Aphorism --- By The Supreme Master Ching Hai



*What is meant by "enduring insults"? It means to be able to see clearly, in whatever situation, that it is our own karma, and not other's fault.


*Whether a person is good or bad should only be judged by his purpose and intention, and not his actions.



*Do not find excuses to spoil your physical body. The more we indulge ourselves, the more we develop a kind of individual self sentiment. The more we develop this sentiment, the easier it is for us to sink into the cycle of birth and death.



*Justice is good, but love is the best.



*To help others is to help ourselves. We should try to purify our mind at all times, give our love and kindness unconditionally, and not expect anything in return. This is the best way.



*We should, at all times, rely on ourselves, be truly frank, and practice, for the sake of being liberated from this “sea of misery”, for the sake of enriching our knowledge of the universe.



*Possession is not important, contentedness is. Be contented in any situation, and problems will be kept away.



*We create worries ourselves, that's why we are miserable every day. We turn lessons into punishments, that's why we are so unhappy. Master will show you a simple way to liberated from the sea of misery -- treat miseries as lessons, just like studying at school.



*He who truly respects himself will also respect others. He knows his own worthiness, just as he does others. This kind of person is fine, very confident, and never complacent.




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