「基督」是神性的稱謂,這種神性還有很多不同的名稱,例如在基督教,當人們的神性覺醒時,我們就稱呼他們為基督徒,而在其它國家或其它傳統裡,人們對這相同的力量使用不同的名稱,所以我們才有許多所謂的宗教,甚至有宗教戰爭,都是因為用詞不同罷了。希臘語中的「母親」怎麼唸?(答:MHTEPA)在英文是唸mother,在法文是唸la mere ,在德文是唸Mutter,它們是不同的意思呢,還是同樣指的是生育我們的那位女性?可見這只是語言上的問題而已!

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Athens, Greece May 20,1999 (Originally in English)
Greece is a great country, full of mythology about gods and goddesses. The world is still admiring the sculptures of this symbol of high spiritual attainment. |
So, good evening to the modern gods and goddesses of Greece. I have come here to remind you of your glorious heritage. In case you have remembered already, it is fine, and if you have forgotten, we have come here to show you how to reclaim your glorious position. You are all gods and goddesses whether you remember or you have forgotten.
If the king or prince has temporarily forgotten that he is a royal, that doesn't mean he is not a royal. Sometimes the king and the prince, or the royal family members, have to go out into the wilderness, or into battle, in order to protect their country or to explore some new adventure, and they may temporarily have to leave their own palace. While taking adventure, they are so far from their own comfort and luxury, and sometimes they encounter dangers and problems. Then they may temporarily forget who they truly are. Similarly, we have wandered into this physical existence, and we have forgotten our true kingdom of God. In order to reclaim it again, we have to be reminded, if we cannot remember it by ourselves. Because we are already gods and goddesses, or at least God's children, there is no need to do anything to become God; we just have to remember.
The Spiritual Science
Unlike everything material that we can touch and hold, and see with the physical eyes, the Kingdom of God, the aspect of the Divine, is invisible to the physical aspect, so we have to use a different way to remember and to know it. It is very, very simple to know God, to know our Self; it's just that we don't have anyone to remind us. It is so simple that even children, from six years old, can see God every day. God really exists, and we can prove it to ourselves every day, every time. Just as we can prove with physical science that such and such matter exists, we can prove with spiritual science that God and the Kingdom of Heaven really do exist, and we can have access to it whenever we want.
Just as in the physical sciences some scientists can discover ways to prove certain things, in spiritual matters some people can also discover something and then share the results with all of us. The ancient gods and goddesses of Greece discovered such a science and they have left their footprints, their knowledge, behind for us to study. Some people go deep into this kind of science in order to assimilate the true meaning beyond the words, beyond the human language, in order to discover the spiritual knowledge, and they also can share it with us.
As in every science and study, whoever wants to know about it must study deeper and devote more time to the subject. Therefore, do not wonder why you do not know, because you did not have time to study very hard. Some of us have devoted the time to study and find the easiest way to assimilate in a short time the essence of the teaching of the ancient saints; and we can all share this outcome. It is not only time, but it is the sincerity, the deep longing in the heart to know the secret of the universe, that will bring you to the understanding of this wisdom. And once we understand it fully, we can pass it on to whoever is interested in the same subject.
Knowing God is the only virtue that we must acquire. Ignorance is the only sin that we must avoid. Ignorance makes us kill and hate each other. Competing with each other, we cause so much damage to ourselves and to everyone else that we think is not of the same opinion. Ignorance also breeds so many other evils, such as greed and hatred, and makes us suffer so much because these things also make us hate ourselves.
In Ignorance, We Hurt Ourselves and Others
Ignorance means we don't know that we both are God. All the scriptures say that God lives within this temple, so all we see here and everywhere else are God's manifestations in the physical realm. Because of ignorance, we make war with each other, and we become greedy for everything because we are not satisfied with the world. We came from the Kingdom of God where we never lacked anything, and so when we are here, we miss that kind of absolute comfort. We want money! We want a bigger house! We want all kinds of things because we miss all these. But it doesn't matter how many things we have here, it is nothing compared to Heaven, and so we never feel satisfied. And the more we have, the more we want and people accuse us of being greedy. Actually, it is not that we are greedy; it's that we lack comfort here. The only thing to stop this is enlightenment, knowing our true Self. That means we visit the Kingdom of God, our true Home, every day whenever we want, in order to know that we have something better and everything here is just temporary. We lose interest in these fake things because we know the true glory.
