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清海無上師以英文講於英國倫敦 1999.06.09(DVD#662)



:我不太清楚要怎麼給上帝下定義,就像你在談戀愛時,很難給「愛」下定義一樣,不過我會試試看。我只是擔心連地球上口才最好的人,都無法用人類有限的語言來讚美上帝(大眾鼓掌)。我只能很謙卑地告訴你,上帝就是創造我們的那一位。我們來自上帝,而且終將回歸於祂。你可以稱呼祂別的名字,比如:至高無上、天父、聖母、佛菩薩、佛祖、佛性、阿拉等等,而人類所使用的最神聖莊嚴的一個稱呼就是「上帝」,所以我就暫時用這個名字來為各位描述我們的天父。祂化育了所有的眾生,並賜予這個世界愛與生命。 沒有上帝,我們連在這裡呼吸都辦不到,我們身體會無法運作,甚至也沒辦法思考。祂是所有智慧和快樂的泉源,你們一生當中最快樂的時刻,就是最接近天堂至喜、最接近上帝的時候。當你們最有愛心、無條件奉獻時,那就是上帝在你們內邊示現的時候。你們的內邊和外在越顯現這種品質,就表示你們離上帝越近。上帝不是我們可以談論的,我們只能去感受祂、認識祂、享受祂,因為上帝是無邊的愛力和保護力,祂寬容慈悲並賜予平安。一旦我們認識上帝並信靠祂,就會無所畏懼。正如聖經所言:「上帝就是我的牧者,我必不致缺乏。」唯有我們認識上帝時,才能那樣說







Selected Questions and Answers

Describing God by Experiencing God

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, London, England, June 9, 1999 (Originally in English) DVD #662

Q: Could you define God? You use the word “God” very often. What is your meaning?

M: I don’t really know how to define Hirm. It is as difficult as to define love when you fall in love. But I’ll try. I am just afraid that even the most eloquent person on this planet cannot glorify God with this limited language of humankind. (Applause) I can only tell you very humbly that God is the One who created us. From God we came out, and to God we will return. You can call Hirm another name: the Most High, the Father, the Mother, the Buddha, the Chief Buddha, the Buddha Nature, the Allah or whatever. The most holy or sacred name that humankind uses is “God.” So I also temporarily have to use that name to describe our Father to you, the Creator of all beings, the One who gives us all love and life in this world.

Without God, we could not even breathe here! We could not function and we could not even think. Hes is the source of all wisdom and all happiness. When you’re in the most happy moment of your life, that’s when you are very close to the happiness of Heaven and close to God. When you’re most loving in your heart, when you give unconditionally, that is when God manifests within you. And the more this quality manifests within and without you, that means the more you are close to God. God is not something we can talk about. We can only feel it. We can know it, and we can enjoy; because God is a tremendous power of love and protection and forgiveness and safety. Once we rest in the knowledge and the recognition of God, we fear nothing. Just like the Bible says, “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.” Only when we know God, can we say that. 


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free will


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai 
March 27, 1996 Cambodia (Originally in Chinese)

We have various options in this world. The universe is not as rigid and dull as you might think. So, it's really up to you to decide what you want to do and how much of a load and responsibility you want to handle. You can do it as long as you don't hurt other people. God has a few wishes, but we make the choices ourselves. Otherwise, it would be too boring if everything were predestined. We can change things, but we must make good changes, and then it is okay.

 For example, this package of tissues in my hand, I can keep it for my own use, or I can toss the tissues to people in need - two or three of them. I can toss them in different directions. I can also discard the packet in the dustbin and then no one can use it. If I keep it, I am the only one who can use it; however, people can make use of these tissues if I put some everywhere. In this way, I have many choices. It's up to me to decide, and that's all right. It's impossible to say that God has arranged for me to throw this packet of tissues to a designated person. It can't be like that. The universe isn't that monotonous; we have many choices.

