目前分類:清海無上師甘露法語 (105)

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  • 我們如果還要求什麼,心還執著在哪一個地方,會被魔王利用,如果我們什麼都不怕,什麼都不要求,有什麼就好什麼,沒有什麼也好,就不會有任何陷阱,不怕任何風波。
  • 我們想別人,侍奉別人的時候,會忘記自己一點。
  • 如果我們真正的要求,真正的有勇氣,真正的渴望,誠心要求,十方佛菩薩會幫助。
  • 改變自己以後,我們還是有業障,但是跟沒有一樣,因為我們力量很大,耐心很強,我們道心很堅固,沒有人可以動。
  • 我們去那裡都儘量把自己變成大眾,也不是應該失去自己個人的口味,而是失去我執、抱怨心、不合作的心態和驕慢的看法,我們就會快樂。
  • 我們應該了脫自己的成見,才能夠碰到明師。
  • 我們不是每天拜佛而已,我們應該成佛。
  • 如果我們看到一個人精神很開朗,我們可以知道他智慧比較大、我慢比較小、度量很大,表示說他跟聖人、佛菩薩的果位比較接近。
  • 我們跟自己本人隔開的時候,才真的是孤獨的,跟別人隔開不會怎麼孤獨。





By Supreme Master Ching Hai (Originally in Chinese)


  • If we still demand something, or our heart is still attached to a certain place, we will be used by the King of Maya. When we have no more fear or demand, we are content with anything we have, even if we have nothing, then there won't be anymore traps. And we will not be afraid of any turmoil.
  • When we are thinking of serving others, we will somehow forget about ourselves.
  • If we truly ask for it, if we really have the courage, longing and sincerity to ask for it, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas (enlightened beings) of the ten directions would help us.
  • After changing ourselves, we still have the karma; but it is as if we don't have any. It is because our power is tremendous, our patience strong and our faith very firm; no one can shake us.
  • Wherever we are, endeavor to merge ourselves into the multitude. Not that we have to abandon our personal taste, but that we should forsake our ego, the grudging mind, the aversion to cooperate, and our arrogant perceptions; then we will be happy.
  • Only when we have rid ourselves of our preconceived ideas are we able to meet the enlightened Master.
  • Instead of only worshipping the enlightened Master everyday, we should become enlightened Masters ourselves.
  • When we observe someone very cheerful in spirit, we know that he has greater wisdom, less arrogance and is very magnanimous. This shows that he is closer to the level of the saints, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas.
  • We are really lonely when we are separated from our true selves; however, we don't feel that lonely when we are separated from others.




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  • 能超越物質層次的人就是出家人。

  • 逸樂的生活,會綁住我們。

  • 我們要生活快樂的話,要自己造出來快樂的氣氛。(原文為中文)

  • 每樣事物的價值,取決於我們如何看待它!

  • 我們自己創造一切,每樣我們尋找之物,都是我們曾經渴求,然後自己創造出來的。

  • http://www.godsdirectcontact.org.tw/ch/news/59/





By Supreme Master Ching Hai 
(Originally In English)

A man who grows above the physical level is a monk.

Comforts really bind us.

To live a happy life, we have to create a happy atmosphere for ourselves.(Originally In Chinese)

Everything's value depends on how much attachment we have for it.

Everything has been created by ourselves. Everything we seek now or later is what we want, what we created.


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By Suma Ching Hai (Originally In English)


*If you are enlightened, you are happy. The more happy, the more you believe in enlightenment, and the more you will appreciate God's nature.

*The things in this world we will enjoy if they are there. If they are not there, it makes no difference to us. That is the way of the enlightened spirit.

By Suma Ching Hai (Originally In Chinese)


*The more we broaden our mind, the more wisdom, power and benefits we will derive.

* In whatever you do, a good intent is not enough; you must do it with logic and wisdom to avoid making mistakes.

* When our actions are inspired by our inner self and done naturally, that is our original nature working.

* When we give anything to anyone, we are only fulfilling our obligation by giving what God has entrusted to us, to the rightful recipient.

* To cheerful people, anything is funny and any food is delicious.

* When we give anything to anyone, we are only fulfilling our obligation by giving what God has entrusted to us, to the rightful recipient.

