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 清海無上師以英文講於美國佛州  2001.06.07(DVD#718) 







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清海無上師以中文講於福爾摩沙西湖   1991.08.11(影帶編號#187下集)





The Truth Behind
War Victims

Spoken by the Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hsihu, Formosa, August 11, 1991
 (Originally in Chinese) Videotape No. 187 Part II

Ghosts exist and so does hell. However, everything is created by the mind. Depending on what we’ve done in this life or the previous life, we’ll harbor the same atmosphere or expectation when we die. After death, we’ll be frozen into that dimension to which we were habitually accustomed during our lifetime. You may have occasionally come across newspaper or television reports about research on people who died a sudden death, or on those who were killed by soldiers or suddenly lost their lives during war. Apparently they fell into a state of shock as they were not mentally prepared. The silver cord was severed abruptly, totally unexpectedly, so they couldn’t accept it. They seemed to suddenly become frozen in a certain dimension, as though they were trapped inside a box, unable to escape. Therefore, they believed that they were still fighting the battle, still in the army. They continued to shout war cries every day and kill anyone who got in their way. They would see illusions and regard anyone they saw as their enemies. They just continued fighting. Such people who are killed in battle or die all of a sudden are really miserable. Without an enlightened Master, they can never get out of that dimension.

The same thing happens in the case of suicide. The perplexed and agonized feelings a person has at the time of suicide remain after the person is dead. Death can’t liberate one from the suffering, ever! It is just like if we fail to learn well during our youth, we can’t become a learned person when we’re old. So the atmosphere of war is most terrible. Many ghosts can’t get out of their dimension. If, after a very long time, these souls manage to get out of that dimension and be reborn as humans, very often they’re still inclined to live that kind of life, battling and being full of wrath. This world causes great harm to people. So most spiritual practitioners are against wars, but can’t express themselves openly. If they kept protesting, they’d become like revolutionaries, and that could lead to misunderstanding or to them mistakenly being identified as politically motivated. Nevertheless, they are against war in their hearts because it is bad for people. It’s bad whatever the excuse. It’s bad for people; they can’t even die in peace.

You May Not Know


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清海無上師以英文講於福爾摩沙西湖道場 1995.07.12(影帶編號#489)














Forsake Everything, 
and then You Will Have Everything

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hsihu Center , Formosa, 
July 12, 1995 (Originally in English) Videotape #489

Most of the Masters always tell us that if we forsake everything, then we will have everything. In the Bible, it’s also said, “Whoever holds on to dear life,” like holding onto their life, “will lose it. But whoever forsakes it will attain eternal life.” Likewise, if we do not really feel attached or attach ourselves to any possession, fame or name in this world, then everything really comes to us. But once we are enslaved for anything in this world at all, then we’ll be forever running after it, and we’ll become exhausted, taxing our mental abilities. All kinds of trouble will come our way, and we won’t necessarily attain anything.

It is truly like that. I speak from my own experience, too. Once we seek only the kingdom of God, we truly have everything. Even when we don’t want, it just comes from nowhere; they force their way to us. Sometimes we don’t want to, but we just have to accept it. It is very difficult also, very difficult to reject sometimes. We are very strict here, which is good for me. Otherwise, gifts would be laying all over everywhere. Before, I said, “Don’t accept gifts!” but then people threw them there and ran away. And then, poor me! I had to collect them together and give to someone else. So what is the use? Because I don’t really need anything.

It’s funny! Like the Bible says, “The one who has, will have more;” “the one who doesn’t have anything, will have less.” But that doesn’t mean that if you don’t have anything, you’ll have even less. It’s just that when you don’t have anything, then you mostly want: you want and keep wanting. And the wanting energy acts just like a wall, stopping everything from coming to you. Similarly, we have to be sincere in our spiritual practice but not greedy and not like materialistic spiritualists.

Everything will come naturally. We may pray, but with sincerity, not with greed and demand. There is a very, very slight difference! If you can know the difference between desire and the yearning or longing for liberation, longing for wisdom and longing to know the Truth - between yearning to know the Truth and greedy desire, there is a very slight difference.

If we don’t balance ourselves well, we will step on one side or another. It’s good when we step on the other side, of more spiritual yearning. Then that day we meditate very well. But we don’t have to pray every day like that, only when we can’t make it. (Master gestures toward the wisdom eye.) Sometimes when it’s black, or when things look dark and gray, then you pray earnestly to the Master, and it happens. It always happens. Before I took over this "business," very rarely did I see that the Master didn’t answer. The inner Master rarely refuses your prayer. When the Master did refuse, it meant that request might be no good for me. Later, I would find out. Sometimes the Master takes away something from us, and then we feel very miserable. We think, “Master doesn’t care; Master knows I like it, so why does He take away?” But it’s not true. Later, you’ll be so happy that He got rid it for you. It is like that.

I cannot guarantee you that if you pray to the Master, the Master will give you a good husband or a good wife, a beautiful and very faithful one, and then you’ll be happy. No! The price is very great. The work is very hard. If you want, you may have, and then work for it. But don’t always say, “Master, please help me!” Master cannot interfere in such problems, because there is karma. There is the karma of every person who joins together as husband and wife, as father and mother and children and so on. There is karma. And depending on what kind of karma you have, your relationship will be sweet or sour.

If you don’t want it altogether, that’s OK too. Master can annihilate that; it is quicker. It’s quicker to get rid of than to sustain later. But most of us are born with a fixed karma, and before we are born, we are willing to join with such-and-such person in order to strengthen our physical, spiritual and mental power, in order to continue the work in this world. So we are very willing to do that.

But many people are not willing, so they run away and become monks and nuns, or do some volunteer work by spending their time, youth and energy on a more meaningful purpose in life. That also will level the karma away. These are people who are stronger and do not need support, beside them or behind them. They can go it all alone. But many people find life very lonely and meaningless, so they need someone to share their ups and downs, the ins and outs and troubles of life.

That’s all right; both are all right. The one who lives alone strengthens himself or herself with works, with sacrifice and with other pursuits in life. And the ones who live with company strengthen each other by each other’s strength, too. So both will be strengthened somewhat in different ways. God will always make up for the short of supply. So life will never be made too miserable or unbearable for us, if we have an inner supply of the Master power. We meditate, and we really do not desire much of this life. The days go by easier; we do everything with less attachment and we look at other people with less desire.

That is the very good thing about practicing inner power. One day, the desire is lost completely. We feel so happy inside and so fulfilled that unless other people need us, we don’t go looking for trouble. We don’t even go looking for help, like saying, “Wow! You look miserable. I’ll help you.” No, no! We’re just OK. Whether we help or don’t help, talk or don’t talk, teach or don’t teach, we’re OK; because we have become completely whole and fulfilled within ourselves. We don’t need any external stimulation, motive, goal to reach, compassion to boast about or love to carry on the shoulder. Nothing!

