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清海無上師以英文講於福爾摩沙屏東三地門 1992.12.21



師父:是我們這個頭腦,以及執著這個頭腦 的靈魂,例如車子出了問題,而司機不跳出去,就會跟著車子一起出事了;如果他及時跳出去,如果他不那麼執著那輛車,不想去救那輛車,或許還可以保住生命, 有些人愛車勝過愛自己的生命。我們多數人就是有這種麻煩,愛這個收集垃圾的物質身體勝過愛自己的靈魂及真我。我們一直接觸外在的世界、眾人的思想、各種成 見以及許多沒有用的東西,而沒有和我們真正的主人、真正的自我聯繫,所以才有麻煩。

我再解釋清楚一點,你知道活著的是誰嗎?是靈識、真我藉由手、腳、眼、耳、口、感覺和頭腦這些知覺工具來生活。如果這個真我、這個靈識一直被感覺、思想和 資訊綁住,就無法從感覺、思想以及從社會環境收集來的成見和習性中解脫出來,當然這個真正的靈識、這個真我就必須再回來;如果這個真我能一直了解自己只是 所有感覺和思想的旁觀者,真我就絕不會被這些感覺和概念綁住,而會永遠自由自在。當往生時,會很清楚自己不是那些感覺、束縛、環境以及概念,然後就解脫 了,重回到那個完整的生命之河,而不會陷在思想、感覺、喜愛及憎恨的角落裏。所以我們必須再度喚醒自己的靈識,拉它回歸源頭,不斷的提醒它:「你不是這個 感覺,不是這個概念,不是這個,也不是那個,你什麼都不是。」


師父:是的,是身體感覺到痛苦,是神經感 覺到痛苦,因為神經是用來感覺,然後靈識感受到這些感覺、認知外在的事物,否則我們怎麼知道呢?是靈識透過身體感受到痛苦,而靈識本身從不會痛苦。比方說 吃蘋果,甜的是蘋果,不是你的舌頭甜,也不是你自己甜,甜味不是你,是從蘋果來的,而你是那個享受甜味的人。同樣的,是我們的靈識享受快樂,知道痛苦,拒 絕不愉快的事物,但所有這些情況都不重要,享受也罷,拒絕也罷,愉快也好,不愉快也好,就是這樣而已,你本身並不是快樂和痛苦,這些只是情況而已。所以為 什麼會被綁在那裏?生生世世被綁住?那是因為人不滿足。我們必須知道這些東西都是無常,今天來,明天就走了,就是這樣,能享受就享受,遇到不愉快就忍受, 如此而已,該走的時候就走,失去了就失去了。否則如果我們這個靈識還繼續不斷地追求快樂,那就只好再輪迴;靈識會試著抓住殘餘的感覺,試著把自己再框進去 享受或忍受,一直執著那些酸、甜、苦、辣,追在它們後面。

如果有人給你一個蘋果,你吃了以後,哇!太喜歡那個味道,而你又沒有別個,所以就到處想再找一個,每天只想著:「蘋果、蘋果、蘋果!」什麼事也不能做,而 迷失了自己,迷失在蘋果的甜味裏。我們人生也是這樣,這個靈識追求快樂,討厭痛苦,然後困在那裏,無法從感覺中解脫,所以我們才被綁住,無法解脫。如果我 們時時刻刻,尤其是在死亡那一剎那,知道自己不是這些感覺,不在乎這些感覺,這些感覺已完全跟我們無關,那我們就自由了,其實我們一直都是自由的,從沒有 不自由過。(大眾鼓掌)

所以想哭就哭,想笑就笑,但要瞭解哭和笑都不是你自己,只是為了認知事物以及存在這世界而體驗它們,否則你不會存在,這世界也不會存在。我們說這世界充滿 痛苦,它不應該存在,但為什麼不應該?如果它不存在,我們也會很無聊,沒事可做,只是一直很快樂:「噢!我是這個,我是那個,(大眾笑)我是上帝。」如此 而已,「我是萬能的,我知道,我沒有痛苦,什麼都沒有,一直非常快樂。」那又怎樣?涅槃不涅槃又怎樣?如果你每天都快樂,那又怎樣?

但因為你現在仍想要涅槃,所以要努力,一直努力到不再想要,到厭煩為止,那時你就自由了(師父與大眾笑)。我要你們努力以得到涅槃,是因為要你們知道你們 不需要涅槃,但只要你們仍然覺得需要,就繼續努力。如果還需要假的塑膠奶嘴,就儘管含著,一直到有一天嘴含乾了,還喝不到牛奶或任何東西時,就會吐掉奶 嘴,然後了解到從一開始就不需要它,因為你本來就可以沒有它,本來就不需要它。

http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/ch/news/117/sl2.htm  真我永遠自在


The True 'I' Is Always

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Santimen, Pingtung, Formosa December 21, 1992
(Originally in English)

Q: I have one question, which is purely theoretical, but I've stuck with it for over ten years. I understood with the mind that we don't have an I; our feelings are not us and our thinking is not us and so on. So what is the thing that goes from one reincarnation to another, and what causes karma and collects it, and what causes merit and collects it? Is it our mind?

M: Our mind, and our soul that clings to that mind. For example, if the car goes wrong and the driver doesn't jump out of the car, then he gets done with, together with the car. If he jumps out in time, if he doesn't feel so attached to the car that he tries to save the car, then he might save his life. Some people love the car more than their life. That's the same trouble with most of us; we love our garbage collector more than our soul, more than our real Self. We are always in touch with the outside world, with the collecting of thoughts, with all kinds of preconceived ideas, with all kinds of nonsense, but we are not in touch with our real Lord, our real Self. So we have trouble.

I will try to explain more. In your life, do you understand who is living now? It's the awareness, the real 'I' that is living through the perceiving agents of the hands, the feet, the eyes, the ears, the mouth, the feelings, and the brain. That's it. And should 'I', this awareness, always get stuck with these feelings, with this thinking, with this information, then the 'I' cannot be free from the feelings, from the thinking, from the preconceived collective ideas of society, of the environment, of the habits. And of course, that true awareness, that true 'I' has to come back again. But should this true 'I' always understand that he, the true 'I', the true awareness, is only the witness of all these feelings, all this thinking, all these collective thoughts, then this 'I' never gets stuck with these feelings or ideas, and is always free. So when he dies, he knows absolutely that he is not these feelings, not these bindings, not these surroundings, not these ideas; then he is free. He marches back to the whole, to the whole river of life, and doesn't get stuck in that corner of so-called thinking, feeling, hate and love. So we have to awaken our awareness again, pull it back and keep reminding it all the time, "You are not this feeling, you are not this idea, you are not this, and you are not that." Understand? Nothing is you!

Q: Is it the same with pain?

M: Yes, because the body feels pain; the nerves feel pain because the nerves are made to feel things. The awareness enjoys these feelings and enjoys knowing outside things. Otherwise, how can we be aware? This is the awareness that experiences pain through the body, but the awareness itself never has pain! If you eat an apple, it's the apple that is sweet; it's not your tongue that is sweet. It's not you who are sweet! The sweetness is not you, it's from the apple; you are the one who enjoys the sweetness. Similarly, we ourselves, the awareness, enjoy the pleasure, know the pain and reject the unpleasant things. But all these things don't matter. You enjoy it or you reject it; you experience the unpleasant or the pleasant, but that's it. You are not the pleasant or unpleasant. These are only circumstances.

So why should you get stuck there, and be bound life after life? Because you are not satisfied. You have to know that these things are fleeting. Today it comes, tomorrow it goes. Okay, that's it. If I have enjoyed, I enjoy it. If I experience an unpleasant thing, then I endure it, and that's it. When I'm gone, I'm gone. When I don't have them, I don't have them. Otherwise if we, the awareness, keep chasing after pleasure, then we reincarnate. The awareness is trying to catch the last leftover feeling, so it tries to put itself into a frame again and enjoy it or suffer, always clinging to this sweet or bitter feeling, chasing after it.

If someone gives you an apple, and you eat it: Oh, you love it so much! But now you don't have another one, and you go everywhere searching for an apple; every day your mind says only, "Apple, apple, apple!" You cannot do anything else, and you lose yourself. You lose yourself in the sweetness of the apple. It's the same thing with our life: The awareness is chasing after the pleasant and hating the unpleasant, and we get stuck there. The awareness cannot free itself from these feelings; therefore, we are bound, we are not liberated. If we know that at every moment, and especially at the time of death, we are not this feeling, we don't care about this feeling, and we are done with all these feelings, then we are free. We are always free! We have never been unfree. (Audience applauds)

So, cry when you want to cry, and laugh when you want to laugh, but understand that the crying and laughing are not you. You just experience them, for the sake of knowing things, for the sake of existence. Otherwise you don't exist; otherwise the world doesn't exist. We say that the world is full of suffering and it shouldn't exist, but why shouldn't it exist? If it didn't exist, it would also be boring. There's nothing else to do, and you enjoy all the time: "Oh, I am this, I am that, (Audience laughs) I am God, that's it, I am Almighty, and I know it! I have no suffering, nothing. I am always blissful." So what? Don't bother about nirvana, so what? If you are happy every day, so what?

But because you still want nirvana, so work for it. Work until you don't want it any more, until you're fed up with it, and then you'll be free. (Master and audience laugh) I only want you to work for nirvana because I want you to know that you don't need nirvana. But as long as you need it, then work for it. If you still want the dummy, the plastic one, then just have it. But have it until your mouth is dry and you have no milk, nothing, and then one day you will throw it away. And realize that you didn't even need it in the beginning. Because you are always free of that, you don't need it.

