清海無上師與英國舍瑞小中心的電話視訊會議 2008.06.12(原文為英文) |
問: 師父,最近世界各地的災難是否和每年有數十億動物被屠宰以供人類食用有關?
答: 當然有關係!「種什麼因就得什麼果」,還有「同性相吸」。不論從科學的角度或從靈性的角度而言,我們都被告誡過了。因此,世界各地所發生的這些災難,當然和人類沒有善待動物有關,這就是我們欺凌無辜的動物所必須付出的代價。動物沒有傷害我們,他們也是上帝的孩子,是被派來地球幫助我們,為我們生活帶來歡樂的。通常一般人在出生前也有非常好的功德,他們才能投胎為人,然後再從他們既有的功德去加加減減。要不是這些功德抵銷了一些惡業,情況可能會更糟糕,也許地球早就整個毀滅了!所幸人類確實有些好的功德,而且功德還沒用完,所以現在我們還在這裡。
問: 師父,假如全世界的人從現在開始吃全素,地球會變成什麼樣子?這對世界經濟會有何影響?還有,會產生多大的變化?要過多久才看得到它改善環境的效果?
問: 師父,世人做得夠不夠?在這緊要關頭,我們同修所做的努力是否足以拯救地球?
答: 你們一直做得不錯,大部分同修都有誠心盡全力幫忙,但世界的人做得還不夠!他們有在做一些事,有嘗試在做,但做得不夠快,而且做得也不夠,他們做的那些事甚至經常偏離正確的方向。抱歉,我必須直言。這幾年來我一直太客氣了,結果沒有用!
問: 師父,歐普拉‧溫芙蕾(Oprah Winfrey)是世界知名的人物,她最近吃純素21天,而許多知名人士也逐漸明瞭吃純素的利益,並進而影響世界各地許多人。師父,這是朝著正確方向所做的美好轉變嗎?
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答: 是的,為歐普拉鼓掌!依我看來,這是她整個演藝生涯中最輝煌的事,而且我認為她會繼續吃素。她是明智的女士,又有眾多擁護者,所以如果她能繼續下去,將會為她自己、人類以及她的支持者貢獻良多。我記得她在部落格中說過︰「如果你對動物完全沒有愛心,你怎能自稱是靈性追求者呢?」所以我認為她是一位明智的女士,我認為她會繼續吃素,那就太好了!
問: 師父,查爾斯王子最近在一篇題為《十八個月遏止氣候變遷災難》的文章中,表示對抗全球暖化是刻不容緩的事,並對此表達關切;這篇文章刊登在2008年5月英國的《電訊報》(Telegraph)。身為皇室成員,還有其他在政界的達官顯要等等,他們被建議在面對公眾時,什麼該說、什麼不該說。或許師父可以講些鼓勵的話,讓這些領導者勇於說出真相,並傳達重要的訊息。
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答: 我很感謝王子殿下和世界上其他勇敢的領導者挺身為大眾發聲疾呼。即使大眾不感激他們的好意,上天也會記錄下來,他們以後會得到很大的獎賞。當然,當權者的位子不好坐,這一點我了解,我也很高興你了解他們的立場。當然會有顧問建議他們該做什麼、不該說什麼,但顧問不一定都是有智慧的,因此我認為領導者自己應該根據高等意識層次所具有的直覺來行事。身為領導者,必須兼備勇氣、慈悲與高貴的品質,這就是他們當上領導者的原因。當然,領導者的位子不好坐,所以領導者才很少。
問:師父好!最近「無上師電視台」的工作人員前往蘇格蘭的斯凱島(Skye),訪問一個動物庇護所的創辦人。他們解救農場動物,其創辦人瑞瑪‧莫瑞爾(Rima Morrell)也是一位作家和動物靈媒。當她跟一隻豬在一起時,那隻豬發送訊息說:「現在是人類必須停止宰殺動物為食的時候了!」這項訊息似乎很緊急。問題是,我們要如何才能讓更多人不再以動物為食?
