目前分類:師父開示--視訊訪談 (41)

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In a series of discussions, Supreme Master Ching Hai shared a wide range of insights on topics including:
  • connections to higher spiritual realms
  • the various cosmic powers brought to the planet for humans' use
  • the growing global vegan population
  • the accelerated peace trend in the world
  • practical ways to improve our lives
  • plus delightful news and beneficial messages for all!

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- 在甚深禪定期間的體驗


- 高境界的守護神衹


- 師父達到高境界的諸多品質


- 我們為什麼不能和某些人和睦相處


- 師父加持世界於何時開始


- 純素世界、世界和平的進展


- 天堂與地獄的眾生在地球上的信息


- 以及根據上一次的會議更多最新動態和消息。



  多國語言 : 480p   多國語言 : 720p   英文 :720p   只播放聲音


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New Teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai.

On June 16, 2013, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke in a new teleconference with Supreme Master Television staff, once more setting aside precious time from her intensive meditation retreat to answer spiritual questions.
This conference is airing first with English subtitles, and later with multi-language subtitles. (Check back here for updates!) 
Some of the topics discussed: 

- Supreme Master Ching Hai’s experiences during her intensive meditation retreat
- The guardians of the higher levels - Qualities of the various high levels Master has reached
- Why we cannot get along with certain people - The world’s progress toward World Vegan, World Peace
- More about Heaven and hellish beings on Earth -- Plus other updates since the previous conference*



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2013年6月16日 清海無上師再次禪定閉關期間抽空與無上師電視台的工作人員進行一場電話會議. 以下內容簡介




*純素世界 創造和平:


New Teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai.

On June 16, 2013, Supreme Master Ching Hai spoke in a new teleconference with Supreme Master Television staff, once more setting aside precious time from her intensive meditation retreat to answer spiritual questions.
This conference is airing first with English subtitles, and later with multi-language subtitles. (Check back here for updates!) 
Some of the topics discussed: 

- Supreme Master Ching Hai’s experiences during her intensive meditation retreat
- The guardians of the higher levels - Qualities of the various high levels Master has reached
- Why we cannot get along with certain people - The world’s progress toward World Vegan, World Peace
- More about Heaven and hellish beings on Earth -- Plus other updates since the previous conference*


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http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/ch/news/201/  師父的話


The Complete Protection of Virtue

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai, Bangkok, Thailand, July 24, 2008 (Originally in English)

Right now, many disasters are happening around the world, more frequently than ever before and even more deadly. This is because the force of the negative retribution of the killing karmic consequence is more ripe than before. So, people are suffering a lot around the world.

But all of our suffering is from the killing of eating meat. If we didn’t eat meat, no one would kill for us, to offer us meat. So the vegetarian diet will minimize all the disasters and even clear them all out. If people just turn their hearts around, they would be compassionate and loving like real human beings, because humans are inherently very compassionate and loving. It’s just they have been misled. They have not been informed since a long time and the bad habits or the negative information has already been ingrained into their way of life. They have been misled very, very badly.

So now we have to inform them and remind them again that it is not the way we should live our life. The way we should live our life is with love, compassion and peace with all beings, including animals. So we have to continue doing our job of informing people. Tell them to be vegetarian to minimize all these bad effects. Even if I sit here telling you that the cyclone will come or not come, what good does that do? If this cyclone doesn’t come, another cyclone will come, or some other disaster will come if we don’t change the way we live our life. If we don’t change to live according to the harmonious system of the Universe, then we are out of accord. And when we are out of this protective harmonious cycle of the Universe, we’re out of protection. And that’s why bad things happen.

If we are inside the Universal harmonious cycle, or the natural Law, we are protected 100%. So don’t be afraid; if you are virtuous, you are protected.

http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/201/   Master’s Words




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「緊急求救!全球暖化國際視訊會議」 2008.05.22

兒童健康國民聯盟事務總長暨總統永續發展委員會前孩童健康政策研究組會長李庸仲先生(Lee Yong-Jung)︰我一直興致盎然地聆聽您的談話,我想可以把它歸納成三方面︰靈性、素食、和諧共存。我想提出幾項關於食物和永續社會的問題。目前周遭的食物都對我們身體有害,當我們攝取這類食物時,體內微生物的平衡會被破壞,然後我們可能必須與它們對抗(微生物佔了地球生物總質量的一半)。最後我們可能會染上異位性皮膚炎、脾炎、氣喘和過動症,目前這些疾病的罹患率是廿年前的三倍,而罹患高血壓、癌症和糖尿病的機率也增至三倍之多。韓國所爆發的禽流感、諾羅病毒、耐抗生素細菌,全都是因為有毒的食物所致。





韓國正確教育家長會祕書長李姬政女士(Lee Hui-Jung)目前在首爾的清溪川前方,有學生舉行燭光集會,以抗議進口疑似感染狂牛病的牛肉,因為學校的伙食可能會含有這種牛肉。學生抗議是因為學校的伙食統一,他們別無選擇,所以他們在清溪川舉行燭光示威,因為他們不想吃狂牛肉。學生的父母也抗議,因為他們不希望孩子在學校吃到這種牛肉。這場抗議顯示學生非常關心目前的教育環境和學校的伙食供應問題。我覺得孩童通常比大人更有同情心,所以他們才會走上街頭抗議。他們在網路上看到一些短片揭露動物受到不人道的對待,讓他們覺得動物就像他們一樣,因為他們的教育環境並不理想,競爭壓力很大,他們必須苦讀到深夜,或是一早就到教室,就像被關在小籠子裡,沒有太多選擇的餘地。所以我覺得我們的學生同情那些被關的動物。









韓國學校膳食協會會長朴卿用女士(Park Kyung-Yong)︰我負責管理學校的學生伙食,我的問題跟之前的問題有關。政府明令學校的膳食必須包含三成的動物性蛋白質,為了遵守法令,學校的膳食每天都會供應牛肉、雞肉或豬肉。如果我們把全國所有學校膳食所供應的牛肉等肉類加起來,為數驚人,這表示說為了這些餐點而遭到屠宰的動物數量也很可觀。身為工作人員,我從未想過這是嚴肅的問題,但參加這場會議後,我想我需要重新檢討學校膳食中的肉食。此外,我認為我們需要訂定新的政策和法令,也需要使用大豆之類的蛋白質來替代動物脂肪和蛋白質,因為大家都知道那是優良蛋白質。目前我們學校的膳食正在增加素食菜單,但我認為我們必須嚴肅正視肉食的問題,並討論及設計使用替代蛋白質的菜單。我了解到學校膳食必須提供更環保的餐點、提供素餐。既然您吃素,不知您是否可以提供一些適合學校膳食的素食菜單和食譜。如果您對學校的素食餐飲有任何建議,我可以在我們設計餐點時提出來。










Go Veg to Give Our Children and the Planet
Our Best

(Continuation of Master Says Column from News Magazine #198 )

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, during the SOS! International Seminar on Global Warming videoconference, Seoul, Korea, May 22, 2008
(Originally in English)

Mr. Lee Yong-Jung, Secretary-General of the People’s Coalition for Children’s Health, former head of the policy research team for children’s health on the Presidential Commission for Sustainable Development: I have been listening with interest to Your discussion, which I think could be summed in the three words: spirituality, vegetarian diet, and co-existence. I want to raise several issues that are related to foods and a sustainable society. We are surrounded by foods that are poisonous to our bodies. When we are exposed to these kinds of foods, the balance of micro-organisms in our body will be broken and we might have to fight a war with these micro-organisms that make up half the world’s organisms. The diseases that we might end up getting will be atopy, splenitis, asthma, and ADHD, which have tripled compared to 20 years ago. High blood pressure, cancer, and diabetes have also tripled. Problems that manifested in Korea include avian flu, noro virus, and antibiotics microbes, all due to poisonous foods.

There is a need to examine these poisonous foods. The first one is chemical additives in processed foods and food packaging. The second one is the overdose of antibiotics that are pumped into livestock in factory farming. The third is the overuse of pesticides. The fourth one is genetically modified foods and mad cow disease-affected beef. This problem is serious when we consider our dependency on foreign foods, which is about 75%, compared to 25% of our domestically grown foods. When investigating them, these food problems are interwoven with global warming, methane gas, and carbon dioxide issues, which lead to children’s health problems, as well as the survival of humanity. You have summed up these complex issues into one simple issue, which is vegetarianism. Although I understand, I wonder whether we do not need more comprehensive approaches. For example, we have to practice sustainable agricultural approaches and we have to change our patterns of thinking. We have to change our food paradigms. We need to educate people that through our food choices we can save ourselves and humanity as a whole in a more concrete educational system. That’s what I think.

M: It seems not that easy to tackle, but it’s actually very easy. If you have a child and you know what is good for him, then you definitely want to give it to him. And if you know what is bad or poisonous for your child, you will take it away from him at all costs. So, it’s just the habit thinking of humankind, the feeling that this is not do-able, but it is. Just take away that piece of meat, and replace it with protein from the vegetable kingdom. Nowadays, we have vegetarian food available everywhere; it’s very simple. Even if we don’t have available food, all kinds of beans, rice, lentils are packed full of vegetarian protein, and they will make your life much, much more comfortable, healthy and wise and are very, very spiritually elevating. I don’t understand why it is so difficult for the government or for any parent, or anyone who is responsible in this matter, not to change the habit of giving the children what is healthy for them. You want your children to be healthy, yes? And so, we do the research, we know what is the up-to-date best for the children. Vegetarian diet, without milk or dairy products even, is the best diet thereof for everybody at all ages. So why don’t we give them the best?

For me, it’s simple. Just give them the best food, and then everything else will come along. You will see the benefit. And if it doesn’t benefit, you can always change back to the meat diet. But I’m sure you - I mean the parents and the teachers, the ones who are responsible for children’s health - will like the vegetarian diet. You will see their improvements in all aspects of life, not just health but in intelligence, vitality and the peacefulness of their character. You’ll have less to worry about with your children’s violent behavior. Thank you for being concerned about the children. They are our future. Thank you, Mr. Lee Yong-Jung. The people have to do it. The government can do or not do it; this is up to the parents to choose.

Conscience and Compassion in Society

Mrs. Lee Hui-Jung, Secretary-General of the Korean Parents Association for Correct Education: Right now in Seoul, in front of the Cheonggye River, students are participating in a candlelight vigil gathering. This is to protest against importing meats that may have mad cow disease. This meat could be used in their school meals. So students are protesting because they don’t have any choice in uniformed school meals. That’s why they are having a candlelight demonstration at the Cheonggye River, because they do not want to eat “mad cows” meat. Their parents are protesting as well, because they do not want to have this beef in their children’s school meals. The protest shows that students are seriously concerned about the current educational environment and the problems of the current school meal system. I think children generally have more sympathy compared to adults, and that’s why they have come out to the streets to protest. They saw some clips on the internet about how animals weren’t treated humanely and from that they felt that animals were like them because their educational environment is not so desirable. It’s so competitive; they have to study till midnight or in the early morning in their school rooms. It’s like they are in a cage, a little cage without having much choice, so I feel that our students empathize with those confined animals. 