The True 'I' Is Always Free

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清海無上師以英文講於福爾摩沙屏東三地門 1992.12.26

你們常說師父無所不知、無 所不在,但我什麼也不知道,是裏面的主人知道,但這個「我」不必知道,所以我們為而無為;如果每件事我都要知道,那就太忙了,因為要同時做千百件工作,你 們以為這個頭腦能同時將千百件工作匯報給這個所謂的「我」知道嗎?我沒有這個「我」,我們沒有這個「我」,我告訴過你們,我們只是思想的集合,所謂的 「我」只是一個接一個的念頭,只是垃圾、習慣和記錄下來的資料,其實並沒有「我」。

真正的「我」只是清醒的在旁邊觀看,看著我們收集一切,看著我們一連串的行動和反應,明白只是在觀看,而並不是行動,也不是反應,只是看而已,這才是真正 的「我們」,才是真「我」。但我們一直都把觀看的「我」和發生的事情混在一起,我們太執著在事情上面,太執著在我們所知的事物的感覺上面,以為那就是 「我」。現在「我」生氣、「我」快樂、「我」不快樂,事實不是這樣,那些只是反應而已,不是「我」在生氣,「我」只是在旁邊觀看生氣的發生,「我」在看這 齣戲的演出,一會兒好笑,一會兒悲傷,如此罷了,那些只是舞台上的行動和反應而已。

當我們為自己做事時,不會認為有什麼大不了,如果餵自己吃東西,難道也期望任何回報嗎?或者當你替自己洗澡時,會認為自己了不起嗎?(大眾笑)如果不洗 澡,自己會受不了,如果不吃東西,自己會覺得很虛弱而不能動,所以吃東西本身是一種自我回報,洗澡本身也是一種自我回報。同樣的,為師父、人類、同修及非 同修做任何事,都是自我回報,當然,替師父工作,也就是為人類工作,因為師父就是全人類,而不是一個個人,師父是大眾的工具,任何人都可以使用,這個你們 很清楚,你們可以要求師父做任何工作,不論多卑下或多偉大的事,你們總是要師父去做,而師父也會去做,無論你們是否看得到,師父不必一一向你們報告做了哪 些事。

因此,有時你們用智慧眼看到後會知道,但有時不知道,也許智慧眼在睡覺(大眾笑),有這種事,然後你們說:「師父沒為我做任何事,我從來都沒看過。」你母 親在你睡覺時打掃、洗衣、煮飯,你會知道嗎?(大眾答:不會。)但並不表示你母親沒做家事,當你醒來看到家裏乾淨、整齊,就知道有人整理過,如果家裏沒有 其他人,就一定是母親做的。


所以只有師父包辦一切,還有其他人嗎?除了無上力量以 外,還有誰一直和你在一起、為你做任何事呢?你以為是自己在打坐、吃素、持戒,其實都是師父做的,是裏面師父在找師父,並不是你。是誰在尋找師父?是那些 一個接一個的念頭嗎?是它們在尋找師父的智慧嗎?不是,是我們的智慧知道該是認識自己、見識自己力量的時候了(大眾鼓掌)。你們打斷了我的靈感(大眾 笑),沒關係,另一個靈感又來了。因此如果我們還認為是自己在做、在尋求,那就錯了,所以我們才無法和師父合而為一,所以我們才不能認得自己是誰、不能認 得師父是誰;其實師父就是我們自己。

http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/ch/news/117/sl3.htm 「我」是誰?


Who Am 'I' ?

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Santimen, Pingtung, Formosa
December 26, 1992 (Originally in English)

You said the Master knows everything and is omnipresent. But I don't know anything! The Master knows. 'I' don't have to know. We are doing without doing. If I have to know everything, I am too busy, because I have to do a thousand and one jobs at the same time. And you think the mind is capable of flushing out one thousand and one jobs at the same time to report to the so-called 'me'? I already have no 'me'; we have no 'me'. I told you already that we are only thoughts. The so-called 'me' is only one thought after another, all garbage, all habits, and all recorded information. There is no 'me', actually

'Me' is the awakened one, the witness, the one who sees everything that we collect or we react to. There is a chain of action and reaction, and the one who knows that is the witness. It's not the action or the reaction; it's the witness. That's the 'We'; that's the 'I'. But then we always mistake the witness for the event. We are so attached to the event or the taste of all the things that we know, and then we think that's 'we'. Now 'I' am angry, now 'I' am happy, now 'I' am not. It's not true! It's just the reaction. It's not 'me' who is angry; 'I' am witnessing the anger; 'I' am seeing the drama that is going on. Now it's funny, and now it's miserable, but that is all, just the action and reaction on the stage.

Therefore, when we do some work for ourselves, we never think it's a big deal. If you put some food in your mouth, do you expect any reward? Or when you wash your body, do you think you are fantastic? (Audience laughs) If you don't wash, you cannot bear it. If you don't eat, you feel very weak, and you cannot move. So eating itself is kind of self-rewarding. Bathing itself is kind of self-rewarding. Similarly, doing any work for the Master, for human beings, for fellow initiates or non-initiates, these are self-rewarding.

Of course, when we do work for Master, it means it is for human beings, because the Master is a human being. He is not a private person; He is a public instrument. Anyone can use it - you know this already - to do any kind of job, it doesn't matter how humble or how great. You always let the Master or tell the Master to do it, and the Master will do it, whether you see it or not. The Master doesn't always have to report to you about what the Master does. Therefore, sometimes you know, you see it with your wisdom eye, and sometimes you don't. Maybe your wisdom eye sleeps. (Audience laughs) Yes, it happens like that! And then you say, "Master doesn't do anything for me. I never see anything." When your mother is cleaning, washing and cooking while you are sleeping, do you know anything? (No!) That doesn't mean the mother doesn't do the housework. When you see your house is in order, neat and tidy when you wake up, you know someone has done something. And if no one else is in the house, it must be the mother!

The Supreme Power Does Everything

So only the Master does everything. Who else is there, who else is with you except the Supreme Power who does everything for you? And then you think you meditate, you sit, you eat vegetarian, you keep the precepts, etc. Actually, it's all the Master who does it. It is the Master who seeks the Master; it's not you. Who is it that seeks? Is it all the thoughts that are jumping, one after the next, is that the one who seeks the Master wisdom? No! It's the wisdom who knows that it is time to recognize itself, to appreciate its own power. (Audience applauds) You cut off my inspiration! (Audience laughs) Never mind! I have another one. So if we still think we are doing something or seeking something, we are wrong. That's why 'we' cannot mix with the Master. That's why we can not recognize who we are, and who the Master is. The Master is ourselves.

http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/117/sl3.htm  Who Am 'I'?

龍取珠 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

清海無上師以中文講於福爾摩沙台北 1987.11.04(錄音帶編號CE3A)











































引用清海無上師新聞雜誌211期 P39~P44

龍取珠 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

清海無上師以中文講於福爾摩沙台北 1987.11.04(錄音帶編號CE3A)


























Recognize Our Inner Almighty Power

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Taipei, Formosa, November 4, 1987 (Originally in Chinese)
Audiotape # CE3A

The World is full of troubles
Only I’m full of YOU!
If You are placed within the world
All the troubles would be removed.
But as the world is full of troubles
I find no place for YOU! *

Don’t you have such sincerity? Yes, I know, you want to put Master in this world. But people
like their lovely karma and have no place for Master. Therefore, this world still always has problems.
There are so many material things in this world we can enjoy; however, we human beings still havemany troubles. It still seems we cannot survive and that we are going to burst. Why? This is because there is a thing within us that is very difficult to be satisfied. That thing is expectation, longing. We naturally have that kind of entreating quality.

How to Get a Response to Our Prayers

Most people’s prayers receive no response. Why is that? Today I’m going to teach
you how to pray to get a better response. No matter what we pray for, we must first ask
ourselves, is this thing really necessary for us? Is it important? Is it really beneficial to us?
Will it harm other people? If we know that what we’re praying for is not important, not
benevolent, and not necessary, our subconscious won’t accept it.
Our Almighty power does not fall from the Western Paradise or Heaven, nor is it
bestowed on us by Jesus, or reserved for us by Shakyamuni Buddha; it resides inside our
brains. If you can look through here (Master points to Her wisdom eye), you’ll see it’s
located in the center. This is the place where our Almighty power resides. The success of our
prayer depends on whether it passes through this place. When our prayer passes through this
place, our Almighty power knows if the thing we pray for is necessary or good for us, or if
it’s harmful to other people. There’s no way we can deceive this power.
So we don’t need to waste time praying for things that are unnecessary, unimportant,
not benevolent or not loving. If you want your prayers to come true, consider first whether
the thing you’re praying for is necessary. Then pray wholeheartedly without distraction, and
your prayer will definitely come true. But can you pray to become a billionaire overnight,
win at gambling, or win the lotto? Of course not.

All Beings Have the Almighty Power

What should the Quan Yin Method practitioner pray for? We should pray to become
a Master quickly and become one with the Master sooner. Why? First, it’s because once
you’re one with the Master, all your suffering will disappear. You’ll no longer have troubles,
as they’ll all be taken away. Secondly, you’ll have incredible power and infinite merits. You
can help anyone immediately without them praying to you or knowing who you are. At
that time, you help without the involvement of the ego. Therefore, it’s said in the Diamond
Sutra, “Deliver sentient beings but no sentient beings are being delivered.” That’s what is
meant. Sentient beings have no idea that they’re being delivered by you, or helped by you.
That’s why I always say that I don’t just give initiation to a small group of people
every time, because many people receive initiation without seeing me or knowing my
name. Many receive initiation by reading my books, or hearing my name once. A lot of
people receive initiation by praying sincerely to Quan Yin Bodhisattva (the Goddess of
Mercy), for example. The reason is that I’m not this physical being and I’m connected
with the Almighty power. So whenever people pray to this Almighty power, I’m there. This
universal, Almighty power is exactly the same as your own.
That’s why Lao Tzu said, “All of creation is One.” When we practice to a higher level,
we’ll realize this. We’ll realize that all creatures have the same kind of power within. We’ll
see it in trees, in animals, in Quan Yin practitioners and in non-Quan Yin practitioners.
But Quan Yin practitioners realize and can make use of this power, because they have
uncovered it. Other sentient beings, or those who don’t practice the Quan Yin Method,
don’t realize this power. It isn’t like they don’t have this power; they do, but they can’t use
it. They have the treasure, but it’s locked up and they don’t have the key.