答: 是的,多年來我一直在問自己這個問題,你們也是。這是很令人沮喪的問題,因為我們知道人類習慣難改,所以沒有立即可行的方法。世界各地有這麼多頻繁的災難和不治之症,我只希望這些來自上天的警告已足以讓人們真正醒悟,並停止所有虐待我們動物芳鄰及人類彼此間的殘忍行為。任何人只要停下來想一想,就會發現人類現在還在彼此殘殺或甚至想互相殘害對方,真是不可思議的事,更別提那些可憐、無辜又毫無防備的動物了。
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問: 師父好!我們最近採訪了一位女音樂家,她住在英格蘭南部的巨石陣附近。她告訴我們她曾吃素許多年,後來又還葷了。但有一天她和母親收看「無上師電視台」的節目後,她們又開始吃素了。她告訴我們,她每次看我們的節目都會感動落淚。她還說重新開始吃素後,她覺得良心很安穩,也覺得很純淨、更好、更淨化了。
答: 對,所以我們才會這麼做。我也認識一些人,他們本來吃素,後來又還葷了,但他們遇見我、和我聊一聊之後,知道我吃素,於是他們又開始吃素了!我自己也努力在推廣,我本身就是「迷你的無上師電視台」。我們大家都可以透過某些方式影響別人,這樣很棒!但我覺得還是不夠快。無論如何,我們已盡力在做,這不僅是為別人,也是為我們自己,為我們的子孫、朋友與家人,他們全都很重要。可惜世人沒有和我們合力進行!如果他們這麼做,那麼在八週之內伊甸園會立刻重現人間!在八週內所有的災難會停止,天堂就是這樣來的。否則你們認為天堂是怎麼來的?在天堂裡,所有眾生有相同的行為方式,不是表面上的一致,而是基於相同程度的慈悲心、相同程度的愛心、相同程度的靈性了悟和高貴品質,這就是天堂。任何時候我們都可以把這個世界變為天堂,只要人類趕快回頭,全部都會被寬恕,上天是寬容的;因為 人類不了解肉食與殺生的關聯,不了解殺生的後果。當然他們知道一點點,但是沒有人強調這些,沒有人真的正視這個事實。如果政府、媒體與所有有權勢的人都能把權力用在正確的方向,告知或教育大眾,使他們能分辨是非,知道吃素是必要的事,而且是大家應該採取的唯一飲食,那就沒問題了!

A Vegetarian Eden on Earth
Teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
Surrey, United Kingdom June 12, 2008 (Originally in English)
Q: Master, are the recent disasters around the world somehow connected with the billions of animals slaughtered every year for human consumption?
M: Of course they are. “As you sow, so shall you reap,” and “Like attracts like.” Scientifically and spiritually speaking, we have been warned. So, all the disasters that have happened around the world, of course are connected with humans’ unkindness to their co-inhabitants. That’s the price we have to pay for what we have done to the innocents who have done us no harm, who are also the children of God, who have been sent to Earth to help us and to cheer our days. Because, generally, humans also had very good merit before they came to Earth. That’s why they became human, because of their good merit. So, from their good merit, there has been give and take and deductions and additions. Otherwise, if things had not been canceling out some of the bad retribution, then it would have been worse. Or the Earth might have disappeared altogether already, but luckily the humans also do have some good merit, and it has not run out yet. That’s why we are still hanging in here.
Q: Master, if the world were to go 100% vegetarian right now, what kind of Earth would we live in and what effect would this have on the world economy? Also, how great would the changes be and how long would it take to see the effects of these changes on our environment?
M: If the world were to go 100% vegetarian right now, the good effect of it would be seen within more or less 60 days, or 8 weeks. Within 8 weeks we would see an immediate effect. Of course, you’ll also see almost immediately. But to see the whole big picture, you can realize it within 8 short weeks. And what kind of Earth would we live in? It would be Eden again. We will have sudden peace, and sudden realization of sameness between all nations, between all humans and between humans and animals. The realization will dawn upon us. There’s no need for explanation; people will suddenly understand that we’re all equal. We and all co-inhabitants, animals alike, are equal. And people will have respect even for trees and plants.
I really wish that we could have it right now. Things will be more lushful and abundant. People will feel happier, even without reason; they will not know why they feel happy, and food will be enough everywhere. Rivers will run plentiful again. Disasters will cease. Heaven will smile on humans, and good wishes will be fulfilled.
That is a kind of Eden. If we were to be vegetarian, all of the humans on the planet, that will be the effect. That’s what we wish to have.
Practicing Non-Violence Is Number One

Q: Master, is the world doing enough, and are we as initiates doing enough to save the planet at this critical time?
