
*Practicing is reviewing oneself daily, keeping precepts clearly, doing good deeds and not doing bad deeds, meditating daily, observing our own wisdom, cultivating our own compassionate heart, and realizing the Truth silently. This is then considered practicing.



*It is best that you practice diligently, truly review the inner self and also concentrate on the inner self at all times. Then there is no need for Master to correct and for the society to temper you.


*If we are angry with ourselves, we should be angry only with our habits, our accumulated habits. Or we should blame the situation also, not to blame the Supreme Wisdom, the real Self because the real Self never errs, never make any mistakes. (Originally in English)



 *You have to learn also to have your own initiative, to decide what is good for that moment. You have to be decisive and use your wisdom that is already opened. (Originally in English)




*Try to be soft, humble and surrender, and you will see God better, okay! 
(Originally in English)






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