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清海無上師以英文講於法國 國際聚會2012.3.21~4.9間




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日期:2008.12.26, 2009.07.09-10







































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清海無上師以中文講於國際聚會 2009.07.18






Good Actions Bring Heavenly Benefits

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
at an international gathering
on July 18, 2009 (Originally in Chinese)

Thank you for supporting good ideals and helping the world, helping the planet, helping humans and helping animals. It’s good for you to do it: Good for you and good for your merit. Heaven takes note. Anything good you do is noted as good in Heaven. Also, anything bad we do reduces our points. Every good thing we do, every good job we do, a good profession even, earns points in Heaven. For example, if you are a farmer and you grow organic food for people, Heaven gives you very high points. If you make clothes or weave clothes for people, or blankets and all that, Heaven gives you very good points. For anything that benefits the children of God, Heaven gives you good points and high points; anything that’s harmful to the children of Heaven brings minus points. Not only bad points but minus points: minus and bad points, so we go down. Every good profession that fulfills people’s needs brings us up with good points. Good profession, good job—good points. Bad profession, bad job—bad points.

So even if you sell steamed buns, that’s a good profession. Even if it’s just part-time or a weekend job, it earns different points, more points, extra points, apart from meditation; and putting flyers in there is more extra points, and saves the planet. Because your idea, your heart wants to save the people, wants to save the humans and save the world. Six billion people, that’s a lot of merits! And many, many millions of animals; that’s a lot of merits also. So, put all your heart, your love into it. Then of course you have merits; even if you don’t want it, you have it.


Spiritual Tips


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日期:2008.8.20, 09.01, 
 12.06 & 22


清海無上師以英文講於國際聚會 2008.12.06












The Ego Separates Us from Our True Self

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, International Gathering,
December 6, 2008 (Originally in English)

Wisdom is really important; and ego, we have to cut it. The less ego, the better. It is a pity because we don’t really need this ego. The “I” that knows everything already, the “I” that is expert in this and specialist in that -- we don’t need all that. Because if we don’t have them, then we are more smart. We will become more intelligent, smarter, really.

The only reason I can do many things well and that everyone likes is because, perhaps, I have very little ego or none. I keep checking myself to see if any ego pops up. Perhaps the reason that your ego doesn’t go away is because you don’t have the chance to rub with other people, like no one checks you, no one fixes you; no one tells you what’s wrong with you because you don’t do anything with other people. Or, you are in a very high position outside in the society, like you are a boss or some director, manager, whatever; you are the one who tells everyone what to do all the time, and no one ever talks back at you. Also, sometimes even as a practitioner, you have no chance to be corrected by anyone else. But don’t be offended; cut that ego off. Okay?

It’s not enough that you meditate. You’ve got to be exposed to many situations to grow up. You have to go out and also react to the reality in order to have more intelligence. Meditation helps also, but if you don’t have a chance to polish it, then it doesn’t work.

If anyone at all scolds you, or even wrongly accuses you, be thankful for that person. That’s good for your humility, actually; and even if it’s not true, it’s also good for you. At that time, you check yourself out and then you know how much ego you have. If at that time you just still say, “Oh, I’m such a good person, why does he say like this and like this?” And you complain all day, and then you’ll begin to hate that person, then still it’s no good. Anyway, if someone corrects you in any way, that’s really good for you. You learn from that mistake, and you become better and better.

No one is bad, just ego is bad. Truly the egos is the worst enemy of everyone. Many people like to keep it, that’s the problem. If you listen to this ego too much, you forget your great Self, your intelligent Self, your wise wisdom Self. That is the only problem. It’s a pity if you keep listening to the ego, like you know too much and all that. Then you don’t know your real Self. The main problem is the ego separates us from our true Self, from the one who truly knows everything. If we just think we know everything about this world, then we don’t know our Self. That’s the greatest problem with the ego.

The ego is the greatest enemy. Sometimes the ego destroys a marriage, destroys a relationship, destroys a friendship, destroys the love between mother and son, or father and daughter even, because the ego causes conflict all the time—doesn’t want to do anything that is pleasing to the mother or father or pleasing to the partner, just wants to do the thing that causes trouble. Day after day like this, if a partner always causes trouble, then of course the relationship is broken. You cannot remember anything but bad things about each other—bad souvenirs, bad happening, bad events, bad result – and never good. So, of course the relationship cannot live this way, the marriage cannot continue.

This is just physically speaking. Talking about the spiritual level, of course you’re even far away from your Self. If you’re clinging to your worldly know-how a little bit, even if you don’t even know enough and you think you know a lot, and you just cling to that, then you don’t know your Self. For example, if you have something in front of you, like even just a thin curtain, you cannot see yourself through the mirror. But if that thin curtain falls down, then you can see yourself clearly. This is the ego problem. It just stands between people; it stands between your real Self and anything else that comes near you. Then it makes everything damaged or ruined or distorted; it is not the real thing anymore.

It’s a pity. This is not the thing we should keep. It’s our enemy. The little knowledge that we think we know—that is not our true knowledge. The ego is really hard to get rid of, very, very hard; and it ruins many things in this world. It causes war. It causes enemies and hatred, and ruin of nations. The people who have no ego never want to war with anyone because they can see through the uselessness of those things. So, ego is the worst enemy of everyone in this world.

Animals, they don’t have ego. True dogs, for example, don’t have any ego. They are so pure, that’s why they can love you every minute. Even if you just scold them, they come with wagging tail immediately, the moment you come and love them. They never hold any hatred within their heart for a second. You can see that. So if you want to see the egoless being, look at the dog. Truly it’s like that.

Most animals don’t have ego at all, until humans interfere and ruin their nature. That’s the problem. We humans not only ruin ourselves by our little so-called knowledge of the world, but we also ruin nature, and we also ruin animals. We force them into crazy behavior. I observed it all and I know it. It’s the truth. I’m not just telling it from books—it is truly like that.


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日期:2009.01.04, 03.08, 07.25

字幕:英、簡體中文、正體中文、悠樂、韓、日、蒙古、印尼、 馬來西亞、泰、印度、旁遮普、波斯、阿拉伯、俄、波蘭、 保加利亞、匈牙利、捷克、德、法、義、西、葡(24種)

























(一位同修向師父報告,他們在約翰尼斯堡開了一家素食餐廳。 )










Consider Others As 
We Would Ourselves

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, International Seminar, July 25, 2009 (Originally in English)

In this world, it’s easier to practice and to improve because there are suffering people, there are suffering animals, and there are suffering situations and imperfect situations that will touch our compassion and awaken our merciful heart. Then we can bring it out, improve the situation, and help others. That’s how we create Heaven. That’s how we say Heaven will be on Earth. In the Bible, there is a prayer that says, “Hallowed is Thy name in Heaven as well as on Earth.” So we have to bring that to Earth. We are here to do it. If we think we are the children of God, then we have to bring God’s love here. We have to make Heaven here. We can’t just keep waiting for Heaven to appear or ask Heaven to help us. Of course, when truly in time of need or emergency, we can pray, “Help me today for meditation or to smooth some things.” Of course we can pray like that, but not always like that. It’s not always about us. It has to be about other people as well. Otherwise, we are going nowhere with our spiritual practice.

We have to think of the other end, not only this end. For example, when you talk on the telephone, you talk so that the person at the other end of the line listens to you, not to listen to yourself. When you talk to your friend, you speak loudly and clearly, so that your friend at the other end of the telephone can hear you. You have to consider how you talk so that he or she understands. This is the same. We have to consider other people, the other end. Always consider the other end. If everyone on this planet considers the other end, then we will never have hunger, we will never have war. We could never kill anyone. How can anyone still kill anyone at this time in our civilization? 

At this time in human evolution, a person cannot go out and get a gun and just kill someone else just like that, in the name of religion, in the name of country, in the name of whatever! This is never right. How can we do that? He is just like you. Both have to defend their own country, and yet you kill him because he defends his country. That’s not right. Or, you kill him because he doesn’t want to believe what you believe. That’s also not right.


Killing Is Never Right

War is never right. Killing is never right. So if we all consider other people the way we consider ourselves, just put ourselves in their position, then we know perfectly what to do. There’s never an excuse to harm anyone, to harm fellow beings or animals, our co-inhabitants, never any good excuse at all, even in the name of science, in the name of health, nothing. Nothing! If we did not kill animals or we did not kill each other, we wouldn’t be where we are today, with a lot of trouble, a lot of disasters, a lot of suffering, a lot of war, and a lot of sickness. The more we kill animals, even for experiments in the laboratory, the more sickness we have. Look! We just cure one sickness and another comes, worse than before.

The law of karma (retribution), the great law of the universe, never fails. That is the problem with humans because they don’t understand this. They think of what they can do today, and they do it. They think that they can harm someone and then they gain something: some money, some promotion, some glorification or whatever. But that’s not right. It’s never right.

So if you’re in Heaven, it’s difficult to practice, but if you’re in hell, it’s also difficult. Because if once we create a hell, such as war, then it continues forever like that. Someone dies or is injured, and then later they come back. If they cannot come back in this lifetime because they’re weakened or they’ve been destroyed or killed, they come back in the next lifetime. Life continues forever. It’s not like you kill one person today and he’s finished with you: No, no, no! The great law of the universe does not allow anyone to overpower anyone unjustly. Even if we have the right to defend, it’s also not good for us because that means we don’t trust in God’s power to regulate things for us. We don’t trust in the great Law to justify the actions of others. If we take matters into our hands, then Heaven will ignore us. “You want to kill him back? Right, then you both have to take care of each other.” If you kill him, he comes back and kills you, and then later you die. And then you come back, kill him in the next life, and then again, again and again.


Better to Run than to Seek Revenge

So that’s why I’ve told you, even if people kill you, let them. There are worse things than death. Ignorance is worse, worse than death. If we die with enlightenment, we go straight to Heaven. We die with forgiveness in our heart, compassion in our soul, and we go straight to the high level. But if we seek revenge, if we kill them back or we injure or hurt people in some way, that will come back to us again, again and again. And we go nowhere. You can have another physical body any time, if you desire it. The difficulty is to get away from it, not to worry that we don’t have one. However, I wouldn’t tell you to go out and try to provoke someone so that he kills you. It’s not like that. Don’t try to go home and say something like that. What I mean is truly, if we have this physical body, that means Heaven still wants us here to work. Of course you try to defend yourself. But defense doesn’t mean you kill other people. Run away or reason with him; just defend but don’t hurt them. If you can defend yourself that way, it’s fine. Running away is the best. The Chinese say that of the thirty-six strategies, the best one is to run away! I run away all the time, and it’s truly like that! It’s true; that Chinese saying is the best. I use it all the time, and I’m still here. It’s a cool strategy. It doesn’t mean that tomorrow I would run again, but it means that whenever I have to, I just run. Why stay around and explain to people: “I am innocent! I’ve done nothing wrong.” Some people don’t listen. 

If we think we are the children of God, then we have to bring God's love here.

Being Human Means Being Humane

It’s just that this life is still not very elevated. But it’s getting better and better all the time. I’ve heard that many governments encourage people toward less meat and more organic farming and so on. Actually, today, we have some good news, like in Ireland, where the government supports organic farming, and a lot of people apply for it now, 85%, isn’t that nice? Soon we will see cows only walking around, like between the green lights, maybe holding hands with the humans. Because the cows, they can cry; when you want to kill them, they cry. Many of them do that. Some even run to the police, to take refuge. For many it happened like that, and later the police also feel sorry for them, and then someone buys them and sends them to an animal sanctuary. They do know what to do. It’s just that sometimes they can’t escape, because the humans control them; they drag them in there, and all kinds of things. I don’t want to talk about it because I will die. It’s terrible, this animal cruelty; how can we call ourselves humans? Human means humane. But the people who kill them do it for a job. Sometimes they don’t have another job to do. If the government would create better jobs, then they would change. And if there is no more demand for meat, or fish, or any animal products, then there will be no one who kills. Perhaps one or two do it by themselves, but not en masse, not confined in a small crate where they could not even turn around. They can only lie down and stand up. This is the utmost cruelty! Imagine if it’s you; imagine if you put yourself in that situation. Imagine if someone put you in a crate like that, where you could only stand or lie down and could not even turn around. Can you imagine? Would you feel good? No! That’s why I said if everyone in this world considers the other end, considers other people’s position, then we will have no war, no cruelty, no animal killing, no hunger even. The problem is we don’t consider others. 