When we reach this level in our spiritual practice, we respect all sentient beings,
because we see Master everywhere and in anything. At this level, we can bow to our
fellow practitioners and our own disciples. That’s why at the last supper, Jesus washed His
disciples’ feet. All His disciples were startled and said, “Master, why are You doing this?”
Jesus’ level was very high and He understood that all beings are equal. He said, “I, Your
Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet. So you should also wash one another’s feet.”
(John 13:14-15) What did He mean? He meant that we should practice with an equal heart.
But His disciples hadn’t reached this level so Jesus had to explain it through this example.
If His disciples had already attained the level of equality, Jesus wouldn’t have had to make
such an example and explain it, and the disciples wouldn’t have been so surprised!
Only when we’re connected with this Almighty power do we have hope of going
higher. Quan Yin practitioners who don’t slander the Master and who do practice diligently
are less likely to go lower. You should, however, realize your own Almighty power so that
you don’t just rely on Master’s level all the time. If you practice for yourself, your level
will be higher, you’ll improve more, and you’ll be able to help others. Whoever you think
of or feel sympathy with will receive your help immediately.
If we realize the Supreme power, our innermost, omnipotent power, we can do
anything, and anything is possible.

 You just heard my poem:

You can move heaven and earth.
You can change demons into the Angels of Love.
Why, O Greatest of all Magicians,
Didn’t You change this monkey mind?!

You can do it yourself. We practice to help ourselves, to help the Master, and to help
the world. Actually, we can’t help the Master much, but at least we can lessen His or Her
worry and suffering. If we practice, our karma will be erased more quickly, our lives will
be more peaceful and we’ll do things more smoothly. Of course, then the Master will also
be very pleased.

Pray for One-Life Liberation to Encounter the Supreme Master

You meet the master who is in accordance with your prayers. If in this life or in your
previous life, you prayed to attain the highest level and highest wisdom, then in your next life
or even in this life, you’ll meet a Master of the highest level. There’s no doubt about that! If,
however, in your past life or in this life, you prayed to Quan Yin Bodhisattva to help lessen your
suffering in this world, to have things go more smoothly, or to have harmony in your family,
you’ll only meet this kind of master. For example, you’ll meet an ordinary monastic person
who’s very benevolent, and you can tell him about all your difficulties and worries. He can
explain things to you in a logical way, or answer many of your questions. Then, you go home
and handle your problems according to his advice, and you find that you’re happy and your life
becomes better. It’s just like that. Or, you’ll run into someone who’s very rich, who’s ready to
satisfy all your needs. He’ll give you money without you asking. Or, you’ll run into a person
who comes unbidden to help heal your illness, bring you to see a doctor, repair your roof when
it’s leaking, etc. It’s because you’ve prayed sincerely in your last life for these things.
Those who want to be liberated, who want to become a Buddha in one lifetime, or to
be totally liberated from the cycle of life and death, will meet a Master of the highest level
and a method of the highest practice. Only those who pray for eternal liberation, to attain
Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi, to be one with God and with Truth, will come across the Quan
Yin Method. Also, not everyone can teach the Quan Yin Method. If there’s no real power
transmitted during initiation, the one who receives the initiation will have no experiences.
Therefore, you can tell if a Master is true or not at the time of initiation. A true Master can
enlighten you with the same kind of experiences described in the holy scriptures.
All right, I’ll let you go home and work hard. Make good use of this Almighty, pure,
and all-positive power. It would be a great pity if you don’t use it. There’s nothing else in this
world that’s more precious. There’s no other gift that Master can give you that’s nobler and
more precious than this. I tell you many stories all the time, but ultimately my advice to you
is to practice the Quan Yin Method – the method of contemplating the inner Sound Current
and inner Light.


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清海無上師以中文講於福爾摩沙屏東 1990.01.13(影帶編號#112)






Adhering to the Instructions of an Enlightened Master Brings Unsurpassed Merit

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Pingtung, Formosa, January 13, 1990
(Originally in Chinese) Videotape #112

Most people don’t realize that they gain different benefits for doing things they like versus doing things that their Master commands. For example, in Milarepa’s case he had to work very hard carrying stones and building houses for seven years before his Master would impart any spiritual teachings to him, after which he was enlightened. You may think that carrying stones as Milarepa did hastens spiritual progress so you might also start carrying stones.

Most people don’t realize that they gain different benefits for doing things they like versus doing things that their Master commands. For example, in Milarepa’s case he had to work very hard carrying stones and building houses for seven years before his Master would impart any spiritual teachings to him, after which he was enlightened. You may think that carrying stones as Milarepa did hastens spiritual progress so you might also start carrying stones.

However, even if you kept doing that for seventy years it would be futile. Even until there were no more stones to be moved your karma wouldn’t be erased. But suppose your Master tells you to move a stone at two o’clock in the morning, and you faithfully follow the Master’s instructions and get up to move the stone. Although you can hardly keep your eyes open you still do it blissfully because you know: “Master is the most enlightened One. I’ve offered my body, mind and speech to Her. Whatever She tells me to do, I just do it. Whether they’re logical or not, I’ll still follow Master’s instructions.” If you can move that stone with such a blissful thought in mind, it will be much better than Milarepa moving stones for seven years!

However, most people don’t understand this logic. That’s why, although it’s very difficult to find a Master, it’s even more difficult to stay and follow the Master in spiritual cultivation once you’ve found Him. It’s hard to attain Buddhahood because most spiritual practitioners can’t axe their egos so they only attain the level of Arhat or a saint. The “ego” consists of the preconceived ideas and worldly concepts that we’ve collected over our lifetimes. We hold convictions about what’s good and bad and think we’ve learned everything we need to know because the world has given us enough education so there’s very little that a Master can teach us. This is where we go wrong.


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清海無上師以英文講於英國舍瑞 2006.01.07






同修 甲:大約兩百英鎊,因為還要加上保險費、公路稅以及停車費。

師父:我了解。即使你不開車,還是得付保險費和公路稅嗎?(同修甲:如果你處理掉車子,就不用付保險費。)不,我是說即使車子都停在車庫,你仍然必須繳稅,是嗎?(同修甲:是!)還是可以少繳一點?(同修甲:你可以少繳一些保險費,以美國為例,如果你能證明一星期開車不超過一次,就可少繳一點。)喔,這樣更省錢!好, 如果算每個月省兩百英鎊,哇!一年就省了兩千四百英鎊!那可以買好多東西了。十年可以省多少錢?(同修甲:兩萬四千英鎊,如果把這筆錢拿去投資,會賺更多。)沒錯!會有更多利息。好,所以兩年就可以省 大約四千英鎊,是嗎?(同修甲:兩年可省下四千八百英鎊,再加上利息,大約有五千五百英鎊。)哇!你們看!有了五千五百英鎊,就可以去喜馬拉雅山打坐五年,什麼事都不用做。(大眾笑)









Life Can Be
 Less Expensive and More Joyful

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
Surrey, United Kingdom, 
January 7, 2006, 
(Originally in English)

Sometimes we just waste money on so many things that we don’t need. Otherwise, our life can be less expensive and more joyful. There was a program on TV that I watched two days ago. It said there was a guy who was supposed to pay the mortgage for twenty years. But there was one expert who came and taught the couple how to pay it in two years only. And they really did!

He came and checked out whatever they had to cut. For example, the husband loved to buy all kinds of gadgets. So he said, “Well, you don’t need’ them!” The man would buy a lot, and he’d just leave them laying there. So, number one, they took them all out and sold them at a garage sale to take some money in. And from then on, if he has to buy something, he has to consider that it must be really necessary! Otherwise, don’t buy it. That’s the number one thing.

Number two, instead of going to the restaurant to eat every day, or the coffee shop or cafeteria, they just pack a sandwich lunch and take their own coffee. And then they save a lot every month. Not a lot but here and there, and it adds up.

In the first six months, they saved about six thousand pounds. In six months! So, that’s one thousand per month of a little bit here, a little bit there. For example, the girl also smoked, and he pointed out that one package per week cost 14 pounds or something per week. She didn’t even smoke two or three packages a day, but he calculated that in one whole year or two years, she could even buy a car! Two years passes very quickly. So, you could even buy a car if you don’t smoke! I hope you don’t! (Laughter)

Then, instead of going by car to work, they go by train. It’s cheaper and quicker and safer. You sit there and read newspaper, catch up with things, read Master’s books or whatever. Or, learn something new while sitting on the train. So they save another, maybe 100 or 50 per month. No, more! Petrol is very costly nowadays, right? And if you keep running here and there all the time, like going to work, it probably costs more. It depends on where you go, of course, but at least you save a couple of hundred pounds per month if you go by train and not go by car to work. Or not? (Practitioner: You’ve got parking, as well.) Yes, parking space and everything. So, how much do you save? One of you tell me. If you don’t go by car to work, how much do you save per month?

Practitioner 1 (P1): Probably two hundred because there’s insurance and road tax and parking.

M: I know, but even if you don’t go by car, you still have to pay for insurance and road tax, right? (P1: When you give up your car, then you don’t pay for insurance.) No, what I mean is, if you have a car lying around in the garage, you still have to pay, right? (P1: Yes.) Or you pay less, or not? (P1: You can pay less on the insurance because in America, you pay less if you prove that you don’t ride more than once a week.) Oh, that’s even cheaper! Well, just say 200 per month. Wow, 2400! You can buy a lot of things with that. In ten years, you have how much? (P1: 24,000. But if you invest it, you will have a lot more.) Yes, yes! You have more interest. OK, so maybe you have about four thousand in two years? (P1: You will have 4800 in two years, and then with interest, probably five and half thousand.) Wow! OK, see that? Five and a half thousand, you can go into the Himalayas and sit there for five years, doing nothing. (Everyone laughs.)

P1: Master, maybe I can help. I’m a financial analyst.