Ignorant, not knowing the true Self, we do too much harm to us as well as everyone around us. Look at all the poisons that most of the people bring into their beautiful temples of God: the alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, whatever poison, you name it, and, they are expensive! You pay expensively for poison to slowly kill yourselves. You think these will bring you relief, bring you bliss, and it seems so. It seems so, except that the long-term effect is terrible. There are more deaths every year related to smoking diseases than war can ever bring. So, don't even worry about war, we are killing ourselves already! (And also with alcohol and drugs, of course.) You know it better than me. You know it, everyone knows it, but they do it willingly. Why? It is because we lack comfort here. We grab anything that promises heavenly peace and happiness. In order to cure all these, we must know our Self. We must go to Heaven every day to get the true things for our spiritual needs so that we do not have to be subdued by all these poisonous substitutes, killing our bodies, numbing our brains, and damaging other people around us and causing suffering, misery and worry to our loved ones.
We have known that since the old time, most of the people who know God begin not to feel interested much in the world anymore, so they can forsake all the temporary comforts of this world. However, we don't have to do that; we can have both. We can also forsake everything because we will not truly feel the need of anything of this world anymore; but, because we are in the modern time, we keep everything as usual for the sake of being simple and carrying on our temporary existence until we go back to our true Home. Because so many gods and goddesses have visited our planet and blessed us with so much spiritual grace, our world has become more civilized, more modernized, and filled with all kinds of comfortable scientific equipment. We should make use of these as the grace of God. To thank God for all these because we feel grateful, we must know who God is. We must thank Hirm personally. We must talk to Hirm. We must listen to what Hes is saying to us in order to continue with this beautiful planet and to serve our brothers and sisters the way Hes wants it.
Meditation is Nourishment for the Body and Soul
We all want to believe in God, but sometimes it is difficult because we do not have a direct contact. We do want to be good to our brothers and sisters. We do want to share our wisdom and wealth with everyone, but we just do not have much.
We are here to show you how to achieve the thing that is always the deepest desire in your heart. The prayers, rituals and fasts sometimes bring us a little comfort and a little glimpse of God, but we must do more than that in order to know the complete true Self, which is the quality of the gods and goddesses. To do more does not mean that we forsake our work, forget our families, and don't eat and sleep and all kinds of asceticism. No, we carry on with our life! We just save a little time to communicate with the Divine. And, the more we communicate with the Divine, the more time we have because we will need less of every other thing - less sleep, even less food, less of everything that before we thought was so necessary to us. The body is nourished not only by food but also by spiritual grace. Otherwise, why is it that a person who dies cannot move anymore, cannot talk anymore, cannot think anymore? His whole body, the brain, everything is intact; why is he motionless? In the person who is dead, the soul, his divine Self, has left this physical instrument and has gone elsewhere. So that divine Self, that true Person, must be fed and taken care of in order for this body meanwhile also to function perfectly.
If we practice a spiritual meditation or contemplation, true spiritual prayer, that means we also take care of the body - we water the plant from the root and not from the leaves. That's the principle of the universe: ..."Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added unto you." [Matt 6:33, KJV] "Lo, the Kingdom of God is not far; the Kingdom of God is at hand." It is very near, within you, and is there every second.
If the Kingdom of God is at hand, we can see it. I can assure you that we can.
If I can, and all of our people, thousands and thousands of people, already can, I am sure you can, and I can prove it to you immediately the moment you want it. When we have time for each other, you will see it right away. You might see the whole Kingdom in one second; you might see a little bit, it depends on you. Nevertheless, you will see something so that you can be assured that after we die, we are not going to hell. Life exists forever and ever, and there is truly Heaven awaiting us.
Earn an Invisible Diploma
In the Bible, a saint has said that he dies daily. [St. Paul, 1 Cor 15:31 KJV] Why should he die daily? And it is said, "Forsake the flesh for the spirit so that you will begin to live." What does that mean? They both mean the same. We can die while living - visit Heaven, come back again and continue our duty, and then go back to Heaven and come back again, just as if we own the two worlds. Today, after the lecture I will remind you, if you want, and every day you can do the same. It's as simple as taking the glasses off your face, and that is why many of us don't know. We think Heaven is something very difficult to attain and that we must punish ourselves for our sins; we must fast for many months, we must do this, that and the other. Why should we do all these? We are God. Every scripture said that at least we are the children of God.
If the prince is the son of the king, does he have to do any penance and suffering in order to be a prince? He is already a prince. The reason we suffer is we forget that we are princes and we let the servant, which is the wickedness, the negativity of this world, torture us. I am here to remind you, to help bring you back to the protection, and help you to remember that you are God. It's not by saying this that you will remember; it is by the invisible awakening of your own God power within yourselves at the time of so-called initiation that you will know that you are the children of God.