All kinds of religions talk about free will, which sometimes brings harm to many people as well as ourselves and makes us transmigrate. If we make a good decision, the result will be good, and we'll reap the benefits. Otherwise, we'll have to shoulder a heavy responsibility that makes us feel uncomfortable and is very tiresome. Even worse, we'll have to come back to amend the things we've done wrong, compensate for the harm that we've done or the losses that all those people have incurred. That's just the way it is.

It's true; nothing is really good or bad in the universe, it's only a cycle. Everyone plays his or her role, and we go back to rest when the time comes. However, this is not an excuse for us to act irresponsibly. Certainly, we must choose to do good things because they will benefit us and others, too; and we won't have to exhaust ourselves with transmigration. There are many obstacles each time we come here. It's not definite that we can fix the things we've done wrong within the periods of time that we're back. Consequently, we have to carry on this way until all has been amended, and sometimes this takes thousands of years.

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai
International 7-Day Retreat; Formosa October 29, 1995
(Originally in English)

Please remember to do the Quan Yin according to the proper proportions. The Quan Yin is the one to clean. Sometimes people sit there and they don't do the Quan Yin. In that case, they cannot progress very quickly. Also, try to check your thoughts. If you check your thoughts, there is no bad speech and there are no bad deeds. If one thought arises and you check it immediately, it will not come out of your mouth or result in action. So, thought is important. Don't follow your passion or your thoughts, in your mind. You remind each other. The precepts begin from your thoughts. Purity begins from your thoughts. So, check your own thinking.

Respect the Temple of God Free Will

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清海無上師以英文講於英國舍瑞 2006.01.03





































Simple Living, Good Meditation

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Surrey, United Kingdom, 
January 7, 2006, (Originally in English)

P: We came here and found work.

M: It’s easy?

P: Just simple jobs.

M: Is it easy to find a job here?

P: It’s very easy. If you want a simple job, doing cleaning and things, it’s very simple.

M: Yes, why not? Just enough to live, my God!

P: Yes, there are a lot of jobs in cleaning.

M: No need to have a big deal job if you’re simple.

P: We have a lot of time free as well for meditation, because we work very early in the morning.

M: You work in the morning here, now? (P: At 4 or 5 o’clock, we go and do our cleaning jobs.) Wow, that’s very diligent! (P: And then we’ve got most of the day free.) Oh, I’m impressed! (P: It’s a great life! It’s very nice.) I’m impressed! Both of you are working together?

P: Yes, we both clean together.

M: But, where did you get the cleaning job?

P: In offices, and in people’s houses sometimes.

M: Oh, I see, I see. So, you’re employed by a company, or just freelance?

P: Some are freelance and some are through an agency.

M: And you’re fine with that? (P: Oh, we like it.) You both earn enough?

P: To live on, yes!

M: Yes, you look happy! (P: Oh, very!) You’re both very wise.

P: We’re very, very happy! It’s through all Your help, and just because of You.

M: Why? What did I do?

P: Miracles every day! You gave us some advice on a video to do very simple work, cleaning, and it’s worked out beautifully.

M: Yes! If you want to be president of the United States, I cannot guarantee that. But if you just want to have an honest living, by the labor of your hands, there’s plenty! Just take the jobs that other people don’t want and that don’t need thinking too much. Then your mind is free, also. Recite the Holy Names all the while, blessing their home, and get paid for it!

P: And we listen to Your MP3s when we’re cleaning, too, with Your music and chanting and lectures.

M: Oh, that’s nice. Also, it’s very healthy to do exercise. Some people have to pay lots of money to go to the gym. And here, you just lift the chair and clean the table! (Laughter)

Q: I used to have a problem in my knees when I meditated, but since I’ve been cleaning, with so much exercise and bending, I have no problem now.

M: It’s also the karma. If we do some work to earn a living, it’s better for everything. You feel good in there (Master gestures toward Her heart), so when you feel good, the body feels good. It’s connected, the emotional, spiritual, mental and physical; they are all connected. Yes, you know that very well. Sometimes when you are very depressed, you easily get sick. And then there’s pain here, pain there, pain everywhere. So some people look down upon physical work, like cleaning or doing anything. I don’t! I have respect for everyone who gets a job and gets paid. As long as you get paid, I have respect for you. (Everyone laughs)

P: The people are really happy to find their houses all clean when they get home from work. (Master: Yes?) And we’ve found that people who don’t even know us just leave us their key, and then we just go and clean. They are very trusting, which is lovely, very trusting to leave us their house to clean.