Master's Words

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清海無上師以英文講於英國舍瑞 2006.01.07






同修 甲:大約兩百英鎊,因為還要加上保險費、公路稅以及停車費。

師父:我了解。即使你不開車,還是得付保險費和公路稅嗎?(同修甲:如果你處理掉車子,就不用付保險費。)不,我是說即使車子都停在車庫,你仍然必須繳稅,是嗎?(同修甲:是!)還是可以少繳一點?(同修甲:你可以少繳一些保險費,以美國為例,如果你能證明一星期開車不超過一次,就可少繳一點。)喔,這樣更省錢!好, 如果算每個月省兩百英鎊,哇!一年就省了兩千四百英鎊!那可以買好多東西了。十年可以省多少錢?(同修甲:兩萬四千英鎊,如果把這筆錢拿去投資,會賺更多。)沒錯!會有更多利息。好,所以兩年就可以省 大約四千英鎊,是嗎?(同修甲:兩年可省下四千八百英鎊,再加上利息,大約有五千五百英鎊。)哇!你們看!有了五千五百英鎊,就可以去喜馬拉雅山打坐五年,什麼事都不用做。(大眾笑)









Life Can Be
 Less Expensive and More Joyful

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
Surrey, United Kingdom, 
January 7, 2006, 
(Originally in English)

Sometimes we just waste money on so many things that we don’t need. Otherwise, our life can be less expensive and more joyful. There was a program on TV that I watched two days ago. It said there was a guy who was supposed to pay the mortgage for twenty years. But there was one expert who came and taught the couple how to pay it in two years only. And they really did!

He came and checked out whatever they had to cut. For example, the husband loved to buy all kinds of gadgets. So he said, “Well, you don’t need’ them!” The man would buy a lot, and he’d just leave them laying there. So, number one, they took them all out and sold them at a garage sale to take some money in. And from then on, if he has to buy something, he has to consider that it must be really necessary! Otherwise, don’t buy it. That’s the number one thing.

Number two, instead of going to the restaurant to eat every day, or the coffee shop or cafeteria, they just pack a sandwich lunch and take their own coffee. And then they save a lot every month. Not a lot but here and there, and it adds up.

In the first six months, they saved about six thousand pounds. In six months! So, that’s one thousand per month of a little bit here, a little bit there. For example, the girl also smoked, and he pointed out that one package per week cost 14 pounds or something per week. She didn’t even smoke two or three packages a day, but he calculated that in one whole year or two years, she could even buy a car! Two years passes very quickly. So, you could even buy a car if you don’t smoke! I hope you don’t! (Laughter)

Then, instead of going by car to work, they go by train. It’s cheaper and quicker and safer. You sit there and read newspaper, catch up with things, read Master’s books or whatever. Or, learn something new while sitting on the train. So they save another, maybe 100 or 50 per month. No, more! Petrol is very costly nowadays, right? And if you keep running here and there all the time, like going to work, it probably costs more. It depends on where you go, of course, but at least you save a couple of hundred pounds per month if you go by train and not go by car to work. Or not? (Practitioner: You’ve got parking, as well.) Yes, parking space and everything. So, how much do you save? One of you tell me. If you don’t go by car to work, how much do you save per month?

Practitioner 1 (P1): Probably two hundred because there’s insurance and road tax and parking.

M: I know, but even if you don’t go by car, you still have to pay for insurance and road tax, right? (P1: When you give up your car, then you don’t pay for insurance.) No, what I mean is, if you have a car lying around in the garage, you still have to pay, right? (P1: Yes.) Or you pay less, or not? (P1: You can pay less on the insurance because in America, you pay less if you prove that you don’t ride more than once a week.) Oh, that’s even cheaper! Well, just say 200 per month. Wow, 2400! You can buy a lot of things with that. In ten years, you have how much? (P1: 24,000. But if you invest it, you will have a lot more.) Yes, yes! You have more interest. OK, so maybe you have about four thousand in two years? (P1: You will have 4800 in two years, and then with interest, probably five and half thousand.) Wow! OK, see that? Five and a half thousand, you can go into the Himalayas and sit there for five years, doing nothing. (Everyone laughs.)

P1: Master, maybe I can help. I’m a financial analyst.

M: I’m doing just that! I’m doing this analyzing for them as an example. And that is not all; there are many other things, like you go buy the clothes on sale instead of buying the trendy ones. Or wait until the winter sales, also the end-of-season sales, and you save a lot more money. And wear simple, practical clothes, so you don’t always have to change and be in the mode, or anything like that. If you want to live a free life, you can’t always be modish. We don’t even need that. Occasionally maybe, for something special, like if you go to work and you have to have an interview, or some job that needs presentable clothes, maybe then you need them. But you don’t have to pay a lot of money for brand names. There are some cheaper clothes that look as good. That’s for example.

But the two couples, not only did they save on those things, they also worked extra. She was good at singing, and he was good at doing some other thing. So they would go out to work and bring in extra income every week. Because every money you earn that you save, that means you’re earning as well. And of course if you earn more, then it adds up, all the time.

So, there are many ways we can live a happy life without having to work a lot, or without having to toil day and night - just to burn it. Plus, in all of that, you don’t drink alcohol. You don’t know how much it saves you every month, do you? Do you know? (Audience: Yes.) For example, if you drink, say, a couple of beers every day, how much would you save a month? (P2: Two hundred.) Two hundred easily, yes! Because not only do you drink, the friends come, and then all of them drink together. And then he invites you and you invite him, and then more and more; it’s always more. And not only that, it costs your health. You have to go more to doctor, pay lots of money for medicine, and your insurance mounts up. If you are more sick, the insurance gets more money. The next time you want to insure your health, they will check how often you visit doctors and how ill you are, then they will just raise the fees.

Not only that, if you have an accident, it might cost you your life or your arms or your legs even. It might cost you an arm and a leg, (Master and everyone laugh) the way the English people say it! And then, if you die, that’s the end of the story, fine! But if you don’t die, then you will be dependent forever: maybe on health support or air support, oxygen support, and then you just lie there being a burden to your family and society and making sadness for everyone.

So, don’t talk about the benefits of meditation or anything. My job and my teachings already clear you of a lot of trouble. Even if you don’t meditate at all and if you don’t see any Buddha, or you don’t become a Buddha, you’re already safe: a safe citizen for yourself and for the world. Because drinking and driving kills thousands, tens of thousands of people every day! Around the world, hundreds of thousands of people die every day because of drinking and driving. Not only the driver, the other drivers around him as well, including women, children, pregnant people, anyone! You know that, right? So our teaching is good for you, yes or no? Any complaints about my teaching? (Laughter) Raise your hand. No? Good!