Although their sympathy becomes dull as they grow in this kind of educational environment, they are still pure enough to feel this pain, so they have compassion towards these animals. Unfortunately, the more we are educated under these kinds of circumstances, the more we lose our sense of consideration for our co-inhabitants. Our school environments should be set up so that our children can spend time in nature, where they can be near animals. However, our children are confined in terms of space and time in the current educational system. They are forced to complete their curriculum.

Our educational environment should cultivate children’s compassion for the needy and the weak, including animals and the suffering of confined livestock. Our educational system needs to be designed to encourage concern towards our planet and our co-inhabitants, and to promote solutions to our current planetary problems through education. But in reality, it is not designed that way. My question for Supreme Master Ching Hai is: We are forcing our children to become desensitized from their own empathy for our planet by putting them in this kind of educational environment in the name of competition. What can we do in order to encourage their ecological empathy? So, I would like to ask You about these matters.

M:: Thank you for your concern, Mrs. Lee. And by the way, I would like to convey also my sympathy and my gratefulness to the students who are expressing their opinion right now in Seoul concerning the beef imports, and concerning their love and care for the animals. I am very impressed by their attitude, because as students they are quite busy and it’s not like the curriculum in the school would have informed them or taught them anything about animal cruelty or how to be kind to animals. But they do know about it; they do research about it, and they do take action about it, and I’m very glad. I do hope this will even spread further into other schools and whole nations and keep people aware of the harmful effects of animal products as well as the unkind treatment that we humans measure upon them, the poor innocent defenseless brothers and sisters.

So, I thank you and I thank them on the animals’ behalf. Concerning your question about how to raise children rightly, this is a very, very important question and the parents and the teachers should get together to discuss this. And the leader of this movement for the teachers and the parents should be more equipped with all the concrete scientific and convincing evidence of the better diet for the children, meaning the animal-free diet, absolutely free from animal traces. Even eggs and milk are harmful because they’re derived from animals. The animals have been fed with chemical substances, all kinds of hormones, which drive the children crazy. So, if your children’s behaviors are not according to your liking, please do not blame them alone. They are born nice, innocent and sweet. They have been brought up by us and we have not given them the due goodness, due care or the due best standard that they so deserve, because we also, as parents, have not been fed this due attention that we also need. So, now we have to change the course of history. We have to research; we have to know for sure that the vegetarian diet is really absolutely healthy, the best in all aspects for our children. Get the evidence. Get all the studies necessary, all the scientific and convincing evidence, and get together to spread this information.

And decide together that we have to change the diet of the children. When you change the diet everything else will change. Their behavior will change, their intelligence will improve, and you will be a happy parent and they will be happy children. You want the best for your children, and that is the best for them. The vegetarian diet, you must give them that, and then everything else will come along. Believe me; trust me; you try and you tell me. It will do no harm. It just helps you to save more money on groceries. You go straight to the vegetarian section; you don’t need to go anywhere else. Vegetarian diet and no alcohol, no cigarettes, no drugs also.

For Optimal Health, Choose Natural and Fresh

And by the way, a message to the vegetarian-producing people. Even with vegetarian food, we have to also be careful we don’t put additives, too many preservatives into it; we don’t put any harmful substance into vegetarian food. And we don’t put too much glutamate or too much salt. Those things are also not very good for health. So, the vegetarian diet should be fresh from the local market. That would be the best for your children - local market, and the fresher the better. Not just vegetarian but the fresher the better, and the healthy vegetarian products. To all the producers of vegetarian food, please be aware of this.

Thank you for your question. Your question is of paramount importance because it’s concerning the children and the society at large. Thank you, Madam. I wish you all the success. I wish the children’s movement that you mentioned just now, the students’ movement, will spread all over your country and into the world, and that all the students will follow suit. Everyone will heed their cry for help for a better life that they deserve. Thank you so much. Heaven bless you and bless their movement.

Mrs. Park Kyung-Yong, Head of the Korean Association for School Meals: I am in charge of preparation of school meals for students. My question is related to earlier questions. The government has made a regulation that 30% of school meals have to be animal source protein. In order to keep the regulation, we provide beef, chicken or pork every day for school meals. If we add up the amount of consumed beef and other meat that is served for school meals around the country, it would be a staggering amount. It means the number of animals slaughtered for these meals is huge as well. I have never considered this a serious issue as a worker, but after attending this seminar I think that I need to reconsider the meat consumption in our school meals. In addition, I think we need to set new government policies and regulations. I think we need to use protein product alternatives to animal fat and protein such as soy, since as everyone knows it provides such high-quality protein. We are currently including more vegetarian choices for our school meals. But, I thought we might need to take meat consumption more seriously as an issue to discuss and develop menus that use alternative protein sources. I realize that we needed to provide greener meals, vegetarian menus for school meals. Since You are vegetarian, I wonder whether You could provide some vegetarian menus and recipes for school meals. And if You have any advice on alternative school meals, I would like to refer to that when we design our school meals.

M: Oh, wow! Very good question, Mrs. Park. Very good endeavor. Thank you so much. You see, this is a very good start. First of all, in my humble opinion, you will be blessed by wanting to do this, and then you will continue to have strength to do it. You have to inform the facts to the parents’ association, and to all the parents that you can. You can give leaflets to each of the students to bring home or to the school board and ask permission to distribute it to the children. Get all the facts about how good the vegetarian diet is and all the facts about how bad the meat diet is. And then get their support. Inform your students. Inform everyone that you know in your society, in your world, in your school. And then, get them all the materials necessary so that they understand what you are talking about and support your ideas. We have to give them the facts, we cannot just tell people, “Okay, be vegetarian. It’s good for you.” We have to evoke their intelligence and curiosity; we have to provide them with all the materials that are convincing and truthful, and then they can decide together, “Okay, we choose this diet.” The majority of them will choose it. I do hope they do, after you diligently inform them of all the facts about how good the vegetarian diet is from the scientific point of view, because people only believe in science.

And then comes the moral issue. You can show them some of the cruel pictures, cruel videos about how the animals are being treated, being slaughtered, and ask them a question, “How would you feel if it were you?” If people see the evidence and are faced with the cruelty of how the animal has been treated, I’m sure that they will decide to get a vegetarian diet. Right now, it’s a worldwide trend that everyone knows the vegetarian diet is good and the meat diet is very harmful. They recalled millions of kilograms, millions of units of meat because of the harmful effect, everywhere in the world. Up to date, there are many countries in the world that do that. So, get all this evidence and show it to them. You never know what you’re eating. It’s better to choose the healthy diet. You see, importing meat and all that, you never know if they’re good. The government cannot control every piece of beef for you, actually. There are loopholes everywhere. There are also lobbies; people will turn a blind eye and all that or take it for granted that the meat is safe. We’re talking about health standpoint only, not to talk about the moral obligation to our weaker, smaller, defenseless brother and sister co-inhabitants. We cannot be cruel. We have to be kind. We have to be loving and compassionate because we are human. Every time you see someone treat someone nice or do something good, you say, “That’s very human, that is humane treatment.” You see? Because we are human, we have to give every other being human treatment, including our own neighbors. Okay, so, because we are human, we have to be kind, we have to be compassionate because that’s our nature. Don’t let anything else make us forget that. Thank you for your question and I wish you all the luck and blessing from Heaven. And I love you for doing this. Thank you.

By the way, in SupremeMasterTV.com we have all kinds of free to download international cooking recipes for you. It costs you nothing if you want to download and use them. Or, you can contact our Centers in Korea to ask for free recipes. Also, SupremeMasterTV.com provides in this matter all scientific and convincing information and evidence for you to download if you need to use them to inform other people and to convince them about the idea of changing the diet for the children in school.

Of All the Ways to Save the Planet,
the Animal-free Lifestyle Is Best

Host: There are many ways to cope with global warming and climate change. Supreme Master Ching Hai, You have suggested the most efficient and effective ways, including using sustainable energy, planting more trees, saving energy wherever we can in our daily lives, and perhaps most importantly, using products that are animal free. Using animal free products also includes adopting a vegetarian or vegan diet. Could You please share with us more details about these solutions?

M: We have covered the moral, ethical, scientific and physical benefits of a vegetarian diet. Not only because of moral or ethical or physical benefit, but because this is the easiest way for every one of us to contribute to saving the planet. Before the governments even do anything, before the technical developments are being offered, we already stop global warming if we forsake that piece of meat and replace it with a piece of vegetarian protein, which looks similar, tastes similar, and is even better in every way -- for our health, for our spirit, for our intelligence and for our next life in Heaven. We will be blessed right now even, not to talk about the afterlife. So, I guess everyone should join in and be vegetarian; that’s all I am saying, because it’s the best and the fastest way to save the planet, and everyone can do it. There’s no need even for technique, new energy or for the governments yet. We do it; we do our part. That’s why I emphasize the vegetarian diet. And if the governments join in and help us to promote more, wow! Thank you so much. If they have developed better technology and produce it fast enough for us to use, thank you ever so much. But the vegetarian diet, we must start right now. That’s the best way, the fastest and the safest way for us and for our children. If you love your children, try the vegetarian diet. Thank you.

To watch the Supreme Master Television coverage of the “SOS! International Seminar on Global Warming,” please visit the following link: http://video.Godsdirectcontact.net/magazine/WOW624s.php

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新書發表會 2007.08.24









所有動物生出來真的是為了要幫助人類,聖經講的沒有錯,要記得清楚,他們真的是人類的助手。不過很可惜,有一些人不曉得。慢慢來,多靜下來,然後才能夠跟動物溝通,才知道他們要幫助我們什麼。如果他們幫助我們,而我們卻不知道,那就太可惜!不是說我們一定要幫助他們,他們才會回報;而是不管我們有沒有幫助他們。不過我們如果能夠跟他們溝通、接觸的話,他們真的會幫助我們。這樣是對我們真的好,不是說對他們好而已,對我們也真正的好。 http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/192/

You May Not Know


The Gifts Animals Bring to Humans

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai in a videoconference 
at the new book release of The Birds in My Life in Formosa, 
August 24, 2007 (Originally in Chinese)

Although we do not expect reciprocation from animals, there is a saying in Au Lac “Save the animals and they will repay your kindness.” This is indeed true. Sometimes, animals can bring lots of good luck to you; perhaps it is prosperity to your business, perhaps good health, or more love and joy to your loving relationship or family life. Each animal brings a different gift; you have to perceive it quietly.

In San Francisco of the United States, there was a very rich man. Previously he lost all his wealth and became a homeless wanderer. One day, he came across a dog that then accompanied him all the time. After adopting the dog, he began to feel much better; his mood as well as his health improved. From there he stood up and worked again, and finally became a very rich man, a billionaire. After he died, his property was all left to that dog. A very big house was built to accommodate stray dogs and take very good care of them. Most probably you’ve heard this story. That dog had brought him great wealth.