If there is no more demand for meat, or fish, or any animal products, then there will be no one who kills.

Give Whatever Is within Our Capacity

So, as so-called spiritual practitioners, please, be different for me. Please be different. Don’t just clap your hands and say, “Oh Master, you are compassionate, you are merciful, you’re beautiful, you’re this and that.” Do it! Do what I do, or at least some of it. Do it in your capacity. I don’t say that you always have to give money to people, if you don’t have it; but you can give your time, your support, or do something else. Do it in your small capacity.

Like last time, I said to some Chinese that they can make food in a lunch box and sell it at a reasonable price to some neighbors nearby or to some company or office, or something. You don’t have to make a lot; like if you have one office that agrees, then you make it and sell it to them. Twenty boxes or something, of good, nutritious food made with love. First, you earn some extra money. Second, you earn more merit, because this kind of job, which is providing compassionate nutrition to others, is a very meritorious kind of job. Anytime you do something good and offer some necessity to others, even if you earn some profit out of it, you still gain merit from Heaven. It’s not just like you have to give it for charity, and only then you gain merit. It’s not charity alone when you might gain a little more merit, but even if you just do a good job like opening a Loving Hut restaurant, offering this compassionate lifestyle to people so that they have a chance to turn around and save their own lives, save the planet and save the animals. Then you also have merit, even if you earn money with it, because that belongs to the meritorious category of jobs. There are two or three kinds of jobs that earn you merit, or earn points in Heaven. Like what job earns 10 points, what job earns 100 points? It’s like in school. Those are the kinds of meritorious jobs that can earn big merit points in Heaven, apart from meditation. So even if you don’t do meditation, at least you earn some merit to go to Heaven so that you don’t go to hell or a lower level of existence after you die. But apart from meditation, if you earn more good Heavenly points, then of course you go higher in Heaven. And then when you die, you don’t just sit there miserable, seeing people flying past you, going up and you don’t know what to do any more, it’s too late.


Practice Here while We Still Have a Chance

In Heaven, when you go into that lower Heaven, you’re still happy, fine, but it’s difficult to practice then. Here it’s easier, because there is suffering, there are troubles, there are things to do, problems to fix or things to repair. And then you can earn merit, you see? In Heaven, no one needs your vegetarian food. That is just an example. In Heaven, you don’t have a chance to go and hand out SOS flyers. You don’t have a chance to do that. So here, do as much as you can—SOS flyers, Alternative Living flyers, open a vegan restaurant, or cook a vegan lunch box. If you don’t have money to open a restaurant, everyone can cook in their spare time, on weekends and evenings.

In some countries, they have night markets—bring it there. Football games—bring it there. During holiday time, when people go on picnics or to some concert, you bring your cooked food there. You don’t have to bring a lot. For example, you see how many people there are and you think or meditate, to see how many will eat your food and then make just that much. If only 10 people go to watch the football match on your street corner, then don’t bring enough for 50. Even if you make 10 and you sell only five, okay, the other five you bring home and eat together. Even if you’re alone, you put it in the fridge and warm it up; in two days it’s gone. You have to cook for yourself anyway. So instead of going to restaurants and always asking for vegetarian food, which they don’t know or they don’t have, or they cook and mix together with eggs, or there’s the smell from fish on your plate and it’s sometimes not clean—you do the job yourself. You cook and offer it to people.

In this world, you witness suffering, you witness pain and sorrow, and then your compassion arises, and then that's how you earn more merit.

Everyone can have a restaurant at home, a pocket restaurant, a mini pocket—it means gaining small money for your pocket. Every day you earn a little bit, or every weekend you earn a little. And then you have enough money to go and help people. If I weren’t busy with you, I could go out and sell stinky tofu and earn money. Or, open a small café, rent a corner shop or café shop and sell cookies and candies. Bake them at night and sell them in the daytime with coffee. It doesn’t have to be very fancy coffee. Homemade cookies or vegan muffins—anyone can make them. Just bake a few trays in the evening when you have time. Before, you used to sit and read newspapers and so on. Now you don't; you just bake. It takes a very short time and then you sell it in your coffee shop, or you sell it on the street or whatever. But mostly people like to buy something like a lunch box in those concert gatherings outside, if it’s allowed. If not, make a deal with some company and bring lunch boxes every day for their employees. Think about what to do. Every situation is different, but you can always do something. While you’re selling it, you can hand out SOS flyers at the same time. Buy inexpensive paper and print them out.


Compassionate Acts Earn Spiritual Merit

So while you are here in this world, you witness suffering, you witness pain and sorrow, and then your compassion rises, and that's how you earn more merit. Because you feel sorry for people and then you try to do something to comfort them; that's how your spiritual practice speeds up. In Heaven, you have nothing to do. You can't make buns, even if you want to. You can't even make a vegan lunch box if you want to. No one needs it there anymore. It’s only in this physical world that people still need it. So that's how we earn merit. Don't just sit there and pray for Heaven's help only. You have to help people; you have to bring Heaven to Earth; you have to make it convenient for people to turn around. Sometimes they don't know how. Sometimes they don't know where to buy things. But if you make it easy and inexpensive, then they will buy it and think, "Oh, that’s not bad." Tomorrow, you bring another kind and another, and then they say, “Show me how to do it.” Make it simple and affordable. You earn some money, but it's not as expensive as in the restaurant so people would like to have it. They might ask you to bring it to their home or to their office. All you need is just a few dollars for the bus fare.

(A fellow initiate reports to Master that they’ve opened a vegetarian restaurant in Johannesburg.)

Yes, that's very good news. If we have a lot of vegetarian restaurants, then many more will come—the critical mass or monkey effect: What one monkey does, the others will do.


Feeling the Love of Mother Earth

I’ll tell you something. When I walk barefoot, on the ground, I feel the love from the Earth. Truly, my God, She loves me! I never knew that before. Before, I never felt it. Maybe She loved me all the time, but I never felt it. This time, I feel so strong that I almost cry. So I just put my feet there, I just sit there and put my feet on the ground, enjoy the feeling of love from the Earth. You try it to see if She loves you. I mean, She loves you, but try to see if you can feel it. My God! It feels like a very gentle wave of warmth, of electrical currents. It just makes you feel so… I can’t explain it, I can’t tell you. I just feel it, and it was so touching. Just so, so good! I hope you feel the same, because it’s so nice. It was so beautiful. I felt it so strongly lately, because before I didn’t walk barefoot that much. Lately I like to.

All right: Love you. 

To watch the Supreme Master Television coverage of this international seminar, please visit:http://video.Godsdirectcontact.net/magazine/BMD1058s.php

http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/205/   Master Says

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清海無上師以中文講於法國國際聚會 2009.02.13










Earth Will Become Heaven 
if All Humans Become Vegetarian

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, France Gathering,
February 13, 2009(Originally in Chinese)

Why are there earthquakes and tsunamis? It is because we have abused the Earth too much, so she is trying to shake it off. The more we mistreat the Earth, the more earthquakes and tsunamis there will be. As our human thoughts become more violent, there will be more typhoons. Such situations are a reflection of our mindset. They are just like fairies who come here to fulfill our desires. If we wish for good, they will give us good weather and world peace; if we wish for bad, they will give us bad things. They are just like our domestic helpers who will do as we want. We don’t have to tell them verbally; our thoughts spread naturally through the whole universe. Therefore, do not blame Heaven or Earth; do not blame typhoons and earthquakes. They are all created by humans.

All those vicious thoughts about war and killing are used as tools by the fairies, because they think that is what we want. We are God, or at least God’s children, and we will have what we wish for. That is why the Bible says that we are the crown of the universe and that humans are the master of the universe. Thus, Shakyamuni Buddha said that humans are the future Buddhas, and the most precious life form is the human body. It is so rare to have a human body that it is like a blind turtle coming up to the surface of the sea one time in thousands of years, and coincidentally puts his head through a hole in a piece of wood that just happens to be floating by at that moment. Therefore, we ought to love ourselves and keep our body, mind and speech pure. Do not blame the climate; do not blame global warming; do not blame God for not saving us. We are God; we are the crown of Creation; we are the most precious.

Many people on Earth are not pure in their body, mind and speech. Thus, animosity, wars, struggles for fame and gain, killing and other negative actions are increasing. Animals also have souls; if we bring upon them the disaster of being slaughtered, or if we encourage killing, of course the climate will change, because the fairies are acting on our command. We are the crown of Creation; the fairies are inferior to us. They only come here to serve us. Whatever we want, they will do it. Our mood, attitude and demeanor are so full of cruelty and turmoil that of course storms and torrential rainfalls will occur.

If the whole humankind were to become vegetarian, the world would be in peace and the Earth would change, because we are the masters and we can have anything we wish for. However, be careful what we wish for! When people become vegetarian because they want to save the Earth, they definitely have a benevolent heart. Besides, after adopting the vegetarian diet for some time, they will have greater love for animals, at least not wanting to kill or eat them. Then they will change very quickly.

If humans change their mindset and display their benevolence, the fairies will also act accordingly, because the ambiance has become harmonious and gentle. And then they will say: “Oh! Now that our masters have become gentle, let us just blow softly. (Everyone laughs) Oh! Now that our masters want to have peace, we must not encourage war any more. We must not incite people to fight. Our masters want to save lives, not to take lives. Okay! Let us change the entire killing atmosphere.” Those fairies, such as the rain deity and wind deity, always listen to us. Whatever tools we give them, they will use. We give them a benevolent and peaceful atmosphere, then they will use the gentle atmosphere and the climate will become favorable. The wind deity and rain deity listen to us, but it is not that we speak audibly that we want to kill someone or create a tumultuous state. No! No! Instead, it is a kind of tool created by our vibration, which the fairies will interpret as: “My master wants to kill! My master wants war! My master wants storms and heavy rain!” That is how typhoons, earthquakes and floods occur. They are all created by humans.

Now we are trying to shake the humans free of their slumber and tell them: “Hey! Wake up fast! Our house is on fire! Wake up quickly!” That is why I say the climate will change after everyone has promised to become vegetarian. It is based on this logic. We can have anything we wish for. We can turn this Earth into Heaven or hell; we can do it. We cannot blame Heaven or Earth for that. Heaven and Earth have given us all the authority, magical powers and capabilities because we are Hiers children. We have the same, more or less the same, power as our Father.

It depends on what we want to do with this authority; the whole universe listens to us. Should we use this authority in another way, God gives us the free will to do so. No one can stop us, not even God. It is democracy! Of course God cannot control us. Hes gives us absolute freedom. However, if we have not learnt our lessons well, this free power may, on the other hand, hurt us. Just look at the present situation of our Earth and we will know. It is because humans have too much free power but have failed to choose the right path. 


Master’s Words

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清海無上師以英文講於法國聚會 2009.03.08



















Practicing Selflessness to Honor Our Own Perfection

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
France Gathering, March 8, 2009 (Originally in English)

I expect you to be perfect. I always do. No matter how long you’ve been initiated, I always look at you, and I always expect perfection. Maybe I’m a little bit harsh to you in human standards, but that’s the way you are, you are perfection!

So if you don’t do anything good now, if you don’t do anything to your perfect expectation in this lifetime, you have to come back again, even if you are my disciple, because you yourself will not accept imperfection, because you are perfection. There’s no God to kick you down from Heaven. There’s no karma; there’s no Maya king who’ll even drag you down. No more. If you are my disciple, you will be exempted from that. Even if you do something wrong, you have to pay before you die, that will be done; but you will not accept yourself. When you go to Heaven, you will see everything clearly and you won’t accept yourself as an imperfect being, so you’ll have to come back again and do it until you’re happy with yourself. Do you understand me? (Audience: Yes.)