M: I’m doing just that! I’m doing this analyzing for them as an example. And that is not all; there are many other things, like you go buy the clothes on sale instead of buying the trendy ones. Or wait until the winter sales, also the end-of-season sales, and you save a lot more money. And wear simple, practical clothes, so you don’t always have to change and be in the mode, or anything like that. If you want to live a free life, you can’t always be modish. We don’t even need that. Occasionally maybe, for something special, like if you go to work and you have to have an interview, or some job that needs presentable clothes, maybe then you need them. But you don’t have to pay a lot of money for brand names. There are some cheaper clothes that look as good. That’s for example.

But the two couples, not only did they save on those things, they also worked extra. She was good at singing, and he was good at doing some other thing. So they would go out to work and bring in extra income every week. Because every money you earn that you save, that means you’re earning as well. And of course if you earn more, then it adds up, all the time.

So, there are many ways we can live a happy life without having to work a lot, or without having to toil day and night - just to burn it. Plus, in all of that, you don’t drink alcohol. You don’t know how much it saves you every month, do you? Do you know? (Audience: Yes.) For example, if you drink, say, a couple of beers every day, how much would you save a month? (P2: Two hundred.) Two hundred easily, yes! Because not only do you drink, the friends come, and then all of them drink together. And then he invites you and you invite him, and then more and more; it’s always more. And not only that, it costs your health. You have to go more to doctor, pay lots of money for medicine, and your insurance mounts up. If you are more sick, the insurance gets more money. The next time you want to insure your health, they will check how often you visit doctors and how ill you are, then they will just raise the fees.

Not only that, if you have an accident, it might cost you your life or your arms or your legs even. It might cost you an arm and a leg, (Master and everyone laugh) the way the English people say it! And then, if you die, that’s the end of the story, fine! But if you don’t die, then you will be dependent forever: maybe on health support or air support, oxygen support, and then you just lie there being a burden to your family and society and making sadness for everyone.

So, don’t talk about the benefits of meditation or anything. My job and my teachings already clear you of a lot of trouble. Even if you don’t meditate at all and if you don’t see any Buddha, or you don’t become a Buddha, you’re already safe: a safe citizen for yourself and for the world. Because drinking and driving kills thousands, tens of thousands of people every day! Around the world, hundreds of thousands of people die every day because of drinking and driving. Not only the driver, the other drivers around him as well, including women, children, pregnant people, anyone! You know that, right? So our teaching is good for you, yes or no? Any complaints about my teaching? (Laughter) Raise your hand. No? Good!

Contents   http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/171

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清海無上師以英文講於墨西哥坎昆 2010.12.05/09



獲得人身:需9.2無限兆億(zillions of zillions,註1)的靈性點數


































註1:師父解釋:我不知道zillion之後是否還有更大的單位,所以就說zillions of zillions。
註2: zillion在此譯成「兆億」,表示龐大無法計算的數字。



























































How to Get the Most Blessings

To help us to be more aware of the blessings we have been given and the way to gain more for ourselves and the world, Supreme Master Ching Hai has revealed on several occasions the number of spiritual points needed to achieve certain attributes of human life, as well as those bestowed by higher beings, nature, animals and other sources. She reminds us:

Peace comes with a price. Peace comes when we elevate all of the whole world's consciousness. So, don't point a finger at this and that leader or this and that group. The whole world shares happiness and sorrow all together. We are all to be blamed and we are all to be cherished; we are all to be respected, and we are all to be loved. We all share this home together. Please, I need all of your points put together for the sake of peace and the planet.

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Cancún, Mexico, December 5 and 9, 2010 (Originally in English)

The Preciousness of a Human Life

We’ve all heard that human life is precious. Buddha said that it’s easier for a turtle to go all the way from the bottom of the ocean up to the surface and meet one random little piece of wood that’s passing by with a little hole in it than to become a human, meaning to have a human birth. You may have heard that, but you don’t know how precious it is. I am going to put it here mathematically, so you know how many. Heaven does have points to classify who is who. We humans are very, very precious.

To get a human body: 9.2 zillions of zillions* spiritual points

To live a full 100 years

need an additional 20 zillions of zillions

To get to the Third Level of spiritual Heaven

400 zillions of zillions

To be rich, like a millionaire only, not billionaire yet

need an extra 300,000 zillion

To be healthy all your life

need an additional 350,000 zillion spiritual points

To have mental invincibility

need an additional 60,000 zillion

To be a king or a queen

need an additional 700,000 zillion

To be a president

need an additional 530,000 zillion

To be a prince or princess

need an additional 460,000 zillion

To have 150 IQ, like Einstein

need an additional 220,000 zillion

To have good looks

need an additional 200,000 zillion

To have a good voice

need an additional 183,000 zillion

To have a good relationship with the world, with the people around you and whomever you meet

need an additional 270,000 zillion

To be born in a peaceful nation

need an additional 240,000 zillion

To have a good marriage

need an additional 230,000 zillion

To have good children

need an additional 350,000 zillion

To be famous need an additional 170,000 zillion

And the more you have, the more interest you earn.
For example, if I meditated yesterday, I would earn like 300 zillion. Then today I earn 600 zillion because of the interest.

*Note from Master: Because after zillions, I don’t know if we have any more units, so I say “zillions of zillions.”


Blessings Offered by Higher Beings, Spiritual Practice, Nature and More


The more discipline you keep, the more angels you have. And these are real things. For example, if 100 is the scale (for 100%):
         The angels normally will bless you 5%.
         The deities will bless you 5%.
If we don’t do anything wrong and if we just eat vegan, we get more from that - more and more all the time.

One person who doesn’t meditate gets 5%.

The meditating person gets like 15%. (Because they are on the higher level of consciousness. So the higher we go, the higher blessing we get.)

If you meditate on Light, for example “Om,” or “Om Mani Padme Hum,” or on the breathing, like Vipassana, Hatha, or Raja Yoga, you get 5% more spiritual blessing points.

On average, a Quan Yin practitioner who meditates every day has 30-40% more extra, apart from vegan meals and all that.

If you eat three times a day, vegan, you earn 10% more. If you eat two times a day, you earn 20%. If you eat only one vegan meal a day, you get like 40% more spiritual points.

If you are a breatharian, and you meditate, you get 30-70% spiritual points.

A high-level master, a saint: would bless you 500%

If the Master is higher than the Fifth Level, she or he would bless the disciple like 4,000% spiritual blessing. The higher master or the highest one, for example, of Jesus’ and Buddha’s status, they would bless you 4,000% every time, every day, in spiritual points. For example, if you’re near them, or if you are in the same world with them - of course, the nearer, the more blessing. But they would just bless you 4,000% per day without you doing anything.
The people who are not vegan and who are not meditating, they get only 3%, because everything else has to be deducted: like animal karma, other bad retribution, and everything else. So, 3% left.

A Ninth Level Master on Earth, even remotely, blesses his or her direct disciples 30,000%. And if nearer, of course, even more. That’s from afar, or remote blessing. Nearer, more.

A normal saint, for example, a monk in India who eats vegetarian, and meditates on any method - it doesn’t have to be my method - he would even bless you 30% by his own merit, automatically.

UFO people bless you from 10-60% every day.

If you walk barefoot in a clean area, in the sand on a beach, for example, you have 5% blessing. Just to walk barefoot.

A tree that you could put the arms around, for example, a pine tree in the forest, one tree alone blesses you 15% spiritual points daily, by just being there. And even the small plants.

The moon blesses you 40%.

The visible stars bless you 40%. The invisible ones, meaning the faraway stars, bless you also, but less.

The sea blesses you so much, and the sun, the river, water, the wind, the air blesses you also, like 10, 15%.

When you meditate in the open air, you get 59% more than when you sit in a closed building. The thicker the building, the less – a little less – the concentration of the blessing.

When you walk in the garden, or you sit in the garden and you meditate, you have more spiritual points than sitting on concrete in a small room somewhere.

Hair blesses you also, 5% – long hair. Long hair, about my length, you get 5% more spiritual points, extra.

Blessings from the Animals


Your dog will bless you 3% every day.

My dogs bless me 6% or 8%, because they are vegan and I love them, and they respond to love. They don’t just give to anyone, not even their human companion. If that person doesn’t love them, they don’t give. For example, I have caretakers who help me to take care of the dogs when I am not home and during the day when I am not available. But the dogs don’t bless them that much. They bless them, yes, 1%, 2%. But they bless me 8%, 6%, depending on size and long-term vegan or not. The longer the dogs are with me, the higher the percentage of blessing.

If it is a vegetarian dog, it blesses you 3%.

A non-vegetarian dog would bless you less, like 2%.

A medium bird will bless you 4%.

A parrot, for example, a big parrot, blesses you even more, 8%.

A turkey raised in your yard, he or she will bless you 5-10%.

A chicken, even so small and helpless, blesses you 2-6%, or 10%, because if you feed them vegan, then they have more power to bless you.

A rabbit, from 4-6%.

The cow will bless you 7-15% in spiritual points.

A pig would bless you 5-10%.

The lamb would give you 5-10%.

A horse will give you 6-15%.

An elephant will give you 40% in spiritual merit, the grown-up one.

A seal on the sea, would give you 13%.

A goat would give you 5%.

A wild tiger can bless you 2%.

A lion blesses you 1%

Geese bless you 15%.

The bumble bee blesses you 1%.

A butterfly blesses you 1%.

A fly blesses you 0.5%.

Wild birds bless you; seagulls bless you 8%.

Crocodiles even bless you 2%.

A wild hog blesses you 8%.

Turtles bless you 15%.

A wild cat, 2-6%.

A fox, even, 4%.

If we eat animals, our merits have to be deducted and given to that animal.

