清海無上師以英文講於新加坡 1992.03.03(影帶編號#223)

























Create The Permanent Heaven
For Ourselves And Later Generations

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Singapore, March 3, 1992,
(Originally in English) Videotape #223

If everyone lives according to what the Bible stated, and everyone sees God within, sees the light of God, the Kingdom of God, hears the Sound, the Word of God or the Buddha Nature, then our world becomes a paradise; because this Light and this Sound make us become Saints, make us become Buddhas. And the worlds where the Buddhas live are Nirvana. The worlds where the Saints live are Heavens, or the Kingdom of God.

Tuning in with God Power

Many other planets have this kind of heavenly atmosphere because all the beings on those planets practice tuning in with God power and have all their desires fulfilled, all the power in their hands and all the peace within themselves and within their neighborhood. On those planets only goodness is generated, with no negativity like on our earth. Our earth is not the only planet in this universal galactic system. There are many other planets similar to ours. Some are more civilized, while some are less developed. We don’t have time to talk about all these; we can talk about our earth first. That’s the most practical and necessary.

If you understand the atmosphere, when anything in the material sense is light, then it rises up. It goes more to the upper atmosphere, like the heat or things like that. And whatever is heavy or cold stays a little bit lower in the atmosphere, or is lower due to gravity.

Maintain a High Vibratory Frequency

Similarly, goodness will stay more or less above negativity. In our world of goodness and badness together, goodness is of course above. But it’s not that we are free from negativity. We have it attached to our neighborhood or to our lower state. The other worlds have only goodness. These places are called Heaven or the Kingdom of God. We can attain these planets or we can visit them now if we have the same quality or are in the same vibratory frequencies as the beings on these planets.

So, to practice in the Kingdom of God or to attain Nirvana is no mythical story, but it is a very clear-sighted and very scientific way of life. Should we want to live that way, it’s not difficult. It’s just the way of life that we choose.

Achieve Temporary Heaven Every Day

God doesn’t give poverty to this earth. God doesn’t create hell. It is we - by our mistakes, by inter-reactions between each other, by choosing the wrong action at that decisive moment - we create hell. So now we can think it over and create Heaven, at least temporary Heaven, so we can rest for a while. Then we are free from the burdens of this world for a while, and we can think of what we want to do next, whether we want to return to Earth again or pursue the highest stage of Heaven; we can decide. So the temporary Heaven can be achieved by doing good deeds, by believing in God, by prayers, by sincere repentance of our mistakes, by trying to do always what is best for the society and for ourselves and by trying to be vegetarian as much as possible. I can offer you the replacement of a piece of tofu now and again. It’s cheaper, easier to digest and has less guilt, less sin and less karma. Karma means, as you sow, so shall you reap, or the law of cause and retribution. So this is the kind of temporary Heaven that you will create for yourself now.

Being Vegetarian Is Truly to Save the World

We try to be vegetarian as much as possible. Being vegetarian is not a religious way of life only, but it is a way to save the world from starvation and poverty. We have much research to prove that. We waste a lot of human’s and earth’s products and resources in order to feed cows and pigs - many years, a lot of quantities of medicines, proteins, beans and all kinds of vegetables in order to raise one pig. And we eat it in only a very fast time: five minutes, if you eat that slowly. Someone might make it in one minute!

Therefore, if we are vegetarian, it is not only because we are religious people, but it’s truly to save the world. Our world has been in poverty, in some parts of the world, and has been in starvation because we do not work with each other to save each other. There are many so-called charitable works and relief services; that’s no doubt. But that’ is not the root of the problem. The food deficit is not rooted in Africa only, or in some of the Asian countries. It is rooted in the meat-eating diet, in all the energies, all the technologies and many other intelligent activities that are poured into raising meat, instead of analyzing a better contribution to the world population or better nutrition for all the people.

As you know yourself by now, scientists have proven that the vegetarian diet is very healthy. All the hospitals are built for whom? Meat eaters! Most of the people there are non-vegetarians. So if we feed ourselves with the poison, then we have to cure ourselves with the hospital equipment. We make double-trouble for ourselves.

Create the Golden Age by Living a Saintly Way of Life

It’s the root we have to cure, not the branches. To help with relief work or to donate some food for the poor is not the solution to the starvation problem of the world. The root lies in each of us, that we must help; we must save some of our energies and world resources for our brothers and sisters. The under-developed country might sell its protein products to the developed country, which feeds them to its cows, for example, but then the under-developed country starves. Instead, we have to share; we have to help each other.

Of course, I am not a politician. I can only try to tell you to help in my way, in my own small capacity. The world leaders have to work together if they are interested in the well-being of all nations, not only of our nation. But it is good enough that we take care of our nation already. I am always grateful and boundlessly happy when I see any nations prosper, living in cleanliness, saintliness and in harmony with each other: for example, like Singapore.

We could make it into a Golden Age again by living the way of the Christian, the way of the Buddhist or the way of the true Hindu, etc. Take care of our moral responsibilities, help our neighbors as much as we can, sacrifice some of our wealth and our desires of the palate in order to help in developing the world, and help the other needy brothers and sisters.

Building for Future Generations

In this way, we contribute our efforts to build a better nation for the future generations to come. It is not a loss. It will be to the benefit of our children, grandchildren, nephews and our brothers’ and sisters’ children. It will not be lost. We’ve no need to take care of the present generation alone, and we’ve no need to think that “the world is better, but we will die and we cannot benefit from it.” Our children will! Even if we don’t have children, we should not think in such small terms, but think of the joy of other people who are born after us, who will live in such peaceful harmony and a plentiful world. That should give us enough joy, enough reward, without any material gain. And this is the way of the gentleman: this is the way that Lao Tzu, Confucius, Buddha and Christ have endeavored to teach human beings since many thousands of years.

What I am telling you is not new. It is just that we have forgotten and that some of us have not tried to live that kind of life, so we do not know how to go about it. But we can try it now; we can try tomorrow and see how things go, see how much better we feel, see how beneficial it is for our nation and for the world at large.

Master Says


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