So everything we have to do, we do it to our utmost perfection, and quietly, humbly, as much as possible. No need showing off, no need telling people, and don’t make a big deal out of nothing. And don’t use Supreme Master Television or Master’s work or Center work as an excuse to burden other people. Do you understand me? (Audience: Yes.) Are we clear? (Audience: Yes.) Are we clean? (Audience: Yes.) Good! We have to be clean because if we aren’t doing that, it is similar to people outside who take bribery or who are using their position to do something to make it comfortable for themselves; then we are not anything different. We just sit there wasting time. That’s why some people ask me, or some people don’t ask me and someone else asks me for them, “Oh, they sit in meditation four or five hours a day.” I say, “What for? The world is in trouble, and you sit there four or five hours a day, doing nothing, only two of you.” You know, boy friend, girl friend, and then make a little bit of money, and live enough, have a house, comfortable, sit all day. The world is in trouble, people are dying of hunger every day, children, old, young, able-bodied with no work to do, cannot find work, because of global warming or the global economy, or because of incapable leaders who make them suffer. And the animals are tortured every day, and you sit there four or five hours a day, thinking nonsense. I’m not sure that you can sit four or five hours a day, and concentrate and all that, and get up to the higher level, no! When you’re selfish, you can sit thousands of years, and you go nowhere. Do you understand me?

All these years I teach you, even in a different lecture, a different tone, different way or formulation, it’s all about selfless love. And this is the time you should exercise these selfless lessons that you have learned. And if you haven’t exercised it by now, there’s no chance you’ll exercise it again. Not every planet is going into almost extinction like this so that you can go out and rescue it and then get merit. This is the greatest chance you have. Of course it’s a very sad thing that our climate is getting warmer, and our globe is going into trouble. It’s a very sad thing. But on the other hand, it’s your great opportunity to prove that you’re worth it.

We’ve been eating food from the world all this lifetime, until we grow up as 20, 30, 40 years old, and how much did we repay society? So don’t make excuses for me. You are my disciples. You make me proud. You make me proud with your right conception, with your honesty with yourself. Honesty with yourself is the hardest thing to do, but you have to do it. There’s no other way you can progress, if you’re not honest with yourself; because I am not there to check you out every day. Even if I’m there, I will not tell you. It’s your choice, to be honest with yourself or not. I only give you guidance; you guys have to be honest. But it’s your choice, it’s your life. You decide what you do. You decide how you translate this selfless love into action. Everyone says, “Oh, I love Master! Oh, I love all the people, I love the animals!” Then do something about it. Talking is cheap.

Translating Love into Action

So, the way we can measure ourselves or anyone is by action. By the fruit, the tree will be known. If an apple tree is just standing there, broadcasting from all over his body, on all the branches hanging there: “I am an apple tree, apple tree; I’m a fantastic apple tree,” but he has never produced one apple, what do you think? Isn’t that funny?

So, just being a disciple, or being a so-called saint, and sitting there four or five hours a day, idling around, taking care of yourself only, that is not the way to live a human life, not to talk about a saintly life. Nowadays sometimes you have easy access to computer, and you can earn money easily; some of you are smart and you earn money easily without working too much. But then you should use that blessing to go out and help other people; wake them up, or do something for them. Do it together or do it alone; do something to help the world. Because God blessed you, so you use it to bless others. Just like the water tank got filled with good, clean water. Then that water tank is to be distributing water to the whole household, or the whole city, not to keep it for himself; it would be rotten and bad.

So it’s not just good to sit or listen to the tape, where Master says, “Oh, we have to be unconditional” and then go out and tell everyone, “Oh, you have to be unconditional, you’ve got to be selfless.” You must be first. You cannot expect your neighbors to do it. Example is more than preaching, better than preaching, so we have to do what we can, the best we can.

Do not be too comfortable in your blessed position, because then you won’t go anywhere. Later when you go up to Heaven… You won’t go to hell, of course, because you did nothing wrong, and you are my disciple, surely you’ll be in Heaven, fine. That I can promise. But you will look, when you go up, and you’ll see all other saints, disciples, your brothers and sisters, go up, up, up, up, up to the higher level, and you sit in the lower third area. Third level, but a low third, and you look at them going up, and you look back at your record of your life, because every life is recorded to the minutest detail. The whole universe knows what you’ve been doing, even if you do it in the dark. So when you look at your record - oh, you will feel terrible, you will feel absolutely ashamed of yourself, that no God can even comfort you! No Almighty power can tell you, “Oh, it’s okay, kid, you’re alright, you’re just human.” Of course, everyone forgives you, because in Heaven, there’s no hatred, no unforgiveness. Everyone is looked upon kindly by all beings in Heaven. But you, yourself, born from perfection, will not accept your imperfect action. That’s why people come back again and again, into a human world, or any world, to redress their past mistake. But when we go down, forget again, we get tempted into a different comfortable zone or situation. It’s nice: You just have a boyfriend or girlfriend and are cooped up together, all day kiss, kiss, hug, hug, for example, and then you’re too comfortable; you earn a little, enough money, easily, and have a home or something. That is okay under normal situations, but the world is aflame, and animals are suffering every day. I could not bear to look at the Tuesday (Supreme Master TV) program. I look at it, I scream, and I cry so much. Sometimes I have to look, to reinforce my heart even more, but how can anyone enjoy? You can; of course you can enjoy your privacy and your blessed situation, but use some of it to help others.

Audience: Every day, I can feel like the same way, the suffering of this world...

Yes. Never mind. Feel suffering is okay, but go do something. Do the best you can, the best thing to your conscience, not to me, not to the animals, not to the world even. You do until you feel that, “Okay, I’m a good human, and I’m a good follower of the teaching of the saints. I’m a good Buddhist, or I’m a good Christian...” You have to truly know it, not just making an excuse for yourself.

Practice Unconditional Love Until It Is Second Nature

It’s very easy: Just try it and then it becomes like your second nature. If you don’t try it, it will never reawaken within you. You tried vegetarian then; now it becomes your nature. You cannot eat meat otherwise; you can’t, not even if people force you or give you money, you can’t do it. It’s become your habit now, your nature. And also your intellectual understanding of the vegetarian, compassionate diet, that makes you so firm in your decision. I guess sometimes, you remember before you ate this and that, but you will never go and eat it now. Like you remember chicken or fish or whatever, but you will never go back to eat it. It’s just a habit of the mind thinking, that’s all, but you know it’s wrong. Yes, not because of taste, even not because Master says so, but now you are firmly in your moral understanding; your intellectual understanding accepts it, your heart knows it’s a good way, so you won’t ever go back to eating meat. Not because it’s forbidden or anything else even, you just know it.

The same with love in action: if you do it, you understand the meaning of it. First, it’s good for you because of your spiritual elevation. Second, of course, it’s good for others. So anything you do, you do for yourself first. We don’t do it in that attitude, of course. But I just want you to know that whatever you do for anyone, don’t expect him to thank you, and don’t expect me to praise you. I sometimes do. I say, “I’m proud of you,” and all that, but don’t take it. Of course I encourage you, but whatever you do is for yourself. Anything good you do comes back to you many fold, so you must understand this concept. So anything you do, don’t expect anything, and then you get it, because you do everything for yourself. You know, like attracts like. That’s why husband and wife stay together. If they have a lot of common sense, a lot in common, then they stay longer. You see what I mean? Opposites may attract, but similarities endure and stay longer if you have some more things in common together.

We can do anything we want. We have to be strong, that’s it; we are God! Or, at least we are God’s children. God’s children are God’s children. We’re not human children; we’re God’s children. Jesus told you that. And Buddha said you are Buddha: “You have Buddha nature inside. I can be Buddha; you can be Buddha.” So behave like God’s children; behave like Buddha. Don’t make any excuse to me, because it’s not my life. I’ll go to Heaven, so it’s up to you to come with me or not come with me. There’s no excuse at all. What for would you make excuse to me? I could say “Okay,” or “Not okay,” but it’s your life. We have to be strong, because we are the children of God; we’re the children of the Buddha. 

http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/203/   Master Says

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清海無上師以英文講於法國聚會 2009.02.17












The Real Meaning of 

True Love

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai 
France Gathering, February 17, 2009
(Originally in English)

We always have love,
it's just that we must use it,
because that's all we have.
That's all we are: love.

It’s very difficult to have this love, the unconditional love. I mean the true love, the LOVE love. Not just the love between woman and man, not just the love between relatives and friends, but the love, you know, THE LOVE; it’s very difficult to have. But of course you can start it with loving between family members, friends, husband and wife, for example, or boyfriend and girlfriend.

The love exists between you, even though sometimes it’s between enemies. This love, we are born with. Even before we came here, we had this love; but then slowly, either the society wears it out or bad experiences make us disappointed, and then we lock it. Sometimes we just close the door, we don’t lock it; but then slowly, after two months or two whatever, we do lock it, and we don’t want to open it again, and throw away the key.

So, the love has no chance to develop, to open up and to spread out all over. If we continue holding on to that love, we will never lose it. If we lose the love, it’s because we wanted to; we just wanted to act the opposite of love. Otherwise, anyone could really lose that love, anytime; any excuse would do. This life is enough for us to lose anything, not to talk about love! But we always have it, just that we must use it, because that’s all we have. That’s all we are: love. If we don’t use it, then of course it’s just getting like enclosed or shrunk; it’s still there, just not expanded, not renewed, not used or useful in any way.

Whenever, through any chance or any circumstance, or any time you feel that you’re ready to die for someone else, that is when you’ve got it. You’ve got the total of it. You don’t mind if you sacrifice yourself or your life for your kids, for your wife, your mother, your father or even your dog. At that moment, you’re in total connection with your love. And if you continue this way, all the time in this kind of mentality, then you don’t need me. (Master and everyone laugh) You don’t need me at all. You are well on your way to Heaven, fifth level, whatever level can be available.

Love is like that. It doesn’t have to be like a demonstration of tears, or hugs, or letters, or long-winded sentences or big poetry; it doesn’t have to be. Just know it in your heart, that you’re willing to lay down your life even, if necessary, for anyone. If your heart is like that, know that you’re in charge of yourself, that you really are in that love and you did not lose any of it, and you are just great.

But another thing is sometimes the karmic connection… like the last life, that person saved you and this life, you’re willing to save that person. So that might not even be the love, it might just be the karmic force that makes you do that. But if you do that with LOVE in your heart, you know what I mean? If you’re willing to sacrifice, if you willingly, knowingly do that, that’s a different thing.

So there are two or three kinds of so-called unconditional love. Sometimes it looks like unconditional love, but it could be just the karmic power or sometimes repayment. Like the last time, that someone was so good to you; he did something extraordinary for you, so that this lifetime you promised to come back and do whatever it takes to repay that kindness. It’s ingrained in you; it’s imprinted in your heart. So you want to do anything for that person, even lay down your life. That is a deep feeling just for one person. That’s different.

But if you’re willing to sacrifice for anyone at all when it’s needed, then it’s different. When that person needs or when the situation needs, and you would sacrifice your life so that the person could be in safety and live, that’s a different one. That’s the true unconditional love, not a petite one, not for someone that you always very much like. That’s also good, but it’s not like you would sacrifice for anyone at all, a stranger even.

Like the love that Jesus had for His disciples at that time or for humankind at that time: He didn’t sacrifice just for His disciples. Of course He did that for His disciples, because He took upon Himself all the karmic consequences of His disciples at that time; but also, the collective karma of the whole planet as well. He could not, of course, change the planet overnight, but some part of the karma would be upon Him because a disciple was connected with another disciple or with another person, and that other person was connected… so the whole of humankind, all connected. 

http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/203/   Master’s Words

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清海無上師以英文講於摩納哥 2008.05.04





所以我們必須控制自己,必須知道什麼好、什麼不好。要好好讀一讀聖經或你們宗教的經典,真正仔細研究,看看經典教你們什麼。任何宗教的任何經典都教導你們如何在世上生存、如何拯救地球、如何好好生活,以及以後如何上天堂,這些都有記載在經典中,不是我說的。   師父的話





清海無上師以英文講於摩納哥 2008.05.04






http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/ch/news/197/   師父的話


Going Veg Is Enough 
to Save the Planet

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai 
Monaco, May 4, 2008 (Originally in English)

Even if everyone in the whole population of the planet eats only half vegetarian, we can save the planet already. That’s the best and the quickest way. Because meat is not only about the land, it’s about the water, medicine, energy, pollution from transportation, and the conscience; that’s what makes people sick.

