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清海無上師以英文講於斯洛維尼亞流布里雅那 1999.05.26(影帶編號#660)


答: 你不知道上帝之愛嗎?我還以為你知道呢。好吧!我可以告訴你一些我自己和我們同修的體驗。雖然大家的體驗不盡相同,但上帝的愛都是一樣的。














We All Have
God’s Love Within

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 26, 1999
(Originally in English) Videotape #660

Q: Would you say something about God’s love?

M: You don’t know about God’s love? I think you do. Well, I can tell you something about my experience and the experiences of the brothers and sisters in our group, not that they’re exactly the same but the love of God is always the same.

I experience God’s love every day, every second, and every day is a miracle. God always loves us, protects us, takes care of us and watches over us every day; it’s just that we come to know this better after we have the reconnection with Hirm. It’s just like training: After you reconnect with God, you’ll suddenly be in automatic training and you’ll know when God wants you to do what. Sometimes we have a very sharp intuition or sometimes we even receive direct instructions so that we know what to do in our daily activities.

Before the connection, it’s almost as if we don’t know if God even hears our prayers or not. We may feel we don’t have proof of God’s existence or God’s love because we don’t see what Hes is doing for us. We don’t sense the answers Hes gives to our prayers. But after the re-connection or so-called initiation we know this more clearly because we can see God every day and hear Hiers teaching.

God is always there. Everyone tells us that; the Bible states clearly that God lives within us and that this body is only a temple so we’re all God’s manifestations in the physical realm. The reason we don’t recognize God’s grace and don’t feel God’s love is that we look in the wrong places. We’re too busy: busy earning money, busy keeping our position and busy surviving so we forget that the giver of all things, the owner of all these enjoyments is within us. So when someone points out to us where God is, we see right away. All we have to do is just reserve a little time each day to recognize the God within. And later on it becomes natural that we remember God and see Hirm; we can see Hirm almost all the time or even twenty-four hours a day. We can see Hirm anytime we wish to see and hear Hirm anytime we wish to hear. Later, we don’t even have to wish to see or wish to hear: Hes is there all the time.

God loves us so much that Hes wakes us up if we’re going to be late for work because the alarm didn’t ring or Hes leads us to the right shop if we’re in a strange land and we don’t know where to go to buy things. Hes even takes care of our personal affairs, mends our broken love, heals our wounded hearts and comforts us in any way possible once we know Hirm again. That’s why Jesus said, “I will send a Comforter to you.”

The Christ power can take any shape or any body in order to comfort us. Before Jesus God sent other Masters, and after Jesus God will send other Masters. But they’re all the same; there’s only one Son of God manifested in different bodies. That’s why when someone asked Jesus, “Are you the reincarnation of past Masters like Elijah?” Jesus kept quiet; He didn’t deny it because it’s the same power, the one and only Holy Spirit that descends to Earth through different generations to comfort the beloved children of God and bring them Home.

If we truly love God and want to see Hirm, one day or another we’ll encounter this so-called Comforter, the spirit that comes from God, the one that chooses any so-called office or body to work in to bring us comfort and bring us the Light again, and then our life becomes the way we want in every way. We feel so secure, so loved and we know that after leaving this physical body we’ll go to Heaven because we’re already going to Heaven every day to check it out. In the Bible, Saint Paul the Apostle said, “I die daily.” And so it’s through the process of resurrection again and again and again that we can learn. To die doesn’t mean that we’re finished or that we have no more life; it’s just a change of station, a change of house or a change of clothes.

We can die in two ways: One is the big death we experience at the time we leave the physical body forever, but we can also die a short, temporary death by leaving the body, keeping the connection cord and then coming back again. We can then leave again tomorrow in the morning or afternoon or evening. It’s just a process of training, and we’ll never fear death again because we know where we’re going after we die.

We’ve all heard from the different religions such as Christianity and Buddhism that Heaven awaits us. It’s said that Heaven awaits us if we believe in Christ, if we believe in God, if we believe in Buddha or if we believe in Allah, and that we’ll go straight to Heaven after we die. We’ve all heard this; every religion promises it. But some of us want to know it now. We want to see Heaven while we’re still here: number one, just to make sure, and number two, we want to know God’s love now because here in this world we need it more. Once we’re in Heaven, we’ll already have everything. Surely we won’t mind then whether we know God’s love or whether we know Heaven because we’ll already be in Heaven. So while we’re in this world of suffering we need God’s love even more; we need to be assured of a place in Heaven more than ever.

To these people we offer our help because it’s a pity we don’t know Heaven when Heaven is at hand; it says so in the Bible. It’s a pity we don’t know God because God lives in this temple, the body. Hes is right here! It’s a pity that we don’t know so we should know. Surely God loves us in Heaven as well as here but if we can know Hiers love right now and make use of it, won’t that be better?

We all have fathers and mothers and if we were separated from our parents when we were young or when we were a child, we’ll always want to know who our true parents are because we believe that no one can love us better than our true parents. Similarly, if we hear that we have a Father in Heaven somewhere, of course we want to know Hirm, and that’s the reason I tried so hard, looking everywhere, just because I wanted to see my Father. And now that I’ve found Hirm, I’d like to share this knowledge with everyone who wants to know the same thing and who wants to know our Father; because nothing in this world and no love in this world can compare to it.

When we have God inside, when we know God again inside, we have everything. We’re so secure, we feel so loved, so valuable and so precious that we feel, we know and we’re definitely sure that we’re the Princes of Heaven.

