







By Suma Ching Hai (Originally In English)


*If you are enlightened, you are happy. The more happy, the more you believe in enlightenment, and the more you will appreciate God's nature.

*The things in this world we will enjoy if they are there. If they are not there, it makes no difference to us. That is the way of the enlightened spirit.

By Suma Ching Hai (Originally In Chinese)


*The more we broaden our mind, the more wisdom, power and benefits we will derive.

* In whatever you do, a good intent is not enough; you must do it with logic and wisdom to avoid making mistakes.

* When our actions are inspired by our inner self and done naturally, that is our original nature working.

* When we give anything to anyone, we are only fulfilling our obligation by giving what God has entrusted to us, to the rightful recipient.

* To cheerful people, anything is funny and any food is delicious.

* When we give anything to anyone, we are only fulfilling our obligation by giving what God has entrusted to us, to the rightful recipient.

* To cheerful people, anything is funny and any food is delicious.


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