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清海無上師以英文講於新加坡共修會 1994.09.28(影帶編號#446






事實上,要過簡單、健康的生活很容易,並不需要吃這麼多藥、打這麼多針。很多人把有毒的物質吃進體內,自己傷害自己。要是我們知道如何過一個簡單、營養、健康的生活,我們真的不需要常看醫生。這樣醫生就會有更多的假日, 雙方都可以保持健康。























Master Says







Positive Thinking, 
Healthy Life

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Singapore, September 28, 1994
(Originally in English) Videotape #446

Nowadays many sicknesses still kill millions of people. About 18 million a year die from different diseases because some of us do not take precautions to guard our precious body, which is given by God to do some mission on earth for some purpose and also to realize our almighty power. For example, we smoke too much, we drink too much, we eat too much flesh and invite all these bacteria from the flesh into our systems, etc. All these killing factors make our lives a miserable time. Actually, we could live a better life if we organize more, if we appreciate our body more. And if we eat just nutritious food for our body, and not eat because of the taste, and eat just a reasonable amount, then of course, our health will not be so much endangered. Most of the vegetarian people become healthier. Many of you became healthier after taking initiation and switching to a vegetarian diet. Is that not so? (Audience: Yes!) Actually, the hospital is full of meat-eating people. No problem. We can see the proof there. Not only because the vegetarian diet is healthy in itself, but also because the vibrations are very harmonious to our body whereas the vibrations of the animals are not that harmonious, not so peaceful.

Actually it is very easy to live a simple and healthy life. There is no need for so much medicine, no need for so many injections. Many of us harm ourselves because we bring poisonous substances into our body. If we know how to live a simple, nutritious, healthy life, we really don’t need doctors so much. The doctor can have more holidays and both stay healthy.


The More Energy We Use, 
the More We Receive from the Universal Power

Don’t worry about hard work; you should work and spend your energy because in our bodies, there are about seven chakras which can draw in the energy from the universe. They are just like a battery automatically charged by Universal Power. That’s why we can run our machine all the time. And when we meditate, this power is even in more abundance. The more we give, the more it comes in; it will never stop, so we don’t worry.

Don’t worry about karma; helping people and taking the karma and all that. If people need help, you help. It’s only when we try to interfere with the people’s minds, like trying to control them, or trying to tell them to do what we want them to do for a selfish purpose, then we will create karma. Otherwise, if we love people and we want to help them in their time of need, even if we truly get karma from them, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter at all because we should sacrifice for each other. We should live with each other in love and don’t mind the karma.

We must always keep positive energy because even if you think positive, even just thinking positive, if you can see your body, you will see each positive thought will change the pattern of the aura, change your outlook, and change your energy inside. It becomes more over-flowing and healthy. But if you think negative, just think anything negative, bad or miserable, and then your pattern changes immediately. Any psychic person can see this. That’s why some people can read your mind, because when you come in, they can see your aura. They can see the pattern change in the energy counterpart of your body. The energy counterpart is the shape of energy which looks like the shape of your real organ. For example, your heart is like this. Suppose someone took your heart away and that heart-place is empty, but still, it has the shape of your heart in it - something is there. That is the energy counterpart of the heart. Sometimes this energy counterpart has problems, not the real heart, and so they have to fix it. You are the best doctor for yourself if you think positive, live a healthy and simple life -- simple living and high thinking. Always think positive. Even just thinking changes your pattern of living, changes your day and changes your fortune. So always try to keep being positive. Then a lot of accidents, a lot of illnesses can be avoided.

God is always around you. Masters from the ten directions are always protecting you. It is true that we are not left alone in this world to do all things ourselves. We are always protected by angels, everyone of us. And we are always guarded by the Master’s spirit even though we don’t see it. Even if you don’t believe in angels and spirit, you must believe there is a God who exists. Otherwise, we don’t exist.

Most of the problems are our own making because we think negative, we act negative and we let the negative influence from the people affect us. Sometimes, if you go to see the doctor, they will tell you that some of the diseases are self-made. Not because you want the disease only but you are run down in resistance. For example, like an allergy. Sometimes you never get it, but every time you get run down, you are depressed, you are overworked, you are exhausted, then the allergy will come. You eat the same food every day and have no allergy. But one day, you have it. It’s because, at that time, probably your resistance is very low. Your defense system temporarily broke down or something like that; whereas if you think positively, the disease will also go quickly.

Sometimes the defense system is so run down, it’s like broke down, and it’s very difficult to fix it. At that time, then it’s too bad; either we live or we die. So try to take care of your system and don’t let it break down. Try to take care of your system by acting positive, thinking positive, talking positive. That is very simple. Even just thinking positive is already a tremendous help to you. Actually, when you practice very hard, sometimes you don’t feel the body. Is that not so? You have this experience? (Yes.) You feel very light, right? Like you are driving but it is not you who drives; it is someone else. No effort. That’s how we achieve effortlessness in the physical dimension. And then we can do many things in a lighter way and we don’t feel so exhausted any more. The more we meditate, the better we feel, and the faster we work, and no problem.

You must also try to pass on the news for our fellow beings to rescue them from their misery. Try to comfort them and bring them the good news that they could be lighter, greater, happier in their lives if they practice the age-old wisdom, getting in contact with the kingdom of God within themselves, with the Buddha-nature within themselves. Then they don’t feel so miserable, worn-out or blocked, and lonely in this world. That’s the only cure for mankind. Actually it looks like so many disasters are coming to the world, but I don’t feel like the world is going to end so quickly. Maybe it will end in some parts; maybe there will be a great destruction for different people, but the virtuous people, the blameless persons, will be preserved for the next generation. And with the help of the positive energy from you during your meditation, during the group gathering, during your silent prayers time, our world is preserved in a greater degree than we might have hoped for. And that’s why I hope that you spread more good news to people.


Go Back to the Righteous Way of Life

One person makes a lot of difference. If you truly believe in your goodness, in what you are doing, you will influence other people. But if you don’t believe, they will influence you. Then try to make a strong person out of your personality. Whatever you believe is good, stick to it and don’t let other people make you waver because a good example in this world is rare. So make yourself a good example. Try your best in everything so that people will know that, because you practice, you have become better. And you really are being useful for society. That’s how you improve. That’s how you help other people. That’s how we rescue the world from the great destruction that may be coming because of a lot of self-destructive drugs and weapons, the way we live our life and the way we infect each other. It could be the end of the world. There is no doubt about it. No need to see the moon, the sun or anything. If we love this planet— we think it’s a beautiful place, which it is—it takes billions, trillions of years to make one until it is beautiful like today, so beautiful like this. So we have to also make a contribution. If we can, we fix it. Of course after all, if we try our best and still the end of the world comes, then let it be. But if we can fix it, we do it. So spread the good news and let the people go back to the natural way of life, the righteous way of life; that is, being vegetarian, being virtuous, keeping precepts, living a simple life and positive thinking. Then our world will be no problem. And we will probably live a few more thousand years in a better condition. There are two choices now: one is total destruction; another is to go ahead with progress in all ways of life, including spiritual. And the future is in our hands, really. There are no aliens who can do anything about it. There is no God who punishes us. There is no Buddha who blesses us. It’s only ourselves. We have to make a choice. That’s how we grow: by making good choices.