Master also gently reminds us of our appreciation for the blessings we continually receive:

Every time you meditate, every time you remember, just: “Thank you. Please bless me. Thanks for your blessing.” And take it in: “Thank you, all of you. All of you – all the trees, the plants, the Earth, the air, the Sun, the Moon, the stars,” all the deities that bless you, the angels, the UFO people – visible, invisible – and all the animals, wild animals...   You May Not Know

To view Supreme Master Ching Hai’s message, “How to Get the Most Blessings,” please visit:


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清海無上師以英文講於英國舍瑞 2006.01.08
















































Governments Should
Educate Citizens to the Hazards
of Meat, Alcohol and Tobacco

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Surrey, United Kingdom,
January 8, 2006 (Originally in English)

M: In the future, I think the governments of all countries will do something similar with food to what is being done now with cigarettes, where a warning is printed on the outside of the package saying things like "Cigarettes can kill" or "Cigarettes cause lung cancer and shorten your life." If they do that, then many people will stop eating meat and all will be vegetarian in the near future.

So I suggest that the leaders, organizations or governments should warn people or at least make it compulsory to put something like a dead cow inside the shop. Or have a film running with the whole picture of the butchering process; that would be even better, to let people know what it is that they're getting and what they're actually paying for.

Otherwise, I feel like it's a lie to just sell a person a piece of meat that doesn't have a form anymore. For example, chicken is sometimes sold whole, but most of the time they just sell half of it or pieces that don't look like anything. You don't see the way they chop off the head of the chicken while it's alive. You don't see the way they hang the cow from one leg and let the blood drip one drop at a time to the floor. You don't see the way they cut the pig's throat while he's still kicking and that they sometimes miss and have to cut again. People don't see that. Remember I have a show called The Real Heroes? (DVD #760)

D: Oh yes, that was about this very subject. The British government is also currently trying to ban smoking in public places.

M: Yes. Surprisingly, Ireland did it first. Can you believe that? This is a country with a lot of pubs and people who drink, but they still had enough common sense to do that. Other countries are also moving slowly now, with many more that have already followed suit. Bravo, Ireland! Good for that country. I really feel very proud of that because smoking is no good for anyone; that's been known for a long time. It's OK to put warnings on the packets, but people still buy them. So banning smoking in public areas at least protects the ones who don't smoke.

But it's still terrible sometimes. For example, in my hotel, I stay on a non-smoking floor. But I still smell smoke in the bathroom. Why do the next-door guests sneak in and smoke? They don't have much respect because every day it's like that. People might think that if they go into the bathroom it's good enough, but then the smoke still flies into my bathroom because they turn on their fan and the rooms are connected with each other. And sometimes people actually like going into a non-smoking room to smoke. They just feel rebellious or something.

So you not only have to ban it, but also impose a penalty. For example, if you smoke in the lavatory of an airplane, the penalty is $2,000. This could go for everywhere, even in hotels. If you're caught you should pay the penalty. That's the way it should be reinforced because just talking is not enough. People are not that disciplined or morally honest.

Also, they should put a label on alcohol like, "Alcohol can damage your brain and cause considerable illness" or at least "Alcohol kills." It does kill! Drinking and driving kill many hundreds of thousands of people every year around the world. Everyone knows that.

Even so, being killed isn't the worst thing. Some people would rather die than be maimed for life, which creates a burden for the family and society and causes suffering and sorrow for the individual and the people concerned. That's even worse than death. Of course, we don't want anyone to die like that, but wouldn't it be worse if you had already lost your arms, legs or brain but had to lie there because you couldn't die and couldn't live? That's a burden for society and the taxpayer's money. And it causes a lot of sorrow. But if you have to nurse a person like this day in and day out, can you imagine how much psychological strain that will put on the family members? Isn't that worse than death?

And then, for the children whose father or mother is affected, it's just like having none, or worse than having none. They go to school and everyone asks them and they feel bad, embarrassed and sad. So there's psychological damage to the child whose father is lying in the hospital or in the house like a vegetable. Kids don't know how to explain and then other kids make fun of them, or make fun of the father. Can you imagine these things? So it's not just about dying.

We don't support death by being killed in drunken driving accidents, but in many cases it's still better than the alternative because the effect is immense, not only for the victim; it's also terrible for the family and friends. Even talking about it already makes us feel bad, to say nothing of the situation if we or our family members are the ones who have to suffer it.

So I think that the governments haven't done the best they can. They can label every dangerous thing at least for the kids to read. Now they ban kids by saying, "Don't drink alcohol," but the child doesn't understand why. If every bottle he picked up said, "Damages your brain," or "Reduces your intelligence" or "Impairs your judgment in every way," at least the kid could read it and say, "OK, that's why." If it's just mentioned on television or printed in the newspaper once, he won't read it. And they don't run these ads every day on television for the kids to see that alcohol is bad. They just tell our kids, "Don't drink." And you know kids: They're strong and rebellious. When you say no, they sneak and do it some other way, like they try to do it themselves or steal it or dare each other to do it. Or they'll break into the pub to get it. It's no good. Why don't they put a label or at least a warning on it? Tell them why, just like they do for cigarettes. At least some people have come to their senses, or the kids know from the beginning that it's really bad.

D:Master, I think the government doesn't really try 100%; they're worried about the economics because the cigarette tax is a big source of income.

M: But they did try; they put a warning on the cigarettes. Why don't they do that with alcohol? Is it economics again? The government can get tax revenue in many other ways. If you stop making war and don't produce any more weapons that cost a lot of money, you can feed the whole world free of charge.

So the government should put a warning on everything that kills, be it liquor or anything. That's what they should do because they're the leaders of the nation. They are obliged to protect the people instead of waiting until people are sick or dying and then get a lot of taxpayer's money to try to cure them, which sometimes is not even possible because by then it's too late. And even if they manage to cure the illness, the patient has already gone through a lot of suffering and the family has undergone a lot of trouble and emotional and psychological pain.

So I don't know what all the leaders of the world are doing, what they're busy with. They should take care of the root problem: Ban cigarettes and also impose a penalty if the people break it, just like breaking the law. If someone stabs someone else in the back, they put him in jail at least for a while. So if someone blows smoke into your nose and causes you slow cancer or sickness, they should also go to jail, or at least face a penalty so that the person stops it. It's a different kind of killing, a different molestation with different harm. But it's still really physical. It's like stabbing someone but just different because it's invisible, slow pain. Everyone knows that second-hand smoke is also very bad. It kills a lot of people, inflicts a lot of pain, makes a lot of people sick and strains the national social security system. Everyone knows that, but they don't do anything.

What's the use of worrying about the economic setback of warning people not to buy cigarettes or worrying that people will buy fewer cigarettes if you provide a warning, when you use the income from the cigarette tax and pay it back to the patients anyway?

D: There's research saying it's more expensive.

M: Yes, it's more expensive, number one. Number two, it inflicts a lot of pain. It's not just the money! It causes a lot of physical pain as well as emotional pain, and it damages the nation's intelligence. There are so many brains out there that have been damaged by smoking and alcohol, when we could use that to build the nation, to build a more peaceful, more intelligent and more reasonable world.

Before, around a hundred years ago or so, alcohol was banned and was forbidden to drink. I don't know why they let that go. Everyone knows it is poison but they still allow it to be bought openly. They say that only adults can buy alcohol, but how do you keep your children from drinking it at home when you have a bottle of whisky and you're hanging around all day drinking. Or some day you're sitting with your friend and it looks so cool, on the rocks or whatever, and talk happily together and drink. And that creates a very strong picture for the kids to think, "Oh, whisky makes you happy."

Or when there's a romantic occasion, you sit together and drink whisky or drink some kind of alcohol and the kids say, "If I want to be romantic I have to do the same as Mom and Dad." And then you invite a girlfriend to come around and you talk her into drinking alcohol together so as to fit in with the picture of romance that you see in films or in your house.

If the society is teaching these garbages and yet expects the world to be orderly and peaceful and the children to be obedient, nice and intelligent, and to graduate and be good citizens. How can kids survive in this world to become good citizens when they see the bad examples we adults show them?

So we have to speak up. And your word does make a difference. You just have to say it. People can take it or not take it, but at least you say it. That's the way it should be. If not on the label itself at least in the restaurant it should say, "Alcohol kills." Why confine it to just cigarettes? Cigarettes kill even less than alcohol. Alcohol even has a more immediate effect. Someone gets drunk, he goes out and someone else just provokes him. So they fight and then they kill each other or they're stabbed or wounded so that they damage each other's bodies. It's even more immediate. So why not put the warning on the alcohol bottle? I don't understand this.

Also, it damages your brain; everyone knows that. And the brain doesn't grow back. If you drink very little alcohol and you haven't had any at all for a span of time, then it gives that brain-damaged area time to grow back, but it won't grow back forever. If you keep killing it, it won't grow again. And if you drink very strong alcohol, you become brain-damaged forever. Whatever part it goes into becomes damaged and the nerves won't grow back. Many people know that. Nowadays, if you watch TV or read newspapers, you can't say you don't know. So why not put a warning label on alcohol bottles.

Then later, you also have to put it in meat shops, on everything that kills. Every piece of meat should have printed on it, "You are living on dead bodies," or "Some being has been killed brutally for your meal today." Then at least the person buying knows it and they have a choice. They should also put pictures of dead or brutally murdered cows all over the walls of the butcher shop. Then at least the consumers know what they're paying for. It's not an honest job to sell something and then blindfold the people who buy it. That's like cheating; it isn't honest.

D: Sometimes a piece of meat doesn't really look like meat; they make it like ham or sausage and the children just eat the sausage but they don't know where it comes from.

M: Yes, they don't know. I know one person who had a nephew only four years old who didn't like meat at all. He liked only things without meat, but the parents kept forcing him to eat it. Sometimes he even got sick so I said to that friend, "You have to convince the parents to let him make a choice." I don't know what has happened since then, but I tried my best.

Increasing public awareness can create a paradise on earth
So you cannot tell everyone in the world, but tell whomever you can. Do your best. If we all try together, it will bear fruit. Air it on TV, radio, in pamphlets, leaflets and everywhere: "Be a vegetarian. At least today, save one innocent life." And print a leaflet with a cow hanging on the ceiling from one leg. Print that one; let them have a look at how they kill cows.

D: Master, the Vegetarian Society in the UK does quite a lot of work on that. They have special programs for the schools and a T-shirt with a face.