In addition to bringing happiness to people, many dogs also bring prosperity. Each animal that comes to your house will definitely bring a gift. You have to observe carefully and quietly. I don’t mean it will bring you a book or a cookie, no! It is not like that. Instead, it will gradually bring you all kinds of delightful spiritual surprises from within. However, if you cannot communicate with it, you might not think that it is the one who brought that to you. For example, after adopting a dog, if your life suddenly improves and your business booms tremendously, then you should begin to wonder. (Master and everyone laugh) Perhaps it was the dog that brought you good luck; try to observe carefully.

I have a bird that brought me lots of money, but I am not telling you which one. (Master and everyone laugh) (Applause) I never imagined that this would happen when I adopted it. I only discovered it later. It was because, after it came to my home, we began to understand each other slowly. Through our communication I realized that it had brought a lot of money, but I used it all to help needy people, and other birds, dogs and animals. I didn’t adopt the bird because I wanted the money. When I first met it, I did not know that it would bring any money. Usually, animals won’t immediately let you know; they’ll first find out whether you treat them nicely or not, before revealing the gift to you. It is really like that. The better you treat them, the greater the gift they have for you.

Animals are also from Heaven. Some of them are highly developed spiritually, even higher than some humans. Don’t think that they are ordinary beings just because they are wearing an outer appearance of a dog or bird. You have often heard stories of animals transforming into human form to help their human caretakers. Those stories were true, but we need to use our spiritual eye to perceive it. Unfortunately, many people cannot see this.

We should remember clearly what God has thus said in the Bible: I have created all the animals to befriend you and to help you. God wouldn’t tell lies. Therefore, I cannot be wrong when I say that the animals are bringing us gifts. Besides, I have personal experience. More and more I realize that all my animals have brought me different gifts. Some brought me good friends; some brought me good helpers. I don’t mean that they called them on the telephone and asked them to come. (Master and everyone laugh) It is just that, when the animals are living in my house, naturally they attract those good friends to come, or the money, or helpful persons. Or, suddenly my life becomes more free and easy. Some previous karmic hindrance, the bondage related to some people, would suddenly be severed. These are brought by the animals.

Animals are really born to help human beings. Later, when we have the opportunity to publish the book, The Noble Wilds, I may reveal some of the secrets to you. (Applause) Originally, I dared not reveal it in writing, because it belongs to our inner communication. So, I really dared not reveal it all, in the books about the dogs and birds; I just wrote a little bit. In the first place, I only wanted to write an ordinary book on how humans and birds should live with each other. For instance, to every day enjoy meals, play games, and have fun together. I had no intention to write about the heart-to-heart communication. However, sometimes I had no choice, so I had to write a little about it.

Even some wild animals will also help us. For instance, there might be some wild animals near your house, and you might have fed them occasionally, then they would also help you. Even if you cannot communicate with them, they would still help you. Of course it would be better if you could communicate. I once communicated with a swan and it told me a lot of things that I didn’t have time to think about. Not that I wasn’t aware, but I had no time to think about it. After communicating with the swan, I remembered those things and that I had to do this and that.

Really, all animals are born to help human beings. The Bible is correct! We should remember that they are our helpers. Unfortunately, some people are not aware. Be patient and calm down, then we can communicate with animals and understand what kind of help they are giving us. What a shame if they have helped us yet we are not aware of it! It is not necessary that we must help them first and then they will repay us. Regardless of whether we have helped them or not, if we interact and communicate with them, they really will help us. In this way, it is really good for us. Not only good for them, but also really good for us! 


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Every Peaceful Plan Will Be Done


Multi Language 字幕
Download :Part1(230M)  
Download :Part2(245M)  
Download :Part3(248M)  
Download :Whole video(742MB)  

英文字幕   http://tw.myblog.yahoo.com/divine-love/article?mid=3867
















We are honored and so happy to share with you some exciting news! On

April 14, 2013 our beloved Master had a teleconference with Supreme

Master Television staff during which She revealed new, fascinating

information, including:


• the extended life of our planet

• more wondrous secrets of the universe

• the Positive and Negative Qualities in humans and animals

• how peace will prevail in the Korean peninsula

• the sacrifices Master undergoes for disciples’ karma and the world


Master also shared a loving message for the world. She said, “Should

concentrate on doing good things. Pray and meditate whatever way you

can to the highest possible spiritual power. Eliminate evil tendencies

in all corners of your life. Remember God at all times. Be grateful to

whatever you have and all the blessings all over around you and in

your life. Pray for the world’s wellness. Be vegan, make peace. And,

be grateful for your beautiful life and enjoy your short but beautiful



The entire 3-hour conference, titled “Every Peaceful Plan Will Be

Done,” will soon be airing online at www.SupremeMasterTV.com. The

conference will be available to watch within the next few days with

English subtitles only. The conference with full multi-language

subtitles will be available to watch within the next two weeks. Exact

dates for the airing of both versions will be announced soon.



IMPORTANT: Please help share this precious conference with as many

people as you can. Ways to share include:


• Emailing the SMTV link to the conference: www.SupremeMasterTV.com

• Embedding the conference video in or linking to the video in your

blog or webpage

• Using social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc. to let people know

about the conference


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Every Peaceful Plan Will Be Done

Download :Part1(238M)  
Download :Part2(251M)  
Download :Part3(253M)  

















We are honored and so happy to share with you some exciting news! On

April 14, 2013 our beloved Master had a teleconference with Supreme

Master Television staff during which She revealed new, fascinating

information, including:


• the extended life of our planet

• more wondrous secrets of the universe

• the Positive and Negative Qualities in humans and animals

• how peace will prevail in the Korean peninsula

• the sacrifices Master undergoes for disciples’ karma and the world


Master also shared a loving message for the world. She said, “Should

concentrate on doing good things. Pray and meditate whatever way you

can to the highest possible spiritual power. Eliminate evil tendencies

in all corners of your life. Remember God at all times. Be grateful to

whatever you have and all the blessings all over around you and in

your life. Pray for the world’s wellness. Be vegan, make peace. And,

be grateful for your beautiful life and enjoy your short but beautiful



The entire 3-hour conference, titled “Every Peaceful Plan Will Be

Done,” will soon be airing online at www.SupremeMasterTV.com. The

conference will be available to watch within the next few days with

English subtitles only. The conference with full multi-language

subtitles will be available to watch within the next two weeks. Exact

dates for the airing of both versions will be announced soon.



IMPORTANT: Please help share this precious conference with as many

people as you can. Ways to share include:


• Emailing the SMTV link to the conference: www.SupremeMasterTV.com

• Embedding the conference video in or linking to the video in your

blog or webpage

• Using social media like Facebook, Twitter, etc. to let people know

about the conference

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Supreme Master Ching Hai's Message
"Loving the Silent Tears" Musical
Oct 27th, 2012
at Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, USA.

 “Greetings and Love

My sincere thanks to all who give your hearts to this musical assembly. Congratulations to you and the audience for this rare and joyful event.

It is good that we still can celebrate in whichever way to beautify life on Earth as given by God.

It is good that we still love, still enjoy, still share our goodness to all that coexist in this world and the next.

It is good that we still believe in everything that is noble and positive and Heavenly power will definitely prevail.

To all involved in this musical event, blessed be your dedication to make this world a more enjoyable place, cheering up the mass and giving thanks to Heaven and Earth in this way. Though I possibly couldn't watch the event, and though I am not aware of the content of this program in advance, I trust it will be great and all who watch it will enjoy hugely. Sorry there is no high tech where I do intensive meditation at present, so this simple message will serve to convey my gratitude to you all, and wish you success, happiness.

And as a token of love, I share with you good news. Maybe just to pacify all worrying hearts, all hearts that concern about the survival and wellness of all in this world. And that good news is our planet will still be will be blessed to exist for 10,000 years more to come and continue, depending on our goodness in the future.

And for that praised be God. Thanks to all co-inhabitants loving prayers and contributions in different aspects. For my humble self, my humble self also continue the best to support our common united endeavor to save this planet for this generation and countless next.

Enjoy the show, thank you all again! May God bless the universe and protect our world.

Love You! ”

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Loving the Silent Tears: A New Musical * Find Your Peace
香港女歌手謝安琪 東森新聞獨家專訪
Hong Kong Media Covers Cantopop Star Kay Tse & Loving the Silent Tears Musical
Loving the Silent Tears at The Grove!
CATV / KCAL Ch. 9 feature with Al Kasha about Loving the Silent Tears Musical


Siavash, Liel, & Camellia invite you to find your peace!


東尼獎得主 Vincent Paterson 採訪
Tony-nominated Director of Loving the Silent Tears: Vincent Paterson PART 1
Tony-nominated Director of Loving the Silent Tears: Vincent Paterson PART2


得獎以色列歌手Kiel Kolet 採訪

Meet the Stars of Loving the Silent Tears: Liel Kolet PART 1


Meet the Stars of Loving the Silent Tears: Liel Kolet PART 2


" 珍愛沈默的眼淚 "音樂劇將會在www.SupremeMasterTV.com直撥。
LA洛杉磯時間10月27日下午4時(福爾摩沙10/28(星期日) 清晨7:00)

感動人心劇作!! 歡迎共襄盛舉!!!

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日期:2011.12.31, 2012.01.02

字幕:阿拉伯、悠樂、保加利亞、簡體中文、正體中文、克羅埃西亞、捷克、英、法、德、印度、匈牙利、印尼、義、日、韓、馬來西亞、蒙古、波斯、波蘭、葡、旁遮普、俄、斯里蘭卡、西班牙、泰 (26種)







































A New Year of Compassion:
Practice the Teachings of the Sages

Special Message from Supreme Master Ching Hai

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, worldwide broadcast videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff and global audience, Los Angeles, California, USA, December 31, 2011
(Originally in English) (DVD#993)

First of all, I want to wish all of you and the audience and the world a very, very happy, lucky, vegan New Year. And I think I have tried everything.

I don’t know if anything else I should say because I have said a lot already. It’s not what I say, it’s what we apply. And it’s not only what I say, it’s also if anyone listens or not. But nevertheless, it is New Year, and since you request, we say something. One more time won’t hurt. Even Buddha has already said everything. Buddha has tried his best to sacrifice everything for us. Jesus gave up his life for the world. Also, Guru Nanak, Mahavira, Prophet Muhammad, Peace Be Upon Him, etc. So many Masters, so many great saints and sages have told us everything already, New Year or old year.

It’s not just because of the New Year that we should be happy and celebrate, but we should start like a new resolution, a new lifestyle, if we haven’t tried it in the past year. Every time it’s the New Year, we should make a vow to begin our new life. Everything that we don’t like about the past year, from ourselves or from our environment, we should change. All the sages have told us already to live and let live, and to love all beings as oneself. This is a time to begin to reflect whether we have done that or not. The Buddha, Jesus, and all the Masters have told us to live a compassionate life, yet when we commemorate Buddha’s birth even on that day, many Buddhists still have lunch eating dead animal flesh. At Christmas, or often at any Prophet’s birth celebration, many still do the same, killing and making suffering for humans and animals, because humans misinterpret; they misunderstand all the loving messages of the Masters, either knowingly or unknowingly. All other sages and saints have endured hardship and sacrificed everything to remind us of a more compassionate way of life.