M: Yes, it’s because you are good. They can feel it. (P: Yes, it’s nice.) That’s good. I’m happy for you. And you are happy, yes? (P: Every day!) Good!

P: We say thank You every day.

M: You are so good! You are good people. (P: Thank You, Master.) No, it’s you who are good also. Because you are good, you have your self-esteem and self-confidence. You just do whatever, and you still feel great. Some people don’t have self-respect, so they think they have to be something in order to respect themselves. In our group, it’s different. You do what you do, and as long as you take care of yourself, earn an honest living if you can, that’s all we want. We don’t care who you are, normally. I never ask! At the time of initiation, they do ask you what you do, just in case, in a group or if they go to disaster victims or something, they know who is capable of what. Or maybe if you are in a Center, you are appointed to work at something. If you’re an electrician, you take care of the electricity in the Center in case something goes wrong. That’s all.

But I never need to know. I don’t even know! For most of you, I don’t know who or what you’re doing. Sometimes I ask, just for conversation, just to talk. But I don’t need to know who you are. I don’t need you, totally! I just need to know that you are happy, like you’re doing the cleaning job, you are really living my teachings. You go earn your honest living and you take care of yourselves and you save time to meditate. That is the most respectful thing you could ever do. When you do this or that job and just earn a little money to take care of yourself, you don’t bother anyone and you don’t incur any trouble. Because sometimes the more you spend, the more you have to borrow, and that binds you, which is no good. Better live within our means, with whatever you have. If you have big, then spend big. If you have small, spend small.


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清海無上師以英文講於匈牙利歐禪 2005.02.24










Giving Goes Beyond Destiny

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, European Retreat in Hungary, 
February 24, 2005 (Originally in English)

Q: I understand that we don’t have to choose much because everything is destiny anyhow. (Master: Yes.) So, what does it mean that we have to do our best, if there is nothing to do, anyway?

M: We do that for the future. We do our best, like we meditate. That’s for Heaven; that’s a different reward.

Q: Yes, but is that really all we can do? Is there nothing that’s best for us to do?

M: You try your best. If you cannot do it, then you know it’s not yours. But you try your best in some way; for instance, if you want to help other people, you can always do that. You don’t need destiny for that. Destiny is only what happens to you and what you can have. But what you want to share, what you want to give, is always available. It’s free! Whatever you want to do, which is good for other people, is always free.

There are free things in the spiritual domain, the same as free things in life. In life you have to pay for many things, but there are free things also, like free education, free medical check-ups, free air and so on. These are free. Sometimes, the government has a grant. That’s something free. Maybe not a lot, but it’s something free.

Some people don’t have money or don’t want to spend money. So you know how they do it? They have a party every week! They go to those opening parties or weddings or funerals, where no one checks you. They look at the newspaper, and always there’s some party here or party there. So they go there all the time! They have free drinks and free food, and then go on to the next. The whole of their life is a free party.

I am not telling you to do that! (Laughter) It’s just an example of the free things in life that you could have. So, our free thing in life is that we can give to others. We can love: We can share spiritual news, spiritual merit and spiritual energy. That’s a free thing you can do. No one can stop you.


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清海無上師以英文講於英國倫敦 2005.12.31

















Selected Questions and Answers

Make Your Life
a Shining Example of God’s Love

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
London, United Kingdom, December 31, 2005 (Originally in English)


Q: How can I be motivated and be happy to live in this society? Because inside me, I want to run away and just focus on You. But then I tell myself that I have to be like You, to be strong and to survive in this society and also maintain my spiritual practice.

M: Yes, that’s right. That will make you strong. How old are you? (Q: I am 22.) Only 22! You have a lot to do. Don’t worry; just keep going.

Q: Thank You for Your blessing. I know that You are with me.