Selected Questions and Answers

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比方你問我一個問題,然後又一直講個不停,這樣我怎麼能回答你呢?同樣地,多數人也是用這種不正確、沒有效果的方法禱告。我們要禱告也可以,但應該靜默地禱告。就像聖經所說:「你禱告的時候, 要進你的內屋,關上門,向暗中的父禱告;你父在暗中察看,必然公開報答你。」(馬太福音6:6)「你們禱告的時候,不可像那假冒偽善的人,愛站在會堂裡,和十字路口禱告,故意叫人看見。」(馬太福音6:5)這是什麼意思?就是要單獨和上帝溝通。我們可以坐在千萬人當中,但是和上帝、和聖靈溝通時,必須自己一個人。透過這種方式,我們才能解決自己的問題、解答自己的疑惑。




Turn to Your Inner Wisdom to Get True Answers

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Houston, Texas, USA,
Nov. 13, 1993  (Originally in English)
Videotape #393

Answer Yourselves through Your Own Wisdom

It doesn’t matter what question you ask me; the basic question is that you forgot your wisdom. That’s why you ask me; otherwise you don’t need to. I’m supposed to know everything, or at least many more things than you do. That’s what you think. But when you think about it, I have the same brain as you, and I eat the same food as you do, or at least similar food. In fact, I eat less than you do. So, if it comes down to that, I have even less wisdom or less energy! So why do you look to me for answers, when the answers are all within you?

I have the best way to answer you, which is to help you answer yourself. That’s the only way; it’s the best way and the most everlasting. And that’s our way of life: helping people recognize the Kingdom of God or the great Spirit that sustains the whole universe, sustains your life, without which you’re just a dead corpse, useless. Those same eyes will not see anything, that same nose will never smell any fragrance and that same mouth will never open again. But we forget that. We abuse it in eating and drinking, but we never ask the most essential function of our Spirit or God.

The Wisdom Bank

It’s the best thing, the highest power in the whole cosmos. If we forget that, we have too many questions and can never answer them. And if we forget that, our life is never satisfied. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, or how beautiful your wife or handsome your husband, it won’t make you completely happy. And it will never make you stably happy. You can be happy now and then, like when you drink whiskey and feel happy for just a few minutes. But then, you have a headache the next day.

Most of the happiness in this world has side effects, just like drugs. That’s the problem. Otherwise, we don’t mind carrying on with this world the way it is. It’s just a kind of illusion. Today you’re happy and tomorrow it gives you more trouble. It’s not intentional or not even that we do anything bad. It just happens that most of the happiness in this world has negative side effects. That’s the bad thing about it.

So what are we to do? There’s a storehouse of resolution, of problem-solving power that lies within us. That’s the great Spirit. That’s what makes us alive; that’s what makes us move and talk and recognize each other and love one another. And whenever we turn to that Spirit, we never go wrong. It’s just that we go along with It inside us all the time, but we leave Hirm aside; we never ask Hiers advice. We never ask for help from this Spirit, the spirit of God, the greatest Spirit, the most High.

It’s our highest intellectual power; that’s all it is. There’s no such thing as a person with a long beard or anything. But Hes is always there; the Power is always there. And whenever we ask for help, It’s really always there. But we must know how to ask. Usually we ask by talking a lot. We sing a lot of prayers and we make a lot of noise, but we never listen to the advice of the Spirit. And then, that’s why we don’t have the answer.

When You Pray, Enter into the Closet

Suppose you ask me a question and then you keep talking all the time. How can I answer you? Similarly, most of us pray in the wrong way or in an ineffective way. We can also pray, but we should pray in silence. In the Bible, it says, “When you pray, enter into your closet, and having shut your door, pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly,” (Matthew 6:6) and “When you pray, you shall not be as the hypocrites, for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen by men.” (Matthew 6:5) What does it mean to do this? It means that you communicate with God, alone. You can sit with hundreds of thousands of people, but you have to be alone with Hirm, with the Spirit. That’s the way to solve your problems and answer your questions.

That’s why I never ask questions because I alone answer myself. I alone am responsible for all my actions and non-actions, and for all my thoughts, speech and interactions with other people. I’m responsible. Each of us is responsible. It’s a very easy way of life, but we choose the hard life. Everyone asks me, “Wow, how can you be vegetarian?” Or, “You meditate; that’s kind of tough, isn’t it?” And I say, “No! Your life is tough; mine isn’t tough. I have an easy life; everything is easy; everything is clear to me.”

Master’s Words

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清海無上師以英文講於美國科羅拉多州 1991. 05.14









清海無上師以中文講於福爾摩沙高雄 1990.01.10









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清海無上師以英文講於葡萄牙里斯本 1999.05.07 (DVD645與內在上帝溝通 )



所以許多人才崇拜聖人、神職人員、出家人等等。人們崇拜那些真正的出家人或神職人員,崇拜那些內邊真正開悟的人,因為他們總是快樂、滿足、值得信賴。許多人跟隨他們,雖然他們並不追求名利,不需要人崇拜,可是大家還是喜歡接近他們,跟這些聖人做朋友 。而那些修行人通常都很有福報。





Spiritual Practice Restores
the Soul’s Complete Wisdom

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Lisbon, Portugal,
May 7, 1999 (Originally in English) DVD #645

It’s not that after meditation, a hundred times out of a hundred, we always get everything we want, because that’s not the case. The point is that whether we get what we want or not, we’re still happy. And then we find a way to get something else instead. Instead of standing there and stamping our feet and feeling miserable about the things that we lost, or the things we could not get, we become more clever, more flexible, and then we try many, many ways to get other things and just enjoy the process. That’s the good thing about meditation. We will be almost always happy.