* To cheerful people, anything is funny and any food is delicious.


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Anyone who is not able to impart you immediate light or sound is not a real master.

We must always be open and accepting, then we will find our life is terrific, is completely in harmony and beautiful, and is a blessing everyday, twenty-four hours.

We should practice for the sake of wisdom alone; for the sake of knowing ourselves; for the sake of knowing the origin of our home; and to be free, loving and happy. That's all there is.

Prayers begin after you have met a master, because the master awakens in you the prayer power -- the power to pray, the power to think, the power to use your own energy to make things come true.

If we know where to use our Universal Power, then we will become masters of ourselves, masters of our destinies, and we can lead many others to become masters of their own destinies as well.

Practice depends on merits, diligence and wisdom. It does not depend on the outside.

The world is in need of such fast working people. It is so desperately short of these fast thinking, intelligent, conscientious, moral and honest people. Therefore, the more the better.

The future is in our hands really. There are no aliens who can do anything about it. There is no God who punishes us. There is no enlightened being who blesses us. It's only ourselves. We have to make a choice, because that's how we grow -- by making a good choice.


Forsake everything and then you will have everything.

We should live with each other in love and don't mind the karma.




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By Suma Ching Hai



Spoken By Suma Ching Hai

(Originally in Chinese)


* When you practice well, a few words from you can give great blessing to others. Looking at him could give him many opportunities to tie an affinity with the Almighty. These are your magical powers.

* Magical power is: wherever we go, we cleanse the filthy atmosphere there. Magical power is using our hands to make a flower vase out of useless material, cultivating a vacant land into a fertile field, or transforming a dry wasteland into an orchard. These are our magical powers.

* When a depressed person with a deep inferiority complex comes to seek our help, we should help him. Help him to become a high-spirited and self-confident person with an ideal; one who is no longer disappointed in himself or wants to jump off a building. This is our magical power; and this is "giving alms of fearlessness," just like the Quan Yin Bodhisattva.

By Suma Ching Hai


* Whatever you have to do, do it well. Devote yourself entirely to the work so you don't waste time.

* To progress faster in spiritual practice, we must forget ourselves; be the lowliest person and do the dirtiest, the most unwanted work.

* Meditation is also work. At that time, we are getting our spirit's food supply and energy replenished for us to go out and fight again tomorrow.

* We are really enlightened only if we are flexible in our spiritual practice. We should act flexibly according to the situation, so that we don't get the "Zen symptom"!


* Being scolded by people is being praised by them!


* Before we become a fully enlightened being, we must first become human. After we have become a good human, then we will become a fully enlightened being.





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  • 如果我們多打坐,我們最後就會明白我們什麼都不缺。對我們而言 ,每一天都是奇蹟。我們變得更加快樂、有愛心,這就是上帝給我們的最好的禮物。








The Master Is Your Own 
Original Nature

By Supreme Master Ching Hai (Originally in English)

 If we meditate more and more, finally we know that we don't need anything. Everyday is a miracle for us, and we're happier and more loving everyday. That is the best gift from God.

In this world, apart from our spiritual practice, there is no other place or power that we can rely on. Violent martial arts and nuclear bombs can only destroy people, not win them over.

When you observe any goodness in yourself, develop it. When you observe any bad points in yourself, rectify them. Look at the positive aspects. It is not enough to just rely on meditation alone.

It is insufficient to just listen to Master's teachings; you have to put them into practice after hearing them. Learn how to distinguish between good and evil, true and false; and use Master's teachings in your life. Otherwise, you will be influenced by your ego, your desire for profit and fame, or the society outside; you won't be able to even control yourself. Once we get used to these kinds of behaviors, it is too late to change.

Impartiality is, if something is good, then say it is good; if something is bad, then say it is bad. Argumentatively saying that some bad thing is good, or forcibly turning all things into the same, equal value, is discrimination.

The Master is your own original nature, not the physical body of another person. Your practice is not good enough, so you don't understand; you think that Master is another person, or that Master scolds you because She is angry. Not so! It is you scolding yourself; it is your karma emerging, and you cleansing yourself. Therefore, everything is created by the mind!