I hope in the New Year, all of us try to vow to do our best as well to follow their example, to repay their kindness, to save our lives and the lives of all on the planet. It is our duty, actually, to do that.

Because you see, disasters happen everywhere nowadays. Every time you turn on any television, it’s only about war or disaster, most of the time. It just breaks my heart to even watch TV. We cannot say, “It’s okay in my area or my country, there’s no disaster. I celebrate New Year, nothing happens.” It happens elsewhere. And you will always ask me, like everyone else would ask me, “Why… Why does it happen in Africa? Why doesn’t it happen where I live?” It’s because we are all one. You see, the whole world community is connected. So disaster doesn’t necessarily break out in a particular place. It breaks out elsewhere, somewhere that already has some potential for disaster, or in vulnerable areas. For example, if you eat something that is not good, the pimple breaks out on your face. It’s not breaking out, maybe, in your stomach, or on your hand, or in your mouth, because you keep putting the food in it, but it breaks out on your face. Or if you have a digestion problem in the stomach, it affects your brain, and you get a headache. Or if a mother smokes while pregnant, the fetus inside her womb suffers from poor blood circulation, for example. Or, when he or she is born, the baby has sometimes Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, as we all know very well. And if the parents are smoking in the house, the children sometimes have trouble. Even if not too much in youth, after 50 years of age, they have trouble with the lungs or breathing system. So the consequences include long-term effects.

Thus, if we continue with the killing of man and animals, then disasters will break out elsewhere or right where we live, personally affecting us, our family or the surroundings or the neighborhood. Remember, in the Bible, the story of David the King: He forced the wife of one of his subordinates to become his wife and then killed the husband, and Heaven punished with disaster for his country. That is even stated in the Bible. But how many Christians would consider that as the law of cause and retribution? That is the law of cause and retribution. That is the, “What you sow, so shall you reap.” So there’s no need to say it’s only Buddhist doctrine that says that, or Jainism or Sikhism or Hinduism or even Islam. All the Prophets have told us to do good things and be good, but would we try now to follow their example?

Since this may be the last time I have the chance to speak to all of the world audience via multi-channel television, and in this way, I might as well tell you all this. Because we are all one, there’s no differentiating where the problem will break out. If somebody does some bad things here, the problem might break out elsewhere. So do not keep asking me why disasters happen in poor countries. People in poor countries suffer more because these are vulnerable areas. Just like your face is more sensitive, so if your digestion system is no good, you have pimples all over your face. Your face doesn’t eat anything. Your face doesn’t have anything put on it, just nice and nutritious cream, or not; but even then, the pimples break out on your face because you don’t have enough purity in the blood, because you have a digestion problem, because you eat too many things that are not good or are not constructive to your blood’s purity. And sometimes, you eat something in your mouth, but your liver has problems. And sometimes someone has a cut here, but then he has infection elsewhere. It goes into his liver. Or the person smokes here on his mouth, but his lungs will have cancer, for example. And if he eats meat too much or too much fat and so on, the heart will have problems. It’s because the whole body is one. Similarly, the whole world is one. So, disaster will happen here, or it will happen there. It’s the same. It’s a warning for humanity as the consequence of actions that we took.

I have also done my best all these years to try to remind everyone of the same message, that we have to be loving and kind. Probably I have said more than enough of what should be said. So it’s up to everyone now to decide the course of their lives, which are also linked to all others’ lives and to the survival of this planet. I do pray at the New Year’s Eve that everyone chooses the wise path of the saints and sages, which is love and respect for all beings on the planet, so that they themselves will also be loved and respected in Heaven, now and hereafter. By the way, I thank all of you who wrote to me about the changes in your life, that you have turned back to your own Self, your glorious and original Nature, which is loving kindness. I thank all of you who are bettering your own life and in turn bettering the world by cleaning up society with your own example by, for example, quitting smoking, stopping gambling, refraining from intoxicants, choosing vegan, helping others in any way you can, etc. I thank all of you for all that, the audience and the world’s people, the leaders and citizens of the world, all alike. I pray God to bless your sincere effort to be good and do good and continue in this noble way of life.

This year, I did not have the heart to celebrate Christmas while knowing that again and again, billions of innocent animals of all kinds, from the sea to the forest, are massacred for this occasion. Jesus was a compassionate Master, the Son of God, and we who follow Jesus should be the same. Also, there’s so much turmoil in the world, it just wouldn’t help my heart to feel happy in any way. I was, at Christmastime, in the mountains, very deep in the mountains. There was no water, no electricity there, and I meditated day and night before Christmas, and also after Christmas. It’s just because at the New Year I thought, Okay, I’d go down to the city where there is a little facility to contact you, talk to you, maybe for the last time. I don’t mean last time-last time, but when we’re together like this, and also that I could talk to the whole world like this, maybe for the last time.

And then we all will have to go into deep meditation. We have talked enough. I mean, everyone has grown up and understood things. We don't have to talk a lot in order for people to understand. It is the practice of the knowledge. It’s not the talking much. Anyone who has a caring heart would understand my message, even spoken once, because they cannot also bear all this suffering caused to humans and animals alike. You know very well.

So, and by the way, for the Supreme Master Television staff around the world, and in the headquarters there, I thank you all. It has been a privilege to be working with you all these years. Together, maybe we have caused a little good change in the world. Too little, too little for us to celebrate anything; but for whatever little change we have caused in the world, I thank Heaven and all of you for your good effort. May God bless you forevermore. Thank you, forever. I also congratulate those who have realized that life is not just about getting a diploma, getting a job or getting married, begetting children, and then die. So, though this is what our system seems to emphasize and encourage for everyone, life does not start here when we are born, or end when we are dead. And enlightenment is only the beginning.

Congratulations also to those brave and wise beings who float above all shackles and temptations designated to ensnare the pure souls into physical, emotional, and mental slavery, to so much sorrow and trouble that they forget their true great Self, forgetting to soar higher into the higher spiritual dimension, forgetting to go back Home to their great original Abode. Again, I tell you, enlightenment is only the beginning. The journey will continue, full of wonder and miraculous encounters and discovery for those who truly want to know the miracle of life, and the real love from the universe and from your heart. I take this opportunity to remind all fellow beings, here and elsewhere in the universe, to continue striving for noble ideals, the lofty goals of peace and unconditional love. Even if you fail, please try again and again, until you succeed. And succeed you will, sooner or later. The sooner the better, because you will know things that you never thought you would know before, when you uplift yourself into a higher spiritual understanding. You thought you knew already everything – some might think like that. No, no, no. Even I don’t know everything yet. I mean, how much can our brain accumulate and digest? Even if I know everything, I have to take out some that I need every day. I cannot sit here and say, “Now I know everything already.” I cannot know everything at one go; It’s all in store for us. We have to meditate deeply in order to realize the spiritual splendor and treasure that we have within ourselves, that has lain dormant there, life after life, unused, or very little used. I wish all of you good luck with the new start for betterment in the New Year, and I embrace you all with my love and best wishes. I will continue to meditate and pray for us all. Love love.

Oh, by the way, please, all of us, at least our Association members, please be more diligent in your spiritual practice. Forsake all else except the necessary duties to your families and the world. Save time for meditation for World Vegan, World Peace.

I love you all−disciples and non-disciples, animals, trees, rocks, and the planet−I love you all, so much. Even if I don’t see you again, you are all in my heart, and in my meditation and in my prayers. Happy Vegan New Year, to you and to all! And I love you very much. I love you all with all my heart. Master Says

To watch the Supreme Master Television program with Master’s New Year 2012 message, please visit: http://video.suprememastertv.com/daily/2012.01.02/BMD1936.wmv

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答:那並不是一般人類的語言,如果用人類的語言說了出來,我怕會減低祂的尊貴。很難描述我所知道的,就好像很難描述愛一樣,我們說「愛」,或說「amour (法文的愛)」,或說「liebe (德文的愛)」,可是這些都不是真正愛的語言,只有相愛的人才會知道真正愛的語言。同樣的,只有深愛上帝的人才會知道上帝的名字,當獨自靜坐,與祂在一起,祂會告訴你祂的名字,我怕給祂多造一個名字出來。





答:這是上帝矛盾的地方。聖經上有說:「尋找,就尋見;叩門,就給你們開門。」(馬太福音第7 章7 ─8 節)可是並不是這樣,因為還要看我們怎麼樣去祈求,而這個是沒有辦法教導的。誠心是沒有辦法教導的,對上帝的渴望也是沒有辦法教導的,每一個人都必須要找到方法,誠心去和上帝溝通。例如,有兩個人都在祈求同樣的東西,一個人是真正的渴望,可是另外一個人只是因為有東西在那兒,或是因為別人有,所以他也想要有,但上帝知道每個人內邊靈魂的真正渴望,所以有時有些人會想:「我祈求這麼多,祈求這麼久,為什麼上帝還不給我呢?而那個人跪在那裡才不過五分鐘,卻得到了。」其實重點在我們的內邊。就好像我們只會愛上某一個人,卻不會愛上另外一個人,雖然另外那個比較英俊、富有,這就是沒有辦法解釋。



















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編號:951 (2片裝)
地點:墨西哥 / 墨西哥市

字幕:英、簡體中文、正體中文、悠樂、韓、日、蒙古、印尼、泰、印度、旁遮普、希伯來、波斯、阿拉伯、土耳其、俄、波蘭、羅馬尼亞、匈牙利、德、法、義、西、葡、荷蘭、烏都 (26種)










中歐早上五到六點,(台北 11-12:00)

中歐早上十點到十一點,(台北 16-17:00)

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中歐晚上九到十點。(台北 03-04:00)







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  媒體採訪 / 墨西哥坎昆 2010.11.22, 12.09




Teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master Television staff
“Spiritual Blessing Lines and Other Secrets to Spiritual Progress”
Los Angeles, CA, USA – August 30, 2010




  電話會議 / 美國加州洛杉磯 2010.08.01







Lecture by Supreme Master Ching Hai Climate Change Village
December 11, 2010 - Cancún, Mexico




  視訊會議 / 美國加州洛杉磯 2010.12.07










  視訊會議 / 美國加州洛杉磯 2011.01.01











  電話會議 / 美國加州洛杉磯 2010.07.07



我們善待任何動物-拯救他們,照顧他們,在他們需要時幫助他們,那樣會賺很多功德,不僅這一輩子。現在,救援的動物或禽鳥,能賺約20萬到90萬點。 如果你拯救動物,提供醫療費用等等,不過沒有養,只是救援,您將獲得5萬至80萬點。



The Greenest Heroes Gala
December 5, 2010 – Cancún, Mexico







Interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai by Radio Formula QR 92.3 FM
Cancun, Quintana Roo, Mexico – November 22, 2010

We need to rethink our lifestyle. We have to rethink the whole planet species and survival, not just for our enjoyment day to day or momentarily. We have to think very unselfishly just to be vegan is very simple: that saves all the lives on the planet – save the animals, save the environment and save the world for our children’s future.

