need this or you need that, and that’s it: Voila! You can go and get what you want, or he will find what you need. It’s just like going into a supermarket: You take what you want, and ask if you don’t see something you need; then the manager will sort it out for you. But this is without paying. And everyone on such a planet has more developed mentality; they are more responsible, more loving, more kind, more understanding and more enlightened about each other’s values and the values of all beings on their planet. I think their system is more excellent, don’t you think? (Audience: Yes.) Because of money, we have war, we have strife with each other, and greed and grabbing. And then, more or less, we worship money, more than we worship God. That’s the problem. It should be “In God we trust,” not “In gold we trust.” It’s just a theory right now, but perhaps one day our planet will adopt that system. It’s going in that direction somehow, I see. All the rich countries now are helping the poorer countries, and it seems the brotherhood of humankind is very possible. According to the information that we collect, and we air on Supreme Master TV, the brotherhood of humankind may be possible very soon, and peace is very likely. Yes, it looks like that. I’m very happy. I’m getting more excited every day! We see something nearer to brotherhood, nearer to peace and love and kindness. We can also use that system, ourselves. We just stay with each other and work for the world, and exchange what we have. But because this system in the world is already based on money, we have to go according to that for the time being. Maybe later, slowly it will change. The mentality of people has to change, not just the system. I hope it will change, because people will be more enlightened and will understand more that the money you keep, you can’t use all for yourself. No one can use as much as a million dollars per day. So even if one person earns a lot of money, everyone else profits by it. Or if he dies, then the whole family or clan will make use of it anyway. So what’s the point of accumulating karma? It can be bad karma anyway, through unethical means. For example, there are many not-very-good professions, like manufacturing or selling weapons, selling drugs and selling or making alcohol. All of these are not very good professions, not very conducive to the owner of that factory. It’s very bad for him, or her; it accumulates very bad karma for them. And the money they earn, honestly, the owner doesn’t spend all that on himself. Maybe he spends it initially, to have a good car and an airplane. But later, everyone else is using the money, like his relatives, his friends, the employees, or whoever relates with him. If he puts it in the bank, the bank makes interest, and maybe even uses it for some other not-very-good purposes. If his money is used for good purposes, then the owner of that money profits, spiritually. But if not, then he will be also in trouble with bad karma, and that’s no good. So to be fair, the person who creates all these jobs, like making or selling weapons, or making or selling drugs, the bosses of all these selling systems, they don’t profit much. And they have such headache for whatever they have. Even if they amass a lot of money, they are the boss; it’s so much responsibility! Even for a bad job, you are also responsible. And you attract all kinds of people who come just for drugs or quick-money schemes and are not very honest, and then they don’t really help you very well. They mess up your life; they mess up your schedule; they mess up your plans. It’s not always good to be the boss in such a business. And he has headaches all day long! He has a lot of trouble, a lot of work, and even if he has a lot of money, he doesn’t have enough mood to enjoy it. When someone has so much responsibility and so much headache like that, how does he enjoy anything? He might not even eat well. He might not even enjoy the luxury that he has, apart from times when he shows off with his friends or relatives, or whoever comes and he makes a deal or something. But that is very short-lived, compared to the headache he has to go through. Even if you have a good business, you also have headaches - not to talk about bad business! Then you have more headaches.
Renewing the Brotherhood of Humankind
Seeing Beyond the Effects of This World |
But sometimes we don’t know it. I mean the headache, the heartache, the trouble that he goes through and the pressure of it, that’s already hell in this lifetime. But there is worse to come, after this lifetime. Some people do not believe that Heaven and hell exist, so they are doing this kind of job or have this kind of operation. If they did know, if they just had a glimpse of what real Heaven is or real hell is, I think they would just renounce everything. They would go into the forest or mountain alone and repent - even leave family, leave friends, leave everything - just to do penance quick, before they have to fall into hell, after this lifetime. But this physical body is a big hindrance for every being. People cannot see anything beyond their physical eyes’ distance. They can see only a few meters away. They cannot see Heaven; they cannot see hell. So, I sometimes feel very sorry for all the people who have somehow fallen into this kind of trap and know not how the consequence is so great for him or for her. |
Waking Up So the Earth Is More Like Heaven |