So if you can tell people to be vegetarian, that’s the best thing you can do for them and for the planet. Then we can even keep all the airplanes; we can keep all the cars; we can keep all the things now, because CO2 is not as bad as “conscience sickness,” and not as bad as spending so much water on animal raising, and wasting land, and deforestation and transportation. If we eat vegetarian, we still can keep all the airplanes, cars, trains and even everything as usual. We don’t even need to rely on the government, because the government cannot always do everything. The government cannot forbid people to eat meat, for example. Maybe they can, but they don’t want to do it.

So, the individual is the best to save the planet. Just go vegetarian, and we’ll save a lot of methane gas, a lot of transportation pollution, a lot of wasted water and land - land that we can cultivate, with enough food for everyone. And the food we feed the animals, we can feed the hungry. We would never go hungry. The whole planet can be fed if people go vegetarian. And then we can even keep all the styles that we have now, like the airplane. Of course it’s the best if we don’t. But even if we still have cars, airplanes and trains and so on, if the planet’s people are vegetarian, then we can save the planet still. Not everyone knows that. So, tell whoever you can to save the planet. But even if we cannot, then we cannot.

One more thing about the climate that everyone worries about: If we have the blessing of the government, it would be good. But otherwise, everyone can do it. Just be vegetarian, and we can save it. We can save a lot. Because of the bad karma, “As you sow so shall you reap,” if we do bad things, then we get bad things. It’s not just about the physical energy or even the ways of war and all that. The bad karma will come back on us, and no one can save us, not even God. Because even if God tells us to do this and we don’t do it, Hes lets us be free. If you want to make a mistake, it’s your freedom. God is not someone who controls you all the time. It would be good if Hes does some controlling, but Hes doesn’t do that.

So we have to control ourselves; we have to know what’s good and what’s bad. Read the Bible or the scripture of your religion. Really study well to see what the scripture tells you to do. All the tips in any scripture of any religion tell you how to survive here, how you can save the planet, how to live well and how to go to Heaven afterwards. It’s all in the scriptures; it’s not me saying anything.  Master’s Words





Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
Monaco, May 4, 2008 
(Originally in English)

If all the governments would give us the blessing and encourage more ... because we have only several years to change the course of history of climate change. But I’m happy that many governments now are encouraging children to eat vegetarian, with less meat and more vegetables. I’m so happy; maybe we can still save the planet.

And one more thing is if we have the blessing also of the media. Every day when they print the newspaper, just put one headline somewhere: “Go Veg. Be Green, to Save the Planet.” That’s one thing I thought.

And all entertainment programs, whenever they do some entertainment, they could say it before or after: “Please Save the Planet. Go Veg. Be Green.” Everybody can help, and the governments could put billboards everywhere: “Go Veg. Be Green. Save the Planet.” And then, all the billboards and every advertisement should add one sentence: “Save the Planet. Go Veg. Be Green.” Then we’ll be fine. We’ll be smiling.

Even if you’re a meat eater, like you eat meat every day, if you now eat only half a week meat and half a week vegetarian, we already can be singing; we can be happy! So that’s what I think. That’s the solution for the planet.

What I mean is, if you know some newspaper men or women, you can suggest this: Just one little headline or any headline anywhere, every day when they print a newspaper: “Please Save the Planet. Go Veg. Be Green.” If a person wants to know more, they can ask everybody else or can watch our television, or they can ask on our website. It’s easy. I spent a lot of money already advertising on newspapers, but it’s not enough. I think all the media should help to save the planet, because if the planet’s gone, they’re also gone. Everybody should realize that: Money is useless. House is useless. Power is useless. Everybody will be gone. So we do what we can to make people realize that. We have to save the only planet that we have, and the most beautiful one that we know.  Master's Words


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日期:2007.10.24, 25


清海無上師以英文講於 法國巴黎禪三 2007.10.25 (DVD#804)










Go Veg to Save the Loving Atmosphere of the Planet

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
October 25, 2007
Three-day Retreat in Paris
France (Originally in English)
DVD #804

It’s a loving atmosphere that we have to create. It’s not only about the animals who suffer; it’s about our loving nature that we’re killing. And it’s not about eating the animals who you see suffer or you don’t see suffer. It’s also the green policy for the planet. The more animals we eat, the more they raise. The more they raise, the more non-green it becomes, and the more endangered our planet becomes.

So it’s not just about you, whether you can or cannot eat that kind of meat. It’s not about whether the Buddha forbids, or the compassion even. It is you yourself. We have to save the planet by cutting out the unnecessary food that is no good for us, anyway. Everyone knows already that meat is not good for us. Why not just cut it altogether, and save everything else?

Everyone knows that raising animals is the heaviest and the worst cause of our planet’s pollution. Everyone knows that. It’s everywhere. It’s from the UN report and everything; the whole international community came together and concluded that it is so. And still they beat around the bush, saying: “We’ll change to biofuel, we’ll plant some more trees, and we’ll protect this forest.” No one stands up and says, “Let’s go vegan; go vegetarian!” No one stands up and says that. I’m waiting for whoever that leader may be, to just stand up and say, “Look, we go veggie. That’s the quickest way first; everything else later.”

How come no one says anything about that? They just beat around the bush on everything: biofuel, ethanol gas, change the bulbs, less water. The water that you’re using every day may be a lot, but it’s not a lot compared to the water they use for animal raising. So, they just beat around the bush with things like: “Save the water in the bath; don’t run the water while you’re brushing your teeth.” That is nothing! Of course it saves a few gallons, but they put hundreds of gallons out there for one cow just for a few days to wash, to rinse, to let them drink, or to water the grass or whatever it is for them to graze upon, just so that they will end up on a plate anyway.

So the main cause, they don’t want to talk about. Everyone just runs around it and tries to avoid it. They don’t ever talk about going veggie. Everyone knows about the [UN] report, but no one touches it; no one talks about it. They can’t even put down one piece of meat for the sake of health -- the planet’s health, your own health and your children’s health.

So whatever happens, it’s our own doing. There’s no one there to help us. Not even God can do anything, if we don’t want to do it. God put us here to do things. If we don’t do our job, what is Hes going to do? Then the Lord of Karma will take over our lives, and then we will scream like murder; we’ll beg and pray: “Please God, help me do this; help me do that.” Now we still can pray, but if we are in hell, it’s very difficult to pray. You don’t have time to pray; you don’t have the mentality to even think of praying. There’s too much suffering!

Master’s Words    http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/198/

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清海無上師以英文講於奧地利歐洲禪 2008.02.28









有一部由威爾‧史密斯(Will Smith)主演的電影,片名是《我是傳奇》(I Am Legend),戲中的城市被變種人佔據,他們因為感染病毒而變得邪惡,變成像動物一樣的眾生。主角還活著,他是整個紐約市唯一正常的人。所有地方都變成廢墟,到處都是邪惡的變種動物和變種人。當主角走進銀行的時候,地上覆蓋著滿滿的金錢,然後他進入銀行的金庫,裡面全是金條。這時你會發現,賺錢或積聚財富真的是毫無用處又無聊的事!當你看到他走在錢堆上時,天啊,它真的透澈傳達了這個訊息,但一般看的人卻認為那只是娛樂。因為他們如果真的害怕,就會採取一些行動;除非他們不在意自己是死是活,那我也無所謂。或者,除非他們故意要扼殺自己孩子的生路,這真的是很可怕;明知道現在如果你沒有行動,你的孩子會死去,你卻仍然讓它發生!




毒氣已在各地釋出,至少他們現在有一點恐慌了。似乎各國政府都專注在這件事上,起碼有開始討論相關的議題,最近他們也在各處開會討論,但他們必須採取具體的行動。現在大家都知道,根據聯合國的報告,肉食和畜牧業是造成氣候變遷或全球暖化的最主要原因之一,甚至是最大的因素但沒有人談論它 ,大家都在談論新能源、生質燃料、混合動力車、壓縮空氣車、碳回收機器,或是挖個洞儲存碳氣,好像它永遠不會冒出來似的,而且在那之前,你早已經吸進去了,卻好像事不關己一樣。




我們還能去哪裡? 毒氣已經到處都有,只是目前還不是那麼強烈。當你經過一些地方,你可能會頭痛,但你不知道為什麼突然頭痛,為什麼心臟突然疼痛或有灼熱感,你不知道為何今天你的肝臟不好,於是你就吃了一些藥,然後就忘了。但如果我們不採取行動,毒氣會越來越強烈。
















同修:有一個組織叫做「動物援助」(Animal Aid)。幾天前我收到他們寄來的電子郵件,他們有個系統可以訓練你,或讓你訓練自己,然後你就可以到學校去演說。他們會為你安排學校,而且你可以選擇為某個年齡層的學生演說。有位師兄正在考慮去教導年輕的孩童。








Climate Change: The Solution

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, European Retreat, Austria 
February 28, 2008 (Originally in

No one wants to do anything. We have a solution but they don’t do it! There is a solution, of only three steps: Be vegetarian, use sustainable energy, and plant trees.How much more simple can it be? But no one does it because not all governments endorse it and there’s no sense of urgency. And in the media, we are the only one or almost the only ones airing it on TV.

We’re also almost the only one that airs so often and cares so much about it and gives so much information about the evidence as well as the solution. We air a big scroll every day. It costs a lot of money to air all these solutions and problems of climate change 10 or 20 minutes at a time. We don’t take any donations and we don’t take any advertising money. We are the only ones who really unconditionally help. For everyone else, it seems like it may be another few centuries until things really start kicking in.

I’m trying so hard and the solution is so simple. If the government and the media jump in and help and spread all this, and say, “It’s really urgent, and everyone must do it,” then we still have time: Two years. Okay, it’s short, but we have time, to keep the planet ‘as is.’ Not as good as before, but as is, and not worse. But they don’t do it.

One Solution: Stop Raising Animals for Meat

We have solutions. Everyone knows the solutions. They are doing some, but it’s not just doing; the government has to really broadcast it on their internet. They have a lot of money, and they can do anything; they’re powerful. I do my best: the flyers, seminars and everything are just for that, just to save the planet. But it’s too slow, just like a little bit here and there.The government has to say something, just like they ban smoking. When it is banned; it’s done. The government could do that. They ban cigarettes, and they’re banned. And they ban drugs, and they’re banned. They’re not legal. The cigarette reduction now also lessens a lot of illness everywhere in the world. People know that. The same with the climate change policy. If they just do what they know is good, then it’s very quick. In no time, we will recover, or we can stop the effects. If we don’t raise any more cattle or animals, then the Earth will be more sustainable, with no more greenhouse gas or methane gas from the animals and no more multiplying all the time.Whatever we have already, we keep it; and no more raising for profit and meat. Then the Earth will recover.

After a while, the cows will be gone the natural way and then all the land will be planted with trees and vegetables again. Because if you raise cattle, even 50 years later you still cannot truly cultivate on that land. It’s been stamped on and is hard and deprived of sustainable quality. They just have to stop meat eating because it’s bad karma also; it’s not just about the methane gas. Every day we air all kinds of warning signs and evidence. My God, what are we talking about all day except this! This is the only important thing right now. First you have to survive, and then you can do anything else you want. But if you don’t survive, if you don’t have the planet, what’s the use? Unless they want to kill their children. If that’s what they decide, what are we going to do? We try our best. Apart from working very hard already, we spread the news; we go out with flyers and everything. We advertise on newspapers from our own pocket. We air it on TV from our own money. We tell everyone we know.