Interview with Supreme Master Ching Hai By Encadena TV,
Quintana Roo, Mexico December 9, 2010

We are the children of Heaven. If we want something, we have to show the sign that we want that. Now, if we want peace, we want benevolence, we want love, blessing from Heaven, we have to start showing that, by action. We have to love to each other. We have to be benevolent to each other. We have to be benevolent to all. Then Heaven will say, “Ah! My children want that!” Then that will come. But we cannot just sit and pray peace and benevolence, when our actions are in the opposite direction. This violence and killing of human and animals are the sure sign that we don't want love, that we don't want compassion, that we don't want peace.

It's the law of the universe, that if we kill or if we harm something, we have to share our spiritual merit with that. So how many animals we eat, we share all our spiritual bank account with that animals, and then we’re depleted, we get poorer and poorer spiritually, poorer. And if you don't have spiritual merit enough, then you have to pay with your health, your luck, or your family members’ peace. And then larger, we pay with peace in the world, we have to pay the price for having no peace.

By killing animals to eat, we’re killing our planet. And then we all become murderers. So I want everyone to become heroes. Save the planet, stop eating the animals.

Teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master Television staff
“Spiritual Blessing Lines and Other Secrets to Spiritual Progress”
Los Angeles, CA, USA – August 30, 2010

If people turned to veganism this time, it’s because to save the planet. That means to save lives, not only animals’ lives, but the Earth’s life and the humans’ lives, billions of us. In this case, their merit is immense. So even if they don’t study with me, it’s okay with me. If they save the world, they save millions of lives through their effort, then they will be saved also – their soul.

Teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master Television staff
“The Extraordinary Love and Immeasurable Wisdom of a Living Master”
Los Angeles, CA, USA - August 1, 2010

The majority of people are ready for a higher leap into higher dimension, higher consciousness, higher style of living. The people have to decide to change for themselves. For example, if they change to the vegan diet, then even if they’re bad, the leader will change. Or he will be replaced. People must think in the right way and listen to themselves because, in a way, everyone is a “country,” everyone is a “kingdom.” If everyone decides to go in the righteous direction, then the energy of the whole world will change. And no matter how bad the leader is, he will change.

Being vegetarian, it helps; it lessens our aggressiveness and our blindness, lessens these lower qualities. Then this Loving Quality will come. The more we are in tune with the Divine and the longer the time we are vegetarian, the more we become more sensitive and more connected with all beings in the world – not just animals, but even with trees. I told you some time before that trees even report to me, and tell me that there’s some danger for me. Even the trees and the plants will talk to you when necessary, and then you will feel their love and you will appreciate their beauty more, like you have never seen them before. Suddenly you feel the trees are so beautiful, or the animals are so lovely, lovely.

Lecture by Supreme Master Ching Hai Climate Change Village
December 11, 2010 - Cancún, Mexico

The Earth gives us so much. At least 15 to 50% of spiritual power. The air you breathe, just breathing it in, the air it bless you 15%. The trees give us up to 10% power, spiritual account points.

Angels are real. Gods and Goddesses are real. The purer you are, the more angels protection. God does listen. The angels do listen. But we push them away with our heavy energy. And we cannot hear well, because of our heavy energy, killing energy. Even if we don’t kill, but we eat, it’s indirect killing. And before the animals die, they suffer, they lament, so when we take in this energy, we build walls around us. We chain us. Like attracts like. We should be angel-like in order to have the cooperation of the angels.

Videoconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai
December 7, 2010 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Just like financial merit in this world, if we have spiritual merits points in our bank account, it keep multiply, multiply. And the more we have, the more interest rate we earn.
Everything has a price. Just like in our world, we have negotiation, for anything we want, peace also even need negotiations, as you know that. We have to earn peace because we have damaged peace. We have damaged the atmosphere of peace by creating, participating or inciting wars over these decades. The price of peace is very high. I myself gave everything that I have, spiritually points, spiritual points, but I’m still a couple of zillion short. And all of you, out there, please help me by being vegan, by being virtuous, by being benevolent, so that the atmosphere will be more suitable for peace. The peace a size of Afghanistan and Israel costs zillions of zillions of spiritual point to ease. And I call upon all humanity to wake up. Please wake up. Please live the way you are intended to live. You are the children of God. You are the future, the children of the Buddha. We must live befittingly as the royal members. Please be veg. That’s earn you merit enough to help the whole world and to restore peace on the planet. If you are virtuous, everything will become virtuous.

Suppose you promote organic plant-based food, now, the government, whoever decided to approve this plant-based diet solution, just approve it only, he will earn - my God - thousands of zillions of spiritual merit points. And we need a lot of points to go back to Heaven. Whoever approves this even just one time, it’s enough for him to fly to Heaven already, after he leaves this world. And whoever makes sure that it carries out, will obtain the same spiritual merits points that Heaven will bestow upon.

If you earn every day like 100 points of spiritual merit, then, the dolphin or the whales will give you 40 points more or 50 points more even. Or the dogs in your house will give you 8 points more on top of whatever you earn. And the more you earn, the more it multiplies. And the birds in your life will give you also spiritual points. That little bird there, budgies even, give you 4 points. Everything in this world you see or not see are helping us, blessing us all day long. And the animals are always blessing us unconditionally. They give and give and give and give… whatever we treat them, they give us blessing all the time.

Supreme Master Ching Hai’s videoconference with Supreme Master Television staff
January 1, 2011 – Los Angeles, California, USA

All the whole universe are blessing us, and we should not waste this blessing. And I have another tip that they can try, like they can try to breathe in, when they feel stressed or when they remember, just breathe in and thinking or imagine or aware that they breathe in the best, the highest blessing from all around them and from the divinity, and then, breathe out to bring that divinity and blessing into the surrounding and the world. They can try that anytime they’re free or remember. And after a while, maybe they become better, they think clearer, and become more gentle person, more worthwhile within themselves. Breathe in all the best from the universe, and breathe out to spread that blessing and positive power around them, and into the world. In, the best, out, the blessing.

And of course, of course, eat no meat. Vegan! (Yeah.) Then it helps. Because, if you’re vegan, then you have higher percentage of blessing, because you elevate yourself into a higher dimension. And then you’ll get higher blessing, more power.

Animals are very gracious. Even if they’re not around you, they are far away from you, but if you request their blessing, they will be sending it your way.
If there have not been the animals' love, or the nature's love, like even trees and plants and oceans and rivers, we would have been annihilated long time already, we would have been disappeared long time without their love and their help. So we have to be grateful for all around us who has been helping us unconditionally, quietly, with all the sacrifice that they made. I'm always grateful. They are keeping us to buy time, they are keeping us in balance. I hope everyone be aware of our fortune and be grateful.

Teleconference with Supreme Master Ching Hai and Supreme Master Television staff
“The Truth about Merits: How to Gain or Lose Them”
Los Angeles, CA, USA – July 7, 2010

VOICE: Supreme Master Ching Hai has said that numerous spiritual points are earned for rescuing animals, mentioning the following as some examples:

If we are kind to any animals – rescue them or take care of them or somehow help them in their troubled time – then we will have earned a lot of merit, not just this lifetime, but in the future lifetime. Now, rescue animals or birds, you gain about 200,000 to 900,000 points. If you rescue animals, providing medical costs and all that, but not raising, just rescue, you earn 50,000 to 800,000 points.

Raise one veg dog, take care overall with assistance, you will gain 4,000 to to 6,000 point; raise one bird, with veggie, gain 3,000 to 10,000; help feed or care for birds, like live-in assistant or helper, you will gain yourself, even if it’s not your bird; you just help my bird, for example – you will gain 2,000 to 3,000 points.
Normal vegetarian restaurants, they gain 5,000 per year. One acre of organic vegetarian farming, gain 30,000 points per year.

The Greenest Heroes Gala
December 5, 2010 – Cancún, Mexico

Many planets are not as beautiful as this. I want to tell you the truth. This is beautiful. Some planets are more spiritually developed, or more technologically developed, but not all of them as beautiful as this. And even some of them envy our planet. Many things we take for granted, for example, apple trees, apricot fruits, they love because they don’t have them there. Please appreciate our home. Appreciate our home and try to save it. We can save all that we wanted to save because we have the power. All of us, all of us have the power to do that.

We all heard that human’s life is precious. Buddha says that it’s easier for a turtle to go all the way from the bottom of the ocean up to the surface and meet one random little piece of wood that’s passing by with a little hole in it - it’s easier than to become a human, means to have a human birth. But you heard like that, but you don’t know how precious it is. I am going to put it here mathematically, so you know how many. Heaven does have points to classify who is who. Now we humans are very, very precious. I put it precisely - 9.2 zillions of zillions spiritual points to get a human body. After the 9.2 zillions to be born as human, you need twenty zillions of a zillion to live a full 100 years. You are really precious in the eyes of the whole universe.

As you and I are sitting here, you are not aware of so much blessing you have from the deities of the Heaven, from the angels that surrounding the good people. For example, you don’t kill, you don’t steal, you don’t tell lie, you don’t have extramarital relationship, you don’t take intoxicants, like drug, alcohol, etc., you keep your life straight like this, you have five angels always around you to protect you. The more discipline you keep, the more angels you have. For example, like 100% is the scale, then the angels normally would bless you 5%. The deities will bless you 5%. All this blessing, all over.

If we don’t do anything wrong and if we even eat vegan, we get more from that. If we meditate, we get even more than this. For example, one person who doesn’t meditate gets 5%, but the meditate person gets like 15%. Why? Because the vibration is higher, and then it meets with more level of higher blessing. Because they are on the higher level of consciousness. So the higher we go, the higher blessing we get.

A high level master, a saint, for example, would bless you 500%. A normal saint who, for example, a monk in India, he meditates, he eats vegetarian, he meditates on any other method, it doesn’t have to be my method, he would even bless you 30% by his own merit, automatically. If the Master is higher than the Fifth level, would bless the disciple like 4,000% spiritual blessing. Even UFO people, extraterrestrial, they bless you from 10-60% every day.

But the thing is, the people who are not vegan and who are not meditating, they get only 3% out of it. Because everything else has to deduct, deduct for animal karma, bad retribution, deduct for everything else and 3% left. That is the problem. We deprive ourselves of the benefit of so many blessings that’s all over us.

Now, the animals bless us no end. For example, your dog will bless you 3% every day. But my dogs bless me 6% or 8%, because they are vegan and I love them, and they respond to love. They don’t just give to anybody, not even their owner. If the owner doesn’t love them, they don’t give. Even non-vegetarian dog, they bless you, less like 2%. Now, because they have to be deducted, that’s all. It’s not like they keep it, but deduction. If we eat animal, our merits have to be deducted and given to that animals.