M: Yes, I know. So just print a picture with a cow hanging from the ceiling and the butcher with a knife; that will be worth more than a thousand words. That will really hit someone, I hope, and do something. If you can't rescue them spiritually because the humans won't listen, at least rescue some poor animals.

What else should we do to clean up the planet? Place warnings in the schools as well. Put signs everywhere that say things like "Drugs kill," "Drugs make you less intelligent," "Drugs make you addicted and dependent," "Drugs deplete your money and impair your sexual function." They do! So why don't we just say all these things? It's really true. Drugs make you weak and dependent and pale and bad-looking and smelly and old and sick. Why don't they write all those things in the schools? Don't just say, "Ban drugs." We have to explain all this as well because not every kid can read all about it; they're too busy learning in school. And if the teacher doesn't say anything, or only says it once or twice, it's not enough.

You have to put slogans and things like that everywhere: about drugs, about alcohol and about meat, saying, "A living being has been murdered for your dinner today." Put that on a piece of beef or pork and see how many people still want to buy it. Let them think. Because to kill a person is called murder and to kill an animal is also murder. If the animal just runs around doing no harm to you and you go and kill it, that's deliberate murder. What else could it be? So we should say, "Someone has been murdered for this piece of meat in your meal." And then see what they think about that.

In the future, the world will get cleaner if the governments really do their job, if they have more morals and are stronger instead of just worrying about the economy. Because it's bad calculation if you collect taxes but then have to pay for the patients. And you inflict suffering, not just the pain of getting better since many people don't get better. Even if you give them a lot of medicine and treat them with the best equipment, they don't recover. So instead of that, just don't sell cigarettes or put something on the cigarettes and alcohol so that fewer people get sick. Then we won't have to pay for their medical bills, which costs even more than the taxes we take in. It's a loss of business, no? So any intelligent government should calculate and then they'll know what makes even the best business sense. Besides, warning people and protecting them is really the government's job. It's their duty to take care of the people's health and safety.

There are so many things that are good for you to follow: in my example, my footsteps and my teachings. And I don't even forbid you anything. You can wear nice jewelry, which I even design for you. You can wear nice clothes when we have a party. We don't always need that, but we can do it if we want to. If we don't have to, we don't need to. We're comfortable as we are. We're beautiful inside out. So we don't even need to wear certain clothes to look good, but if you want to I don't forbid you anything. I don't make you become an ascetic, only vegetarian because of compassion. The more beautiful you are inside, the more beautiful you are outside anyway. Your taste in clothing and everything is getting better each day.

In the very old times, for example in China, the king was the spiritual Master, like King Yao and King Shun were Masters, and the kings took care of the people as if they were their own children. The people at that time didn't even need to lock their doors and they didn't pay taxes to the king. They didn't need to do anything for the king at all, and that's the way it should be.

So, the governments should give us an award: "You're doing good. You're helping us." We're even free of charge; they don't have to pay us! Because the government has to pay the police or army to suppress the criminals and protect the people. We're doing just that without getting paid, without clashing with the police, without harming anyone, without having any weapons to harm anyone to begin with. So how can we be bad? How can any government not recognize this? The affairs of this world are still backward but of course God doesn't hold a grudge against anyone; Hes is still helping everyone to go up, up, up.

Otherwise, imagine if everyone did what we do. Even if they didn't eat vegetarian, maybe just no alcohol, no drugs and no cigarettes to begin with, we'd be cleaner, healthier and save a lot of money. And everyone would be happier; they could have a good house, good car, good health and good family and this would set a good example for the children in the schools. If we take away the alcohol, meat and cigarettes, the family will already be much better and school will be a better place.

So the effect of a clean life is really big; it does affect everything, not just one person or one family; it affects the whole society. That's why I think the world should do this. If people just follow our example, they don't even need to study meditation with me or all become saints. I don't need to teach them, and they don't need to come see me. All they have to do is live a clean life. They can pray to God or pray to whomever they want, but their virtues, their good life will affect the whole world, and the whole world will become a paradise with no need of me.

Why doesn't the world see this? Why don't more leaders of nations reinforce this kind of clean living, this happy, peaceful Heaven for everyone? If they really want to take care of their families, then that's the way. At least reinforce it, set an example because that's what you have power for: You can change the world, or if you're the leader of a nation you can at least change your nation.

Just do it step by step and it will be easy. Meanwhile, we can hope and dream about a clean society and the things that the governments of the world should do and perhaps will do. It's already beginning.

Because I still think the root of the problem is drinking, smoking and drugs. From there, everything goes bad. Once you lose your mind, you might do anything. There's a story from the Buddha's time where someone said to a man, "OK, you have to keep all the Precepts: Don't kill. Don't steal. Don't commit adultery. Don't tell lies. And don't drink." And the man said, "I can keep the first four, but the 'Don't drink' I can't." And then he drank, and he killed, and then told lies, and all kinds of things happened because he drank and got drunk. When he was drunk, if anyone got in his way he just killed them. If they tried to stop him, he would just kill because he had already lost control; he didn't know what he was doing anymore.

So I just hope that in the future all governments will do that. First, write warnings about alcohol and post them in every alcohol shop. Next, write meat or fish warnings that say, "Some being has just been murdered for you" at least to tell them the truth, to tell people so they have a choice because the people may not know. They know that they eat meat, but they've been eating it every day so they don't even think. The majority of people aren't taught by anyone and so they only know about the advertised "good" meat and strong alcohol and so on. It's all lies. So, if you make them understand that this is a choice they make, then they might think. You don't have to be forceful and say, "You have to be vegetarian." Just give people knowledge about why they should be vegetarian--"There is an alternative. You don't have to kill to stay alive." Then the person can choose because they know it's a wise choice, but they have to have the knowledge to choose it.



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清海無上師以英文講於匈牙利歐禪 2005.02.26








所以說,即使你們在這裡只算小地瓜(大眾笑),但我知道你們在外面很出色。別以為我不知道,我很尊重這一點,我真的很尊重你們的成就,但我不想讓你們停在那裡。所以每次你們來這裡,我會用推的、用踢的、拉你們、磨你們,讓你們進步,等到你們回家以後就知道不一樣。就算我責備你們,也不要看輕自己,那只是訓練的過程而已。你們還是徒弟,所以犯錯是可以容許的,要不然你們就變成師父了。 ♥





Progressing Spiritually Elevates the IQ

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Budapest, Hungary Retreat,
February 26, 2005 (Originally in English)

The higher one’s spiritual level, the higher one’s IQ will be. So among us, we have people with genius IQs. Because 150 or even 140 is a genius IQ, and we have lots of those! But appearances are sometimes deceiving. Some people look stupid but they’re not, while others look smart but they’re not.

Because the more spiritually elevated you become, the higher the IQ you will have. One goes with the other. Have you ever wondered why Einstein was so smart? He was a vegetarian, but why? He must have practiced something; otherwise, why would such a person be a vegetarian? At that time, very few people even knew what a vegetarian was!

So, the only reason Einstein ate vegetarian must have been that he was in touch with some yogis and practiced spiritual meditation, and so his IQ went up; because at that time such things were very remote. Few people knew what yoga was; few meditated and few were vegetarian. So, Einstein was one of the very few. Of course his IQ was high! If I threw you back into that era, you would all be Einsteins because you’d be too smart for that time.

You are all Einsteins: big Einsteins, small Einsteins, mini-Einsteins! Because your IQ has gone up together with your spiritual practice. So the spiritual level opens up all the channels. It cleans out all the clogging up from inside your spiritual ‘arteries’ and even your physical veins; it makes the blood flow better and the information travel better. Everything is clearer.

The higher you go, the clearer the channels become. So you get more information and even more correct instructions from the brain. Otherwise, even if the brain is smart and tells you what to do, your hands may be clumsy. The blockage is here (Master points to Her upper arm) and only a little bit of information seeps through. So you do only half as well. Spiritual blockage thus also influences physical clarity.

So, if people don’t practice spiritually, they become less intelligent. Even though they may have been intelligent when they were younger, if they grow up and ruin themselves with meat, alcohol or things from this damaging environment, they become less smart. So it’s not that we practice spiritually just to go to Heaven. While we’re on this planet, we can already make use of it. We can help others because we’re smarter; we become leaders. Then when someone doesn’t know what to do, you come along and say, “That thing is easy!” And within two minutes, you’ve already offered a solution. And that person was thinking, “You look so young! How could you be so smart?”

If you have a situation that tests you, you’ll know you’re smart. Because most of the time you don’t know. You practice and you grow slowly, and because you were stupid before you think you might still be stupid. (Laughter) But when the situation comes to test you, you realize, “Hey, I have gone up a little in IQ!”

It’s OK if you’re not tested, but the more you’re tested in different situations, the more you realize that you’re really smart now. You are really smart! Not like crafty smart, but truly intelligent. And then you feel proud; you know that spiritual practice really works. Even your family members and coworkers will be left wondering. They might say, “What happened to you? Something is changed! What did you do?”

You might not be in an environment where you can be tested or where people can see you or feel the difference in you because they’ve been with you for some time and they can tell the difference. So if you work alone or live alone, of course, no one knows or notices and then you also don’t think about it. But if you happen to rub shoulders with other people, then you know you are really different. Because they also know you are different! They don’t know how or why, but they do know that you are different, that you’ve grown in some way and that you have something now that they don’t understand and they don’t have.

So, even though you’re small potatoes here, (laughter) I know you are something outside. Don’t think I don’t know it; I do respect that and I do respect your accomplishments. But I don’t want you to stop there! Every time you come here, I push you, I kick you, I pull you and I scrub you to make you better. And then when you go back home the next time, you are different! Don’t think so little of yourself, even if I reprimand you. It’s just a process that you’re going through. You are allowed to make mistakes, of course. You are disciples! Otherwise, you would have been Masters.   