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  • 每個開悟的人即是整部經典的具體化身,他能透澈地、正確地了解任何的經典。

  • 天堂、地獄和人間是提供給各種不同癖好的人選擇的。除非自願,我們不能強迫別人住在他們不喜歡的境界裡。

  • 靈魂永不滅亡,什麼災難或死亡都只是幻覺而已。

  • 祈禱的強度是我們能否得到答案的關鍵所在。

  • 我們應該像觀眾,必須有足夠的智慧及開悟來看宇宙的各種遊戲,那就不會受痛苦折磨。



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By Supreme Master Ching Hai (Originally in English) 

Anyone who is enlightened is the embodiment of the scriptures; they understand any scripture thoroughly and correctly.

Hell, heaven and the world are choices. Places different for different temperaments. We cannot force people to live in a different world, if they don't want to.

The soul never dies! Whatever, disaster or dying, is only illusion.

The intensity of our prayer is what makes it. That's what gets us the answer or not.

We have to be like an audience. We have to be wise enough, enlightened enough to watch all the games of the universe, and get out of the suffering.


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    • 不要被障礙、苦難打敗,也許今天我們不懂得怎麼反應,比較驚嚇一點,所以被打敗,那明天再繼續,有一天會好。




  • 當我們開悟的時候,我們會創造一個新的天堂;當我們做壞事或犯罪的時候,我們會創造一個新的地獄。不要認為地獄早已存在,等著你掉進去;不!天堂和地獄都是我們自己創造的。






Spoken By Supreme Ching Hai


  • Don't be defeated by obstacles and ordeals. Perhaps, we don't know how to react today, so we are frightened and defeated; try again tomorrow. We shall overcome someday.
     (Originally In Chinese)

  • When things are going smoothly and easily, be particularly concentrated; don't take it for granted and lose your humility and penitence. Otherwise, you will become sluggish and slow down, and will not progress further.
    (Originally In Chinese)

  • Religions all boil to nothing without actual experience. 
    (Originally In English)

  • How difficult it is to take people back to heaven, because of too many preconceived ideas, too many prejudices, too much ignorance. 
    (Originally In English)

  • When we get enlightenment, we will create a new heaven. And when we do something bad or sinful, we create a new hell. Do not think that hell exists already, waiting for you to fall into it. No, we create them. Heaven and hell are all our own creation. 
    (Originally In English)








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  • 如果我們一直奉獻自己,專心敬愛上帝,我們要什麼就有什麼,什麼都不缺。



  • 開悟不是說要將情緒完全消滅掉,而是知道怎麼運用情緒。



  • 真正能讓我們自由的只有真理,如果我們不了解真理,我們就會一直憂慮。



  • 我們只有在想念上帝、藉著光和音直接接觸上帝的時候,我們才會知道所有的事,那時不必向任何人學習,也不必閱讀書籍,不必看報紙,而我們會深切永恆了解一切。



  • 無條件地付出愛心,就是我們每個人所應遵循的生活之道,不論有沒有印心,不論信不信上帝。





By Supreme Master Ching Hai (Originally in English)

  • After we meditate, we know that nothing is so important, and we just feel happy and blissful.

  • If we always devote our lives to, and concentrate our love on God, everything we need will come, everything, absolutely everything.

  • We are free to express our inner feelings, our appreciation, and move. As long as we move with the rhythm of the universe and know God all the time, everything we do is perfect.

  • Enlightenment doesn't mean we should all together eliminate the emotions. We just know how to use them.

  • Every time we meditate, we thank God first, we pray for the less fortunate, and then we remember God with all the sweetness and devotion.

  • The only thing that sets us free is the Truth. If we don't know that we always worry.

  • That's how the world will become paradise. Everyone shares with each other. Everyone becomes happier. Then no one will want to steal from the neighbor, to hurt the neighbor, or to do anything else, because everyone will be happy.

  • Only when we meditate on God - have direct contact with God through the light and sound, do we know. We know everything without even learning from anyone, without reading books, without reading newspapers. We understand profoundly, and ever-lastingly.

  • The best thing is always simple and unconditional.

  • Unconditional and loving, that is the way everyone of us should lead our lives. With or without initiation, with or without the consciousness of God.