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編號: 725
日期:2001.12.22, 23

字幕:英、中文(正體)、中文(簡體)、悠樂、韓、日、印尼、泰、德、法、西班牙 (11種)

清海無上師以英文講於美國佛州小中心 2001.12.23(DVD#725)












Lead a Life in God’s Way and Everything Shall Be Added onto You


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
Florida, U.S.A. December 23, 2001 
(Originally in English) Videotape #725


As practitioners, we don’t just sit there. We have all kinds of things to do. We have theories to study, we have precepts to keep, and we have meditation to practice. We have the Master to see, and that’s a bonus. But we also have to put what we learn into action, to exercise our wisdom and power of spiritual achievement, and the compassion we develop along with our spiritual improvement.

So we do many things; we don’t just sit there. We do sit there, contemplate the most High and connect with the power within ourselves, which is the highest of all beings. But then we also keep our moral standards high, being a good person, a good boy and a good girl. And then, from the spiritual power inside, we also develop love, compassion and wisdom so that we live a more comfortable life and a simple way of living. And from simple living, we don’t have to work as hard as before, but we earn even more because one penny saved is one penny earned.

Now you live more simply and have more money than before, even though you work the same job. Or maybe you work a less busy job because you can organize your life; you can be contented with whatever life gives you, without wanting more and more things that cost you more trouble, more headaches and more money. More money means more work; more work means more health consumed, more time consumed, more energy wasted. Instead of having time to meditate and to direct our energy to good causes, we have to waste it on earning money and paying more taxes because we earn more or have to take care more, paying more to the accountant because we have too much work.

So now that we have a simpler life, we have more time, and more time means more meditation, more wisdom. More time also means more charitable actions and more happiness for everyone around us and for ourselves. More time also means less work, more health and more time for family members, more happiness within our marriage and family.

So much good comes out of this spiritual practice. If the whole world’s people knew, they would forsake everything to do meditation and follow our way of life, because this is really the only way of life that we should follow. It’s not that we forsake every other way of life, but by following this way of life, we improve in every other way of life, and we enhance all kinds of other ways of life that we didn’t have time for before.

Therefore, when you work less, you have more health and that saves even more money. More money means you can go on retreat sometimes and recuperate in terms of your spiritual standard and your state of health. And then the money you save you can use to help other people. Before, you thought you didn’t have enough money to even do charity work. But now, look! You do it everywhere. You help America, you help Argentina, you help Chile, you help Afghanistan, you help Africa.

You help everywhere, and with the same amount of money you earned before. Not only can you help, but you can have time for yourself so that you can even recover yourself for anything you lacked during the busy hours of working and serving the world. And more and more you become wiser, kinder, more affectionate, more loving, more tolerant and more understanding. So much more has become of you! You become richer and richer, both inside and out. And you also look even better. You stay young longer and have less illness, and even if you have an illness, you have a quick recovery.

Everything is so good just because it’s a good way of life and the only way of life, the Kingdom of God’s way of life. Follow the Kingdom of God, seek the Kingdom of God, and everything will come into fulfillment.

This is the practice of the Bible and the Buddhist doctrines. There is nothing else to do but to practice it. The Buddha emphasized compassion, wisdom and love. You have it all. Jesus emphasized the Kingdom of God, of course: Love thy neighbor. The Kingdom of God: Love thy enemy. The Kingdom of God means you have wisdom. You achieve the Kingdom of God; you contact the Kingdom of God, meaning you’re wise like God or God-like at least, or moving toward God, more and more toward God. You have it all. Whatever the Bible names, demands, or emphasizes, you have. The more you practice this, the more you have it. And that’s why you look so happy. 


Name: The Supreme Master Ching Hai
International Association Publishing Co. Ltd.
No: 19259438




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清海無上師以英文講於英國舍瑞 2006.01.08







想想看要是每個人都跟我們一樣!也許他們一開始不吃素,但是不喝酒、不碰毒品及不抽菸,就已經能使他們過著更純淨、更健康的生活,而且還可以省下很多錢,讓人人都快樂。也許他們會擁有好的房子及車子,身體健康、家庭安樂,同時也為學校裡的孩子們樹立良好的榜樣,不再有 悲劇發生,或是會減少。







Master Says


Clean Living Makes the Whole World a Paradise

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
Surrey, United Kingdom, January 8, 2006
(Originally in English)


Actually, if the people in the world are wiser and more sensible, they will pick the world leaders with more spiritual awareness and more clarity in mind. But you can only do that by disciplining yourself. Like the ancient wisdom says, you have to first cultivate yourself. That means you really have to discipline yourself and meditate and have wisdom. Without wisdom, how can you rule the world? How can you help anyone if you can’t even help yourself! If you don’t know where you are going when you die and you don’t even know what to do in some situations, how can you lead anyone or help anyone, let alone a whole nation!

You have first to cultivate yourself, which means make yourself wise. By what? Meditation and discipline. But you can only do that when you’re clear, and your body is well. If you are not well, how do you think well? Alcohol makes you worse; alcohol doesn’t make you well. Alcohol and cigarettes make you sick. Everyone knows that! Why would you damage yourself when you want to lead the nation? So you have to be disciplined and meditate: to calm yourself down, to find the wisdom that is inside you and also to cultivate yourself. That’s it. Then, you can take care of your family. Of course, your children need you. If a little kid looks at you drinking and smoking all day, how are you going to take care of your family and tell them what to do, when you don’t do it? And then if you even fool around or something, that’s also a bad example for your kids.

So, first discipline yourself with wisdom and virtue, and then you can take care of the family. That’s natural. The old ancient wisdoms don’t even forbid you to have a family, but to cultivate yourself, and then you can take care of the family. Further on, you can lead the nation. They don’t even say, “Lead the nation.” They say, “Pacify the world.” See how big it can be? They don’t even limit it to a nation: Pacify the world! That is the great power of a spiritually cultivated person, a wise person. If the world were really wise and awakened, they would have chosen their leaders more carefully.


Spiritual Practitioners Are Shining Examples for the World

I suppose any good government would like to keep its subjects healthy, happy and intelligent. That’s the aim of any government leader. So, if anyone helps the government to do that, then they should be the friends of the government. And we are the friends of the government, because we keep the society sober, clean, moral and high, by making an example and spreading this example or giving people teachings to do just that. Any government always says, “We want to keep our people safe; we want to keep our people peaceful; we want to keep our people clean, happy and crime-free.”

We are doing just that, to help the government! So, any government should give us an award and say, “You are doing good; you are helping us!” Free of charge, even! They don’t even have to pay us. All governments have to pay their police or army to suppress crime, suppress criminals and protect the people. We are doing just that: without getting paid, without clashing with the police, without harming anyone and without having any weapons to harm anyone to begin with.