I just don’t want you to have an illusion that when you meditate, everything will just come your way. It does come. But sometimes things are not so good; they don’t come. And sometimes God gives you some very unusual situation, and if we do not meditate, we will not understand the situation. We begin to feel miserable if it doesn’t go our way. So it’s not that if we meditate, everything will always go smoothly. It’s not always like that, but we can always laugh at the situation instead of cry about it. There is always something we can do if we encounter obstructions when we have the stored-up wisdom inside after we have gained it through enlightenment.

That’s why most people worship saints, renunciates, priests and monks, etc. People worship those who really are monks or priests, who are really enlightened inside, because of their consistency in happiness, in contentment and in reliability. And a lot of people follow them, even though sometimes those people don’t seek out the fame, or the fortune, or the followers. But people like to come and befriend them, these saintly people. And most of the time those who practice spiritually are always in luck.

Generally speaking, the students of any Master enjoy happiness, luck and fulfillment of any desire they ever have in life - be it physical, mental or emotional and, of course, spiritual. And on the day they leave the physical body, they go directly to Heaven. There is no doubt about that. So in order to even to be happy in this physical life, not to talk about Heaven yet, in order to be happy here, to live a pleasant life here and to be a more intelligent person here, we should meditate. I hope I do not offend you. We may be very intelligent already, but we have not used enough of our brain power. We use only 5% or 10%, and we are already so clever! We invent so many things. So suppose you meditate and use more of your brainpower; of course you will be more intelligent.

The average person uses only up to 10% of his or her brainpower. That is a fact known to every one of us; it’s scientifically proven. So where do we put the other 80% or 90%? It’s wasted. That’s why we are not complete beings. We don’t feel complete. We feel frustrated and we feel weak because we haven’t used our complete power. So meditation - we can also say it another way - is to make use of our complete power. That is what meditation is for. That’s what the meaning of meditation is: to harness our complete might, so that we become Almighty, just like God, or at least like the children of God. Otherwise, we don’t have enough energy to sometimes take care of the small problems or small things, and we do not always do things completely to our satisfaction because we lack power or lack wisdom. So to know God is to know ourselves completely, and when we know ourselves completely, we know God. Then, because we are one with God, we are just like Hirm the way Hes made us, because God made humans in Hiers own image.

Master’s Words

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1991年,菲律賓亞洲青年自由聯盟主席雷納‧山多士醫生(Dr. Rene G Santos)頒贈獎牌,褒獎師父關心菲律賓的悠樂難民,是和平與善意人士的優秀楷模

1992年,美國佛羅里達州波卡瑞頓市市長愛米爾‧丹修(Emil F. Danciu)


 1993年,美國亞利桑那州長費弗‧希明(Fife Symington)頒贈榮譽公民
1993年,美國加州舊金山市長法蘭克‧喬登(Frank Jordan)頒贈榮譽勛狀,表彰清海無上師對世人的博愛奉獻


1994年,國際人權聯盟主席芭芭拉‧芬琪(Barbara J. 


1994年,菲律賓古樂模‧孟多薩紀念獎助學金(GMMSFI;Guillermo Mendoza Memorial Scholarship Foundation)與菲律賓社會福利發展協會共同頒發「國際人道主義獎」 

Education)校長李察‧史克奈德博士(Dr.Richard Schneider)















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清海無上師以英文講於美國舊金山 1989.05.25


昨天有一位同修說他只打坐幾分鐘,就立刻看到光和隧道,那種在裡面可以看到光的幽暗隧道。他像坐船航行一樣穿過那個隧道,他是這麼說的。那是什麼?你們都有在電視上看過或在書上讀過關於人們的瀕死經驗。那些人就是看到這種大隧道,他們必須漂過它,然後就會看到一大片光芒,接著會有人來向他們解釋說他們死了,但是他們的時間還沒到,必須再回去人間,因此有些人又回來了。有一個人說她連續哭了兩個禮拜,因為她不想離開那個美麗的世界,回到這個可怕的地方。那就是生與死的界 限。






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清海無上師以英文講於荷蘭阿姆斯特丹 1999.05.09 (影帶編號#647)









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清海無上師以英文講於新加坡 1992.03.03(影帶編號#223)

























Create The Permanent Heaven
For Ourselves And Later Generations

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Singapore, March 3, 1992,
(Originally in English) Videotape #223

If everyone lives according to what the Bible stated, and everyone sees God within, sees the light of God, the Kingdom of God, hears the Sound, the Word of God or the Buddha Nature, then our world becomes a paradise; because this Light and this Sound make us become Saints, make us become Buddhas. And the worlds where the Buddhas live are Nirvana. The worlds where the Saints live are Heavens, or the Kingdom of God.

Tuning in with God Power

Many other planets have this kind of heavenly atmosphere because all the beings on those planets practice tuning in with God power and have all their desires fulfilled, all the power in their hands and all the peace within themselves and within their neighborhood. On those planets only goodness is generated, with no negativity like on our earth. Our earth is not the only planet in this universal galactic system. There are many other planets similar to ours. Some are more civilized, while some are less developed. We don’t have time to talk about all these; we can talk about our earth first. That’s the most practical and necessary.

If you understand the atmosphere, when anything in the material sense is light, then it rises up. It goes more to the upper atmosphere, like the heat or things like that. And whatever is heavy or cold stays a little bit lower in the atmosphere, or is lower due to gravity.

Maintain a High Vibratory Frequency

Similarly, goodness will stay more or less above negativity. In our world of goodness and badness together, goodness is of course above. But it’s not that we are free from negativity. We have it attached to our neighborhood or to our lower state. The other worlds have only goodness. These places are called Heaven or the Kingdom of God. We can attain these planets or we can visit them now if we have the same quality or are in the same vibratory frequencies as the beings on these planets.