  • http://magazine.godsdirectcontact.net/english/51/



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  • ☆從認識真我的那刻起,所有的痛苦就會結束,即使有時候仍然會被別人的痛苦所影響,但是那種苦不會像未開悟前那麼深刻。

  • ☆如果人人都修觀音法門,大家都會好快樂、好滿足,世界不會再戰爭,不會再有匱乏,因為問題已經從根本解決。

  • ☆這個「人」只是生生世世習慣與思想的集合,我們不是這個「人」,我們從未分開過,我們是智慧、是愛、充滿整個宇宙,怎麼可能就這樣被一層皮隔開呢?


  • http://magazine.godsdirectcontact.net/chinese_t/50/

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By Suma Ching Hai


If everyone practices the Quan Yin Method, they will be so happy, contented, and satisfied that there will be no more war, no need for anything. Because the problem is taken care of from the root.


All the suffering will end the moment we know our true selves. Even though we sometimes still feel affected by the suffering of other people, we ourselves do not feel such a deep suffering like before enlightenment.


The person is only habit and thought collected life after life. We are not that person. We are never separated. We are wisdom, we are love. These things are all over the universe. How can it be separated by just a layer of skin?


Group meditation will help you with more power to overcome obstacles very quickly. So most of the problems you have are self-created. After initiation, if you follow the precepts, if you follow the pure vegetarian diet, and if you go to group meditation, you should have no problems whatsoever.




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u By Suma Ching Hai (Originally In English)


Always try to live our life with the most fulfilling program. Never idle your lifetime. Just do everything you want. Try to learn new things. Be outgoing. Be social. Be friendly; be loving to all the people and learn everything from each other. There is no need to sit there and feel miserable about your life, about your misfortune. There is no such misfortune in this life.


If you truly believe in your goodness, in what you are doing, you will influence other people. So one person makes a lot of difference. But if you don't believe, they will influence you. They'll try to make a strong person out of your personality.


Whatever you believe is good, stick to it and don't let other people make you waver; because the good example in this world is rare. So make yourself a good example.


Actually enlightenment comes by practice and in dealing with other people.


Great people are very humble. When we are not humble, we are not great.


What is the spirit of Zen? It is to enjoy today, to do today. No matter happiness or suffering, it is all today. Understand? Don't bother about the past. The past cannot be retrieved, alas! The future is not here yet. But very few people will devote their attention wholeheartedly to the present moment. That's why everyone suffers so much. (Originally In Chinese)


A Little Message


Note: Master's new terminology for God so that it represents both sexes is as follows:


SHE + HE becomes HES = hes (as in 'mess'). HER + HIM becomes HIRM = hirm (as in 'firm'). HERS + HIS becomes HIERS = hiers (as in 'beers'). Example: When God wants, Hes makes things happen according to Hiers will to suit Hirm.






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 ☆在修行方面,如果我們精神上、目標上都團結一致,就會利益我們自己 以及我們所願分享或願來分享的人。









  • ☆透過打坐來獲得更多的內在保護力及智慧,那是我們唯一能得到安全的方法。

  • ☆我們要盡最大的努力為這個世界祈禱、為我們自己祈禱;保護我們自己的道德、純潔及內在永恆的力量,那是我們唯一能夠得救的途徑。






    By Suma Ching Hai (Originally in Chinese)

    The only means that can provide security is to obtain more inner protective power and wisdom through meditation.

    Try our best to pray for this world, for ourselves, to protect ourselves, our morality, purity and the eternal power within ourselves. This is the only way that can save ourselves.

    Whatever you do, you represent the most high, because we follow the highest path, we worship only the most high. So we have to represent Hirm in speech, actions, and thought. At least, speech and actions. Though people do not know much about what you think, but at least your speech, your actions are easy to detect. We should live a simple life, not an impoverished life, not a messy life. Simple is different.