A medium bird will bless you 4%. A parrot, for example, big parrot, blesses you even more, 8%. A turkey, if you are with them, if you raise them in your yard, he or she will bless you 5-10%. For example, today you earn only 100 spiritual points by something, he will give you 5 more, or 10 more, to add on top, every day like that, can you imagine? Ten days, then you have 100% without doing anything. Just to keep an animal, a turkey. A chicken even, so small and helpless, blesses you 2-6%, 6% or 10%, because you give them vegan, then they have more power to bless you.

A rabbit, from 4-6%. A cow will bless you 7-15% of spiritual points. The more merits you have, the multiplied of the blessing from the animals and angels and deities and saints and sages and spiritual practitioners. The lamb would give you 5-10%. A horse will give you 6-15%. An elephant will give you 40%of spiritual merit. A seal would give you 13%. A goat would give you 5%.

Even foxes bless you. Squirrels bless you, beavers bless you, ducks bless you, swans bless you, even shark bless you. Geese bless you 15%. Even the bumble bee blesses you 1%. My God, so small, the bee! Little one! Please take care of the bees. Even a butterfly blesses you 1%. Even a fly blesses you 0.5%. Wild birds bless you. Seagulls bless you 8%. Crocodiles even bless you 2%. A wild hog blesses you 8%. Turtles bless you 15%. A wild cat 2-6%. A fox even 4%. Okay, we can go on forever. No wonder, the Lord in the Bible says that, “I created all the animals to be your helpers”. Now we understand, hm?

Cutting trees at the rate of incredible speed harms us, harms our planet. Trees are also a source of great blessing. A tree about this size, that you could put the arm around it, for example, the pine tree in the forest, one tree alone blesses you 15% spiritual points daily, by just being there. And even the small plants, when you walk in the garden, or you sit in the garden, you meditate, you have more spiritual points than sitting on concrete in a small room somewhere.

If we are vegan, for example, and eat only one meal a day, then we get like 40% more spiritual points. Suppose you earn 100 points, if you are a vegan and eat one meal a day, you earn 40 spiritual points more. And if you eat twice a day, two times a day, you earn 20% more. If you eat three times a day, vegan, you earn 10% more.

For an average Quan Yin practitioner, means our Association member who meditates every day, you have 30-40% more extra, apart from vegan meal and all that.
Please, be conscious, so that you get more blessing, so that you can live your life more in peace and make a better decision for you and for all of us, for everyone.
It’s urgent situation. We all have to rescue our home. If it’s not for you, because some of us maybe don’t care about life and death anyway, but for the future generation. Imagine how many billions you rescue if the planet is still alive. Can you imagine how much merit you earn? If you save a life of a chicken, you earn a lot of merit. If you save a life of humans, even more so.

I know you’re very busy, busy, but please remember, you are the number one person. You have to first take care of yourself. So you have to save time, 20, 30 minutes a day, to quiet down, to try to assimilate all the blessing that I have told you about. The less meat, the less disease, the more blessing, more happiness. You try it for a while, maybe 10 days, 15 days, with this conscious feeling of blessing and breathing in whenever you feel too stressed, and anytime, you just breathe. You will feel elated. You can prove it to yourself that blessing really exists. And if you go on with it and sincerely, you will see vision of Jesus, Buddha, or Prophet Muhammad, whoever the master, or even the present master somewhere in this planet, will come and teach you more than my words can tell. Please try. Prove it! Prove it!

Peace comes with price. Peace comes when we elevate all the whole world consciousness. So, don’t point finger at this and that leader or this and that group. The whole world shares happiness and sorrow all together. I mean we are all to be blamed and we are all to be cherished, we are all to be respected, and we are all to be loved. We all share this home together. Please I need all of your points put together for peace sake and for the planet’s sake. Please help. Share. Meditate, vegan, and automatically we’ll give. Please help! Everybody meditate, vegan, please help! Okay? Not just help yourself, help the world!


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如今,雖然眼前的情況令人惶恐不安,但可敬的研究人員已確認了所有這些問題的主因,甚至也有解決的辦法。聯合國糧食及農業組織(Food and Agriculture Organization,簡稱FAO)於2006年指出:「無論從地方或全球的角度而言,畜牧業都是造成最嚴重環境問題的3大主因之一」,包括生物多樣性喪失、森林濫伐、土壤退化、污染、氣候變遷、漁業過度捕撈和其他問題等等。因此,也難怪2010年6月聯合國環境規劃署(United Nations Environment Programme)與歐盟執行委員會(European Commission)共同發表的一份報告總結:唯有全球大規模改變飲食,遠離所有動物產品,才能大幅減少對環境的衝擊。



1. 氣候變遷

候變遷造成文明的毀滅,其主因就是畜牧業。我想各位已經知道,聯合國糧農組織2006年的報告《牲畜的巨大陰影》(Livestock's Long Shadow)以及2009年的相關研究發現:人為所造成的溫室氣體排放,有51%以上是來自畜牧業及其副產品。我知道其實是80%或更多。美國國家科學院(National Academy of Sciences)與德國波茨坦氣候影響研究所(Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research)最新公佈的資料也指出,畜牧業對全球暖化影響甚鉅。



此外,誠如美國羅代爾研究所(Rodale Institute)的估測,如果世界的可耕地都採用有機耕作,那麼大氣中40%的二氧化碳將會自動被土壤吸收掉。德國的一項研究也發現,採行有機純素飲食,可以減少高達94%飲食所造成的溫室氣體排放。哇!想想看!




2. 水源短缺




3. 糧食危機



4. 森林濫伐

英國的史登爵士(Lord Stern of Brentford)是《史登報告:氣候變遷對經濟的衝擊》(Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change)的主要作者。他指出,避免森林濫伐是控制溫室氣體排放最經濟的作法。而從1970年至今,「地球的肺」亞馬遜雨林被砍除的面積,有91%直接或間接與養牛有關。事實上,聯合國糧農組織指出,畜牧業是全球森林濫伐的主因。


5. 世界海洋崩解



6. 生物多樣性喪失




誠如美國備受尊崇的經濟學家傑瑞米‧雷夫金(Jeremy Rifkin)在2002年所寫的:「世界上比較富有的消費者喜歡吃全球食物鏈最頂端的食物,而讓其他同胞挨餓。全球早就應該討論如何才能讓人類改採豐富多樣又富含蛋白質的純素飲食。」

美國前副總統高爾(Al Gore)與太空總署戈達德太空研究所(NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies)主任詹姆士‧韓森博士(James Hansen)都提到:停止吃肉是個人減少碳足跡所能做的「最有效的事」。氣候專家史登爵士也公開指出:「吃素比較好。」世界銀行前任顧問羅伯特‧古德蘭博士(Robert Goodland)說素食這種「進化的飲食」,是「被忽略的氣候解決方案」。而聯合國跨政府氣候變遷小組(Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)主席帕卓里博士(Rajendra Pachauri)則說:「大家改採素食勢在必行,如果我們想要有機會避免大災難的話。從立即行動而言……少吃肉無疑是最可望成功的方法。」



世界自然基金會(World Wildlife Fund)的研究人員指出,以我們目前的消費速度來計算,我們將會需要第2個地球。如果世界各國政府停止補貼畜牧業和漁業,而明智地改支持有機純素食品生產,就能省下80%的抗暖化費用、省下水污染所付出的龐大代價,並省下1兆美元因肉食相關疾病所產生的醫療成本,如癌症、心臟病、糖尿病、肥胖症、食物中毒等,不勝枚舉。








Organic Vegan Diet:

The Solution to Earth’s “Civilization Busters

Video message from Supreme Master Ching Hai, “Leaders Preserving Our Future: Pace & Priorities on Climate Change”
London, United Kingdom, November 3, 2010 (Originally in English)

Hallo. My highest salute and most respectful greeting, to the Divine within you: Your Excellencies, distinguished decision makers of the great United Kingdom, and welcome guests, courageous ladies and gentlemen. It is with deep honor that I join your respected company for this urgent meeting.

As you are well aware, there are multiple global dangers facing all lives on Earth. Experts often highlight six major threats as the most pressing and urgent of our time, namely: climate change, water shortage, food scarcity, deforestation, ocean collapse, and biodiversity loss. Although each threat on its own might cause enough damage to become a so-called “civilization buster,” their occurrence together would result in a global collapse, and all lives on the planet could be destroyed.

Like many of you, I ask myself, day and night, how we can stop going in this calamitous direction. But I’m afraid the reality now is already too urgent. Scientists say that water security for about 80% of the world’s people is threatened due to drying and polluted river systems, shrinking glaciers from South America to the Himalayas, and groundwater levels that fall lower and lower each year. In 2009, for the first time, the number of people suffering from hunger exceeded 1 billion, while disasters threatened the food security of many more. Each year, tropical forests the size of New York State are burned to the ground, releasing 17% of the world’s total carbon dioxide emissions, more than all transportation combined. Over 70% of our fish species are fully depleted, and the rest could be gone within a few ten years.

A recent study by the United Nations found that plants and animals are now disappearing at up to 1,000 times the natural background rate of extinction, with vital life-supporting ecosystems that could soon be irreversibly damaged. And you’re right, we have global warming. Even with strict greenhouse gas emission limits, the Earth’s climate temperature is still expected to rise another 3.5 degrees Celsius within a few decades, which would result in the death of the Amazon rainforest, massive hurricanes smashing coastal cities, vast runaway release of methane from melting permafrost, and ultimately, mass extinctions. Already, we see that disasters have become more frequent, prolonged and deadlier. Thus, if these six factors are not stopped fast, we risk losing everything. I mean everything! So please consider what is really at stake now, what is really our foremost, urgent priority at the present time. It’s not just political reputation or economy. It’s the lives, real lives, of all inhabitants on Earth: humans, animals, plants, trees, etc.

Now, despite the overwhelmingly frightening situation at hand, esteemed researchers have identified one key cause of all these troubles, and there’s even a solution to solve them. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in 2006 stated that: “The livestock sector emerges as one of the top two or three most significant contributors to the most serious environmental problems, at every scale from local to global,” namely, biodiversity loss, deforestation, land degradation, pollution, climate change, overfishing, and others. So, it is not surprising that in June 2010, a report released by the United Nations Environment Programme and the European Commission concluded that a substantial reduction of [environmental] impacts would only be possible with a substantial worldwide change of diet, away from all animal products.

Now, let’s check out one “civilization buster” at a time, to see how each is driven by meat consumption. You may never look at a piece of meat in the same way again.

1. Climate Change

Climate change is a civilization buster. And its primary cause is: livestock raising. I guess you know already. The UN FAO’s 2006 report, “Livestock’s Long Shadow,” was followed by related research in 2009, which found that livestock animals and their byproducts account for at least 51% of human-caused greenhouse gas emissions. And I know that it is 80% or even more. Newer findings published by the US National Academy of Sciences and Germany’s Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research also point to the livestock industry’s huge impact on global warming.