So, to practice in the Kingdom of God or to attain Nirvana is no mythical story, but it is a very clear-sighted and very scientific way of life. Should we want to live that way, it’s not difficult. It’s just the way of life that we choose.

Achieve Temporary Heaven Every Day

God doesn’t give poverty to this earth. God doesn’t create hell. It is we - by our mistakes, by inter-reactions between each other, by choosing the wrong action at that decisive moment - we create hell. So now we can think it over and create Heaven, at least temporary Heaven, so we can rest for a while. Then we are free from the burdens of this world for a while, and we can think of what we want to do next, whether we want to return to Earth again or pursue the highest stage of Heaven; we can decide. So the temporary Heaven can be achieved by doing good deeds, by believing in God, by prayers, by sincere repentance of our mistakes, by trying to do always what is best for the society and for ourselves and by trying to be vegetarian as much as possible. I can offer you the replacement of a piece of tofu now and again. It’s cheaper, easier to digest and has less guilt, less sin and less karma. Karma means, as you sow, so shall you reap, or the law of cause and retribution. So this is the kind of temporary Heaven that you will create for yourself now.

Being Vegetarian Is Truly to Save the World

We try to be vegetarian as much as possible. Being vegetarian is not a religious way of life only, but it is a way to save the world from starvation and poverty. We have much research to prove that. We waste a lot of human’s and earth’s products and resources in order to feed cows and pigs - many years, a lot of quantities of medicines, proteins, beans and all kinds of vegetables in order to raise one pig. And we eat it in only a very fast time: five minutes, if you eat that slowly. Someone might make it in one minute!

Therefore, if we are vegetarian, it is not only because we are religious people, but it’s truly to save the world. Our world has been in poverty, in some parts of the world, and has been in starvation because we do not work with each other to save each other. There are many so-called charitable works and relief services; that’s no doubt. But that’ is not the root of the problem. The food deficit is not rooted in Africa only, or in some of the Asian countries. It is rooted in the meat-eating diet, in all the energies, all the technologies and many other intelligent activities that are poured into raising meat, instead of analyzing a better contribution to the world population or better nutrition for all the people.

As you know yourself by now, scientists have proven that the vegetarian diet is very healthy. All the hospitals are built for whom? Meat eaters! Most of the people there are non-vegetarians. So if we feed ourselves with the poison, then we have to cure ourselves with the hospital equipment. We make double-trouble for ourselves.

Create the Golden Age by Living a Saintly Way of Life

It’s the root we have to cure, not the branches. To help with relief work or to donate some food for the poor is not the solution to the starvation problem of the world. The root lies in each of us, that we must help; we must save some of our energies and world resources for our brothers and sisters. The under-developed country might sell its protein products to the developed country, which feeds them to its cows, for example, but then the under-developed country starves. Instead, we have to share; we have to help each other.

Of course, I am not a politician. I can only try to tell you to help in my way, in my own small capacity. The world leaders have to work together if they are interested in the well-being of all nations, not only of our nation. But it is good enough that we take care of our nation already. I am always grateful and boundlessly happy when I see any nations prosper, living in cleanliness, saintliness and in harmony with each other: for example, like Singapore.

We could make it into a Golden Age again by living the way of the Christian, the way of the Buddhist or the way of the true Hindu, etc. Take care of our moral responsibilities, help our neighbors as much as we can, sacrifice some of our wealth and our desires of the palate in order to help in developing the world, and help the other needy brothers and sisters.

Building for Future Generations

In this way, we contribute our efforts to build a better nation for the future generations to come. It is not a loss. It will be to the benefit of our children, grandchildren, nephews and our brothers’ and sisters’ children. It will not be lost. We’ve no need to take care of the present generation alone, and we’ve no need to think that “the world is better, but we will die and we cannot benefit from it.” Our children will! Even if we don’t have children, we should not think in such small terms, but think of the joy of other people who are born after us, who will live in such peaceful harmony and a plentiful world. That should give us enough joy, enough reward, without any material gain. And this is the way of the gentleman: this is the way that Lao Tzu, Confucius, Buddha and Christ have endeavored to teach human beings since many thousands of years.

What I am telling you is not new. It is just that we have forgotten and that some of us have not tried to live that kind of life, so we do not know how to go about it. But we can try it now; we can try tomorrow and see how things go, see how much better we feel, see how beneficial it is for our nation and for the world at large.

Master Says


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字幕: 阿拉伯、亞美尼亞、悠樂、保加利亞、中(簡)、中(正)、克羅埃西亞、丹麥、捷克、荷蘭、英文、愛沙尼亞、菲律賓、法文、德文、希臘、印度文、匈牙利文、印尼文、義大利、日文、韓文、寮文、馬來西亞、尼泊爾文、波斯、波蘭、葡萄牙、羅馬尼亞、俄文、斯里蘭卡、斯洛伐克、斯洛維尼亞、西文、瑞典、泰文、土耳其(37種)

清海無上師以英文講於英國倫敦 1999.06.09(DVD#662)







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編號:DVD 644







要在靈性方面成功、了悟上帝,也同樣要這麼做。我們必須找到合適的時機,找到正確的導師,那個人要知道通往上帝的靈修道路,能幫我們記起已經遺忘的途徑。有趣的是,在修行方面有成就之後,通常在物質方面也會獲得成功,所以聖經上才說:「先尋找內在的天國,然後一切都會賜給你。」(馬太福音 6:33)到了那時候,我們可以選擇出家,放下世上所有的物質成就;也可以選擇做個成功的企業家,用這些利益去幫助其他不幸的兄弟姊妹,也幫助我們自己。