Imagine if everyone just did what we do! Maybe they wouldn’t be vegetarian to begin with, but no alcohol, no drugs and no cigarettes, would be so clean and more healthy; it would save a lot of money and everyone would be happy. They could have a good house, a good car, good health, a good family and be a good example for the children in school. Nothing tragic would happen anymore, or less would. Because let’s face it, sometimes children are not taught well at home. So when they get into school, they become bullies because they have a bad example at home! Maybe the father is drunk every day and beats up the family. The child learns from that, or he gets frustrated. Maybe the father is drunk and then dies or kills someone and goes to jail, and then the child is alone with the mother only and he’s frustrated. So he has to defend himself and grows up aggressive, because that’s the only way he knows -- to rule and become a bully. The family doesn’t make a good example. He came from a broken family; what do you want him to do, with no one to teach him! The father’s in jail or died, or was maimed or is a vegetable for life. Sometimes he drinks and goes home, beats the family up or dies because of alcohol. Then the kid doesn’t know what to do, so he grows defensive. And it works, because he’s weak and scared, and then that’s how he grows into aggressiveness and becomes a bully.

If we take away the alcohol and all the meat and cigarettes, then the family will be much better already, and the school will be a better place. So, it affects everything! The effect of a clean life is really big. It’s not just for one person or one family; it affects the whole society.

So, I think the world should do this. If they just do like us and follow our example, they don’t even need to study meditation with me or become all Saints. I don’t need to teach them; they don’t need to come see me. All they need to do is just live a clean life. They can even pray to God, or pray to whatever they want. But their virtues, their good life, will affect the whole world and the whole world will be a paradise already. No need for me!

Why doesn’t the world see this? Why don’t more leaders of nations reinforce this kind of clean-living, happy, peaceful Heaven for everyone? If they really want to take care of their family, that’s the way. At least reinforce it by making an example, because that’s what you have a power for. You can change the world! You’re the leader of a nation; you can at least change your nation. 


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清海無上師以英文講於英國舍瑞 2006.01.08




有些 人真的很沒有體貼的心!有時他們將狗放在卡車後方,沒有任何能抓住的地方,就這樣在熾熱的六月烈陽下,或是在氣候炎熱的國度中,自顧自地開著車,任由那些狗兒東倒西歪。狗兒的腳可能會受傷,或是被熾熱的豔陽曬傷,就連我們也受不了。我無法了解許多人做事的方法,我想不通有些人為何如此麻木不仁!


如果可能的話,我們應該盡全力做到最好。否則即使一時救了動物,卻任由牠們陷入另一種困境,坐視不管,那麼救牠們有何用?談起這些事情又讓我感到心痛。我沒辦法拯救全世界所有的狗,但是你們如果看到類似的情況 (有受忽視或受苦的動物)、看到不對的事情,要設法糾正,不要只是因為一時不便就坐視不管。 


Master's Words


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
Surrey, United Kingdom, January 8, 2006 (Originally in English)

Anything in this world like that hurts me a lot. I can’t watch TV right now because of things like bird flu, where they take thousands of chickens or ducks, just take them by the neck, throw them in a bag, close it, and throw it in the garbage. Can you imagine, if it’s you? Imagine it’s you! They just bury them alive, just like that! Or throw them in the fire, and burn them alive. Imagine it’s you! If all the world could just be vegetarian and not breed a lot of chickens and let them be them, they wouldn’t bother anyone. 

Oh God, I cannot watch all this! It just hurts me, and I can’t sleep. Anything in this world, when I look around, it hurts me all the time. Even when I was younger, if you remember I made a poem, “I Don’t Know What to Do with My Heart.” It’s because of that. Even when I was younger, before big enlightenment, before the Himalayas, I really couldn’t bear it. That’s why when I was married, I couldn’t enjoy. If I watched TV, I would feel sad for many days and many weeks. I worked in the Red Cross, and nothing was happy. And when I was young, I witnessed people dying and suffering, and war and all that. There’s just nothing really good in this world. 

So, anything can hurt me, so easily. Sometimes I even see healthy, good children being pushed around in prams without any covering in the front. Of course they are warmly dressed, but the cold air can hit their face, also the debris from the street or anywhere. Because you are tall, you are walking up here but the baby is down there. So I also feel hurt for that baby, because they are delicate and something can flow into their eyes, or they can breathe something bad or the cold air into their nose, which can be painful! 

Some humans are very inconsiderate. Sometimes they put the dogs behind them on the truck, without anything to grip. So they’re just running under the hot June sun, or in some very hot weather kind of country. The dog is just slipping here and there, and he might be hurt on his legs or in the heat from the sun. We could not even bear it! So I don’t know how a lot of people do a lot of things. I don’t know how some humans have no feeling. 

So the thing is, whatever you do, consider the other party. Then it’s easy to understand and to feel it. Don’t ask me how enlightened you are and what level of sainthood you are in. Just watch yourself. Watch how you react with other people, how you treat other people and how you treat the less fortunate animals. Then you know what level you are; you don’t need to ask me. Because if you are enlightened, you must be more intelligent. More intelligent human beings can see everything better than before. When your eyes are open, you see better! So just watch yourself. Don’t bother asking me when you’re going to reach the Fifth Level and be a Master and all that.

You have to do the best, alright? If you can! There’s no use rescuing some animals and then just putting them into another different kind of hardship and neglect. Talking about these things, it makes me feel painful again. I cannot rescue all the dogs in the world, but if you see a neglected, suffering animal or something that is not right, try to correct it. Don’t ignore it just because of inconvenience.


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Ching Hai









































Quan Yin





























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清海無上師以英文講於匈牙利歐禪 2005.02.24








To Be a Saint, Be the Qualities that Are Saintly

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
European Retreat in Hungary,
February 24, 2005 (Originally in English)

Perhaps you're all kind because you learn with me. You think, “I can’t kill anyone,” or, “I'm not eating meat so I'm good.” But you learned that. Otherwise, you might not have been that good. You're trying hard to be good, which is good! But to be good is not enough; to be saintly is not enough. You must be more than that. You have to be more compassionate, considerate, intelligent, helpful, willing, kind and at all times have unconditional love. Especially unselfish love: You have to always think of how to serve humanity at large and how to help the less fortunate. That's really saintly.

Think of how you can do better for others. This is also a kind of meditation. Even at this stage of my life, after the daytime when I’m busy with fixing whatever I see, I think at night of the birds outside and whether they’re too cold because of the cold night. And I think of the foxes and the dogs or the sheep or the goats on the mountain. Wherever I am, I think of the beings and whether they’re warm enough and fine enough. It's just automatic.

So, being kind is not enough. You have to be the kindness. You have to be the compassion; you have to be the love. And then it becomes you so that you cannot be anything else but love. Then, you’re a real Saint. Otherwise, you’re just living a borrowed sainthood, or a granted sainthood. For example, some people study very hard for many years in order to become a doctor, while others just get an honorary doctorate. Maybe you’re like that. It’s fine if you get an honorary, fake or paid doctor degree. But then, be one! Since you have the title, why not be one? Become a real one.

Through Her loving concern and care
for previously neglected dogs,
Master’s natural saintly example is one we all can follow.