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  • 清海無上師



    • 謙卑心就是空心,沒有一點障礙、沒有我執、沒有驕慢、沒有地方可靠,已經空了,寶貝的東西才可以放進來,滿的心不能放。

    • 學佛只要有空心、謙卑心、真誠心就可以了。


    • 聖人之道是簡單而平常的,甚至不應該因為我們是聖人而受人尊敬,因為在我們來到這個世界之前,聖人就是我們原本的品質。

    • 一切的痛苦不是來自外在的情況,而是源自我們自己的態度。

    • 只有單純像聖人一般才會真正相信師父,將一切的榮譽都歸於師父,這才是真正無條件、無邪的愛。

    • 世界上的任何事對我們而言都是挑戰,如果我們知道如何去克服,我們就能回到天國,成為一個精神上全能的領袖。我們將會發現更多精神層面的價值,那不是在天國和上帝享受永恆單純的快樂所能了解的。

    • 事實上,世上沒有罪人,只有無明的人,他們不了解自己生命的目的,不知道如何去配合宇宙的偉大計畫。如果我們了解我們的本人、我們在天國或佛土真正偉大的地位,世上的痛苦將會變得微不足道。





    By Supreme Master Ching Hai (Originally In Chinese)

    • We have to respect ourselves before others will respect us. If we have no self-confidence, no one can have confidence in us. Not recognizing our own greatness, no one else can recognize our greagiess either.

    • A humble heart is an empty heart - no obstacles, no ego, no arrogance, having no place to rely on. Only when it is empty, can it accept the precious things that a filled heart cannot contain.

    • To learn the Truth, all one needs is an empty heart, a humble heart, a sincere heart.

    (Originally In English)

    • So actually sainthood is easy and ordinary. No one should even pay respect to us because we are saints. Because sainthood is the original nature of all beings before we came into this world.

    • The cause of all suffering is not through an external condition, but it is truly our own attitudes.

    • It takes a lot of saintly purity to believe in the Master, and to assign all credit to the Master. This is true, unconditional, innocent love

    • Everything in this world is really a challenge for us if we we know how to conquer them. Then we go up to heaven a mighty leader, spiritually. And then we will discover many, many more values in the spiritual dimension which we didn’t even know, even if we stay with God forever in eternity in pure happiness.

    • There are no sinners in this world actually. There are only ignorant persons who do not know the purpose of their life and who do not know how to go according to the great plan of the universe. The suffering in this world can become nothing if we know our real self, our real great position in the Kingdom of God or in the Buddha’s Land.

    • http://magazine.godsdirectcontact.net/english/47/

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    • 記得師父」就是記得師父的教理、美德及愛心,把師父的愛力、智慧及一切的良善品質牢記深心,並分享給任何需要的人。

    • 真正的保護是,只要你時時做有道德和正直的事,那麼道德、正直也會時時眷顧你。

    • http://magazine.godsdirectcontact.net/chinese_t/46/




      By The Supreme Master Ching Hai

    • Remembering the Master means remembering the teaching, the goodness of the Master, the love from the Master, and then deepening ourselves with this love, this wisdom, this goodness, and then sharing it with whomever necessary. That is remembering the Master.

      March 24, 1993 (Originally In English) 


      Whenever you always do virtuous and righteous things, righteousness and virtue will always come to your life. So that is the true protection.

      April 15, 1993 (Originally In English)


    • http://magazine.godsdirectcontact.net/english/46/ap.html


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    • 不論從事什麼工作,我們也都必須全心全意去做,同時也要盡己所能幫助我們的同胞,使他們快樂,讓他們感到被疼愛。

    • 我們的思想其實非常重要,我們應該照顧自己的思想,永遠「想好的」。

    • 我們也必須幫助社會,能做什麼就做什麼,以協助減少世界的苦難。這是最高雅的工作,不但被這個世界所承認,也會受到上天的讚歎。


    • 如果我們有一顆不求回報的心,真正用愛心來工作,那麼工作一定很順利。

    • 你們在誤會別人或是在爭論以前,先想想自己有沒有正確地了解對方的意思?自己有沒有正確做到師父要我們做的事情?任何時候都往內邊看、自我檢討,以便跟自己的理解能力、智慧溝通,這樣子才不會做錯。

