清海無上師以英文講於斯洛維尼亞 流布里雅那1999.05.26(影帶編號#660)










Fate Can be Changed through Diligent Practice and God’s Grace

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
May 26, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #660


Q:  Is everything that happens to us fate or destiny? In other words, in the present and in future moments, is our fate or destiny already defined? And can it be changed?

M: Yes, fate or destiny is kind of fixed for everyone because we don’t have enough willpower to change it and we don’t have the connection with God’s grace so that we can alter it. But after the re-connection, we can change it. We don’t work with the mind anymore; instead, we work with the universal power, which makes everything possible. So after initiation, even the psychics can’t read your palm, can’t tell your future, can’t see anything because your consciousness is rising to a higher level. And from this higher standpoint, we can see more clearly and alter many things from this higher consciousness.

I’ll tell you another secret as well: Whatever is happening now, there are many other possibilities happening at the same time in the storeroom of the universe. During daily meditation, you can peep into the different possibilities and even pick one for yourself and deny whatever you don’t want to continue.

In the Kingdom of God, there’s no past, no future and no present. There’s only one continuous time, and everything is in one place; it’s like in a storeroom and there are so many choices! Jesus said, “In my Father’s house, there are many mansions,” but because we don’t know these many mansions we’re stuck with only one choice, the very low level of consciousness, which is the physical mansion. So we suffer, not knowing of any other alternatives.

Knowing God means having the key to all these different mansions so that we’re spoiled with choices, and our lives will become more fulfilled, more contented and happier. Many mansions means that many different events are happening at the same time, just like many structures (mansions) can exist within the same house and enclose different things at the same time. So we can choose one event and reject another, but only an enlightened person can have access to all these different choices. And that’s how so-called bad karma can be erased because we know where it is and we can burn or destroy it.


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