Some people work very hard, study well and then become a doctor. But even if you become a doctor first, then practice and become one. Become a kind doctor or a knowledgeable doctor. Study a little bit more and catch up afterward; that's also fine. You’ve already gotten honorary Sainthood. So, be one! Be one to match it, to make it real. Convince yourself by being a Saint. Walk the way of the Saint by acting like a Saint, thinking like a Saint, feeling like a Saint, helping everyone else, considering other people and giving love. Always try to go in that direction; train yourself in this environment and this saintly domain. Then you’ll become a better Saint.


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清海無上師以英文講於英國舍瑞 2006.01.07

















































































師父:我很樂意做這些,我愛 妳!























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清海無上師以英文講於美國洛杉磯共修會 1997.07.08










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清海無上師以英文講於英國舍瑞  2006.01.02(原文為英文)









An Effective and Safe Disinfectant 
for All Sentient Beings


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Surrey, United Kingdom 
January 2, 2006 (Originally in English)

I have some vinegar spray, just for washing hands for my dogs. And I take a bottle of half-water, half-vinegar with me all the time. Sometimes in the restaurant, I use it to wash my hands; spray it on my hands and then wipe it, and spray on the public utensils, to disinfect them. And wipe it off, and then it’s clean. You know, like a dry-cleaning system: “Zzzt…!” It helps, and there are no chemicals. Vinegar is harmless; you could eat it, so it doesn’t matter. I carry a little bottle all the time. You’ve learned another trick now!

And sometimes, you can spray around your window and so on. Or you spray some insect repellent, the non-toxic kind, around the window so insects don’t come through. Even mosquitoes stay away. The small insects stay away from your screen. But if you don’t have that, then you spray vinegar. It also helps because vinegar dispels all the smell, and they’re only attracted to smell. So instead of perfume, maybe you spray some vinegar, and then the mosquitoes won’t know if you’re a lettuce or a hot-blooded blonde. Maybe they think you’re a cabbage or a salad! (Laughter)

If you have dogs, clean them with vinegar water only. And if you have dogs or cats or pets in the house, clean your house only with vinegar and water mixed. Now and again, if you really want it clean and you don’t feel sure, then clean with whatever you have to. But afterwards, you have to clean with water throughout so that no more chemical residues are left in the house because you could kill your dogs or cats that way. Not killed immediately, but it would make them suffer for many years. They cannot bear it. If you can hear your dog, they will tell you.

So vinegar water, that’s all we want. Half-vinegar, half-water, to clean: Clean the dog’s body when you want to let them in the house. Clean the paws and everything with vinegar-water and a vinegar wet towel. And then after that, around the eyes, you have to clean quickly with water so it doesn’t smart their eyes. In the sensitive areas that have revealed or sensitive skin, then you have to clean it back with water immediately afterward so it takes away the sting. That’s the best! If you really cannot get vinegar on hand, you can use a baby wipe. But then wipe with water immediately after, so there are no more residues of the chemical, whatever it is.


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清海無上師以英文講於英國舍瑞 2006.01.02











The Power of Telepathy


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Surrey, United Kingdom 
January 2, 2006 (Originally in English)


You don’t have to be a psychic or a dog talker to understand the language of dogs. They understand you. They understand English, Russian, German, French - whatever you speak to them, they understand very well. Because dogs understand words by pictures, whatever words you speak form a photo or a picture in their mind. And that’s how they understand you perfectly clearly, with no mistake about it. In every language, every word has a symbol, invisibly.

That’s also why I tell you to be pure in speech. Because it does have an impact on the people who hear it and it does have a real meaning. It does form a picture, and it does send some energy, bad or good, to the environment that you’re walking around in with it. So that’s why we have to be pure in speech and action, and thought as well. Everything has a reason. I am not trying to control you or anything; I am just telling you all the scientific evidence and scientific logic behind the precepts that we keep.

Everything we think also forms some kind of picture that people can see as well. Some people can; not everyone can. Nevertheless, it will be around in the ether and people can perceive it. And the energy does stay. Depending on how strongly you mean it at the time of saying it or thinking it, it will last longer or it will last shorter. But, it will last. And sometimes it lasts for a long time, almost forever.

You’ve heard about the curse from generation to generation: it’s true. The person doesn’t have to be a witch to form this kind of curse energy; it can come from some person with strong hatred or strong love or strong revenge ideas in his or her head. When he says it with all his mighty power, then it will come true, whether it’s a curse or a blessing. That’s why sometimes you go to a priest or some holy person and say, “Please, bless me,” or, “Give me some blessing.” Because it does work; it’s not superstition.

Maybe in the future we won’t need television or anything similar; we can just tune in wherever we want, and the picture will come on. And that’s what telepathy is all about. Dogs and animals have more telepathic power than we do because we lost it. Many of us lose it, because through the complication of the survival network we have to think too much in physical terms, and do too much in the physical field and think too much about physical obligations because of survival. So, we are more and more physical every day, and that’s how we forget the telepathic self or the telepathic ability that we had.

Some people still retain it, to the minimum or maximum, or half-and-half. Sometimes, in some instances, you seem to understand what your partner is saying, without his speaking it aloud. That’s when you collect a little scattered ability of the psychic power that you do have. Now and again, it comes out. And that is true. Can you imagine, if we hadn’t lost it all we’d have it all the time. But it’s also good in a way. Because if you have that power, you don’t always hear the good but you always hear the bad also. And that would be a little bit too much for us.





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清海無上師以英文  講於英國舍瑞 2006.01.02


















Master Says

Make Miracles withYour Positive Spirit


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
Surrey, United Kingdom 
January 2, 2006 
(Originally in English)

If that kid (Master is referring to a 16-year-old boy in Rwanda who touched Her heart with his upright spirit), or any human being were merely a physical body, it wouldn’t be possible that he could think like that. There must be a soul behind it; there must be some great force behind it. Otherwise, an ordinary person under such dire circumstances couldn’t still have such an upright spirit and wouldn’t be so proud, not begging or anything like that. For example, one of the mothers had a baby who was very ill, and she didn’t have money. So she wanted to walk 20 miles and bring her to the hospital in the next town, in the bigger city, to beg them to help her somehow, if they would. But then a journalist coming by gave her and the baby a lift into town. And the journalist also gave her some money for the baby’s treatment. She was stunned. The native Rwandan looked at the journalist, very surprised and said, “But your lift was good enough!”

These are really good people, very proud and very honest. And they deserve help. But this is just an example so that you know that if you just keep your positive spirit, miracles happen. Even if you’re still lousy and negative after you learn the Quan Yin Method, miracles still happen. Can you imagine if you’re more positive, with more faith, how much more powerful you can be? You bless yourself, bless your life, bless the whole world, bless the universe and make miracles happen everywhere, wherever you walk. So, do that! And it will happen.

