








Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
Four-day Retreat in Florida, USA, 
February 15, 1999 
(Originally in English) 
Videotape #635

Q: I have a yearning to do art.

M: Then do it; why not?

Q: But can we become attached to it?

M: You are attached in your mind right now anyhow so just do it. I don’t encourage anything; I don’t emphasize anything. If you need something and you ask me, then I encourage you and you alone. But I don’t make it a big theme so that everyone has to follow my opinion. That’s the difference: I respond according to what you ask; I answer according to what you need. But I don’t make it into a theory, like, “OK, in my house, in my school, this is good and you must or you should do this.”

I don’t encourage anything except to live a moral way of life, one that’s easy and not harmful to anyone.

Q: I don’t have a problem with doing art, but I do have a struggle between it and whether I should devote all my energy to sacrificing and serving other people. That seems to be a nobler thing than pursuing one’s hobbies.

M: You can do both.

Q: It’s hard to judge where to draw the line.

M: It’s OK. Do whatever you feel. You’re meditating and helping with the Center in some ways. That’s also helping others.

Everyone chooses their lifestyle. Each person has their own aversions and attachments. Some people like to work; they feel responsible like they should work, and some people just enjoy working. But if you have other interests aside from that, then you’re OK, too.

There are no set rules for anyone. My teachings are meant to set you free, not to tell you what to do, except the Five Precepts and meditation: nothing else.


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