M: Well, you have been doing fine. Most of the initiates are doing their best, and sincerely. But the world… no. They're doing something; they are trying but they are not doing it fast enough and they are not doing enough. And even the “something” they are doing is often off track. I'm sorry, I have to be blunt; I’ve been too polite all these years and it doesn’t work.
Now the thing is, most often the world is doing things that are second or third important in line. Like you have the throne, with number 1 in line, number 2 in line, number 3 in line and so on. But they are not running after the Crown Prince. They are running after the second, the third, the fourth or fifth and the eleventh.
The number one thing that is most important is non-violence - to humans and animals. Of course, that means vegetarian diet; that means completely abstaining from all animal products. That is the thing that has been ignored up to now. Some people have spoken out; even some government officials and organizations have spoken out about that, but too little. If we stop killing, if we practice non-violence to humans and animals, if we stop all the killing, then all bad effects will stop, almost instantly. There will be no end to happiness and freedom, of any aspects, body and mind, if we stop the main cause of disaster, that is the killing. The main cause of disaster is the violence of the people, mostly from the people. We have to stop all this. We have to stop all the killing. I keep saying it again, and again and again. We have to live and let live. We have to respect and save lives. But tell me, who will be wise enough to listen? And who will be strong enough to carry this out? That’s the point. Perhaps everyone knows this, one way or another. But it needs a strong will to carry out. Not just knowing, but practicing. Practicing is very important.
We have to respect all lives, including that of our so-called enemies even. Directly or indirectly, we have to stop the killing. We have to all be vegetarian and abstain from all animal products. And that’s how the killing will stop. Everything else is secondary.
Q: Master, Oprah Winfrey is well known by many people around the world and she recently has gone vegan for 21 days. And a lot of high-profile people are realizing the benefits of a vegan diet, and in turn are influencing a lot of people around the world. Master, is this a good turn in the right direction?
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M: Yes, it is. And Bravo to Oprah. She has done the most glorious thing in her entire career, methinks. And I think she will continue in this direction. She’s a wise woman, and she has a huge bunch of followers. So if she continues in this direction, she will do a great service to herself, humankind, and her believers. I think she’s very wise; she will do it because, I think she put something in her blog, saying, “How can you proclaim to be a spiritual seeker, when you have no compassion for animals at all?” So I think she’s a wise woman. I think she will continue that and it will be very great.
After all, what is the good of gnawing or biting on a dead corpse, for such a dignified human as us? As the human who can conquer the moon, can explore Mars, and do many other incredible feats, how can we not conquer our own appetite? Because the appetite of most humans has caused untold suffering to the weak and defenseless animals. And we even have an abundance of food choices! It’s not that we don’t. So if people just stop and think about this, they will realize how unfortunate it is that we have fallen into this trap that we have to kill to live, or that “If I live, you must die.” This is a very pitiful situation for human beings. If anyone takes a little time to think about it, this is really, really tragic.
So I hope people will realize it in the long run. If they stop and think about it, this is a really very tragic situation that the humans have fallen into, to let themselves be deprived of compassion or the loving instinct of a human. To succumb to this kind of cruelty, this is really a pity. It’s not what humans intended to be at all.
Every Effort Counts in Saving the Planet
Q: Master, more and more news reports are mentioning going vegetarian as a solution to address climate change. For example, on June 3, 2008, BBC2 “Newsnight” featured a program about measures to tackle climate change, and the headline said something like this: “Is it time to turn vegetarian?” It said the best solution would be for us all to become vegetarians. So it seems that people of the world over are getting the message. Do we still have time to save the planet, though?
M: Yes, they are getting the message. But it’s not enough. I want more of that, and on every television channel, every billboard, on the sidewalk, in every house and in every newspaper. This should be the topic that we talk about every day. Not the whole newspaper or the whole program, of course, but I mean some part of it has to be devoted to the most urgent need of our time, which is the climate change, and to stop it.
But nevertheless, they are doing something, and I am grateful. And I want to tell you some good news. The message, if people listen to it and do more, then of course we can save the planet! Right now, because of all the efforts that people have put into action, like planting trees, and driving less and sustainable fuel, we’ve gained more time to change the world. Also, many people have turned vegetarian, and some of the news media have helped to remind the public. And the governments also have done something or have thought about it. All this, however little, positive energy that people sincerely put their efforts into will bear fruit, and the more people turning to vegetarianism and preserving the planet, the further the deadline will recede. And then we will have more time, more and more time.
