

I don't encourage renunciation or going to the forest and all that. It's just that it really helps. Because I know it's difficult for you, all of you to do this kind of thing. I cannot keep encouraging the things that are impossible for you to do, almost impossible all the time. So, you just do your best. But the Master power will always help, OK? At the time that you depart from this world, your merit will be multiplied so that you can go very high, OK? Right now you have to struggle a little bit, even if the Master's blessings come to you, you also don't see, don't hear because you're so scattered, you know? Your mind is scattered everywhere. But if you're sincere, the Master never leaves you. The Master will know it, and will help you a lot, multiplied. It's the sincerity also that's important. In this world, whoever can sit and meditate and concentrate immediately there are a lot of things to do. Your cats, your dogs, your husband, your wife, your children, they take things from you. They take attention from you. That's why the Buddha has always encouraged people to become monks and nuns, but it has to be with sincerity, you know? Not just to come in just for an easy life, or just to come in to try to see what it's like, or just to be like a reverend person, then it doesn't work; it's even worse that being a lay person. But that doesn't mean that if you're a monk, then you become better or you practice better. It also depends on your personality, your sinceritly.



Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Europe, Aug 01, 2015 EVENING (Originally in English)














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