


































By Suma Ching Hai



Spoken By Suma Ching Hai

(Originally in Chinese)


* When you practice well, a few words from you can give great blessing to others. Looking at him could give him many opportunities to tie an affinity with the Almighty. These are your magical powers.

* Magical power is: wherever we go, we cleanse the filthy atmosphere there. Magical power is using our hands to make a flower vase out of useless material, cultivating a vacant land into a fertile field, or transforming a dry wasteland into an orchard. These are our magical powers.

* When a depressed person with a deep inferiority complex comes to seek our help, we should help him. Help him to become a high-spirited and self-confident person with an ideal; one who is no longer disappointed in himself or wants to jump off a building. This is our magical power; and this is "giving alms of fearlessness," just like the Quan Yin Bodhisattva.

By Suma Ching Hai


* Whatever you have to do, do it well. Devote yourself entirely to the work so you don't waste time.

* To progress faster in spiritual practice, we must forget ourselves; be the lowliest person and do the dirtiest, the most unwanted work.

* Meditation is also work. At that time, we are getting our spirit's food supply and energy replenished for us to go out and fight again tomorrow.

* We are really enlightened only if we are flexible in our spiritual practice. We should act flexibly according to the situation, so that we don't get the "Zen symptom"!


* Being scolded by people is being praised by them!


* Before we become a fully enlightened being, we must first become human. After we have become a good human, then we will become a fully enlightened being.





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