We have to thank the people who have changed to the vegetarian diet, and thank the governments who have put effort into preserving the environment, and we have to thank some of the news media who have been putting in efforts to remind people about our deadly situation. So if you guys continue helping to remind people, and if the government gives us more blessing and the news people continue the trend of giving the public more knowledge, then we still can save the planet. I do hope so. Thanks to the BBC2!
We Salute the Wise and Courageous Leaders
Q: Master, Prince Charles recently expressed his concern about the urgency to fight global warming in an article titled “18 Months to Stop Climate Change Disaster.” It was published in May 2008 in the Telegraph newspaper in the UK. And being a member of a Royal Family and other people in such high positions in the political field, and so on, they’re being advised what they should and should not say to the public. I was wondering what words of encouragement Master would offer these leaders to help them speak the truth and get their important message through.
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M: I am very grateful to His Royal Highness and other courageous leaders in the world for stepping out of their boundary and speaking out for the sake of everyone. Even if the public does not appreciate their goodwill, Heaven will take note. And they will have a great reward hereafter. It is, of course, very difficult to be in the position of authority. I understand that and I’m glad you understand their position. Of course they’ve been told what to do and what not to say. But the advisors are not always wise. So I think the leaders themselves should act according to the intuition of a highly developed human being. To be a leader is to be endowed with bravery, compassion and nobility. That’s why you are a leader. It’s not easy, of course, to be in the position of a leader. That’s why leaders are few.
In a nation, there’s only one king, one queen, some princesses, some princes, one president and one prime minister: very few leaders, compared to the multitude of this world. But fewer even still are brave leaders, courageous leaders, righteous leaders and wise leaders. To such wise and courageous ones, we offer full support and respect. We pray that Heaven gives them more strength and more wisdom to carry out their noble duty. Of course, bravo to Prince Charles, and other leaders. Prince Charles has been an environmentalist for many, many years. And he’s getting always more and more vocal about this. And I hope he continues to set an example for other leaders because as I told you, leaders are few, and fewer still are those who are wise and courageous. Being a leader, we must know what is good for our subjects and what is not. What is good, we have to encourage or facilitate for them to do. And what is bad, we have to stop, to protect them. That is the true meaning of a leader.
He’s a good man, a gentleman. I have always liked him. He’s honest and straightforward. Being a Prince, he is true to his heart. That is a very good quality. And he’s not swayed by glamour or praise and gain. He’s really a truthful man, and I really pray that he will have more strength to continue and do better and better still for his subjects and for the world, to make an exemplary, noble figure of a leader, for the world to follow.
The Unimaginable Cost of Killing
Q: Hallo, Master, recently a Supreme Master TV crew visited the island of Skye in Scotland, and they interviewed the founder of an animal sanctuary where they rescue farm animals. Rima Morrell, the animal sanctuary founder, who is also an author and animal telepathic communicator, when she was sitting with one of her pigs, he started sending messages saying, “Now is the time that humans have to stop killing animals for food.” And the message seems really urgent. So the question is: "How can we help stop more people from eating animals?"
M: Yes, I have been asking myself that question, and you also, for many years already. This is a very frustrating question, because we don’t always have the immediate answer, knowing that the habits of humans are hard to quit. I just hope that Heaven has been warning enough with so many frequent disasters and incurable diseases, so that people truly wake up this time and stop all this cruelty to our co-citizens of the world, namely the animals and each other as well. If anyone would stop and think about it, it is really incredible how we still kill each other or even think of killing each other these days, not to talk about the poor defenseless innocent animals.
Well, all we can do is spread the news and explain to people as much as you can, hoping that your words or my words fall into some wise ears. Most humans do have telepathy, but they have completely lost it. So they cannot hear directly the animals’ cries of suffering, their cries of sorrow or their cries of advice, because they have been covered up tightly with a veil of ignorance from the King of Illusion, from Maya, from the so-called devil. So it’s very difficult for them to hear anything. But I just hope that at this time of peril, maybe they will wake up. So we try to tell them anything that is convincing. Maybe they can wake up; maybe some of them will listen; maybe half will listen or maybe two-thirds will listen. I hope all of them will listen. I hope I will live to see that day.