Furthermore, livestock production occupies a full 70% of all agricultural land and nearly one-third of all the planet’s land surface. We have come to the point of climate scientists being now so extremely worried that they are even thinking of resorting to emergency ways to manipulate nature on a large scale through risky geoengineering. But if we simply return these lands to nature again, like forests and grassland, they would easily absorb a lot of emissions in the near future.

Please also note that the animal industry is the largest human-made source of methane and nitrous oxide, the greenhouse gases that are 72 times and 300 times more potent, respectively, than CO2. And methane, though being much worse than carbon dioxide, disappears many times faster, in about 12 years as opposed to centuries for CO2. Therefore, eliminating livestock production would cool the planet quickly, which is needed urgently if we think about the climate tipping points that are getting nearer.

Moreover, as the Rodale Institute in the USA determined, if the world’s tillable land were organically cultivated, then 40% of the atmospheric CO2 would automatically be absorbed by the soil. Also, one German study found that consuming organic vegan fare could reduce dietary greenhouse gas emissions up to 94%. Wow! Think about that.

Now, to briefly mention about financial cost. Dutch scientists have calculated that the powerful change to the healthy vegan diet would not only dramatically reduce global warming, it would also save 80% in climate mitigation costs by 2050.


2. Water Scarcity

Besides being a major water polluter, livestock consumes vast amounts of this precious resource, with as much as 200,000 liters required for each kilogram of beef, whereas only a tiny fraction of that, or 2,000 liters, is needed per kilogram of soybeans, for example. Put another way, eating four hamburgers costs a person the water equivalent of a year’s daily showers. Wow! Think of that again.

And while 1.1 billion people don’t have access to safe water, including 6,000 children who die every day from drinking polluted water (and that is on our conscience), some 1 trillion cubic meters of clean water is wasted on raising livestock. Are we really robbing our children of precious resource such as water for merely a poisonous disease-laden, disease-causing but easily replaced piece of meat? I’m sure you all agree, ladies and gentlemen, that this is not acceptable.


3. Food Crisis

To meet the needs of a growing population, more and more scientists and other experts are affirming the logic and efficiency of reducing livestock so that food can be delivered to people directly. Today’s livestock are bred and fattened on nearly half of the world’s grain supply, while almost 11 million children, most of whom live in those countries where these feed grains are grown, die, ironically, of hunger each year. On the other hand, directly supplied grain could easily feed more than the entire world’s population.


4. Deforestation

Lord Stern of Brentford, United Kingdom, lead author of the Stern Review on the Economics of Climate Change, proposed the avoidance of deforestation as the most economic method of managing greenhouse gas emissions. Well, 91% of the cleared Amazonian rainforest since 1970, the lungs of our Earth, can be directly or indirectly attributed to cattle raising. And, in fact, the UN FAO stated that the livestock sector is the major driver of global deforestation.


5. World Ocean Collapse

The main cause here, again, is animal products. The United Nations recently reported that continued fishing could deplete the oceans of all marine life within just a few decades. But the problem is not only fish consumption. The problem is also meat consumption, because as much as 50% of the fish killed each year, or tens of millions of tons of marine lives, are fed to livestock, not humans. Pigs and chickens consume six times more seafood than the entire American population, and twice as much as the Japanese. Think about that! So if we stop all animal products – fish, egg, meat, and dairy – we will save the oceans, save the climate; and as we find out next, we could halt also biodiversity loss.


6. Biodiversity Loss

The livestock industry is the leading cause of an alarming decline in wild species. In an October 2010 study, Dutch researchers found that protecting natural areas is not sufficient to stop these fast extinctions of flora and fauna; rather, one of the most effective policies is changing to a no-animal diet, meaning plant-based food.

Now, some of us might question: Can our world really eliminate the global meat industry and become all vegan? The facts tell us, “Yes, we can.” And our humanity’s survival instinct tells us we must.

As the respected US economist Jeremy Rifkin wrote in 2002, “[The world’s wealthier consumers] favor eating at the highest point on the global food chain while their fellow human beings starve. We are long overdue for a global discussion on how best to promote a diversified, high-protein vegan diet for the human race.”

Former US Vice President Al Gore and NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies Director Dr. James Hansen, both referred to eliminating meat as the “single most effective thing” we can do so to reduce our carbon footprint. Climate chief Lord Stern likewise publicly stated that: “A vegetarian diet is better.” Former World Bank advisor, Dr. Robert Goodland, called these “improved diets” the “overlooked climate solution.” And Dr. Rajendra Pachauri, Chair of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, said: “A major shift toward plant-based diets is imperative if we are to have even a chance of preventing catastrophe. In terms of immediacy of action...reducing meat consumption clearly is the most attractive opportunity.”

Truly, these new opportunities for the food industry, consumers, and governments are bright. There are many stories of success from people who joined the vegan food industry, as well as farmers who switched from livestock raising to organic vegan farming. Research also tells us that plant-based alternatives to animal products are not only healthy, they use less fossil fuel energy, create more sustainable jobs, and are growing in popularity because of their quality, which also includes good taste.

Analysts also say that meat and dairy prices are set to rise steeply due to high climate risks, “peak oil,” and extreme environmental costs, while the livestock industry, which is heavily dependent on subsidies to survive already, is becoming obsolete. And we know that animal industry workers even suffer also some of the worst physical, emotional, psychological and mental conditions now. It’s high time that we advance to better and nobler ways as a society. And governments could use their subsidies for people’s greatest benefit, by supporting the Earth-saving, organic vegan farming practices and promoting a healthy, sustainable, resource-efficient food industry.

The way we are going with our consumption rate, the World Wildlife Fund researchers have said that we’d need a second planet. If world governments stop supporting livestock and fishing, and instead wisely support organic vegan food production, they will save four-fifths of climate mitigation costs, save a lot of water pollution costs, and save health costs of about US$1 trillion due to meat-related diseases like cancer, heart disease, diabetes, obesity, food poisoning, etc., to name just a few.

Now we can prevent more than 20 million meat-related deaths worldwide per year, if we turn to the vegan diet. No more suffering for loved ones, no more early separations, no more anguish for ourselves and others; and we will enjoy naturally longer, healthier, lovelier and happier lives. Even without the “civilization busters” threatening our planet’s survival, an organic vegan diet would immensely improve the quality of our lives, spiritually also. It can curb the water and food crises and restore nature’s life-support systems. It also happens to be the most rapid, cost-effective, and the only feasible climate solution, one that every nation can easily implement.

In sum, only with the organic vegan solution can we still save our planet.

Respected and honorable ladies and gentlemen, I beseech you and all the leaders to please, help our world, please save our planet. I would like very much to not lose my hope, and everyone else’s hope, because humans are caring, are clever, are courageous, and are the children of God. I can only add my heartfelt prayers to yours, that together we will do everything possible and truly effective to save our planet for our children’s sake. Thank you so much for your trust and attentive spirit.

Wishing you forever wise, loving and blessed by the Divine. Love, love.


To watch the Supreme Master Television’s coverage of this video message,
please visit: http://video.Godsdirectcontact.net/magazine/WOW1559c.php


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Organic Vegan Diet Can Save the Planet

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Lomé, Togo Videoconference, May 09, 2009
(Originally in English)

When we live our lives with a vegan diet, we send out a powerful statement that we want life, and so we will beget life, and protection to continue with our life.

If we become vegan as an individual, we can remedy the disasters that otherwise might affect us personally. If the world becomes vegan as a group, we can remedy the disasters that affect us globally. They will be averted, or be minimized and rendered harmless. The planet will begin repairing itself in astonishing ways that would surprise scientists. For example, the ice will stop melting and return to the way it was; green life will appear again, and the oceans will be healed as the rainfall and temperature begin to regulate themselves again to produce restored balance.

You see, we have the energy to change everything; we have the power to dictate what happens around us, but we must use it. We must use it for the sake of all. We must use it for the benefit of every being on this planet.

Our thinking, our actions, have to send out a message to the universal energy that we want a better planet, we want a safer life, and we want a saved world; then the universal energy will do just that. But we have to act in resonance with this energy. If we want good things, then we have to do good.

If we want life, we have to spare lives. So the good energy we create can do these things, and more wonders. The compassionate loving atmosphere that we, as the whole world, generate, can and will do more miracles for us. I know it sounds incredible but it is possible. It is a fact. We can create everything that we want if we live in accordance with the law of the universe. Such is the power of just being vegan. Because that means we spare life, we want life, and we want constructive energy; we don’t want destruction. So vegan is the answer. This is something all citizens of the world can do. Be vegan. Be a world-saver. The world can be what we make it to be, and we will make it a vegan world, a compassionate world, a peaceful world and a saved world.
http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/208/     Master’s Words

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字幕:英、簡體中文、正體中文、悠、韓、日、印尼、泰、印度、旁遮普、希伯來、波斯、阿拉伯、 土耳其、俄、波蘭、羅馬尼亞、匈牙利、克羅埃西亞、德、法、義、西、葡、荷蘭、烏都文(26種)

視訊研討會 2009.06.21










☆ 不孕:婦女每天吃一份肉類,不孕的機率就增加32%;吃越多肉,不孕的機率越高。 























4)減少癌症:世界癌症研究基金會(World Cancer Research Fund)的一項研究發現,少吃肉和少喝酒能減少罹癌風險。


6)增進社會祥和:紐西蘭的一項禁酒令,使飲酒違法的案例減少98%,其他的犯罪也減少了。美國新墨西哥州的研究顯示,週日禁止賣酒,使交通意外事故和死亡人數都減少了。英國亞伯里斯威斯(Aberystwyth)實施一項禁酒令後,相關的犯罪行為降低了15%。澳洲科夫斯港市(Coffs Harbour City)的碼頭地區因為禁酒使犯罪率成功降低,所以改成永久禁酒。美國佛羅里達州把合法飲酒年齡從18歲改為21歲後,車禍死亡的案件大幅減少。英國馬爾斯克村(Marske)一項不賣酒給21歲以下年輕人的自發性禁令實施後,犯罪和反社會行為都減少了,因此被制定成永久禁令。美國大學的一項禁酒令不僅有助於個人全面戒酒,也減少了酒醉的情況和酒後的不良影響。













無毒品的工作場所計畫發現有如下成效:曠職率降低、意外事故減少、生產力提高、士氣提高、員工健康改善、醫療津貼的使用和支出減少、公司保險費用下降。當然還有許多其他利益。我們在http://suprememastertv.com/KILLERS有完整的資訊,請上網參考更詳細的資訊。我們的網站 http://SupremeMasterTV.com多處都有提及,請隨意瀏覽那些網頁,還有http://suprememastertv.com/SOS











1)禁菸救人無數:戒菸並限制飲酒,加上多運動和多吃蔬果,就能使中風的機率減少一半以上。英國在公共場所實施禁菸,降低了二手菸的危害。二手菸每年奪走一萬一千多條人命。美國藥品濫用及精神健康服務管理局(Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)表示,全美50州銷售菸品給未成年者的比率創歷史新低。澳洲維多利亞州18至29歲的年輕癮君子人數減少了30%,這都要歸功於酒吧和俱樂部的禁菸令。日本民眾的吸菸率逐年下降,今年更創下歷史新低。