That kid, he was only 16, and he also spoke like that. The whole village wouldn’t talk to him and wouldn’t go near him because he and his family were so poor, saying that they weren’t very lucky or good or anything. But the boy said, “I will prove them wrong!” So he worked 18 hours a day at 16 years of age to nourish his five brothers and sisters and his elderly grandparents. He said he wasn’t afraid of anything, only that he might get ill, that’s it, so that he could not work. But meanwhile, he still studied things by himself, like in a book that he grabbed somewhere. And because of that spirit, miracles did happen.

With only 30 pounds Sterling, he can buy a parcel of land and some goats, and make cheese and milk and plant vegetables, sufficient for the whole family. So the money I sent is more than a miracle. More than 10 times that I sent to him, apart from what was sent to other people as well. It’s just that he has a strong spirit. And he’s not even initiated; he’s not anything spiritual or anything special. He just wanted to concentrate on working to feed his family. Such a strong power like that could make miracles happen. It is a miracle for him because the whole family needs only 30 pounds to be independent forever. And he has more than that now. For that country, for that situation, it’s like a big fortune.

For example, if you won 100,000 pounds all of a sudden, and all you needed was maybe 10,000 pounds, that would be a miracle. It would be the manifestation of a miracle. And this boy earned it because of what he said, because of the spirit of positivity within him and because of the sacrifice he made for his family. It’s so positive and still so strong that it can make miracles happen.

So how much more could you make in your lucky situation, with the spiritual power that you’ve been given and you’ve acquired and continue to develop? We can make anything happen with mind power. Just think good for others and do good for others. That’s the miracle you’re making every day. You are the miracle! You are the miracle for other people, for yourselves, for the less fortunate. That’s what Heaven is made of. What else do you think Heaven is to that boy 16 years of age when he gets more than 10 times what he needs for the whole family, forever? What else do you think Heaven looks like, or a miracle is?

So we make miracles all the time. We make them with our own hands because we earn money. And then with those hands, we can give life-sustaining power to some unfortunate people. We can comfort them with our thoughts, with our speech and with our loving kindness. These are all miracles that you’re making every day. And I’m proud of you that you’re doing that. Anytime someone needs you, you give. And surprisingly in our societies, there are still people who need us, not just in Africa. So we have a chance to do something every day. Maybe we just give 50 cents to a homeless person for warm tea, maybe one pound to someone else who’s sick and can’t work, maybe a cup of coffee for a neighbor when she can’t go out and maybe buying some medicine for her when she needs to go to the pharmacy but can’t. Maybe it’s just doing any little thing, because those are all miracles. To the people who can’t do it, they’re miracles.  Just like you, when you want to come here but you can’t: So when you can, you say, “Oh, it’s a miracle!” (Everyone laughs)

Miracles happen all the time. Miracles depend on what you need. To you, a miracle is just to go and see some strange woman, (Master jokes about Herself) not to earn any money or care if you don’t have any! (Laughter) That’s a miracle, a big deal miracle, not just a small one, that goes to you. To that boy in Rwanda, a 30 pound gift is a big miracle. And it was even more than that, 10 or 12 times more, enough for the whole family forever or at least for life, to build their life, whole and strong. Maybe the boy can open a business as well, not just goat cheese but maybe a farm or something. And he’ll also be able to send his brothers and sisters to school and buy medicine for his elderly grandparents and help other people later when he becomes rich.

It goes on forever; it’s not just for him. Because someone helps him now, later he’ll help someone else. That’s always for sure! He will never forget the day that he needed, and he will understand the people who need. A person like that will not forget.

So it’s not like I’m just helping him or his family. It will continue. The kindness will be redeemed as more kindness, and many people will benefit from that. And this is a good way; this is how we should live our life. We breed kindness. We nurture it, make it grow and spread it all over the world. And that’s how the world becomes better. It does affect us in many ways, not just in a spiritual way but in a physical way as well. The thing you may not know is that it affects the government, affects the leaders and affects the peace. It affects everything. For example, you see now more and more people are vegetarian, you see that the war in Ireland is finished, and that south Korea and north Korea talked – so many things that one cannot even remember sometimes! Even the emperor of Japan just read a loving and sympathetic letter to the whole world, saying how sorry he was and how much sympathy he felt for the victims of the war. This has never been done before. Maybe you think it’s because of economic or political pressure, but that has always been there. This is not the first time any nation has had pressure from anyone else, from another country or from an international power, and it’s not the first time the Japanese or any other country has had that. So it’s getting better all the time.

Of course, there’s still the cleansing of the Astral. But the rest will be fine and strong and will get better all the time. Look at how far we have lifted, in all aspects. The disasters cannot be helped; that’s the karma of the Astral energy. But otherwise, whatever the improvements, it just gets better and better all the time. Could you have imagined before what we have now? (Master picks up a cell phone) Talking to a square piece like that, saying “Hallo!” then a guy from the other end of the universe answers you! And there are many other things. For example, you can concentrate 1000 songs into that small iPod. No one knows where it came from. Or, 300 songs in just a small stick, like a piece of chewing gum. That’s powerful!

Nowadays, we can even see each other from a hundred thousand miles away, just by holding a square thing in our hand. We have video pictures, songs, DVDs, everything. And a person at the other end of the globe can see it like it’s right in front of them, but it’s right there in your hand. That would have been a miracle a hundred years ago or maybe even 50 or 70 years ago. So, life is a miracle all the time. If you look, you see miracles. It’s just that sometimes we take things for granted, wishing and washing for something else, which is not really important or necessary at all. The miracle is in your hands. When you go out, you work with the miracle that’s inside. You go out, work with it and you bring home miracles. And then you can spread those miracles all around you and around the globe.

We have miracles all the time. The whole body is a miracle! Just make use of it, and make more miracles. If you don’t use it, there’s not much miracle except if you can see it. It’s good already. Don’t wait until you’re blind and think, “My God! I had a miracle before!” Appreciate it. Every day, thank God. Thank the Universe for its sustaining power so that the whole planet doesn’t drop into somewhere, so that the sun stays in the sky, so that the moon even comes out and says “Hallo!” to you every month on time, with no clock needed.

Miracles are everywhere. The snow brings water for your garden and for the agriculture. Everything is a miracle! So don’t take them for granted, but use them to invest and make more miracles. Use your miraculous hands to make more events happen with more financial success. Then you can enjoy life and spread it out. And our life is simple; that’s why we can afford to help someone else, because we don’t need much. You use whatever you have, and whatever you have with you is a miracle. Even your hair: you can do a thousand things with it. Don’t wait until you lose it all and say, “Oh, my miracle’s gone!” (Everyone laughs.)

We can see the world around us; that’s already a big miracle. Can you imagine if you didn’t have that? At night, when you’re groping in the dark, you know what it’s like to have the miracle of your ears so you can hear. Your health, all the tissues in your body functioning in harmony, that’s a miracle. When something goes wrong, then you appreciate that it was right before. Sometimes it’s late. But it’s good that your life and your body are in harmony together. The mind, the brain and the body work together to make you a functional, perfect human being. And you are beautiful already, very beautiful. You have everything; you’re lacking nothing.


