





Concentration Can Be Affected
by Many Factors

Q: I have a little bit of difficulty with my concentration. There are times I can concentrate better than others, but sometimes my concentration is scattered. And I just wanted to know if You could help me find the best way to try and concentrate better so that my concentration is more strong and one-pointed. Because I find sometimes I have difficulty with that.

M: I know, I know. They all do: Ask them! You are not the only one; you can say “we.” You don’t have to say “I.” (Laughter) Don’t worry. The concentration doesn’t always depend on you alone. It can depend on what you have just eaten, or whom you have just met, or which television show you’ve just seen or what magazine you’ve just read. It’s very tricky. Or, wherever you’ve just been, meaning the environment or the energy of that place. But it’s always like that. So just try your best; that’s all I can say. Try your best, and don’t worry.


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