我們是上帝的小孩,我們不會滿足於一種貧窮、懊惱、悲傷、無助、軟弱、事事祈求,又事事落空的生活。我們想對自己證明聖經上所說的話:「你就是上帝的小孩」(約翰一書3:1-10),「上帝住在你的內邊。任何你想要的,向天父叩門,祂會賜予你;祈求就會有所回應。」(馬太福音 7:6-8)我們想要向自己證明這些,因為我們想要榮耀上帝,而那是唯一榮耀祂的方式。榮耀上帝不是每天向祂禮拜一百次,不是靠斷食、大聲禱告就好,而是要證明祂的榮耀。我們如果在靈性生活和物質生活上都成功,就可以榮耀天父,證明祂的存在。






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清海無上師以英文講於美國加州聖荷西  1994.06.30(影帶編號#437

















清海無上師以英文講於英國倫敦 1999.06.09(DVD#662)




Master Says





Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
California, USA, June 30, 1994, 
Videotape #437 (Originally in English)

This world doesn’t belong to us. It does, but many people don’t like to share. Actually, this world belongs to everyone, including the animals.That’s why we follow the vegetarian policy; because this world has come into existence due to the force of thinking power of all the beings on this planet that exist. We want this place, so it exists, including the animals. But when we came into this world, we thought it belonged to us.

Everyone thought it belonged to them. Therefore, we started to get rid of the other “aliens”; for instance, the red got rid of the white and the white got rid of the black. And then the black and the white and the yellow got rid of the animals.

We have forgotten that we are the co-owners, not the sole owners of this world. That is why we should not kill animals, we should not eat them and of course we especially should not kill any other beings. But in the name of sometimes politics, national love or religion, we kill. And we justify our killing with many glorious excuses. This is not the right thing, because we kill today and the next life we’re being killed. Therefore, war always continues in our world. We always wonder why, but there is nothing to wonder. When we sow something, we reap the fruits thereof. Even the Bible says so: As you sow, so shall you reap.

For those of us who have no suffering from the effects of war or any other conflicts, it means we have not sown the seeds of violence. If we continue to keep it that way, even if we do not practice any meditation, even if we do not worship God in an official or ‘registered’ way, then we will be born again as a safe, secure and healthy human being, because we do not have the seed of damage, war or violence. Actually, I feel everyone has their own wisdom inside already. So maybe we remind each other, but there’s no need to teach or talk too much.

Since we are next to the Vegetarian House, (Master is referring to the Supreme Master Ching Hai International Association Vegetarian House in San Jose) we can also remember the vegetarian policy. Why is it the best policy? Because if we can remind each other not to kill animals, then of course how could we kill human beings? War would eliminate itself from the root. That is the principle. And I think we have hope! Because lately even in America, it is in fashion to be vegetarian. I know the daughter of the owner of one of the biggest hotels in Taipei. He has cancer. The whole family knows that, and he knows that. The whole family also knows that he should not eat meat. The doctor tells him he should not eat meat. It’s funny: how come now that he has cancer, he can’t eat meat? He shouldn’t have eaten meat in the beginning! Anyhow, maybe what I’ve taught is right. So now he knows that he shouldn’t eat meat and the doctor prescribed him a “less meat” diet, but he cannot bear to go without. And he suffers but he still eats beef steak or whatever he likes.

So it’s not that easy for people to be vegetarian just because he or she worries about health. I don’t believe that. There must be something inside; it’s the deepest seed of the soul of the spirit that reminds that person, talking from within: “This is better for you. This is more harmonious. It’s more peaceful for the world, and you contribute to the peace of this world by following this vegetarian policy.” So the person listens to that quiet voice.

It’s not about health. I have many friends who are not vegetarian, and I have never, ever forced, pushed or dropped any hint that they should follow me or eat a vegetarian diet. It’s not true - never! My love for people is always unconditional, because I feel that only unconditional love is the most noble. It doesn’t matter for what reason or what purpose; only unconditional love is acceptable to my heart. (Audience applauds) So I don’t mean to say bad things about non-vegetarian people. That’s not true; I’m just stating the facts. I have many good friends who are also non-vegetarian. I have never tried, nor would I ever think of trying to change their way of life! Some of my friends ask me “Why?” I say, “Well, it’s your life. It’s your soul. It’s your way of living. You are responsible for whatever you want to be. I am not responsible.”

So you do what you want. Whatever comes from your heart, is good. I don’t need to influence you because you alone are God. You have God inside you, as I do. There is no need to tell you what to do except when you ask me what is best for you. Then I will tell you. But if you don’t ask me, I will not tell you anything. That’s very simple.

Whatever we do is our own responsibility. There is no need to blame anyone or to look up to someone for the answer, actually not. Even to look up to a guru or a master would be an obstruction to our progress. If you come to a Master and listen to anything, it’s because you already have it. You already know about it. You probably need a confirmation, just so that you are stronger in your decisions. Because when two people agree, things tend to come into being more quickly and more affirmatively, that’s all. Otherwise, if you are not ready for it, if you want to play and fool around in this world for a longer time, even if I try to influence you, it’s no good. I can never do it; even God cannot do it.