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We Create Our Own Heaven and Hell

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai in Tainan, Formosa, 
October 13, 1988 (Originally in Chinese) MP3-CG02

When you hear someone say that it’s not necessary to keep the Precepts or purify the body, speech and mind in spiritual practice, you should know that they’re joking. They are not serious in spiritual practice and treat spiritual practice like a children’s game.

Since ancient times, no spiritual practitioner has been able to attain the ultimate Truth very easily. Only those superior beings from beyond the Three Realms who don’t have any problems and have very few obstacles can attain the Truth soon after embarking on the spiritual path. Even if they have obstacles, at the most it’s just seeing some demons, or it’s like Shakyamuni Buddha, Who, when He was about to reach Buddhahood, saw the Maya King transformed into His wife, son or a pretty woman to seduce Him. That’s all. However, at that time He simply said, "You are all but illusions!" Then He controlled the illusions and conquered them. That was the obstacle that confronted Shakyamuni Buddha; otherwise, He didn’t have any obstacles and attained Buddhahood after practicing for six years. If the method we practice is not the right one, even after six hundred years or six hundred eons, it will bear no fruit because we cannot cook rice from sand. But if we practice the Quan Yin Method we will definitely succeed!

Also, we spiritual practitioners should ensure that our actions, speech and thoughts are pure regardless of whether our level is within or above the Three Realms. When we hear people say that we’ve transcended the Three Realms, we shouldn’t believe them immediately. Instead, we should first introspect ourselves, and if we’re still bound somewhere that shows we’re still within the Three Realms because we’re still chained, still not relaxed or free. At that time, we should quickly practice spiritually and then very soon we will go beyond the Three Realms.

Every Buddha has to practice very hard before attaining the Truth. Jesus Christ said that He was the son of God, yet when He was practicing in the desert, the Maya King still came to tempt Him. He practiced very hard and when He was about to attain Sainthood, the Maya King said to Him, "All the Three Worlds I will give to you if you worship me." And Jesus Christ said, "Get thee behind me, Satan!" This meant that He was telling the devil to go away and out of His sight. In fact, it’s not an easy thing to become the king of the Three Realms.

It’s best for us to always focus our thoughts on the Supreme Power. We should think of Hirm intensely while craving to go back to the highest realm and not linger in any other realms. In this way we can create a very positive, intense atmosphere and use it to build our own Heaven the way you build your own meditation Center. First you conceive and design it and then get together to build it. That’s how you have this Center now.

Similarly, if we don’t conceive of a good design of Heaven, after we go there we won’t be able to find anything. But if we have a superior concept of Heaven’s design, we’ll go to a superior realm because "all is created by the mind." It’s very simple for us to create Heaven or hell. So don’t forget the Almighty Power within and pray every day to Hirm for help by saying, "I want only You! As for the other things, it’s fine if You give them to me; it’s also all right if You don’t. It’s fine if I can have enough to make a living, but if I don’t, I also don’t mind. Really, I only want to go Home. I don’t want to again become a deva, a human or an asura who has to transmigrate in the cycle of birth and death."

That’s why I teach you to purify your actions, speech and thoughts. To pursue spiritual practice we must observe the Precepts. However, when we’re advanced on the spiritual path we naturally observe the Precepts. The more advanced we are in spiritual cultivation, the more sensitive we feel, and so we observe the Precepts spontaneously. At that time there’s no need to emphasize the Precepts, samadhi or wisdom; we naturally attain them. Only then do we have the true Precepts, samadhi and wisdom. We have wisdom as though we don’t have it and we don’t think we have it. It’s as natural and simple as breathing, washing our hands, washing our faces and going to sleep.

It’s not necessary to deliberately renounce the world. We just need to persist in spiritual practice and the world will naturally let go of us one day. Don’t worry about being bound tightly by the world. Even if sometimes I’m rather stern and reprimand you for not being able to let go, and for continually clinging to this world, you don’t have to become agonized or irritated. Instead, you should introspect and persist in spiritual practice and sooner or later you will be able to let go. Sooner or later, all the fame, profit, money, all those things will mean nothing to you. It doesn’t mean we can’t use these things, but we don’t care about them. We use them if we have them and if we don’t have them it’s also fine.

Therefore, when we think about things related to fame and gain, we’re chaining ourselves. In the very beginning, before anything came into being in the universe, there was absolutely nothing. We should trace our thinking back to that time. Everything was originally nothing. Before a flower came into being, what was it? Who were we before we were born? Nothing existed in the first place. Everything comes into being through the convergence of causation so we mustn’t be attached to these ephemeral things, all of which things come into existence only due to causation and they will disperse when the causation ends.

To really understand this truth, we need to practice for a long time and then one day we’ll naturally realize that this is indeed the Truth. Having attained this realization, we will never lose it. Now as you listen to me telling you all this, it still belongs to me. I’m just letting you have a glimpse of it; you still don’t have the "money" to buy it. It only becomes your property after you have bought it so you must continue to practice. It’s not enough to just listen to me and then think, "Since everything is nothing and all karma is originally void, we have no need to practice anymore. This is too great! Whatever Master says is true. Just believe in Her!" This won’t do because you have not yet really understood.

So we must be pure in our actions, speech and thoughts. The purer we get, the fewer disasters and illnesses we’ll have. We can’t blame anyone for any situation we run into; all the Heavens and hells are created by us. 


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清海無上師以英文講於英國舍瑞 2006.01.08












































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清海無上師以英文講於匈牙利歐禪 2005.02.23-24





就算你餓著肚子、口很乾渴,還是要打坐。當然,如果你有得吃喝,就先照顧好自己。但是就算打坐的時候你會死,也還是要打坐,因為那是唯一跟著你的寶藏,所以沒關係!不用擔心。我們也在幫助世界順利進入新的千禧年,你們都聽說西元兩千年世界原本會毀滅,那是真的,但是我不想告訴你們。當然也因為我在這裡,所以才沒發生。在倫敦時(請參考清海無上師於1999年6月9日的講經開示《勇敢面對生活》; DVD#662),我說過世界末日不會發生,結果就沒有發生,但是差一點就發生!所以世界各地才發生像聖經提到的大災難。你們自己也知道,而且我已經事先告訴過你們,要更精進努力打坐,因為現在我們正處於淨化的階段。




























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清海無上師以英文講於匈牙利歐禪 2005.02.26







所以說,即使你們在這裡只算小地瓜(大眾笑),但我知道你們在外面很出色。別以為我不知道,我很尊重這一點,我真的很尊重你們的成就,但我不想讓你們停在那裡。所以每次你們來這裡,我會用推的、用踢的、拉你們、磨你們,讓你們進步,等到你們回家以後就知道不一樣。就算我責備你們,也不要看輕自己,那只是訓練的過程而已。你們還是徒弟, 所以犯錯是可以容許的,要不然你們就變成師父了。 


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