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1997.12.27 (影帶編號#610)











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字幕:阿拉伯、悠樂、簡體中文、正體中文、荷蘭、英、法、德、希伯來、印度、匈牙利、印尼、義大利、日、韓、蒙古、波斯、波蘭、葡萄牙、旁遮普、羅馬尼亞、俄、西、泰、土耳其、烏爾都 (26種)


清海無上師以英文講於墨西哥坎昆 2010.12.15 (DVD#945)










Simplify Life:  A Way to Improve Our Spiritual Practice


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Cancún, Mexico, December 15, 2010
(Originally in English) (DVD#945)


Fruits are good for you. Fruit or juice, fruit juice. And it’s very acceptable for the body. We eat cooked food because we are used to it. Since we were babies, everyone gave us this kind of food, and then we got used to it. Even meat and fish: we were not born to eat them, but we got used to them. So it’s better that we train our new habit, that’s all. Even at home, if you want. Nothing’s forbidden by me or in our group, except anything that causes suffering to others, animals or humans. But it has been many years now, so it’s about time that we grow up. I also grow up. We grow up together.

And then we change a little, to better habits, to a more simple life. Because even normally when I am at home, I don’t eat that much like here. But they cook a lot, and it’s good also because I entertain the guests like the journalists, and just show them it’s really very abundant, and that even vegan food is tasty. They say they like it, and they’re going to be vegan from that time on already. But for me now, if I eat so much like that, I feel very, very tired. It’s almost like a sacrifice. So later, if we have to entertain people, we push out those who still like to eat cooked food, to sit with them. Those who are very willing to sacrifice. (Master and everyone laugh.)

Fruit is very good for the body. It’s accepted easily, without any defense. You can eat fruit and drink juice and things like that. But go slow, go slow. Even though fruits are more acceptable to our body’s defense system than vegetables, don’t go so quick. Don’t go too fast or extremely. Maybe three days fruit and two days cooked food, or two days other food, two days fruit, and then slowly. Or one day a week and then slowly two days, three days. Like that, so the body has more time to adjust. Maybe it’s safer. Listen to your body’s demand also. If no good, the food is always still there for you. (Master and everyone laugh.) No problem. Just eat simply. Simplify life, so you’ll have more time to meditate. Because mostly we cook in the morning or at noon, when it’s the best time for meditation. I think you can understand now. When people first get initiation, I just tell them to be vegetarian, and they’re already saying, “No. How?” But now I think you’re grown up, and I think you can understand what I am saying better.

Yes, I’m sure you understand. You’re grown up now. I don’t need to baby-feed you anymore. Also, now that we have a lot of brothers and sisters, we have this supporting energy and atmosphere, so that you can accept new, better ideas, a better lifestyle, and better habits. Remember, I taught you how to breathe. Twenty times, 30 times, or 50 times a day like that, it’s fine. It’s also giving you extra energy and nutrition. Remember before, I taught you to breathe in deeply and out before your meditation, a long time ago. This is also very helpful to your health and a long, long life, and it’s extra nutrition. At the time of initiation, I say take a deep breath in and out before you meditate. Use that also, every time you remember, not just before meditation. Later, you’ll take a longer deep breath in and longer out. The more you do, it becomes a habit. So that will help you also.

http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/209/   Spiritual Tips



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編號:923 (2片裝)
日期:2010.12.09, 12.16

字幕:英、簡體中文、正體中文、悠樂、韓、日、蒙古、印尼、馬來、泰、印度、旁遮普、波斯、阿拉伯、俄、波蘭、保加利亞、匈牙利、克羅埃西亞、捷克、德、法、義、西班牙、葡 (25種)

清海無上師以英文講於墨西哥坎昆 2010.12.09 (DVD#923)











Be Selfless and Unconditional All the Time

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Cancún, Mexico, December 9, 2010
(Originally in English) (DVD#923)

Just be natural, be wise, be unconditional all the time,
like the Sun, the Moon, the sky. Be big, be grand, be limitless:
Then you are that.

Be selfless all the time, always unconditional. Never want to profit from any situation for yourself. Then you’ll get more than you expect. Always be selfless and unconditional. That’s the way of the working of the universe. If you want the Sun to bless you, then remember the Sun’s quality. He gives all the time and never asks anything from you. The Moon, the stars, the trees, the air – always ask nothing. That is the way we raise our consciousness and that’s how we can bless others, if we can be unconditional and selfless. There is no “I” to give, no “I” to take. That’s the best. If you still want to take even my blessing, you’re low. Okay? Low level. Just let it be. Naturally what’s yours will come. What naturally comes to you, then keep. Don’t try to grab anything. It is very uncomfortable for the person that you want to grab, and it’s bad for you, very bad. I mean, character-wise already, don’t have to talk about spiritual blessing or level.

Just be natural, be wise, be unconditional all the time, like the Sun, the Moon, the sky. Be big, be grand, be limitless: Then you are that. Don’t ask me to bless you. Bless yourself. Bless yourself with all these noble qualities, with the limitless power of love. Don’t be small; don’t be a beggar. Because you will be blessed. You are blessed all the time, 24 hours, 25 hours. Never worry that you don’t get blessing. Even if you don’t see the Master, you get blessed because the Master knows what you are doing. Don’t try to push, don’t try to always exhibit yourself in front of the Master so as to get more blessing. You’re wrong. You don’t get it that way. Or even if you do, it’s very little compared to what you will get if you don’t do that, if you just do your job.

We are all here for one purpose: to help the world and to do our job together. But if you just try to get something for yourself, then it is out of our group already, out of our principle. For example, if you’re assigned to do something, then just do that. We are noble, we are God. We don’t do this stuff. Not because I am strict, but I want you to be the God that you are. I don’t want you to be this kind of petty thief or beggar, even for spiritual blessing. You are blessed anyway, especially when you don’t grab it.

You’re blessed all the time, by remote control, by the Sun, by everything. Even if you are not blessed, so what? You have the Quan Yin Method already. You bless yourself. We are one. We don’t beg for anything. You are one. You are me. What’s mine is yours. I told you already, so you know what to expect. And you know me very well. I don’t want the un-God. I expect you to be the perfection, because I know you are the perfection. I only want Gods around me. God female, God male, God gay, lesbian God, big God, small God, fat God, skinny God. I don’t care. Have to be God. Okay? (Audience: Yes.) I love all types of Gods, but must be God.

All right. We have to work together. You drive with four wheels. I always say this. Four wheels have to drive together in the same direction. If one wheel wants to drive south, and the other three have to go north, do you think it will do? (Audience: No.) No. We have to be like one system. One. you have to do your job, I do my job. When we have time, we’re together like this. It’s excellent. Work is different. When we work, we have to do the job, and then we will have the reward after. Or not reward. Who cares? You have to wake up. It’s not the time to play baby anymore. We have to grow up now, be a man, woman, be the protectors of the planet, and work together with me, not work for me. Not work because of me. Not work because you want to see me or get blessing from me. No, no, none of all that rubbish. We are born with blessing power already. No need to ask anything more. Just meditate, do your noble job. That’s the big blessing to yourself, because that means you’re grown up. Means you’re noble, you’re a saint. You don’t ask for any reward. How can any saint be bigger than that? Then you congratulate yourself.

And I will love you forever. Whenever I see you, I’ll say, “Come here, please. Come, come see me.” Yes, I’ll do that, if you work for others unconditionally. I love you so much. Believe that. Even if I don’t see you, I love you, and you will feel it. But if you want to grab me and try to use any job or position just to get my attention or nose into my stuff or try to eat me alive, you get nothing. Understand? (Audience: Yes.) Be a God, be thankful for all the blessings that you have.

http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/eng/news/209/    Master’s Words

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字幕:阿拉伯、悠樂、保加利亞、簡體中文、正體中文、捷克、英、法、德、印度、匈牙利、印尼、日、韓、馬來西亞、蒙古、波斯、波蘭、葡萄牙、羅馬尼亞、俄、西班牙、泰 (23種)





















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清海無上師以英文講於美國夏威夷 1993.10.22















The Enlightened Witness

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
Hawaii, U.S.A., October 22, 1993
(Originally in English)

We don't reincarnate, but a part of our habits, our collective information reincarnates. So this part of us, which is called the intellect, or maybe the sixth consciousness, collects all kinds of karmic information. And then it recycles it again, like a Coca Cola bottle, or like some of the things in the United States now that they encourage people to recycle. It's the same thing; our 'bottles' are recycled. Each time they can be used, and they are still connected with other materials in this world, then we call it reincarnation; it's just a kind of recycling. The Coca Cola substance inside doesn't reincarnate, only the bottle does. Still, people can recognize that, or not recognize it. But the substance is still there, so they recognize it as recycled; we see it as recycled.

The things from which this bottle is made are not reincarnated; this is our real Self, our soul. Each time we want to experiment with new things, we bottle ourselves into a new recycled substance or subject; that's it. But then again, we're used to identifying ourselves with all this substance and information, so we say we reincarnate. But it's not true. We never die, and we are never born. We have always existed; we are the witness of all things created and destroyed in this universe. We always are the witness. But then sometimes we identify ourselves with the subject that we witness and with the circumstances in which we witness it, so we suffer or we have joy.

Just like when we watch TV, and we forget that it's only a movie, and we cry, or we laugh. We support this one, and we want to kill the other. Both of them have nothing to do with us, none of them are our enemies or friends, and none of them are real. But we hate that one: "Oh! That mustached one, he is a bad guy, kill him, kill him!" You sit in front of the screen, and you say, "Kill him! Kill that guy quickly!" Or "Get out, get out! He'll kill you! Get out, quick! This way, this way!" Like the personage on TV or the screen will actually listen to us or hear us, but they don't. They do what they have to do according to the director, not according to us. Therefore many of the movies' outcomes don't suit our taste; we want to change them. But what's the use? If we change it, it's not that movie any more. So the movie has to exist the way it is. Actually, we fool ourselves many times, and we can prove that every day; no need to talk about reincarnation, illusion or anything of this world, we can prove it.

I'll tell you a foolish story about myself. Yesterday or the day before yesterday, when I first came to Hawaii, they rented an apartment for me and our many staff members, like the ones who have to work close to me; also we have guests. It's a rented place for ten days, not much, cheap, but very big and near the beach. I was thinking to invite you there, but I don't know how to house you. It's big, but it's not that big! It's big enough for ten persons, but not for thousands. So now, the relativity of our world: Sometimes we say, "Wow, it's great!" But it's not that great compared to other things. We are always in illusion until we compare it against another background; then we know we are wrong.