Some do care; they say, “Oh yes!” They’re interested; they want to know, they really care. But maybe they forget afterward, because there is TV to watch, theater to enjoy, husband-and-wife relationship, children, or business and still more money. They don’t seem to know the priority.

Wealth Has No Value When Change
Affects the Whole Planet

There’s a film called “I Am Legend” with Will Smith. The city is besieged with mutated people who are sick and have been transformed into vicious animal-like beings. The main character who is still alive, is the only normal person in the whole city of New York. Everywhere is deserted and just full of mutated, vicious animals and vicious humans. As the main character walks into the bank, the whole floor is covered with money, and then he goes into the bank vault that’s full of gold bars. You just see the truly useless nonsense of making or amassing money. If you see him walking on the stacks of money, my God, it really drives home the message. But people watch it and just think it’s entertainment. Because if they were afraid, they’d have to do something - unless they don’t care whether they die or live; that’s also okay with me. Or, unless they want to kill their children knowingly, which is really gruesome; knowing that your children are going to die by your actions now, and you still let it happen.

So we do what we can do, and at least you’re doing it with your heart. Give the flyers and all that; maybe some people will awaken and maybe those people will affect other people. We just hope. We’re always hoping. Positive thinking is better than negative. So, we just meditate, help people the way we always do and distribute the flyers to awaken whoever can be. Some of them are scared but then you have to do something, not just put the seeds in the Arctic, and save it in case. What’s the use of saving the seeds when there’s poisonous gas all over, and people are all dying and diseased; who’s going to eat them? If we die, no one can eat them. Or even if they save so many, it may be just enough for a few. The wealthy and the able are the ones who can reach it; they’re the ones who will be able to profit from it.

I don’t understand humans. The point is, maybe some of us think that if we have money, we’ll be able to survive, or if we can reach the seeds, we can plant them again, and so on. But who knows, maybe you can’t, whether rich or poor, when disaster strikes. It will be difficult to tell, even if you have money or you’re powerful, if you can survive or not, and even if you survive, for how long. If the whole planet is destroyed or polluted, where do you go with your seeds, with your money and with your power? And, one more thing: If all or most of the poor people die, they are the work force. Who’s going to plant seeds for you? It is the workers, the farmers, the poor people who are cleaning the roads, planting the trees and sowing the seeds. So, I don’t understand the thinking of this world. I know you understand, but then we’re doing our best. We still do the flyers; who knows, it might help. But still, you understand the feeling.

Well, it’s happening everywhere already, or at least they are a little bit panicking now. It seems like all the governments concentrate on it. At least these are some of the topics that are being discussed, and they gather here and there to talk about it recently. They have to do it concretely. Everyone knows by now from the United Nations report that meat eating and animal raising is one of the worst factors, or even the worst factor of climate change, or global warming. But no one talks about it. Everyone talks about new energy, bio-fuels, hybrid cars, compressed air cars, carbon sucking machines, or digging a hole and storing the carbon, as if it will not bust one day. But before that, you have to breathe in already, as if it will not affect you.

Putting Down Meat Is a Key to Human Survival

I don’t understand this. What is so difficult about putting down one piece of meat, and replacing it with one piece of tofu, which is exactly the same, with better nutrition and better for your health, also more economized? How can anyone not sacrifice just a little palate taste? Even if the meat tastes that great, even if they so love the meat, how can they not sacrifice it, just for the sake of everyone’s survival, and their own children? How can they not? Just replace one piece of meat with another piece of tofu; that’s all there is to it. Especially even nowadays we have all kinds of vegetarian meat that tastes so delicious. Even soya, it looks the same. I don’t know if it tastes the same or not, but it tastes good to me. It tastes delicious, even better. But they still cannot put down that piece of meat, no matter if they die tomorrow, or if their children suffer.

It’s not just about dying. It’s the suffering - mental and physical, psychological and emotional - before dying. Because all this gas, it’s already in the air. It affects people a lot. Yet they don’t admit it; they don’t even claim it. But some have already said that it is because of that. Some scientists already do research and say it is because of global warming that people have more mental illness, more internal organ failure and so on. There’s evidence everywhere, but it seems like no one listens or no one cares. Still, we continue to do it. And then if we die, oh well, we die happy. Where else do we go?

It’s fuming everywhere. It’s just that at the moment, it’s not so intense. Then you probably have a headache when you pass by some place, and you don’t know why suddenly the headache comes, or why suddenly your heart hurts or burns. You don’t know why today your liver is no good, so then you take medicine and you forget about it. But it’ll be more and more intense if we don’t do something.

Suppose no one does anything and the planet is kaput. What will you do? Any idea? Suddenly, do you see how many “Time to Act?” Before, we didn’t have them. Now you can look everywhere, and they’re doing something for the environment. I hope they all do it and quick enough. I hope the governments and the media really put their thumb into it. That’s all I hope for, every day. And just ban this, ban that:No meat anymore and then we’re saved. Truly, it’s very simple! Just use the meatless or animal-less diet; use sustainable energy, with limitless sun or wave power; and plant trees. Everyone can plant only a couple of trees, not a lot. And the government, instead of putting money into war, they could just use the money to pay people to plant trees in areas of desert, dry climate or where it’s already damaged, to revive the atmosphere. It’s very simple!

We’d be happy to also go out and plant trees free of charge, and donate our labor anytime; we can, if the government is really behind every one of these programs. We would also be happy to go out and cook vegetarian, to show everyone in all of our houses. We can invite people to come into our house and show them how to cook vegetarian. After a few weeks, they’ll know how, if you can do that first. But what I mean is, if the government and the media are really behind it, they just have to put down that piece of meat. Even if it is a sacrifice, it’s really worth it. It’s really the most noble thing they could do in their whole life. Just put down that piece of meat and replace it with the veggie meat. We have so much food to eat; it’s not that we don’t have a choice. Why don’t they just try it?

Make Every Home a Veg Restaurant

>From now, each of you should be a teacher. Anywhere you go, anyone you meet, you talk about it. You invite them to your house and show them vegetarian cooking. Show it on hand; otherwise if they just see it on TV, it may be different. Use your personal energy and love to show them. We just spread it out and do what we can. Use your time for saving the planet. Show them how to cook vegetarian food.

Every house, I want turned into a veggie restaurant. Show them what you eat. If they don’t know what vegetarian is, they don’t know how to do it. Truly, they don’t know. Even if some people know that vegetarian is good, they don’t know how. They even ask on the internet: “How did you do it?” Truly, some people have never heard of it before. They never thought about it. So we do that. All of you in the world teach them how, every day and every time you can. Invite them at random, as a guest, unconditionally, and show them how. Anyone who smiles at you, talk to them and invite them for coffee in your home: “I live nearby! I didn’t know such a lovely neighbor exists. Wow, what an honor! Let’s go to my house and have a cup of coffee.” And then, from then on.

Start it; I’m not joking. Do something because you’re out there. I do it on Supreme Master TV and in cooking for my dogs. I talk to whomever I can also. But I’m also very busy with the planet things. So do that; be a restaurant owner, or restaurateur. Learn to cook well and learn to show it. With your smile, a stone will melt; and with your food, the heart will melt. There’s nothing to lose. Vegetarian is very cheap; you can always afford to invite someone. And it’s a good investment; it saves the planet. So it’s worth it. You try what you can, through Supreme Master Television, through flyers, through books, through the internet. It influences a lot. But still, that habit dies hard. Just tell them to change the habit, that’s it. Invite whoever you can, show the vegetarian diet and make them feel welcome. It’s like everything else. Put candles and all that. How much does it cost? Not so much. It doesn’t have to be a lot. Make it festive and welcome and homey. Make the food taste good and then they’ll come back for more and you can show them how.

Because truly, they don’t know. I’m telling you the truth. Not many people know how to cook vegetarian. They think vegetarian is just to eat green beans, like string beans, and then they worry they become like a string. Surely many would ask you, “Oh, vegetarian! Can you live on that? Is it nutritious enough that way?” They ask you like that because they don’t know, truly. They don’t research into that, so they’re not used to it.

Ban All Meat for the Good of the World

I hope I live to see the day that the governments really ban meat because it’s also poisonous to people. Not to talk about methane or waste gas, depleting energy or water or medicine, nothing like that. Meat makes everyone sick. Meat is poisonous. Everyone knows that. The people’s leaders have to help protect people.

Suppose you know something is poisonous to your children; will you deliberately give it to them, to kill them? No! So now all the evidence points out that meat is also poisonous and alcohol is bad. Just ban them outright. There’s no more discussion. Poisonous things you don’t give to your people. You don’t allow them to be near your people. And children even have access to alcohol, not to talk about meat. Okay, that’s it. We have to ban meat. We’re banning it now by showing people how to cook and eat vegetarian. We go all out. This is really for survival. You have only two years to change, two years. Four years is when it happens but within two years we have to do something; otherwise, it will happen, do you understand me? (Audience: Yes.) Do you know how long two years is?

Audience: Very fast.

M: Seven hundred something days; that’s it - 104 weeks. With 52 weeks per year, two years is only 104 weeks. 1...0...4...weeks. That’s all we have. Do you understand? Does it sound very long?

Audience: No!

M: It’s short. When you say two years, it might sound long. No! It’s only 700 days, 104 weeks. That’s a very scary number. Okay, we have to do it. We have to take matters into our hands. We do what we can. And if we die, we die, but we have to do something. Make it your mission in life, to inform people about the danger of eating meat, and show them the solution.

Meat is really not good for our planet. Meat is bad. Because meat is the reason, not the people! Not the people, right? They don’t know! Truly they don’t know. They influence each other. And they’re really poor victims of the situation. It’s really, truly like that. You have to do it with love. You have to have big compassion, to sacrifice your time and your energy.

D: There’s an organization called Animal Aid. I got an email from them the other day and they’ve got a system where they train you or you can train yourself, so you can go and speak at schools. They get the schools for you and you can pick the age group of people you talk to. And a brother is thinking of going and doing it with younger children.

M: Yes, we can do that.

D: You can speak about vegetarianism or climate change or anything.

M: Yes, you can volunteer to go to any school, to cook a free meal that day, or bring samples. Or ask whoever wants to come with you to learn vegetarian food, and everyone brings a few carrots.

D: Because the children love the animals and then they start to ask the parents, saying,

“We can’t eat these, they’re beautiful beings.” Yes, children are great.

M: Yes, if we can.


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清海無上師以英、中文講於泰國曼谷  1994.01.01(DVD#400)

今晚有一位記者問師父:「您到世界各地去幫助別人有什麼目的?」我說真正的目的只有一個:就是把世界變成更美好的地方。我們幫助任何國家或是任何人,不是因為我們認為錢很重要或是物質方面很重要 、或沒有我們的幫助他們會死掉。即使他們死了,對我們而言也不算什麼,因為我們修行人或相信佛教的人都知道有輪迴,如果他們失去了這個身體,以後還會得到另一個身體,所以不是因為我們擔心物質的方面才幫助世人。我們這麼做是一種象徵的作用,代表這個世界還有愛心,還有互相關懷及無條件貢獻的精神,我們想用靈性的方式提昇這個世界的能量,將愛的氣氛散佈在我們的星球上,大家無條件互相關懷,這樣我們的世界才會越來越美好,這就是做慈善工作的真正目的和意義。





Spread the Loving Atmosphere 
on Our Planet

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai Bangkok, Thailand, January 1, 1994 (Originally in Chinese

This evening a journalist asked me, “What is the purpose of your going everywhere and helping people?” I said there is only one true purpose: to make the world a better place. We help a nation or person not because we think that money or the material side is very important, or that without our help they would die. Even if they died, it would not be very important because those of us who practice spiritually or who believe in Buddha know there is reincarnation. If one’s body is gone, one could get another body. We help others not because we worry about material things, but because symbolically we want to show that that there is love, mutual concern and unconditional sacrifice in this world. We want to raise the energy of this world in a spiritual way, to spread the loving atmosphere on our planet. When there is unconditional love among neighbors, our world becomes better and better. This is the true purpose and true meaning of charity.

