

清海無上師以英文講於摩納哥 2008.05.04





所以我們必須控制自己,必須知道什麼好、什麼不好。要好好讀一讀聖經或你們宗教的經典,真正仔細研究,看看經典教你們什麼。任何宗教的任何經典都教導你們如何在世上生存、如何拯救地球、如何好好生活,以及以後如何上天堂,這些都有記載在經典中,不是我說的。   師父的話




清海無上師以英文講於摩納哥 2008.05.04





我的意思是,如果你們認識一些報社的人,就可以建議他們︰只要加上小小的標語,在任何版面加個標語;每天他們印報紙時,就加上「請拯救地球,開始吃素,加入環保」。如果有人想深入了解,他們可以問其他人,或收看我們的電視台,或瀏覽我們的網站,很簡單!我已經花了很多錢在報上登廣告,但還是不夠。我認為所有的媒體應該幫忙拯救地球,因為如果地球毀滅了,他們也會毀滅。大家應該了解到:錢沒有用、房子沒有用、權力沒有用,到時候每個人都會死。所以我們要盡己所能,讓人們了解這點。我們必須拯救這個我們唯一擁有的星球,也是我們所知最美麗的星球。   師父的話


Going Veg Is Enough 
to Save the Planet

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai 
Monaco, May 4, 2008 (Originally in English)

Even if everyone in the whole population of the planet eats only half vegetarian, we can save the planet already. That’s the best and the quickest way. Because meat is not only about the land, it’s about the water, medicine, energy, pollution from transportation, and the conscience; that’s what makes people sick.

So if you can tell people to be vegetarian, that’s the best thing you can do for them and for the planet. Then we can even keep all the airplanes; we can keep all the cars; we can keep all the things now, because CO2 is not as bad as “conscience sickness,” and not as bad as spending so much water on animal raising, and wasting land, and deforestation and transportation. If we eat vegetarian, we still can keep all the airplanes, cars, trains and even everything as usual. We don’t even need to rely on the government, because the government cannot always do everything. The government cannot forbid people to eat meat, for example. Maybe they can, but they don’t want to do it.

So, the individual is the best to save the planet. Just go vegetarian, and we’ll save a lot of methane gas, a lot of transportation pollution, a lot of wasted water and land - land that we can cultivate, with enough food for everyone. And the food we feed the animals, we can feed the hungry. We would never go hungry. The whole planet can be fed if people go vegetarian. And then we can even keep all the styles that we have now, like the airplane. Of course it’s the best if we don’t. But even if we still have cars, airplanes and trains and so on, if the planet’s people are vegetarian, then we can save the planet still. Not everyone knows that. So, tell whoever you can to save the planet. But even if we cannot, then we cannot.

One more thing about the climate that everyone worries about: If we have the blessing of the government, it would be good. But otherwise, everyone can do it. Just be vegetarian, and we can save it. We can save a lot. Because of the bad karma, “As you sow so shall you reap,” if we do bad things, then we get bad things. It’s not just about the physical energy or even the ways of war and all that. The bad karma will come back on us, and no one can save us, not even God. Because even if God tells us to do this and we don’t do it, Hes lets us be free. If you want to make a mistake, it’s your freedom. God is not someone who controls you all the time. It would be good if Hes does some controlling, but Hes doesn’t do that.

So we have to control ourselves; we have to know what’s good and what’s bad. Read the Bible or the scripture of your religion. Really study well to see what the scripture tells you to do. All the tips in any scripture of any religion tell you how to survive here, how you can save the planet, how to live well and how to go to Heaven afterwards. It’s all in the scriptures; it’s not me saying anything.  Master’s Words  




Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
Monaco, May 4, 2008 
(Originally in English)

If all the governments would give us the blessing and encourage more ... because we have only several years to change the course of history of climate change. But I’m happy that many governments now are encouraging children to eat vegetarian, with less meat and more vegetables. I’m so happy; maybe we can still save the planet.

And one more thing is if we have the blessing also of the media. Every day when they print the newspaper, just put one headline somewhere: “Go Veg. Be Green, to Save the Planet.” That’s one thing I thought.

And all entertainment programs, whenever they do some entertainment, they could say it before or after: “Please Save the Planet. Go Veg. Be Green.” Everybody can help, and the governments could put billboards everywhere: “Go Veg. Be Green. Save the Planet.” And then, all the billboards and every advertisement should add one sentence: “Save the Planet. Go Veg. Be Green.” Then we’ll be fine. We’ll be smiling.

Even if you’re a meat eater, like you eat meat every day, if you now eat only half a week meat and half a week vegetarian, we already can be singing; we can be happy! So that’s what I think. That’s the solution for the planet.

What I mean is, if you know some newspaper men or women, you can suggest this: Just one little headline or any headline anywhere, every day when they print a newspaper: “Please Save the Planet. Go Veg. Be Green.” If a person wants to know more, they can ask everybody else or can watch our television, or they can ask on our website. It’s easy. I spent a lot of money already advertising on newspapers, but it’s not enough. I think all the media should help to save the planet, because if the planet’s gone, they’re also gone. Everybody should realize that: Money is useless. House is useless. Power is useless. Everybody will be gone. So we do what we can to make people realize that. We have to save the only planet that we have, and the most beautiful one that we know.  Master's Words

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