「無上師電視台」的現場開示 2007.11.16
Animal Companions’ Care Is Beyond Measure
That is the very touching thing about the animals, that whenever I find myself in a sad situation or some unhappy circumstances or feelings, the dogs and the birds are always there to comfort me. They just come by themselves, either licking toes or sitting around or jumping or playing the fool, like playing stupid, ‘dropping dead,’ or chasing each other – any trick just to make me happy. And the birds maybe just grab me by my hands or even by my clothes and want to kiss me and tell me that I’m beautiful and so on. They are very touching, very sentimental and extremely sensitive to your feelings. And of course, every time I think of these things, it makes me happy.
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Live Videoconference, Supreme Master TV,
Los Angeles, California USA, November 16, 2007
(Originally in English)
Master Says