M: You look so young and beautiful. Stay out there and make a shining example. If everyone comes and follows me or hides in the mountain, no one will know anything else. You have to be my eyes, my ears, my hands, my blessings extended, my love, my example. If people see you, they see me, and they follow you. That’s the way we bless the world. That’s why we practice.

Q: Thank You.

M: You are welcome. I’m not running away anywhere. It’s just that there are times when Heaven says No. At that time, I have to do something else, spiritually. Sometimes it looks like materially, but it’s also spiritually. At different times, I do different things. We are not running anywhere at all. If we run, then we run up there, to Heaven, at the last minute! (Master laughs) We are not running anywhere; we stay here.

Q: And be strong.

M: Yes, be strong, because all this work and all these challenges make you more intelligent. And all the suffering sometimes makes you more compassionate. Everything is good for us. If not, then at least we clean the karma, our karma. I mean, your karma. (Everyone laughs) OK, our karma; we’re together, as accomplices, right? Alright, love! Don’t worry. (Q: I love You.) You’re doing fine. I love you, too. I am so proud of you guys, especially the young ones. It’s very difficult. In this society, there are so many temptations. And you’re young and vulnerable to all kinds of attack and all kinds of seduction, and yet you still go on being vegetarian and non-violent, keeping the Precepts and meditating as much as possible. That’s very fantastic! I am very proud of you. Don’t worry, you are fine.

Q: I am so proud to have You as my Master.

M: Many things I do, you’d be very proud! (Laughter) But I don’t tell you. Because mostly I do it quietly, similar to the things that you are doing. Over the years, and this year, there are so many disasters and all. I am so proud of you; I am very pleased that all of you around the world have been extending my love to every corner that needs it. We do the best we can to comfort the living and to save the dead, or their souls; it is important that the soul is saved, not the body. If we can save the body, we do that as well. But if not, more importantly is the soul. When the soul leaves the body, we take care. That’s more important than even giving aid. But we do both.

That’s the best way. I cannot think of anything else better to give to the society than what we are doing. We help spiritually, silently or quietly, with books, with tapes, with talks, with your beautiful energy, and we give also material aid. I don’t think we can do any better than that. I don’t think anyone or any group on this planet could do better than what we do. So I’m very proud of you. And I thank you also, all of you out there (Master looks directly into the camera and gestures to indicate all practitioners in the world), for being a good example.

Q: Thank You, Master.

M: We have Home to go to anyway. That’s the thing. We just sojourn here for a while. For most of us, it doesn’t take long, right? (Q: Yes.) No, you’re still young. You stay here! For you it’s not that quick. But quick or not quick, it is the same. A few years more, a few years less, and we’re done. And then, we leave the legacy behind us. After we leave the world, after we leave this planet, we don’t leave the physical body here, but we leave a beautiful spiritual inheritance for our next generations. That’s the best gift we can give to the planet. Many people don’t appreciate it, but we don’t do it for appreciation. Just like when we help with the physical disaster, we don’t ask for anything in return. It’s the same.

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Selected Questions and Answers

All Beings Are Linked by the            
    Invisible Force of Love


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Stockholm, Sweden, May 31, 1999
(Originally in English)
Videotape #655 (Part II)

Q: What is your view, dear Master, of humankind’s role in the universe? Are we equal to all other intelligent and emotional organisms, even those who eventually prosper in other planet systems?

M: We are all equal, spiritually. But some of the other planets are more advanced in spiritual progress than us, and some are less advanced in spiritual progress. Some are more advanced in technology, while some are less advanced in technology.

There are all kinds of beings in the universe, and God made them just as God made us. Some are coarser; the energy of their being is denser than ours. Some have less density so they are more invisible. But every being in this universe is necessary and has a very essential part in the whole creation, just like every brick in this building is very important. We are all linked together by an invisible force of love.

That’s why we should love one another and should not make war; we should not cause hatred or suffering because we depend on each other to live. It’s just that we have forgotten. That’s why we should be kind also, even to animals; we should be vegetarian.