I’m telling you truly because, as much as I love the animals, I know that their suffering has an end. Even if one animal suffers by abuse, torture or massacre in the slaughterhouse, they have only that life and then they will be free to Heaven. It breaks my heart; I don’t want to imagine how they suffer. But even then, it’s not as bad as what the humans have to go through because of mistreating animals. So actually, I’m more sorry for the humans than the animals, do you understand? (Audience: Yes.)
If they are abused and badly treated, then they will be in a higher Heaven. But the humans who have done all this to them will pay terribly. And that’s what I’m worried about. Even though I love animals so much, the physical suffering, we will endure one way or another, even humans too. But the spiritual suffering, this spiritual loss, it’s a terrible loss. And humans commit terrible acts against themselves every day, causing them to lose spiritual merit because of killing animals, because of killing each other and because of eating animals. So, you see, it’s the humans that I’m worried about.
We’re trying as best as we can to awaken their real knowledge. But it’s not easy. I thank you for all you have been doing. I thank you for bearing all this frustration with me. And thank you for still having unwavering faith that the humans will change. Maybe they will change and maybe we can still save the planet. We just have to continue. Okay?
(Audience: Yes. Thank You, Master.)
The Powerful Vegetarian Message
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Q: Hallo, Master! We have recently interviewed a musician lady who lives near the stone circle in south England. She told us she used to be vegetarian for many years, and then she went back to eating meat. But on the very day she and her mom watched Supreme Master Television, they went straight back to vegetarian diet again. And she cries every time she watches the channel, she told us. And she said after going back to vegetarian, her conscience feels great, and she feels pure, better and cleaner.
She also said the channel informs people of the important issues of our time and the challenges we all face, and people are blind to it, about how and why to be a vegetarian. And she thinks people should start watching Supreme Master TV because to her, this is how the television should be and this is what TV should be used for.
M: Right, yes. That’s why we’re doing it. I also met some people who had been vegetarian before and they went back to a non-vegetarian diet. And after meeting me and talking to me, and seeing that I eat vegetarian, they became vegetarian again! Personally, also I’m working; I am also a “mini-Supreme Master TV.” All of us can have some influence in some way. That is cool. But it’s just not fast enough for my patience. Anyway, we’re doing what we can, and it’s not just for other people; it’s for us also, for our children and grandchildren, our friends and family members. They all are important. It’s a pity that the world is not doing it together with us! If it were, then we’d have Eden on Earth right away, within 8 weeks! Within 8 weeks all disasters would stop. That’s how Heaven is created. Where do you think Heaven comes from? Heaven is a place where all beings act in the same way, not uniformly, but in the same level of compassion, the same level of love, and the same level of spiritual knowledge or understanding, the same level of nobility. That’s what Heaven is. And we can turn this world into Heaven anytime. If human beings just turn around, all will be forgiven. Heaven is forgiving, because they did not know about the killing of the meat diet, they did not know anything much about killing. Of course they knew a little bit, but no one emphasized it; no one really made it like a matter of fact. If the government, the media and all the people who have the power can wield their power in a correct way and inform or educate the public to make them know what is right and what is wrong, and that vegetarian diet is a must and the only diet that everyone should follow, then it will be done!
Look at how many people have decreased smoking. Even if smoking cigarettes has not been banned completely and has just been banned in the public only, look at the percentage of people who have decreased smoking and how much disease has been minimized. How much money of the taxpayers has been saved, just in a few months? You watch television; you know this. You know the effects immediately. Look at that! And it’s not even banned completely yet. Can you imagine if it’s banned completely someday, or if meat has been banned, or has been advised to be less and less, can you imagine how good it’d be?
The government is supposed to govern goodly and rightly. So this is the time the government should do their governing like a righteous, natural thing! Just like children have to go to school. In some countries, the law obliges parents to send the children to school. So maybe one day we will oblige all the people to leave the animals in peace, just like the way we want to be left in peace. We don’t want anyone to cut our throat, so why go out and cut some other being’s throat and drink blood from it and eat their corpse. And we call that civilization! It’s the twenty-first century, my goodness. And so many Masters have been on Earth, teaching us already that we shall not kill, we shall not eat meat, we shall not drink alcohol, we shall not take intoxication… http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/200/