



清海無上師透過網際網路視訊會議以英文對德國漢堡同修開示 2002.10.06




Sincerity and Concentration Determine the Effects of Group Meditation

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Videoconference with initiates
from San Jose, Costa Rica,
September 28, 2002
(Originally in English)

Q: During group meditation, the karma and energy are shared. How much does this affect the practitioners?

M: It depends on your sincerity and concentration at the time. The more concentrated and sincere you are, the more blessing you get from your share. You only get as much as you can receive so concentrate, be sincere!

Overcome the Karmic Obstacles on the Spiritual Path

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Videoconference with initiates
from Hamburg, Germany, October 6, 2002 (Originally in English)

Q: Everyone has reached a certain level so is it possible for us to fall to a lower level?

M: For a while, yes, but mostly not. For example, if you’re going upward and then suddenly accrue some bad karma, of course you have to be cleansed. And it seems as though you’re going downward, but you’re not. It’s just a cleansing process. Most of the time you just go up. You never go downward and anything that happens just slows down your progress. It’s like an obstacle, like you’re driving on the highway very nicely and suddenly there’s a stone in the road or a carcass or some dead animal, and you have to stop or go sideways and then around it or remove the obstacle and go on. It only slows you down.

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