That’s why Buddha and Jesus never tried hard. Everyone praises them and says, “Wow, they really tried hard to change the world and to cleanse the atmosphere of the world!” But they never tried. They just did it because it happened to be so and because people came to them and asked them. The opportunity arose and the situation was favorable. So they just talked, or they told people what they asked or whatever they wanted to hear or whatever they already knew and just wanted affirmative support for; that’s all. They never tried. Buddha never tried to change the world. Jesus never tried to change the people’s consciousness. The people wanted to change themselves, and when people want to change, they change.

Just like the American people now: they change. They want to be vegetarian, they meditate and they’ve learned a lot of things. That’s because they want it and because now they’re ready. They have built their country. They have built the foundation of the institution of free America. Now they are free. Their hands are free, and their minds are relaxed. They can pursue the original motive of their life, of their journey to America. They came here because of the spiritual, so finally they will do it, that’s all.

So we just enjoy life! Be a good boy and good girl and try to be vegetarian if we can. Lead a good life, and enjoy whatever God gives us. We own the house. We own the world! We think about, we create this world, but with the power of thinking. (Master points to the wisdom eye.) Therefore, we enjoy it. But try to share and not to damage our common property.

Anyone who doubts the power of thinking should remember the people with magical powers. One person in America even made the Statue of Liberty disappear for five minutes. That’s the power of thinking! You can disintegrate or dissolve the material substance of matter back to its original source before it came into being. Just like us, before we came into existence, where were we? We were at the original Source. We were at the House of the substance. We are in the factory of the future-making. So that’s why people can learn the art of invisibility, the art of flying or the art of materializing things and dematerializing things.

So it’s very easy. But these things are still in the level of thinking and intellect. There are higher levels beyond thinking, beyond the existence of the mind, before the thinking process and thinking power came into being. That is the higher level: the level of God, the level of the Almighty, the original House of all beings, including our soul and all the souls of all beings. That’s the level we can reach with the method of the Light and Sound we have learned from the ancient Masters. This is the higher level. We can even, using this original Power, arise above all material existence, all cause and effect. That’s how we become free; that’s how we can transcend karma. And that’s the only thing that is worth pursuing. 

The Benefit of Being Vegetarian

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, London, England, 
June 9, 1999, DVD #662 (Originally in English)

Being vegetarian is easy today. There are so many health food and many Chinese stores. They sell all kinds of imitation meat, which is more nutritious than real meat. You don’t even eat a lot, which feels too heavy. You eat a little, and it already fills you with energy. Then you digest quickly, and you have less disease. The animals’ energy of fear and hatred also will not cling to your being, making you feel even lighter and happier. That is the benefit of being vegetarian. Only when the body is healthy, the mind can think straight. Then you become clearer in your daily matters also. 


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我們已經花太多時間追求一些毫無意義的事物,有時事後才感到後悔。然而一旦我們知道如何找到上帝--我待會兒會教你們,知道如何找到內邊的自由和快樂,就可以利用這些原本浪費掉的空閒時間,往內發掘內在寶貴的天國。我們不必特別花時間或費力氣,只需知道如何找到上帝就行了。我們難免會有一些空 閒時間不知道該如何打發,有時會感到很無聊,像是坐火車、搭公車、搭飛機或是在公園裡閒坐、無所事事的時候,就可以善用這些空檔,享受內邊的自由,然後把它應用出來。

















Our Greatest Possession is
the Freedom of
Knowing God

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Helsinki, Finland,
May 30, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #663

The country is so fresh, the air so clean, and everything feels so pleasant to the heart. Even the water from the tap you can drink, it’s so clean. I drank it this morning; I hope it’s OK!

I asked the people if I can drink some of the water directly. They said, “Yes, yes.” I was so happy, and I drank it right away. For me, the water in the land that you can drink directly from the tap is a great blessing. Because it feels abundant; it feels like you can drink forever and you don’t have to worry. And nowadays, not every country’s water can you drink. Many country’s waters are very contaminated; you have to limit yourself to small bottles, and I feel very restricted. Everything we can use in abundance, we feel free and very, very happy.

Similarly, if we can make use of the blessing of God, which is inside us, then we will feel very, very free. Then, we don’t even have to pray for God’s blessing; it will always be there automatically. And that’s what I want to tell you about, which is the freedom, the freedom that is not known on this planet unless we know God, unless we know the freedom inside, the bliss and the blessing inside. It’s lucky that you live in a free country such as Finland. And then we can even sit together and talk about the greater freedom of Heaven, which we can attain right now while we are still working in this physical life.

This freedom is the greatest possession, the greatest merit, the greatest treasure we can ever wish to have. Sometimes I am just so bursting inside, and I don’t know how to explain this to people. As I look back at my life before and I look at my life now, there are 360 degrees of difference. I was so bound, so limited, so restricted - by myself, by all kinds of conventions, by all kinds of prejudice, by all kinds of traditional thinking and ways of life, that even though I lived in free, democratic countries, I never felt truly free. And then, when I first got a glimpse of God and first got a taste of enlightenment, I thought, “That’s it! I’m free!” I felt free. But that was just a fraction of freedom, until I kept continuing to recognize this freedom. And then it grew and grew until I cannot explain any more what true freedom is; I just know I am free.

And when I look at some of our brothers and sisters who are still in the stage that I was before, I feel sorry; because this freedom, every one of us can attain, but not every one of us has. Even for enlightened people, it will take a little while to get the complete freedom. This is not outside freedom, and it’s not outward actions like having to jump around or shout on the street or advocate for your own freedom inside. It’s just the limitless feeling of expansion, that you could be anything you want and do anything you want, yet you still remain in virtue, you still remain in God’s love and you still remain in perfection. And yet no one will ever be harmed, killed or suppressed in any way by our attaining our freedom.