    • 我執、自滿和自尊心是我們最大的敵人,也是我們團體最大的敵人,除此無它。

    • 在一個團體裡面,如果每個人都有共同的理想,能互相忍讓,都為同樣高尚的理想而服務大眾,這樣子一定會很快樂、很舒服。

    • 我們集中注意力,自自然然做事的時候,結果才會完美;因為這是從上帝來,從我們的智慧來的,從我們真正的本性來的。一但我們有了期待心、驕慢心和心機,就會做錯。

    • 幫助師父使命一釐一分,給人家機會修行,給別人機會回頭是岸,就是多放一塊磚頭在我們回天國的路。

    • 每個修行者都有本分用各種方式弘法,不是師父一個人,不是上台講經才弘法。

    • 尊重任何人,以純淨的眼光看任何人。這樣做永遠對自己有益處,這是看待別人的最佳方式。

    • 我們誠心在替師父工作的時候,為了要面對很多場合,會自己發明很多方式。那個時候我們會發現到自己的智慧,也會發現自己從不知道的能力、才華。



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    • 我們能和別人談論之前,我們自己必須先做得到,否則那只是空洞的言論,沒人要聽,即使他們可能會聽,但在心裡,他們覺得這並不是真的。 





    * We have to bring peace everywhere. We have to cultivate it within so that everywhere we go, we represent that. We are the peace, we are the Kingdom of God, we are the angel, we are the Buddha.

    * We have to be something before we can talk to other people. If not, it's empty talk, nobody will listen. Even though they might listen, but inside they feel this is not true.

    By the Supreme Master Ching Hai (Originally in English)


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    挑戰愈大,我們靈性的領悟及成長也愈大。  (原文為英文)












    • The greater the challenge, the greater our spiritual understanding and growth. (Originally in English)


    • The most important in this world, regardless whatever our mission, is love one another, love each other. If we do not do that then we lack a lot of things. (Originally in English)


    • Whenever the situation needs our love to show it, we have to show our love and we have to show some actions, speech and thoughts always in loving kindness. That's the best for our spiritual growth and best for our fellow beings. (Originally in English)


    • We all have the same portion of love and power within ourselves, and if we don't use it, it's the greatest waste on earth. Doesn't matter how much we recycle materials, we still waste. The most wasting is that we don't know we have wisdom, we don't know we have God's power, we forget that we are the children of God. (Originally in English)


    • The one who gives offerings must be willing, pure at heart and have pure intentions, and the one who receives the offerings must have pure intentions and be pure at heart as well. Thus both shall receive blessings.


    • The family provides a very important lesson in your learning process. Therefore, you must take good care of your families, learn to understand their needs, and try to satisfy their wishes. The wives should not be too vicious, and the husbands should not be too authoritative.


    • When we free ourselves from the concepts of attachment, negative thinking and binding passions, then we are liberated in this life time.


    • Everything is a habit. We learn the way of wisdom is the way of flexibility. When we are so used to flexibility, so used to all kinds of sudden changes, we are so used to immediate action, spontaneous action, not preconceived action, that's the best way. (Originally in English)


    • Always rely on yourself, be really frank, and practice diligently, in order to be liberated from this suffering ocean, to understand better the universe and yourself.






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    Persistent Optimism In Adversity

    By The Supreme Master Ching Hai


    Since ancient times, all great spiritual practitioners, great kings, and great men have succeeded through perseverance. They did not succeed in an instant. Therefore, when we encounter difficulties, we ought to thank the Creator, God Almighty for giving us the opportunity to discipline our patience.


    No matter what situation we are in, we must look on the bright side. Look at the optimistic side. Don't pick on the little things. We should turn the undesirable situation into one that will benefit us.


    Even though we live in a place where there is no freedom, but if our hearts are filled with happiness and satisfaction, obtaining the inner source of happiness, then we are truly free.


    There is a kind of freedom, which, once we have obtained, no one can tempt away from us nor can anyone destroy it. This kind of spiritual freedom can only be achieved by spiritual practitioners. Once we have this kind of freedom, even if our bodies are confined or tortured, our spirits will not be affected.


    Nothing is truly difficult. It depends on whether we want to change ourselves, to recognize honestly which are the good qualities in us and which are deceiving and harmful to us. We have to be honest with ourselves because no one can tell us. Even though we know, but if we are too stubborn or too lazy to change, or too concerned about our image to admit and correct the fault, then it will bring a lot of trouble.


    It is enough for us if everything we do is from inside and we know our own nature and standpoint. We should not imitate others.


    Every time we extend loving kindness, tolerance and understanding to others, at that time we create heaven. (Originally in English)


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