Love is the most precious thing in the whole universe, not only in this world. So, many of the celestial or extraterrestrial beings are attracted by the atmosphere of love on our planet. They recognize that love is the most beautiful thing in the universe. Even though some of the planets are highly developed in technology, they lack this emotion, this true love among one another. Sometimes their beings even come here to observe and learn.

That’s why we have to protect our loving atmosphere, because that’s all we have. We are not as developed or civilized as other planets. But at least we have something that is the most beautiful in the universe, and that is love. We have to protect and preserve this loving atmosphere so that we can share it with other planets in the future. (Applause) 

 Master’s Words



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字幕:英文、中(簡)、中(正)、悠、韓、日、印尼文、馬來文、泰文 、俄、保、德文、法文、西文、荷蘭 (15種)

清海無上師以英文講於福爾摩沙西湖國際禪五 2007.02.22(DVD#784)




















The True Crown of Creation

Master Says


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
International 5-Day Retreat
 February 22, 2007 Hsihu, Miaoli, Formosa
(Originally in English)


I hope that one day the human race wakes up. We have to know that animals are the same as us. We are alike, just a different form. They’re just different flowers, but we’re all flowers. How simple can that be? Yet how difficult it is to ingrain into someone’s heart. Well, I’m glad you believe me, and I’m glad you follow the loving way of life, of “live and let live.” (Applause)

Anyone who acts out of ignorance, of course we don’t condemn them. But I do really feel sorry for the animals, as well as the ones who kill them, because the karma will be upon them later on. Truly, the King of Illusion wants every piece of his creation to be repaid, and many-fold. You cannot just pay for a piece of beefsteak on Earth, eat it, and think that’s ‘finito,’ or it’s even. No, it’s not! The Lord of Karma doesn’t want your money; he wants your flesh. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, in the world of illusion.In the physical world, it is only like that - an eye for eye, and a tooth for tooth. There’s no mercy and nothing you can bribe the Lord of Karma with. He doesn’t take bribes, not at all. Even if you give him the whole world, he doesn’t care, or the whole Three Worlds, he doesn’t care, because his job is that: He likes to check on people; he likes to see who is doing bad. He even tempts them to do bad, to see how strong you are, how noble you are, and how much power you have in your heart to resist temptation.

“Love Thy Neighbor” Means Everyone

To harm other beings is the most terrible sin we can commit. So, if the ones I have been diligently teaching not to kill and not to eat meat are still going out and doing that, I don’t want to know about that person. If you didn’t know it before, and you commit it, it’s okay. Everyone does it; the world makes you do that. Even your parents forced you to do things when you were young and you didn’t know any better. But if you know already that it’s not right and still continue doing that, just because you could not forget your taste palate – it’s just a small sacrifice, very small! Even if you still want to eat meat, it’s a very small sacrifice, especially when we have so much beautiful vegetarian food in the vegetable kingdom. Even any religion will tell you it’s the food for you to eat, but no one wants to see that page; not many people want to listen to that.“Love thy neighbor” includes our animals! If we cannot love animals, then there will be no more neighbors for us to love. Neighbor includes everything. Jesus didn’t say, “Love thy neighbor: man and woman or children.” He said, “Love thy neighbor.”

Who are our neighbors? Everyone! Everyone, including humans, animals, dogs, cats, birds, ducks and geese - wild or tame. Can you imagine just for one moment if you were an animal living among humans like this? Every day they fear for their lives. Can you imagine the kind of life that we impose upon them? Suppose we humans were living together with other giant kinds of creatures, and all the time they killed us to eat, one by one. How would you feel? Helpless and miserable, no? And so sad, so terrified! It’s the same with animals. They don’t do anything to us. But we, on the contrary, subject them to all kinds of suffering. Some of them are even working to help us, and we still kill them to eat at the end. No “thank you” to them, nothing! Not even a peaceful and dignified death. We kill and eat, without mercy, without remorse, without even thinking that we should never do that, without even thinking anything. We just do it like a natural thing, and we call ourselves human, intelligent, the crown of the creation. What kind of crown could be put on our head?

In our world, if we kill someone, it’s called murder. And then we have to go to jail and so on. But we kill billions, trillions, zillions of animals every day, and no one puts us in jail. Isn’t that amazing? And the animals are helpless! They’re fearful living with us, fearful every day. How can this be, a world like this? How can it be that we make ourselves into such fearful, vicious kinds of beings, feared by all other creatures? We dominate all the other creatures in the whole world; we take away their habitat sometimes, and we make them fear every day for their lives. Even our brother and sister human beings, we make them fear also: by power, by guns, by atomic weapons, by economic sanctions, all kinds of things.

We put fear in each other’s lives. How do we call ourselves the crown of the creation? That, I don’t know. I don’t know what kind of crown that we merit to put on our head, and I don’t know who would put that crown on our head. All our brothers and sisters are fearful of us, and we’re killing them every day somewhere on the planet in different ways, not just by guns or knives, but by bullying, by causing spiritual oppression, emotional stress and physical suffering. We cause that to each other, day by day. How can we call ourselves civilized human beings and the crown of the creation?

To Be Great, Simply Do No Harm

In this new year, everyone in the world should rethink the program or the direction that they should lead their lives, and the truly noble goal that they should reach during their lifetime, while they still have time to correct it. To be a noble human being is so simple. It doesn’t need a Saint to do it. It doesn’t need a nun, a monk or a holy personage. Just leave the animals alone; that’s all we have to do. Then we are noble already, immediately! All the animals will praise you in their hearts, and will pray for you. Your life will be lengthened, your happiness will be multiplied; your health will be more assured, your love will expand to no end, and you’ll become a great being already. No need for Master Ching Hai, no need for initiation, nothing of that yet. Just leave the meat alone; then you really can become Buddha, or at least reach the Third Level. (Applause)

The Buddha meant just that when He said, “Put down the butcher knife, and you can become Buddha.” It’s truly like that! If you don’t kill or don’t eat any animals, you truly can immediately attain the Third Level - the low one, but Third Level. That is for sure. But no, how many people do that? How many people can sacrifice just a little taste of the palate to be a noble being, to be a compassionate person worthy of being the crown of the creation? Then I don’t even need to go teaching; I don’t need to do anything anymore. It would be much better; and the animals will be happy, humans will be more elevated, and hospitals will be fewer. Fighting will be no more, because everyone, through the vegetarian diet, will have enough food to sustain themselves. The whole planet will have enough food for every single person on the planet, without any cost. If we are just vegetarian, then the planetary wealth will automatically somehow be divided evenly, and there will be no more hunger. Truly, it’s like that. But how many people want to do this noble deed?

Awakening the Noble Quality Within

I just hope this New Year that the planet people will also be very smart, much more contemplative inside, and see truly what they want within, not being blinded by outer temptation and influences of the negative power. They should be strong, noble, and looking within themselves to see what is in their heart and what truly their heart wants to tell them, because if they do look, they will find it. “Knock, and it will be opened.” (Matthew 7:7)

So, I do hope they really look! Because if they look, they will see they are a noble person or a noble being, and it’s not within our dignity to kill and eat some innocent creature that’s not even our own size. Some are bigger, and we bully them too. Even the fish in the sea, they do no harm to anyone; they’re swimming in their own world, and we fish them up, kill them, and eat them. Or, the animals in the air, they’re flying there, doing no harm to anyone, doing nothing wrong, and we shoot them down and eat them. And the animals in the jungle or in the forest, they also mind their own business; they don’t harm anything, yet we go there, hunt them down, kill them, and eat them also.

Do you think that’s noble? Anyone would know that it’s not noble, is it? How noble can it be when a strong person with all the power and intelligence goes and kills someone who is weak, small and defenseless? How noble can that be? Even in China and in Au Lac (Vietnam), the martial arts rule is: If a person has fallen from their horse in battle, you don’t wound or kill him. If the person is already down, that’s what we say: Don’t kill him. So, how would it be for a smaller animal? They’re already frightened and paralyzed at the sight of a human! How can we not feel compassionate and sorry or pity, and let him live? How could a human being not feel any pity in his heart when the animal is frightened and running, running, running for their life already, begging for their life? It’s incredible!

In the new year, maybe all our wishes will come true; so let’s wish that these things won’t happen again, and that human beings, all of them, will wake up to the noble intention inside their heart from before they were born, or when they were just born and they were noble, pure and heroic. Let’s hope that the human beings will awaken within themselves these superior qualities, which make us the crown of the creation. Let them wake up these superior qualities, and then we will all be in Heaven. Really, if there’s no more killing, this planet shall be Heaven. (Applause) 


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清海無上師以英文講於法國巴黎聖誕禪四 2007.12.23/25















Master’s Words


Climate Change and  Our Spiritual Practice

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Christmas 4-day Retreat, Paris, France  December 23/25, 2007 (Originally in English)

First we have to save this planet so that we’ll be able to stay; that’s first.And then we will think of our own place. The way it is going, if they don’t fix it, in four or five years’ time: finito, no more. It’s really that urgent, because the time is short. So be more diligent in practice. Four or five years’ time is very short; it’s only the blink of an eye.

The main point is that we spread good news on Supreme Master TV. Second, we have to meditate a lot - every second you can, every minute you can - and do whatever you can to save the planet. For instance, go out with the Alternative Living flyers and tell people to eat vegetarian, tell people to plant trees, spare some electricity, water, and so on. But that is not much. The government has to do something. They have to stop it altogether. Anyway, I have done my best, and we have done our best.

I feel sorry, because the humans have been misled. As I’ve told you, they don’t really know. If no one teaches them, how will they know? One blind leads the other blind, and they all go down into the pit and don’t even know it. So, I feel really sorry, and that’s the only thing that makes me keep working - despite all the frustration, all the sadness, all the mistreatment that they measure out to me, all the pressure I have all these years, and all kinds of unfairness. The only thing keeping me working is because I feel so sorry for everyone, that they have not been taught. They have really been misled, gravely, big time. And then once they start in that direction, it’s very difficult to turn back. Besides, no one even tells them to turn back.

The ocean bed has a lot of poisonous gas. If the ice at the poles all melts, and the sea gets warm, the gas will be released from the ocean, and we’ll all be poisoned by that gas from the ocean. No need then to talk about flooding, or warm climate, nothing. If the surface is warm, the gas will be released. It stays down there because it’s cold there right now. But if the ocean water is too warm, it’s possible that the gas will be released. It’s a lot of gas, enough to kill everyone. We’ll die simple and quick. Don’t worry, there’s no suffering. To die by gas is no suffering. It’s better than dying by anything else, like suffering by flood or to die slowly by roasting from the climate.

The climate is warming quicker than they predict; that’s the problem.Because when one thing warms, it makes another thing warm. So, if the ocean is warm, it melts the ice. When the ice is there, it reflects the heat, and so the ocean is less warm. But now the ocean is warm enough to melt the ice, and so there is nothing to reflect the heat; therefore, the ocean is warmer. That’s why they could not calculate it well. And so it keeps warming faster than they think. So in that case if the governments or everyone doesn’t do anything, then that’s it. That’s the way it is. It’s logical; no need to be scientist to know it, and no need to believe me. Because the ice reflects the sun, sending it back into space, but the ice is melting so fast now that there’s not enough reflection. And because the sea is already warm, it melts the ice; and because the ice melts, the sea is warmer. It’s a cycle. There’s no need to analyze any further than that.

We’ve been warned long enough. If you see the Singapore lecture I made 10 or 15 years ago, I already warned them that we have to change the way we live our life; otherwise it’s too late. Or before that, I always talked about how we deforest our planet. Meat eating and so on contributes to a lot of the damage to our Earth planet. They listen and yet they go home and do the same. What else am I going to do? Sometimes I am ready to give up already. But it’s okay, we just continue as much as we can. If we can save the planet, we save the planet. If we cannot save the planet, then we cannot. There are only two choices, right? It’s very simple.