We work so hard daily to attain the freedom of living, the freedom of survival, just so we can have enough food and enough necessities to take care of our physical life. So it’s about time, since we have everything already for this physical comfort, it’s about time we work for our spiritual freedom. It is the new season! I think we can begin to do something new, and I come to offer you a new way, a new-found freedom that you will never regret again and that you have never found before no matter how much money you have. Everyone offers what they have; so I offer you the best that I have.

Spiritual Freedom Is Truly ‘Free’

This offering will never cost us anything; not even effort, because we have it inside us already. All we have to do is just to make use of it. It’s even cheaper than the water I drank this morning. Even if we don’t have to pay for the water, we still have to pay taxes in order to make the pipes and the water towers and everything. But to drink the water of life - this means the water of blessing from God - we don’t have to ever, ever pay one penny! And it takes as much time as things like sleeping or resting in a coffee break. We’ve spent a lot of time in some of these useless pursuits, which we sometimes regret later.

So now that we know how to find God, I am going to show you. Now that we know the way to find freedom, the way to find happiness inside, we will make use of this wasting time only, the free time only, to turn inward to the precious discovery of the Kingdom within ourselves. So it’s not time that we need or even effort that we need. All we have to do is know how to find God. All of us know that we sometimes don’t know what to do with our free time. Sometimes we are so bored - for example, during the time we sit on the train, the time we sit on the bus, the time we sit on the airplane, or the time we sometimes just sit in the park, doing nothing. All these times we can turn into conducive moments to enjoy the freedom within, and then manifest it also without.

The people of Finland have nearly everything already. You even have two of the best and most famous telecommunication systems. So actually, I cannot offer you any more material comfort than your country already offers itself. But I can offer you something greater than earthly possessions and success. I can offer you the Kingdom of God, which you have forgotten. And it’s so easy, just like you’re looking at the flowers now. (Master is referring to the flowers on the stage where She is speaking.) And because it is so easy, I am confident that almost all of you would want to have it, because it’s the greatest thing you can have.

Just one thing is a little bit impractical, for which I also share sympathy with you, is maybe the way of life that we are used to. We are, scientifically speaking, originally a vegetarian being, because we have a longer intestine than those who eat flesh - like the tiger, for example. But since we have been taught to be so used to it, eating flesh, it might be a little difficult to go back to the original way of life. And for that we also have a so-called convenient way, so you can try and get used to the vegetarian diet. We also will teach you to cook and offer sample cookbooks for you. Maybe that will help a little bit to facilitate your transition back to the original, noble way of life. We think that we change our way of life from flesh to vegetarian, but in fact we only return to what is right, to what we have forgotten. You can be courageous and decide to follow through from today, or you can say, “Okay, I’ll try it first.”

Once We Know God, We Are Always Protected

Once we have connected ourselves with the God power and we surrender to this power, everything will be taken care of to the minutest detail. That’s how we find the courage and the strength to deal with all kinds of obstacles and problems in this life, once we are connected with God. If we truly have connection with God, we have no fear; we can do anything, and we are always protected. So have no fear even that we won’t have food to eat, or we won’t have a means of transportation, or that any problem in life may arise. We must be courageous and follow whatever our heart tells us is right. You can try to go slowly also, but we are human and we can decide quickly. Besides, the reason is that, once we contact God and we want to become one with God and to be God-like, a walking God on this planet, then we should represent Hiers quality, which is love, and love includes all beings.

Heaven has many levels, just like this society we have different classifications. If we want to go into the highest dimension of Heaven and know the deepest secrets of the universe, we should have the least burdens possible. And those things that we consume, such as alcohol, drug and flesh, these are burdens that are very detrimental to our ascending journey to Heaven. Not that God cares about what we eat or what we take into our physical body; it’s just that we must be purified physically, emotionally and spiritually in order to be unique beings and be glorified as the children of God.

God loves us, no matter how much we sin. No matter how many blunders we have committed, God always loves us, and in Hiers eyes we are always Hiers children. But for ourselves, for our conscience, we must walk the noble way of love, in order to feel free from any guilt feeling, in order to be one with Hirm; because originally, we are God, and eventually we will become one with the ocean of love that is God again. We are God manifested in this physical world. So there is no one to judge whether we are bad or we are good except ourselves, our own wisdom, our own conscience and our own fairness of knowledge that will judge ourselves at the time of our departure from this world. That’s why we must rid ourselves of all these unnecessary burdens, so that we can recognize the pureness essence of original Self, which is from God: which is great, which is all-love, all-light and all-blessing.

Therefore, the wisdom of the old Masters has taught us many things, for example, that we should love one another, we should be honest and we should love God with all our might. But how can we love God if we don’t know Hirm? I am going to show you God so that you can love Hirm, and you can know Hiers love and blessing every day. Every religion talks about God. There’s so much talk about God everywhere, it’s about time we know God! Knowing God not only elevates ourselves, it will elevate the world and bless the world’s atmosphere so that it will have less war and will have more peace, more love and more abundance for everyone around us. Because we will become the living pole of transmission of the love and blessings from Heaven, then this will emit from our being to the surroundings.

Knowing God Reconnects Us with the Entire Universe

So knowing God is not simply because we want to have the God power, it’s because we want to love the world more, we want to bless the world more and cause more happiness to our loved ones and to our planet - even larger, to the whole universe! Because we’re all linked together with an invisible tie that we don’t even see, just like all the atoms are linked together in every material object in order to hold them in one piece. We are also like the atoms of the universe; we make the construction of the universe exist in a solid manner, but invisible to the naked eye. So if the Light, the power within us, is rekindled, then the whole universe will benefit.