2)禁菸使急性冠心症的罹患率降低:義大利羅馬在公共場所實施禁菸令後的第1年,急性冠心症的病例下降了11.2%。以色列研究人員指出,對戒菸的人而言,所增高的心臟病突發而猝死的風險似乎立即消失。法國國家衛生研究所(National Sanitary Institute)公佈,該國實施禁菸令後,心臟病發作率明顯下降,二手菸害也減少了。美國紐約全面禁菸後,因嚴重的心臟病發作而住院的病患減少了8%,相當於一年節省5,600萬美元的醫療支出。

3)禁菸促進健康:據加拿大全國人口健康調查(National Population Health Survey)資料顯示,癮君子罹患支氣管炎、氣喘和高血壓等慢性病的比率較高。癮君子和那些暴露在二手菸中的人罹患大腸癌的年齡,比不吸菸的人約提前7年。

4)禁菸使兒童更健康:美國密西根州立大學(Michigan State University)和英國大衛海德氣喘及過敏研究中心(David Hide Asthma and Allergy Research Centre)的研究指出,母親懷孕時有抽菸習慣,會增加小孩罹患氣喘的風險。兒童經常暴露於二手菸中,罹患肺癌的風險為3倍以上,日後生活也較容易發生其他呼吸道問題。

5)禁菸使生意興隆:英國首席醫療官利亞姆‧唐納森(Liam Donaldson)在他的年度報告中說,公共場所禁菸,估計每年可省下27億英鎊:亦即員工更健康、更有效率,可省下6億8,000萬英鎊;員工生病天數減少,可省下1億4,000萬英鎊;避免上班時吸菸所造成的生產力損失,可省下4億3,000萬英鎊;還可省下1億英鎊與吸菸有關的清潔費用,不勝枚舉。







The Top Four Killers    link: Master Says

Video message from Supreme Master Ching Hai, Vegan Earth Day for a Vegan World, Woodland Hills, California, USA, June 21, 2009 (Originally in English)

Throughout hundreds of thousands of years of history, humankind has evolved. We have come a long way. How far may surprise us. And it may surprise us that even war is not the worst thing that happens. There are far worse killers. If you allow, I will name them for your sake, perhaps for my sake as well. We live together on the same planet; we have the same concerns. So what concerns you, concerns me.

There was a time when humans killed other humans – even just to eat. Now, doing so is a crime. We call it murder – people killing people, the most heinous crime of all crimes. Whether old or young, light skinned or dark, Christian or Muslim, Buddhist or Sikh – to take the life of a human is in some places still punishable with one’s own life being taken in return. Today, people kill animals to eat. But now humanity is being called to an even more elevated and compassionate moral level of conduct: A future day is dawning where killing animals, too, shall be called a crime. It has happened in some places already. In America, a teen has just been recently judged as to have committed a crime by killing serially 19 cats.

In the civilized society that should be; we protest war; we hold rallies to stop the senseless killing of human against human; we plead with governments to enact policies of peace; we judge the murderer as one whose standards are less than human, as one guilty of an act so unimaginable that the person is shunned by society for the rest of his or her life. An entire elaborate legal system is established; an enormous squad of personnel and forces are employed to impose punishment for the reprehensible act of causing death to another human, for robbing others of their beloved or their kin. Evidence is gathered, juries are summoned, the most learned judges preside, armed guards stand watch, impenetrable prisons are built, police risk their safety in defense of human life, and schools and families teach moral conduct - all to prevent such crimes from occurring. We take much time, energy, and our collective resources to protect life thus.

One day, we will also protest against the murder of our animal co-inhabitants. And by extension, we will denounce anything in the future that kills, because killing is a crime that must be stopped. These silent killers, they are unnoticed by most of us. They are in our home every day. I will try to point them out. It may surprise you, it may not. To some of you, it is obvious; to some of you it will be the first time that you realize who our enemy truly is.


The Top Killers

MEAT or animal products, animal so-called food. Surprised? There will be more. MEAT kills literally billions. A staggering 55 billion animals, 8 times the entire global human population, are killed for human consumption each and every year, with a total loss that translates to more than 150 million beings killed every day. This is not even counting the several billion fish that perish. Humans, too, die each year because of meat and fish, and anything related to animal consumption. Nearly 33 million people succumb to meat-related diseases annually through heart disease, cancer and other conditions that claim the lives of more than 90,000 persons each day. 90,000 persons die each day because of animal consumption! And then there are those who cannot obtain food because the grains they need are used to feed animals that will be killed for meat. Approximately 25,000 people die of hunger every day, on top of the 90,000 people who die because of meat. There are 25,000 people who die of hunger indirectly, also because of meat. And now on top of this, we have hundreds of thousands of people dying each year, as the victims of meat-caused global warming. We have tens of millions of others who are made homeless due to climate change. We call them climate refugees, if there is such a term; in fact, they have no status. And this does not include the innocent wildlife and domestic animals who suffer because of meat-related problems. Meat causes global warming, and kills and kills and kills. Therefore, MEAT is murder, a crime that must be stopped. Although some of you already know the horrifying effects of meat-related diseases, I’ll make a rundown here for the sake of those who are not aware.


Mad cow disease (90% of the population at risk). Swine flu, you know already, presently the world pandemic. Ebola-Reston virus. Cured meats and fish increase leukemia risk in children. Antibiotic-resistant “superbug” infections from a strain of Staphylococcus aureus. Blue tongue disease. E coli. Salmonella. Bird flu. Pig's disease (PMWS). Listeriosis. Shellfish poisoning. Pre-eclampsia. Campylobacter. Clostridium difficile. Diseases, hidden even in healthy-appearing livestock.


INFERTILITY: Eating just one serving of meat per day increases the risk of women’s infertility by 32 percent; the more meat consumption, the more risk.

HEART DISEASE: Over 17 million lives lost globally each year. Cost of cardiovascular disease is at least US$1 trillion per year.

CANCER: Colorectal cancer: Over 1 million new colon cancer patients diagnosed each year as well; more than half a million die of it. In the United States alone, colon cancer treatment costs about US$6.5 billion. Millions of people are newly diagnosed with other meat-related cancers every year.

DIABETES: 246 million people are affected worldwide. An estimated US$174 billion spent each year on treatment in just the United States.

OBESITY: Worldwide 1.6 billion adults are overweight with 400 million more who are obese. Costs US$93 billion each year for medical expenses in the United States alone. At least 2.6 million people die annually from problems related to being overweight or obese.

ENVIRONMENTAL COST: Meat and related productions: Uses up to 70% of clean water. Pollutes most of the water bodies. Deforests the lungs of the Earth. Uses up to 43% of the world's cereal. Uses up to 85% of the world's soy. Causes world hunger and wars. Causes 80% of global warming.

PLUS MORE… The list goes on!


Now, even MILK, which we have been told officially is good for us, is on the contrary poison and causing diseases (and of course financial loss). Here are some:

Bacterial microbes, pesticides and enzymes found in cheese, derived from the inner stomach linings of other animals. Up to 80 percent of the calories in cheese are from pure fat. Breast, prostate and testicular cancer from hormones present in milk. Listeria and Crohn’s disease. Hormones and saturated fat leading to osteoporosis, obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Linked to higher incidence of multiple sclerosis. Classified as a major allergen. Lactose intolerance. And of course global warming!

PLUS MORE… The list goes on.

Luckily for us, we can avoid all these by a simple cure: the VEGAN DIET.


Lowers blood pressure. Lowers cholesterol levels. Reduces Type 2 diabetes. Prevents stroke conditions. Reverses atherosclerosis. Reduces heart disease risk 50%. Reduces heart surgery risk 80%. Prevents many forms of cancer. Stronger immune system. Increases life expectancy up to 15 years. Higher IQ. Saves 80% of a total cost of US$40 trillion for reducing global warming. Uses 4.5 times less land to grow food. Conserves up to 70% clean water. Saves 80% of the cleared Amazonian rainforest from animal grazing. A solution for world hunger: Frees up to 3.4 billion hectares of land. Frees up to 760 million tons of grain every year; that is half the world’s grain supply. Consumes 1/3 the fossil fuels of those used for meat production. Reduces pollution from untreated animal waste. Maintains cleaner air. Saves 4.5 tons of emissions per US household per year. Stop 80% of global warming or more. The list goes on.

But that’s not all. I wish that’s all there was, but it’s not. To clean up our society and to protect world citizens from other deadly diseases, we also have to eliminate other root causes, such as alcohol, drugs and tobacco. Permit me to list them all here for the benefit of those unaware, and for the sake of our children, because these are killers also.



ALCOHOL kills millions, slowly or quickly. There are 2.3 million alcohol-related deaths per year worldwide. It is a crime that we must stop.


2.3 million alcohol-related deaths per year worldwide. Each year alcohol-related illnesses cost: US$186.4 billion in the United States alone, from US$210 to US$665 billion globally. Diseases caused by alcohol: All kinds of fatal illnesses such as liver, breast, colon cancer, etc… and cardiovascular disease as well. Please refer to our website because I can not list all of the details here. First, it will be too long, so we have a website: www.Suprem

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The Way to Heaven’s Mercy and Protection

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Videoconference: Eden on Earth Art Exhibition, Taipei, Formosa July 5, 2008 (Originally in English)

If we can save the planet and all species thereof, then it is excellent. That is, if all turn to a life-loving diet, the vegetarian diet, then we will continue to live and enjoy prosperity, long life, peace and happiness for a long, long time, forever. And the world will continue to exist in glory and love, like Heaven. That is, if everyone becomes vegetarian and does good deeds. That’s it; only two things that we have to do to save this planet: vegetarian diet, doing good deeds. Very simple. If not, then we cannot save the planet.

Nothing we can do, except to rely on God’s grace and our virtue. We have to protect ourselves, only by being virtuous, by being correct, kind, loving and forgiving. We can only protect ourselves by protecting others, humans and animals alike. Protecting humans means reminding them of the noble way of life. That is, refrain from all harm to self and others, including animals and the environment. Strive to do all good according to Heaven’s mandate, helping each other and forgiving at all times.

Two things only: be a vegetarian, do only good deeds. Very simple. This is the best we can do, for now and for all time. Whether it will be the same or it will be darkness for three days, for three months or forever, that depends on humans’ reaction to the present continuous warnings from Heaven and Earth. We’ve been warned from all sides. It is time that we take heed now and return to our natural loving Self. Manifest our love outwardly by protecting and respecting all lives, in action. Meaning again: being a vegetarian and abstaining from all animal products. Not just food, but all animal products. That is the true vegetarian.

So, just two things again: being a vegetarian and doing good things for others and for ourselves, of course. But doing good things for others means doing good things for ourselves, because we are all one. And whatever you do, you will reap the reward. If you do good, you will have good reward in return. So for those who walk the way of love, that is, being a vegetarian, being a good human, they will have Heaven’s mercy and protection. There is nothing else we can do to prepare.

Master’s Words

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