Scientists say many things. They are listening now, but I just hope they do it fast, that’s all. It just takes action. They do know everything now; all the governments in the world really take it seriously now. The UN has already declared it, and the United States and China are trying to cut down on everything. I’m just worried the action might be too slow.

I’m telling you so that you meditate more, in case it happens. But if you meditate more, maybe things will change and it might not happen. Then it’s also good; at least you have extra meditation power. That’s no harm. 


To view the transcript of Master's lecture spoken in Singapore, 1995, click on the following link:

To view or download a documentary recently released by NASA concerning the melting of the Arctic ice sheet, click on the following link:


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Master's WordsTune in to the Soul's Universal Language
Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
May 23, 1998, Mexico City, Mexico 
(Originally in English) 
Video #627

Jesus left us almost 2,000 years ago, but His teaching and His spiritual energy still blesses us, and makes many of us saintly and righteous, and reminds us always of God. I just read some of the Master's teaching today, and it's so beautiful! The language of the Masters is the language of love, of poetry and of Heaven. I have found that many great Masters speak almost similar languages. I don’t mean the same native language but the same kind of expression: very poetic, very romantic, very noble and very pleasing to the ear, even physically.

We should always speak this kind of language every day. But unfortunately, sometimes we forget. Sometimes we have to deal with each other or with other people in a more aggressive and less romantic way. This is regretful to all of us. When we are intoxicated with love, we become like a poet, a musician, an angel or like a very noble, celestial being. We float in the air; we don’t walk. We breathe with the soul, not with the mind. We think with the heart, not with the brain, and we speak with the language of love. Or, we don’t even talk. We don’t want to sometimes. We just like to sit there and hold hands, like two mannequins!

There is a joke about people who are in love. It says that if you want to know whether any couple is in love, you can observe them. If the couple loves each other, they just sit there, looking into the eyes, holding hands or not holding hands, and don’t say anything. They just look into eyes quietly, sitting there together; just being together is already very happy for them. But if you see a couple who sits there, maybe talking a lot in loud voices, or looking in different directions, then you know they are not lovers.

The Master Quetzalcoatl also mentioned a lot about silence: “Be silent so that you can see the Light and hear the inner music or inner voice.” That's what he said. He said do not teach people what you do not understand, because that is empty and without substance. We can repeat the same words as the Masters of the ancient times, but if we do not have the spiritual awakening inside, then our words are empty. So it might sound the same, but it's not poetically imbued with love, and it's not empowered with the blessing of God. So those empty words fail to awaken the deepest recesses of our soul, and don’t help us to elevate.

That's why the Master tells the people to keep silent, if they do not know. His words, even though from a few thousands years ago, are still as true today. And they are so beautiful! If we speak this kind of language every day to each other, we would never have to experience World War I, World War II or any war at all. If we cannot speak words of wisdom, then we’d better keep silent. The best language is the language of the soul, the inner voice or the inner sound of Heaven. That's why whenever we are tired of the world's abuse, when we are tired of the endless struggle for survival, when we are tired of the mental fatigue, and we sit down and do the Quan Yin for a while, we feel tranquil and relieved of the heaviness that had shackled our inner soul. Sometimes we feel very restless because of physical disturbance, the polluted environment or a stressful occupation or profession. And so when we do some tuning in to the inner music, to the inner teaching of God and to the sound inside, we feel immediate peace and rest.



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日期:2007.08.22, 24



清海無上師以英文講於法國巴黎歐洲禪三 2007.08.22















Practice Noble Quality 
to Help It Grow

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, European 3-Day Retreat, Paris, France, 
August 22, 2007 (Originally in English)


The Noble Quality is just like the IQ; you can also practice and enlarge it. Human quality normally is given to you. NQ, or noble quality, is also given to you before you’re born. According to what you have from the last life, this is the leftover and that’s what you get. It’s not like Heaven has a different favor for Mr. Smith or Mrs. Mueller from Hamburg. This is different. It’s not like that. So, suppose someone only has 3 percent NQ from the last life. Why? Because he was just a very ordinary and a simple man; he didn’t do anything good, or he didn’t feel anything about anyone; he didn’t feel love or compassion for anyone. Perhaps it’s because he wasn’t required to do so, or perhaps because he wasn’t acquainted with a group of compassionate people, and thus he wasn’t motivated or taught or trained by those people, by associating with them, so that his NQ didn’t go any further than that. Or, he was not exposed to any situation that evoked his compassion.

Suppose you have compassion in your heart, but you have never seen any situation where you need to show your compassion. It doesn’t touch you, because you don’t see anything that is suffering. So, how can you have compassion? Therefore, even God, Buddha or the son of God has to come down here in order to see. In Heaven, there is no requirement for anything like that. Everything is blissful and happy and peaceful. So if you want to develop compassion, it’s only in this world, in the physical world, or in hell perhaps, if you can survive it there, just like a lawyer goes into the prison without being affected by it.

Anyhow, suppose that guy or that girl has been in the past some animal, maybe a low NQ animal, like those predators or animals of prey, where they have to kill to survive. Those have lower NQ than other animals. The very peaceful animals, like elephants for example, have 30 percent NQ! So, to develop NQ, you just take what you have, the “capital gain,” the capital that you had before you were born. It will be with you at the time of birth, and it will continue to be with you. But unless you use it to maximize or to multiply, then it won’t grow any further than 3 percent or 4 percent, or whatever percent you had on the day you were born.

The majority of people have only 3, 4 or 5 percent NQ. Why? Because that’s what they had when they were born. They were born with that, and then they don’t have a chance to develop it. They could develop. The more you are exposed to the sense of the needy’s suffering, the more you feel your compassion being touched. And then you want to do something for that person or that animal or that situation, and then that’s how your NQ grows, like the interest rate in the bank. You can have the capital and just put it in the bank, doing nothing, or you can invest it. You can do business with it, and then it will grow.

So, HQ and NQ can be developed. The quality is inborn, but then it can be developed, and like everything else, the more you use it, the more you have it. It’s funny! It’s not like the more you use it, the more you don’t have anymore. It’s not like that. It’s not like money, where the more you give, the more you don’t have. But these are not material things. These things, the more you use, the more you have. Saints are developed from ordinary people. So, it’s like that. It’s not like everyone was born with 300 percent NQ.

Many of you have only 3, 4, 5, 6, 10 percent... or 15, 20 or 30 percent. That’s very good already. But you are expanding it; that’s the difference. Because you are exposed to the teaching, it’s like nourishment for the NQ. If you are exposed to some other different situations, your NQ might even be less, or it might just stand still. If you are exposed to noble teachings and you know how and you go about doing it, then it really becomes real. Maybe at first you don’t feel so much, but it will become real. Because if you’re touched by the sense of suffering, then you really want to do something, and your love really awakens in your heart. That is when NQ begins to germinate and grow more and more.

But meanwhile, at least you do something. Even if you don’t feel so touched, suppose you exchange the position, like if you were that suffering person, what would you like to have? Then it’s very clear to you. If a person’s in an earthquake and they’re injured, of course they need medicine. Or, if their house is lost, of course they want a tent at least. They want water and clothes, because they’ve lost everything. Just exchange your position; then you know exactly what to do and how you would feel. Even if you don’t feel exactly like the person who is affected, you begin to be more identified with each other. You’ll be one with each other, and then you will feel more and more what other people feel. But God will put in a break somewhere, so that you don’t suffer too much. Otherwise, if you suffer like everyone else, overwhelmingly, then you cannot bear it from the inside feeling.

If the person is just in a position from birth or from inheritance, or from tradition, then that doesn’t develop their Noble Quality or compassion. Compassion and Noble Quality have to be in real life, real action and real exposure to suffering. Not by yourself perhaps, but if you see someone else suffer, then something will be awakened in you: the love that is pure and unconditional, a true love. Then your NQ will develop. Even if you’re not doing anything much or you cannot do anything for that suffering person, just your sympathy, your desire to do something to lessen the suffering of that person in front of you, that is already good potential nutrition for your NQ. So, do not feel afraid of suffering, and do not feel afraid to help other people, because it’s only good for you.


Master Says  


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清海無上師以英文講於法國巴黎歐洲禪三 2007.08.22








Master's Words



Humility Reveals True Knowledge

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, European 3-Day Retreat, 
Paris, France August 22, 2007 (Originally in English)

Humility is very important. Humility means the absence of ego. Ego means the absence of humility. Without humility, you will cause a lot of trouble and headache for everyone, including the Master. Even if you want to do good, you do just ego. It’s just the way you think! You ignore everyone else. You don’t consider. It’s not because you want to; you just live that way. Your ego leads you into that kind of inconsiderate way of life, and then it’s very difficult for you to understand anyone else’s feeling or convenience.

So, the ego is your worst enemy, worse than eating meat! If people already kill it and you eat it, okay, you have some karma, and you don’t have too much compassion. But with ego, you even forsake compassion, because you don’t know what compassion is anymore. You are blind to the people around you, to their feelings and their emotions and their needs. You are blind! If you have ego, you just think of yourself, the way you want to do this and do that. You do it your way, and you don’t think of any other alternative. You don’t consider anyone else. The ego is the one that stands in between you and the true knowledge of Providence. So, anyone who has a big ego, don’t consider yourself intelligent at all! You are just a repeating kind of parrot, learning from anything that you know. But you are not truly intelligent.

The one who truly has knowledge is the one who has no ego. Then your knowledge shines, and you do everything right! It’s just like that. So don’t be afraid of any danger or any trouble - be afraid of your own ego. Ego is what? From where do we have ego? It’s from past life impressions and accumulated habits or associations, and background. If you learned something and you became good at this, and then you learned something else and you became good at that, and everyone kept praising you, then over time, you get so used to being praised, your ego grows, and you think that whatever you do is good because you’ve become used to being at the top. And then you don’t consider anyone. It’s just become a habit. But these are very bad for us; so, try to eliminate that.

Only when you eliminate your ego will your knowledge be truly revealed. That’s why in the old times, it is said, “The man who knows looks like the man of low knowledge”; he looks like an ignorant person, because he might not show off his worldly skills or knowledge. He doesn’t even want to show off! If he knows, he doesn’t show off. For him, it’s not important anymore. The important thing is the real knowledge of Heaven, the true, original knowledge, which we forsake for learning some skill or something in this world, or for any doctrine or any policy or any special talent, just to be on top of the society - forsaking our own great Self and the real knowledge that we always have, to be a great person.

So, to have knowledge in this world is not the top priority, really. Learn what you can to survive, of course. But if we forsake our real knowledge for worldly skills, that is a very great pity. It will enhance only our ego, and it will separate us more from our true knowledge - from the One who knows everything, the One who pervades everywhere, and the One who never goes wrong.


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清海無上師以中文講於奧地利克拉根福 2007.05.27






We Must Fight with All Our Might 
to Go Home

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai 
Klagentfurt, Austria, May 27, 2007 (Originally in Chinese)

When we come down here, we’re all confused. If we knew everything when we came down, it would be great! Then there would be no need for me to teach you. If you knew everything already, why would it be necessary for me or any Master to come down? As soon as we come down to this world, we become like this. This is my point. I thus do not blame you for your wrongdoings. I only encourage you to try your best. Otherwise, we will lose. We must try our best, and we must win!

We must always practice diligently, meditate and keep the moral standard. Only then can we go up and return to our original Home. We must practice more in order to go back Home.

Look at Shakyamuni Buddha: He had to practice austerely for six years, and He had to put down everything, including the whole country, 500 wives and His child. There is no parent who doesn’t love his or her children. But the Buddha had to put down His child to get back to the right path. He spent six years practicing asceticism; He was skinny to the bone and almost died. But still He could not regain His original level, because He practiced the wrong method. You all know He was from Tusita Heaven, which was recorded in the sutras. Jesus was the same. Only after He practiced for more than 20 years did He recognize His true Self.

