
清海無上師以英文講於美國加州聖荷西  1994.06.30(影帶編號#437
















清海無上師以英文講於英國倫敦 1999.06.09(DVD#662)




Master Says





Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
California, USA, June 30, 1994, 
Videotape #437 (Originally in English)

This world doesn’t belong to us. It does, but many people don’t like to share. Actually, this world belongs to everyone, including the animals.That’s why we follow the vegetarian policy; because this world has come into existence due to the force of thinking power of all the beings on this planet that exist. We want this place, so it exists, including the animals. But when we came into this world, we thought it belonged to us.

Everyone thought it belonged to them. Therefore, we started to get rid of the other “aliens”; for instance, the red got rid of the white and the white got rid of the black. And then the black and the white and the yellow got rid of the animals.

We have forgotten that we are the co-owners, not the sole owners of this world. That is why we should not kill animals, we should not eat them and of course we especially should not kill any other beings. But in the name of sometimes politics, national love or religion, we kill. And we justify our killing with many glorious excuses. This is not the right thing, because we kill today and the next life we’re being killed. Therefore, war always continues in our world. We always wonder why, but there is nothing to wonder. When we sow something, we reap the fruits thereof. Even the Bible says so: As you sow, so shall you reap.

For those of us who have no suffering from the effects of war or any other conflicts, it means we have not sown the seeds of violence. If we continue to keep it that way, even if we do not practice any meditation, even if we do not worship God in an official or ‘registered’ way, then we will be born again as a safe, secure and healthy human being, because we do not have the seed of damage, war or violence. Actually, I feel everyone has their own wisdom inside already. So maybe we remind each other, but there’s no need to teach or talk too much.

Since we are next to the Vegetarian House, (Master is referring to the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association Vegetarian House in San Jose) we can also remember the vegetarian policy. Why is it the best policy? Because if we can remind each other not to kill animals, then of course how could we kill human beings? War would eliminate itself from the root. That is the principle. And I think we have hope! Because lately even in America, it is in fashion to be vegetarian. I know the daughter of the owner of one of the biggest hotels in Taipei. He has cancer. The whole family knows that, and he knows that. The whole family also knows that he should not eat meat. The doctor tells him he should not eat meat. It’s funny: how come now that he has cancer, he can’t eat meat? He shouldn’t have eaten meat in the beginning! Anyhow, maybe what I’ve taught is right. So now he knows that he shouldn’t eat meat and the doctor prescribed him a “less meat” diet, but he cannot bear to go without. And he suffers but he still eats beef steak or whatever he likes.

So it’s not that easy for people to be vegetarian just because he or she worries about health. I don’t believe that. There must be something inside; it’s the deepest seed of the soul of the spirit that reminds that person, talking from within: “This is better for you. This is more harmonious. It’s more peaceful for the world, and you contribute to the peace of this world by following this vegetarian policy.” So the person listens to that quiet voice.

It’s not about health. I have many friends who are not vegetarian, and I have never, ever forced, pushed or dropped any hint that they should follow me or eat a vegetarian diet. It’s not true - never! My love for people is always unconditional, because I feel that only unconditional love is the most noble. It doesn’t matter for what reason or what purpose; only unconditional love is acceptable to my heart. (Audience applauds) So I don’t mean to say bad things about non-vegetarian people. That’s not true; I’m just stating the facts. I have many good friends who are also non-vegetarian. I have never tried, nor would I ever think of trying to change their way of life! Some of my friends ask me “Why?” I say, “Well, it’s your life. It’s your soul. It’s your way of living. You are responsible for whatever you want to be. I am not responsible.”

So you do what you want. Whatever comes from your heart, is good. I don’t need to influence you because you alone are God. You have God inside you, as I do. There is no need to tell you what to do except when you ask me what is best for you. Then I will tell you. But if you don’t ask me, I will not tell you anything. That’s very simple.

Whatever we do is our own responsibility. There is no need to blame anyone or to look up to someone for the answer, actually not. Even to look up to a guru or a master would be an obstruction to our progress. If you come to a Master and listen to anything, it’s because you already have it. You already know about it. You probably need a confirmation, just so that you are stronger in your decisions. Because when two people agree, things tend to come into being more quickly and more affirmatively, that’s all. Otherwise, if you are not ready for it, if you want to play and fool around in this world for a longer time, even if I try to influence you, it’s no good. I can never do it; even God cannot do it.

That’s why Buddha and Jesus never tried hard. Everyone praises them and says, “Wow, they really tried hard to change the world and to cleanse the atmosphere of the world!” But they never tried. They just did it because it happened to be so and because people came to them and asked them. The opportunity arose and the situation was favorable. So they just talked, or they told people what they asked or whatever they wanted to hear or whatever they already knew and just wanted affirmative support for; that’s all. They never tried. Buddha never tried to change the world. Jesus never tried to change the people’s consciousness. The people wanted to change themselves, and when people want to change, they change.

Just like the American people now: they change. They want to be vegetarian, they meditate and they’ve learned a lot of things. That’s because they want it and because now they’re ready. They have built their country. They have built the foundation of the institution of free America. Now they are free. Their hands are free, and their minds are relaxed. They can pursue the original motive of their life, of their journey to America. They came here because of the spiritual, so finally they will do it, that’s all.

So we just enjoy life! Be a good boy and good girl and try to be vegetarian if we can. Lead a good life, and enjoy whatever God gives us. We own the house. We own the world! We think about, we create this world, but with the power of thinking. (Master points to the wisdom eye.) Therefore, we enjoy it. But try to share and not to damage our common property.

Anyone who doubts the power of thinking should remember the people with magical powers. One person in America even made the Statue of Liberty disappear for five minutes. That’s the power of thinking! You can disintegrate or dissolve the material substance of matter back to its original source before it came into being. Just like us, before we came into existence, where were we? We were at the original Source. We were at the House of the substance. We are in the factory of the future-making. So that’s why people can learn the art of invisibility, the art of flying or the art of materializing things and dematerializing things.

So it’s very easy. But these things are still in the level of thinking and intellect. There are higher levels beyond thinking, beyond the existence of the mind, before the thinking process and thinking power came into being. That is the higher level: the level of God, the level of the Almighty, the original House of all beings, including our soul and all the souls of all beings. That’s the level we can reach with the method of the Light and Sound we have learned from the ancient Masters. This is the higher level. We can even, using this original Power, arise above all material existence, all cause and effect. That’s how we become free; that’s how we can transcend karma. And that’s the only thing that is worth pursuing. 

The Benefit of Being Vegetarian

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, London, England, 
June 9, 1999, DVD #662 (Originally in English)

Being vegetarian is easy today. There are so many health food and many Chinese stores. They sell all kinds of imitation meat, which is more nutritious than real meat. You don’t even eat a lot, which feels too heavy. You eat a little, and it already fills you with energy. Then you digest quickly, and you have less disease. The animals’ energy of fear and hatred also will not cling to your being, making you feel even lighter and happier. That is the benefit of being vegetarian. Only when the body is healthy, the mind can think straight. Then you become clearer in your daily matters also. 


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