We originally came from God, and God has the same essence as we have. Although the Most High has no form, Hes can also manifest in different forms, such as in this physical body or like us sitting here, or in another kind of metaphysical form, which we will see inside while we meditate on Hirm. And this metaphysical form will teach us so many things that we want to know; it will help us with all kinds of problems in this life and the next. We can even have access to Jesus, Buddha and all the Masters of the past. We can converse with them and let them teach us their wisdom until we reach their height.

All of us will wonder, how is it that if we say we are God, how can we become this physical body, which is so helpless and so cumbersome to carry around, so not-free, so limited? In my knowledge, in my meditation, God has shown me how it happened. It’s difficult to explain in the human language, but I shall try my best. For example, do you know how people make butter and cheese from milk? Milk is liquid, but it can be condensed and churned into butter or can be solidified into cheese. So we were originally the essence of Light, the essence of the very fine, subtle vibratory energy, which creates all these particles in the whole universe. By the process of churning, we have become condensed into this physical being.

But I have also been shown that there is always a particle that has never been churned into physical being, inside us. That is the lifesaver within ourselves; that is the so-called Holy Spirit that dwells within this temple of God. We are at the bottom of the churning process of the Creation; that’s why we are a little coarse, a little cumbersome and heavy. There are other finer vibratory energies, which are floating above us, and we could have access to them if we raise our energy up to their standard.

There is still and always has been this little spark within us, which has never been contaminated and has never been processed into physical energy. And that spark we can always have access to in order to return to where we have come from; to reverse the process, to go back to the original state of being, which is Light, which is the fine energy. And this Light, this fine energy, this fine so-called vibration, also called the Word in the Bible - this is God, this is our essence of being. So to get in touch with this original, fine energy, this original Light and original Word, is to get in touch with God..

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Help to Keep Our “Spaceship” Earth in a Powerful Position

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Columbia University, N.Y., U.S.A., Nov. 3, 1989 
(Originally In English) videotape# 102A

Our planet is a very beautiful, 'spaceship'. We can say 'spaceship,' which carries a lot of sentient beings in mid air and circles around. Our planet gives us much comfort and joy, gives us countless treasures, and sustains our lives through many ways and means. But then we also have a little duty towards our Mother Earth, to help her to remain in such a powerful position so that she may be able to help us.

In order to put our society back in a pleasurable condition, we should also observe certain precepts and mutual respect and understanding. The way most of the people live their lives is harmful to themselves and harmful to other beings - visible and invisible. If we do not believe in the invisible existence of other beings, at least we believe in the existence of our own race, humanity, and all the animals who are the citizens of the Earth. Lately, there is kind of fashion, that people are becoming vegetarian; and that is a good tendency, because as we know, everything carries energy. Every action is registered. Nothing is lost, as far as we can prove by science. So if we have caused some violent condition, then the violent atmosphere will hang around us or our planet and that causes some disasters. That's why we always wonder, "How come there are so many wars?", "How come so many earthquakes, so many disasters are befalling our planet?" Now there is nothing from nothing. The Bible states very clearly: As you sow, so shall you reap.

Everything we do affects everyone in this world and the next. Every religion mentions to us that all things, all beings are one in essence. Just like our body has many parts. If our hands hurt, it affects our whole body also. Just because the universal body is so great, and we the many beings in this great body cannot understand, cannot see the whole universal body, so we may not believe that our actions concern any other beings. Should we develop the kind of Celestial Eye, Wisdom Eye, we would see this for ourselves that we are indeed connected with all beings; and then we would be very careful about what we do. Jesus Christ and Buddha had developed this kind of Eye of Wisdom. Therefore they knew what the laws of the universe are; what to do in order to beautify our world, also to make our lives more pleasant, more comfortable and more suitable to our taste. Therefore they laid down the rules from the heavenly abode, about our behavior and the direction we should take in our daily living. These rules are very valuable, what we call precepts or the commandments of God.

If we keep the precepts, we'd be nice to our neighbor, we'd love our enemies, etcetera, then the world would be in peace, be a nice place to live in, and would endure much more longevity. So if our world is peaceful, it would also affect our lives and we would also feel very peaceful. If we live in a house and the house is damaged or in not good condition, then our health and our comfort would be affected. Similarly, if we live in the world full of chaos and trouble, we'd have no peace. So to help the world is to help ourselves. 



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清海無上師以英文講於新加坡 1993.03.06(影帶編號#325)






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編號 : 648 
日期 : 1999.06.05 
地點 : 蘇格蘭愛丁堡 
性質 : 弘法 
語言 : 英文

字幕:悠,中簡,中繁,英,法,德,匈,印尼,泰 (9種)









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清海無上師以英文講於馬來西亞 1992.02.27(影帶編號#220





































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清海無上師以英文講於南非開普敦  1999.12.01(DVD676)









我們的真我與上帝之間,事實上從未被任何東西隔開過,是我們的注意力和想法讓我們感覺和上帝隔開。我只是教你們如何將注意力轉移到一個不同的地方、不同的層次。好比我現在注視著你們,我就看不到自己背後有什麼,但如果我向後轉,就可以看到背後的東西。我們可以在世見到上帝,甚至可以選擇自己何時往生,我們也可以在往生之前,選擇適合自己等級的天堂,就像我們可以透過房屋仲介公司,參觀不同的房子,看哪一棟比較適合我們一樣。同樣, 「在天父的國度裡有許多殿堂」,我們可以依照自己的了悟和意識等級,挑選一個適合的。







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清海無上師以英文講於泰國曼谷 1994.09.14 (影帶編號#446)









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編號: DVD644






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