It's similar with many practices. They practice, they eat vegetarian, they meditate and they are very good, but good to what point? Against our Quan Yin practitioners, they are just like half-cooked, half-baked cookies, for example! So, we know the good things and the great things in this world have their limits, compared to the Truth or the limitless almighty power of God.

Magic Mirror

Now, come back to my foolish story. I went into the room, fantastic, everywhere it had big mirrors, so I can see how pretty I am. (Audience laughs at Master's 'preening' gestures) And in the bedroom, there was a big mirror; I knew it was a mirror. Everyone immediately knew it was a mirror; there's no fooling about that. In the bathroom, there were also two windows, and from the two windows, you could see through to the sea.

Then when I looked into the mirror, I saw four windows. And I kept thinking, "How come the sea is over there?" I thought my place was situated on the edge of the water, and was surrounded by the sea. So, I could see the sea in that window, and I could see the sea through that window. And I fooled myself for two days. Can you believe it? Until one day I happened to look out of the real windows, and I saw there was no sea over there. And I said, "How come?" I looked back to the wall again where the mirror was and said, "Wow, there is the sea!" And even then, I did not understand.

So, they say the sage is like the fool. Actually, afterwards I remembered, "Oh, yes, it's the mirror!" But it was difficult to find out. You can't believe it. Because I was not used to this kind of scenery, two windows became four, that I hadn't seen before. And the sea was inside the wall. But it looked so real that I was mesmerized with the beauty of the sea through the windows and I forgot about the mirror. Really, I did! But it hit me like that: "My God! You are the Supreme Master, okay, but you don't realize the difference between the windows and the reflection of the windows." So, I laughed at myself, and had very good fun when I realized that.

But it surprised me that I didn't realize it was a reflection from the window. It really surprised me for many days. How could I be fooled so easily? Just because I love the sea, I focused on the sea. And I thought, "Wow! You can see the sea through the windows; fantastic, we have four windows and on all four sides is the sea." I was happy with the sea, and I forgot that it was an illusion. It's not that I couldn't find out, it's just that I was too fixated on the sea.

So, similarly in our daily life, most people are fixated on the object of their beloved desire. And then they forget the illusion, they forget the magic mirror. It's not that they can't find out; when they are ready, they'll find out. The Master will come, or they will wake up themselves. Actually when the Master comes, that means they wake up themselves. Otherwise, who can tell them they have it inside? Just like me: I have my eyes, the mirror is there, I can always find out, but then I am too fixated on the vision of the sea, and enjoying that. And it looked so real; I thought it was four windows. I'm telling you the truth; I'm not kidding you. I'm not telling a story to make a smooth gap between our lectures; it's a true story. I am that foolish. Can you believe it? And now, you follow me! (Audience laughs) So be careful where you're going with the mirror

Reflection vs. Reality

We are fixed in our illusions up to now, or still, sometimes. Therefore, we can't find the truth between illusion - the reflection or the shadow - and the real. So, we play up and down; we enjoy it. And sometimes we hit ourselves and we say, "How come?" It's not there because it's not there; it has never been there.

Similarly, our life is so real to us that we can not understand or believe that it is an illusion, that there is another real life, the true object of this shadow life. But when we close our eyes, we shut all our senses, and truly look for the real subject, then we realize, "Oh, there is a fantastic world, and that is real." It feels good there, it feels real, and it feels better than over here. So, that's when I look through the real window; the real wind is caressing my face, and all the trees outside are waving. Whereas in the mirror, it's a little bit different. I discovered that the four windows are different. Because in there are no trees, and out there are trees. And then I realized, "Ah! This is a different reflection only, so the angle is different." So, the reflected picture is missing some part.

Therefore in our real life, it's the same thing. The reflection is never perfect, because of a different-looking angle. And now we are not satisfied; that's that. You feel something phony about it. Then sooner or later, we will desire the real, and the reality will hit us. And then we know: There we are. That's why we make mistakes; that's why we stumble so far.

The Enlightened Witness

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清海無上師以英文講於法國 國際聚會2012.3.21~4.9間




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日期:2008.12.26, 2009.07.09-10







































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清海無上師以中文講於國際聚會 2009.07.18






Good Actions Bring Heavenly Benefits

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
at an international gathering
on July 18, 2009 (Originally in Chinese)

Thank you for supporting good ideals and helping the world, helping the planet, helping humans and helping animals. It’s good for you to do it: Good for you and good for your merit. Heaven takes note. Anything good you do is noted as good in Heaven. Also, anything bad we do reduces our points. Every good thing we do, every good job we do, a good profession even, earns points in Heaven. For example, if you are a farmer and you grow organic food for people, Heaven gives you very high points. If you make clothes or weave clothes for people, or blankets and all that, Heaven gives you very good points. For anything that benefits the children of God, Heaven gives you good points and high points; anything that’s harmful to the children of Heaven brings minus points. Not only bad points but minus points: minus and bad points, so we go down. Every good profession that fulfills people’s needs brings us up with good points. Good profession, good job—good points. Bad profession, bad job—bad points.

So even if you sell steamed buns, that’s a good profession. Even if it’s just part-time or a weekend job, it earns different points, more points, extra points, apart from meditation; and putting flyers in there is more extra points, and saves the planet. Because your idea, your heart wants to save the people, wants to save the humans and save the world. Six billion people, that’s a lot of merits! And many, many millions of animals; that’s a lot of merits also. So, put all your heart, your love into it. Then of course you have merits; even if you don’t want it, you have it.


Spiritual Tips


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日期:2008.8.20, 09.01, 
 12.06 & 22


清海無上師以英文講於國際聚會 2008.12.06












The Ego Separates Us from Our True Self

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, International Gathering,
December 6, 2008 (Originally in English)

Wisdom is really important; and ego, we have to cut it. The less ego, the better. It is a pity because we don’t really need this ego. The “I” that knows everything already, the “I” that is expert in this and specialist in that -- we don’t need all that. Because if we don’t have them, then we are more smart. We will become more intelligent, smarter, really.

The only reason I can do many things well and that everyone likes is because, perhaps, I have very little ego or none. I keep checking myself to see if any ego pops up. Perhaps the reason that your ego doesn’t go away is because you don’t have the chance to rub with other people, like no one checks you, no one fixes you; no one tells you what’s wrong with you because you don’t do anything with other people. Or, you are in a very high position outside in the society, like you are a boss or some director, manager, whatever; you are the one who tells everyone what to do all the time, and no one ever talks back at you. Also, sometimes even as a practitioner, you have no chance to be corrected by anyone else. But don’t be offended; cut that ego off. Okay?

It’s not enough that you meditate. You’ve got to be exposed to many situations to grow up. You have to go out and also react to the reality in order to have more intelligence. Meditation helps also, but if you don’t have a chance to polish it, then it doesn’t work.

If anyone at all scolds you, or even wrongly accuses you, be thankful for that person. That’s good for your humility, actually; and even if it’s not true, it’s also good for you. At that time, you check yourself out and then you know how much ego you have. If at that time you just still say, “Oh, I’m such a good person, why does he say like this and like this?” And you complain all day, and then you’ll begin to hate that person, then still it’s no good. Anyway, if someone corrects you in any way, that’s really good for you. You learn from that mistake, and you become better and better.

No one is bad, just ego is bad. Truly the egos is the worst enemy of everyone. Many people like to keep it, that’s the problem. If you listen to this ego too much, you forget your great Self, your intelligent Self, your wise wisdom Self. That is the only problem. It’s a pity if you keep listening to the ego, like you know too much and all that. Then you don’t know your real Self. The main problem is the ego separates us from our true Self, from the one who truly knows everything. If we just think we know everything about this world, then we don’t know our Self. That’s the greatest problem with the ego.

The ego is the greatest enemy. Sometimes the ego destroys a marriage, destroys a relationship, destroys a friendship, destroys the love between mother and son, or father and daughter even, because the ego causes conflict all the time—doesn’t want to do anything that is pleasing to the mother or father or pleasing to the partner, just wants to do the thing that causes trouble. Day after day like this, if a partner always causes trouble, then of course the relationship is broken. You cannot remember anything but bad things about each other—bad souvenirs, bad happening, bad events, bad result – and never good. So, of course the relationship cannot live this way, the marriage cannot continue.

This is just physically speaking. Talking about the spiritual level, of course you’re even far away from your Self. If you’re clinging to your worldly know-how a little bit, even if you don’t even know enough and you think you know a lot, and you just cling to that, then you don’t know your Self. For example, if you have something in front of you, like even just a thin curtain, you cannot see yourself through the mirror. But if that thin curtain falls down, then you can see yourself clearly. This is the ego problem. It just stands between people; it stands between your real Self and anything else that comes near you. Then it makes everything damaged or ruined or distorted; it is not the real thing anymore.

It’s a pity. This is not the thing we should keep. It’s our enemy. The little knowledge that we think we know—that is not our true knowledge. The ego is really hard to get rid of, very, very hard; and it ruins many things in this world. It causes war. It causes enemies and hatred, and ruin of nations. The people who have no ego never want to war with anyone because they can see through the uselessness of those things. So, ego is the worst enemy of everyone in this world.

Animals, they don’t have ego. True dogs, for example, don’t have any ego. They are so pure, that’s why they can love you every minute. Even if you just scold them, they come with wagging tail immediately, the moment you come and love them. They never hold any hatred within their heart for a second. You can see that. So if you want to see the egoless being, look at the dog. Truly it’s like that.

Most animals don’t have ego at all, until humans interfere and ruin their nature. That’s the problem. We humans not only ruin ourselves by our little so-called knowledge of the world, but we also ruin nature, and we also ruin animals. We force them into crazy behavior. I observed it all and I know it. It’s the truth. I’m not just telling it from books—it is truly like that.


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