The reason I talk about these examples is to let you know that even though you make mistakes and struggle, it’s not always your fault because the past karma might come and stick to us. Even though we might have been to hell and burned all our karma, when we come up, the residue karma in the air or in the magnetic field of the universe still comes to us, sticks to our body, and makes us suffer and struggle. When we try to do good, it pulls us the opposite way. Even if we don’t do bad things, it still affects our brain. So don’t worry; just keep trying, keep meditating, and keep walking on the right path. We must be persistent no matter how hard or how painful it is. There is no other means; this world is like that. 


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清海無上師以英文講於奧地利克拉根福 2007.05.29












































Master Says

Elevated Consciousness is the Best Gift to Humankind

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
Klagenfurt, Austria, May 29, 2007 (Originally in English)

M: It’s a funny world. It’s such a funny world, that we have to depend on money to live. Isn’t that so lousy?

D: Money makes the world go around...

M: I know, it makes the world go round. But it’s such a funny world. We shouldn’t be depending on those pieces of paper to survive, but we do. It’s horrible! The system used in this world is like that. In other worlds, they don’t use this system. They just have enough. They share; so there’s no one who is ever short and no one has too much. Everyone just has enough of what they want and that’s it. There’s no “more” and no “less”; everyone has enough.

If our world had the same system, we wouldn’t have war, and we wouldn’t have hunger. They’re just exchanging, the systems on other planets. They just exchange. For example, if they have to build a road, then the engineers build the road, or the builder builds the house, the doctor treats the patients, the farmer tills his land. They’re exchanging services; that’s all. Everyone has a common store where they come and get what they need, and it’s distributed. Everyone has just enough of what they need: not according to how they work but according to what they need.

There’s no money on such a planet. Everyone uses the same resources and protects the same environment. Everyone is aware of the interrelation and interdependence between each other, and they treat each other like a big family. The food and necessities are distributed evenly everywhere, to every corner of the planet, so everyone has access to them. And each one works according to his or her ability. No one is denied food or the basics of life: no, no! But there’s no money; you don’t carry anything with you to go to buy anywhere. If you need something, you just go in any of the stores and ask the store manager. You can say you need this or you need that, and that’s it: Voila! You can go and get what you want, or he will find what you need. It’s just like going into a supermarket: You take what you want, and ask if you don’t see something you need; then the manager will sort it out for you. But this is without paying. And everyone on such a planet has more developed mentality; they are more responsible, more loving, more kind, more understanding and more enlightened about each other’s values and the values of all beings on their planet. I think their system is more excellent, don’t you think? (Audience: Yes.)


Renewing the Brotherhood of Humankind

Because of money, we have war, we have strife with each other, and greed and grabbing. And then, more or less, we worship money, more than we worship God. That’s the problem. It should be “In God we trust,” not “In gold we trust.” It’s just a theory right now, but perhaps one day our planet will adopt that system. It’s going in that direction somehow, I see. All the rich countries now are helping the poorer countries, and it seems the brotherhood of humankind is very possible. According to the information that we collect, and we air on Supreme Master TV, the brotherhood of humankind may be possible very soon, and peace is very likely. Yes, it looks like that. I’m very happy. I’m getting more excited every day! We see something nearer to brotherhood, nearer to peace and love and kindness. We can also use that system, ourselves. We just stay with each other and work for the world, and exchange what we have. But because this system in the world is already based on money, we have to go according to that for the time being. Maybe later, slowly it will change.

The mentality of people has to change, not just the system. I hope it will change, because people will be more enlightened and will understand more that the money you keep, you can’t use all for yourself. No one can use as much as a million dollars per day. So even if one person earns a lot of money, everyone else profits by it. Or if he dies, then the whole family or clan will make use of it anyway. So what’s the point of accumulating karma? It can be bad karma anyway, through unethical means. For example, there are many not-very-good professions, like manufacturing or selling weapons, selling drugs and selling or making alcohol. All of these are not very good professions, not very conducive to the owner of that factory. It’s very bad for him, or her; it accumulates very bad karma for them.

And the money they earn, honestly, the owner doesn’t spend all that on himself. Maybe he spends it initially, to have a good car and an airplane. But later, everyone else is using the money, like his relatives, his friends, the employees, or whoever relates with him. If he puts it in the bank, the bank makes interest, and maybe even uses it for some other not-very-good purposes. If his money is used for good purposes, then the owner of that money profits, spiritually. But if not, then he will be also in trouble with bad karma, and that’s no good.

So to be fair, the person who creates all these jobs, like making or selling weapons, or making or selling drugs, the bosses of all these selling systems, they don’t profit much. And they have such headache for whatever they have. Even if they amass a lot of money, they are the boss; it’s so much responsibility! Even for a bad job, you are also responsible. And you attract all kinds of people who come just for drugs or quick-money schemes and are not very honest, and then they don’t really help you very well. They mess up your life; they mess up your schedule; they mess up your plans. It’s not always good to be the boss in such a business. And he has headaches all day long! He has a lot of trouble, a lot of work, and even if he has a lot of money, he doesn’t have enough mood to enjoy it. When someone has so much responsibility and so much headache like that, how does he enjoy anything? He might not even eat well. He might not even enjoy the luxury that he has, apart from times when he shows off with his friends or relatives, or whoever comes and he makes a deal or something. But that is very short-lived, compared to the headache he has to go through. Even if you have a good business, you also have headaches - not to talk about bad business! Then you have more headaches.


Seeing Beyond the Effects of This World

Thus, earning money by not-very-good professions, like the ones involving in killing or ones that damage people’s brains, mental well-being, emotional well-being or physical well-being, these are very harmful to the owner of the operation, not to talk about the person who buys his product. So, the owner is the worst. For example, if you manufacture weapons and you are the owner of that company, you have the worst, terrible karma waiting for you. If you own a drug-producing company, you have the worst karma waiting for you. The owner or the boss, the mastermind, has the worst karma waiting for him somewhere - not Heaven! You know where! It will be very bad for this person; he has to endure a lot, a lot of suffering after this life or even in this life already.

But sometimes we don’t know it. I mean the headache, the heartache, the trouble that he goes through and the pressure of it, that’s already hell in this lifetime. But there is worse to come, after this lifetime. Some people do not believe that Heaven and hell exist, so they are doing this kind of job or have this kind of operation. If they did know, if they just had a glimpse of what real Heaven is or real hell is, I think they would just renounce everything. They would go into the forest or mountain alone and repent - even leave family, leave friends, leave everything - just to do penance quick, before they have to fall into hell, after this lifetime.

But this physical body is a big hindrance for every being. People cannot see anything beyond their physical eyes’ distance. They can see only a few meters away. They cannot see Heaven; they cannot see hell. So, I sometimes feel very sorry for all the people who have somehow fallen into this kind of trap and know not how the consequence is so great for him or for her.


Waking Up So the Earth Is More Like Heaven

But I think the world will wake up. Everyone will wake up one day, and then things will get better. I do pray that, so that all the ignorant people, all those who don’t know the consequence, don’t know hell and Heaven, they will also wake up and see some glimpse of the terrifying effects of the work that they are doing. Or, the good work that they are doing, they can see good effects. If you do good work, you see good effects; that’s for sure. Somehow, you feel it. At least if you don’t see directly, you feel it’s good. So, only good things make you feel good. Bad things will make you feel bad; that’s for sure. But some bad things and good things are also very subtle. We don’t feel the effect so strongly. Or, some people are so insensitive, so busy, and so caught up in their job, their thinking and their way of life and habits, that they just ignore the warning of the inner voice or their intuition, and the moral calling from their subconsciousness. They ignore it completely. Maybe they know it and they just don’t want to hear. They don’t want to know because they’re so blinded by the immediate profit, by the short-lived pleasure of amassing wealth.

But even in this world, if you watch TV, you would know the effect of your own profession. Some people are just ignorant, completely. I don’t know how someone could live, knowing that your production will take people’s or others’ lives, even innocent women’s and children’s lives. I don’t know how someone could live with that. I don’t know how someone could sleep if they’re selling harmful things or murdering weapons that take other people’s lives, and profiting from that. I don’t know how any man or woman on Earth could accept it consciously, in his own heart of hearts, how he or she could accept that as a justified course to earn a living. Do you think anyone could accept that? No! But some people do!

D:  It’s people who have very low consciousness.

M: Yes, very low consciousness, maybe that’s it. Or, maybe they’ve just been trained and they fall into this kind of situation. Their background might have trained them from childhood to do this. And that’s how it happens. It’s a pity we don’t have enough means to convey good messages to everyone. But we do hope that whatever we convey will spread through the air, in a subconscious layer to everyone, without language, and will wake everyone up, and one day the world will become more like Heaven.


Replacing Money with Sharing

The system of money, maybe one day we will just abolish it. Everyone will share what we have. The whole planet will share together, because the planet is not just for you, for me, for him or for her. It has to be for everyone. No sign is written anywhere that the planet is for the rich people only or for Americans only or Europeans only. It’s not written like that anywhere! So we should share everything, actually - technical, inventions, food, knowledge, wisdom - for everyone.

That’s what we are doing, but we’re doing it on just a smaller scale because we are a small group. We’re not like a big empire, a financial mogul or anything like that. We’re just earning our honest money, and whatever we can spare, we share with people. What’s important is that we share the message of love and peace. Now, through the media there’s a way; and it is better. I’m willing and very happy to spread this love and Heaven’s message on Earth so that everyone can have a better life. Because let’s face it: Even if every day I finance giving food to all the African hungry children, for how many lives can I do that? After I die, I cannot help the next children’s generation. But the awakening of consciousness will make them more intelligent and make everyone else wiser and more compassionate. Then they can help each other, and then they also become self-dependent, because they will be wiser and more intelligent. And with the help of other already-able bodies, they will be able to sustain themselves. Therefore I help indirectly. I also help directly of course; whatever we can; we do it all, all of us. But what I mean is the awakening of higher consciousness is the best gift to any being. Then they can wake up and become more able for themselves, to be able to help themselves - in many ways, not just the physical way. Because once you’re intelligent and calm, you can think! You can think straight. You can think: “I’m going to do this and that project to help myself and my family. I will make enough money to sustain them.” So that’s the best help we can offer.

Anyway, so I do hope that one day we abolish all borders. Maybe we have government but just for the service of humankind: no borders, maybe even no money, just sharing and taking what we need. But for that level to be achieved, people have to wake up; they have to know what they need instead of just what they want. What we want is too much. What we need is very little, or much less. That’s why I advise you to live simply, so you don’t have to be dependent on so many things.


The Role of the Media in Global Uplifting

D: Sometimes our profession does not give us the freedom or let us know what will be done with our results. (M: I know.) And if someone pays money for our deeds, he often uses our inventions according to his or even other people’s goals who we don’t know.

M: It’s true.

D: So there is always some margin of doubt that we sell our minds or our soul for money. How do we find the balance? Maybe it’s not even possible to avoid that; I’m not so idealistic. But how do we balance that and find the right path?

M: I don’t know, either. The thing is, the whole planet has to wake up. The whole planet, the population of people have to all wake up and rise to a higher level of consciousness. So then, if you invented something good, they would not use it for a bad purpose. It’s not your fault if they use it for something bad; maybe you will not have to feel responsible for it. But the whole planetary population has to wake up to a higher level, higher thinking, and better moral standards. Then everything will be fine. But to balance it, there’s not much you can do, except that you earn money and you have to maybe deduct some of it for charity then. But there’s not really much you can do if they use your invention for something that is not noble. That’s the problem.

That’s why the Nobel Peace Prize was born, because that person felt it was terrible that the invention had been used for destructive purposes. So he changed it and that money is for a peaceful purpose now. That is one way of balancing it, one way to voice the message of peace. Still, we would like it if nothing like that should even happen and that we don’t even need to balance the outcome of our profession. But we have to work for the whole elevation of humankind’s consciousness. And that’s what we are doing; we are doing it together.

Television is for that purpose; it’s also one of the tools, maybe an even more widespread, effective tool. But we’re still doing it in many small ways: Everyone goes out and spreads the message, gives flyers, invites people to a vegetarian meal and serves people a vegetarian meal, goes to expos, gives booklets and gives seminars. Everything we are doing is toward that goal, so that you don’t even have to balance the outcome of your profession.


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