In this world, everything needs confirmation, a physical certificate or diploma, in order for us to know who we are. In the Kingdom of God, we have invisible diplomas and invisible education so that we can know who we are. And that, you will learn today, and then you learn it every day until you graduate. It doesn't take long to see God; it just takes long to become reacquainted with our own true Self again. We are so used to these physical bodies, this physical world, and the thinking of this world, that it takes a little while for us to truly assimilate the teachings of Heaven. Otherwise, it takes only seconds to know God, and every day you can know God again and again, until you truly remember. This thing cannot be achieved by listening, by seeing or reading. It has to be achieved quietly, all by yourself. Your Wisdom will be reopened and you will recognize your Self, which is God. But of course, I have to say something so you will be introduced to this Way of heaven again.
In case you have any more questions, I will be willing to answer before you decide whether you want to remember your great Self or not. Thank you very much for your attention and God bless you.
Selected Questions & Answers:
Q: What is Christ?
M: Is this not a Christian country? [Laughter] All right, since you pretend to be "not-knowing," I also will pretend that I know something and explain it to you for the sake of continuing conversation. [Laughter]
Christ is the name of the Divine Consciousness. There are many names for this Divine Consciousness. When someone is awakened, he or she is called "Christian." That is Christian terminology. In other countries and other traditions, they call the same Power a different name, and that is why we have so many so-called "religions" and even religious wars - all because of different terminologies. What do you call "mother" in Greek? (A: MITERA) In English, it's "mother," in French "la mere," in German, "Mutter." Are they different or do they all refer to the same lady who bore us? It is just a language problem.
We all have Christ within ourselves. We just have to remember it, and I will show you how. In case you still think Jesus is another person different from you, you can see and talk to Him during your meditation after you reawaken your own God power.
Be an Enlightened Ghost
Q: If life exists after death and people's spirits come back to Earth, what are the procedures and the reasons?
M: Do you want to know about ghosts or do you want to know about reincarnation? There are two types of spirits that come back to Earth. The ones that come back without the body are called "ghosts" and the ones that come back choosing another physical office to reside in are called "reincarnated." Actually, they are both reincarnated. There are many ways a soul can be reincarnated, not necessarily in this world and not necessarily in a physical or human body.
At the time of death, some people do not realize immediately that they are dead, so they hang around trying to talk to relatives and friends, getting frustrated, banging their heads and it doesn't hurt at all, trying to eat something and getting very frustrated. Sometimes they try to cause trouble because they do not want to accept that they have left this physical world and still feel attached to the atmosphere of this planet. Just as we have ignorant people, we also have ignorant ghosts, but after awhile they will be removed to where they belong. Depending on their spiritual attainment, their level of understanding of the Universe, they will be placed in different places.
And the souls that come back choosing another physical body, it is just to further experience the phenomena of this world until they have had enough, and then they will go and reincarnate somewhere else, or stay in Heaven, it depends. Some spirits choose to come back to this world immediately after they have departed, some choose to stay resting for awhile in between and then come later, some choose to stay somewhere else for thousands of years and come back, and some never come back here again. Actually, the soul is a part of God just as a drop is a part of the ocean. The soul is God itself, so it will know what it wants to do and it will decide at the time of so-called "death" what to do next.
It's just that if we train ourselves, we train this mind, this physical instrument, during our lifetime, then at the time of death, the soul will depart more quickly. The body and the mind won't struggle and we don't suffer. We know exactly where we are going, which is directly to Heaven, and we do not have to experience so much confusion because of the mind, not because of the soul. So in order to be an enlightened ghost, so-called ghost, we should be an enlightened human first, and then it's easier.
Q: You told us previously about reincarnation, and that spirits can choose if they will reincarnate or not. They choose freely. What, therefore, is the law of karma and what are the lessons that we have to learn in each incarnation?
M: Actually, we don't have to learn anything here. We just have to remember what we already know. And about the law of karma, whatever we do in this world will affect or come back to us, and some will follow us after this physical life. Of course, if we are not enlightened, it will follow us everywhere because the law of cause and effect is that whatever you sow, so shall you reap. But sometimes the effects don't come quickly enough before we die, so they are still there and we must of course take care of that. At the time of death, the soul can choose to be reincarnated wherever it wants and that always stands true. But the soul is all-knowledge and all-justice, so if it knows that during the lifetime it has done something that is not favorable for a higher dimension, then he will, by himself, choose to be reincarnated wherever circumstances are suitable to iron out this debt, or this obligation. That's why I said only enlightened persons have a higher or lower choice, as they truly can make a choice but unenlightened souls have not much choice.
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ
Q: Do You believe in the final judgment and the second coming of Jesus?
M: The final judgment comes when we leave this physical plane. At that time, all the things, bad or good, that we have done in this life flash before us in what seems like seconds. We will find ourselves standing as a judge of ourselves, and because originally we all are God, we have to be responsible for whatever choices we have or have not made during our existence. And as for the second coming of Jesus, He comes all the time. He is within all of us, and whenever we awaken this Christ power, that is the second coming of Jesus Christ. 