But I think the world will wake up. Everyone will wake up one day, and then things will get better. I do pray that, so that all the ignorant people, all those who don’t know the consequence, don’t know hell and Heaven, they will also wake up and see some glimpse of the terrifying effects of the work that they are doing. Or, the good work that they are doing, they can see good effects. If you do good work, you see good effects; that’s for sure. Somehow, you feel it. At least if you don’t see directly, you feel it’s good. So, only good things make you feel good. Bad things will make you feel bad; that’s for sure. But some bad things and good things are also very subtle. We don’t feel the effect so strongly. Or, some people are so insensitive, so busy, and so caught up in their job, their thinking and their way of life and habits, that they just ignore the warning of the inner voice or their intuition, and the moral calling from their subconsciousness. They ignore it completely. Maybe they know it and they just don’t want to hear. They don’t want to know because they’re so blinded by the immediate profit, by the short-lived pleasure of amassing wealth. But even in this world, if you watch TV, you would know the effect of your own profession. Some people are just ignorant, completely. I don’t know how someone could live, knowing that your production will take people’s or others’ lives, even innocent women’s and children’s lives. I don’t know how someone could live with that. I don’t know how someone could sleep if they’re selling harmful things or murdering weapons that take other people’s lives, and profiting from that. I don’t know how any man or woman on Earth could accept it consciously, in his own heart of hearts, how he or she could accept that as a justified course to earn a living. Do you think anyone could accept that? No! But some people do! D: It’s people who have very low consciousness. M: Yes, very low consciousness, maybe that’s it. Or, maybe they’ve just been trained and they fall into this kind of situation. Their background might have trained them from childhood to do this. And that’s how it happens. It’s a pity we don’t have enough means to convey good messages to everyone. But we do hope that whatever we convey will spread through the air, in a subconscious layer to everyone, without language, and will wake everyone up, and one day the world will become more like Heaven. |
Replacing Money with Sharing |
The system of money, maybe one day we will just abolish it. Everyone will share what we have. The whole planet will share together, because the planet is not just for you, for me, for him or for her. It has to be for everyone. No sign is written anywhere that the planet is for the rich people only or for Americans only or Europeans only. It’s not written like that anywhere! So we should share everything, actually - technical, inventions, food, knowledge, wisdom - for everyone. That’s what we are doing, but we’re doing it on just a smaller scale because we are a small group. We’re not like a big empire, a financial mogul or anything like that. We’re just earning our honest money, and whatever we can spare, we share with people. What’s important is that we share the message of love and peace. Now, through the media there’s a way; and it is better. I’m willing and very happy to spread this love and Heaven’s message on Earth so that everyone can have a better life. Because let’s face it: Even if every day I finance giving food to all the African hungry children, for how many lives can I do that? After I die, I cannot help the next children’s generation. But the awakening of consciousness will make them more intelligent and make everyone else wiser and more compassionate. Then they can help each other, and then they also become self-dependent, because they will be wiser and more intelligent. And with the help of other already-able bodies, they will be able to sustain themselves. Therefore I help indirectly. I also help directly of course; whatever we can; we do it all, all of us. But what I mean is the awakening of higher consciousness is the best gift to any being. Then they can wake up and become more able for themselves, to be able to help themselves - in many ways, not just the physical way. Because once you’re intelligent and calm, you can think! You can think straight. You can think: “I’m going to do this and that project to help myself and my family. I will make enough money to sustain them.” So that’s the best help we can offer. Anyway, so I do hope that one day we abolish all borders. Maybe we have government but just for the service of humankind: no borders, maybe even no money, just sharing and taking what we need. But for that level to be achieved, people have to wake up; they have to know what they need instead of just what they want. What we want is too much. What we need is very little, or much less. That’s why I advise you to live simply, so you don’t have to be dependent on so many things. |
D: Sometimes our profession does not give us the freedom or let us know what will be done with our results. (M: I know.) And if someone pays money for our deeds, he often uses our inventions according to his or even other people’s goals who we don’t know. M: It’s true. D: So there is always some margin of doubt that we sell our minds or our soul for money. How do we find the balance? Maybe it’s not even possible to avoid that; I’m not so idealistic. But how do we balance that and find the right path? M: I don’t know, either. The thing is, the whole planet has to wake up. The whole planet, the population of people have to all wake up and rise to a higher level of consciousness. So then, if you invented something good, they would not use it for a bad purpose. It’s not your fault if they use it for something bad; maybe you will not have to feel responsible for it. But the whole planetary population has to wake up to a higher level, higher thinking, and better moral standards. Then everything will be fine. But to balance it, there’s not much you can do, except that you earn money and you have to maybe deduct some of it for charity then. But there’s not really much you can do if they use your invention for something that is not noble. That’s the problem. That’s why the Nobel Peace Prize was born, because that person felt it was terrible that the invention had been used for destructive purposes. So he changed it and that money is for a peaceful purpose now. That is one way of balancing it, one way to voice the message of peace. Still, we would like it if nothing like that should even happen and that we don’t even need to balance the outcome of our profession. But we have to work for the whole elevation of humankind’s consciousness. And that’s what we are doing; we are doing it together. Television is for that purpose; it’s also one of the tools, maybe an even more widespread, effective tool. But we’re still doing it in many small ways: Everyone goes out and spreads the message, gives flyers, invites people to a vegetarian meal and serves people a vegetarian meal, goes to expos, gives booklets and gives seminars. Everything we are doing is toward that goal, so that you don’t even have to balance the outcome of your profession. |