Cherish the Spiritual Value of Family

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Stockholm, Sweden,
May 31, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #655 (Part II)

Q: What is your view of family?

M: Family is very good for you. Life can be lonely and a struggle without the support of loved ones. The family should be your cherished treasure. You should love them, appreciate them and make them feel happy the way they want, not just the way you want. The more love and sacrifice you put into your family, the more you will get in return, and the more you will all be happy together.

You can live alone, but you can also live with family. And if you have family, you should be the best family member. The family is the foundation of the world. We should take care that it stays intact and beautiful.



Renewing the Soul’s Connection

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Stockholm, Sweden,
May 31, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #655 (Part II)

Q: Dear Master, You are as beautiful as the eternal Queen. I am a very bright and eternally happy soul, who sees more than other people. This makes me attract very dark forces. Because envious people are against me, my life has been very tough. I know that God is there all the time, but why are those dark forces all around my body? I am working actively to know the white Light, so why those dark forces?

M: Get initiation and get the protection. Some people are very sensitive souls, and they’re open. Their heart is open, their spiritual center is open, but they don’t know how to deal with or how to screen the different forces that come through the open gates. So I will teach you at the time of initiation how to protect yourself. That’s why you should learn properly; don’t just meditate alone or learn from a book, because the book doesn’t empower you; it doesn’t awaken the spiritual protection from God. So you might be prone to danger or all kinds of attack from different forces, good and bad, that are all coming because there’s no guard at the door.

Also, during our life we should raise our consciousness to more noble goals, helping others to know God, helping others in need and aiming to think of God all the time, thinking of a more noble way of life. Then we will rise up to a higher level, where the lower level cannot reach us. Because the more we think negatively, the more we attract the negative force; and the more we attract the negative force, the more we can’t think positively. And so we keep being pressed down, and that’s no good.

I know it’s easier said than done, but you can try. Try to associate with more noble souls who have a higher purpose in life. Then they will also help you by holding your hand and lifting you up, so then you will become strong again and you can walk alone. Our people are a very highly energetic and positive group! Associate with them for a while, and it definitely will help you elevate your spirit. Sometimes if you keep dark or bad company when you’re not strong enough to help them, they will also “help” you and drag you down. So it’s better to be with positive people, at least in the beginning. That’s why we have things like group meditation weekly, so you can support one another until you can be free and walk as a Master yourself. You can also share problems, because a problem shared is a problem halved; and then they can help you.

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日期:2011.01.01, 08.16

字幕:英、簡體中文、正體中文、悠樂、韓、日、蒙古、印尼、泰、印度、旁遮普、希伯來、波斯、阿拉伯、土耳其、俄、波蘭、羅馬尼亞、匈牙利、德、法、義、西、葡、荷蘭、烏都 (26種)

在福爾摩沙西湖道場舉行的視訊會議 2011.08.16



清海無上師: 現在都很亂啦,哪一種天災都有。不是地震,就是颱風;不是颱風,就是水災;不是水災,就是旱災;不是旱災,就是熱浪。不然的話,我們現在還有一個很大的危險,那就是太陽!太陽也許會改變自己,然後影響我們很大!如果太陽爆發,或是送太多它的熱量給我們,那就不用談地球別的災難了。還有,宇宙也送過來給我們一種很大的能量。


清海無上師: 是。還有一種是從宇宙中送過來給我們的能量。


清海無上師: 大概是破壞性的,因為我們沒辦法承受這種能量,地球的人太弱了。除非全球都改吃純素,而且每個人都整理自己內邊的道德,我們才能抵抗這種宇宙爆發的能量。


清海無上師: 是,是。還有太陽的方面--如果我們沒有道德力量的話,沒有任何科技或科學方法能夠保護我們。所以我才一直提醒大家要返回我們內邊道德的佛性,也就是善良的本性。不過不是那麼容易。副總統您很清楚,所以您才勸人少吃肉,如果不能完全戒除的話。我是不能只告訴人們少吃肉的。


清海無上師: 我們還是有希望,不可能沒有希望。所以我才繼續每天打坐十幾個小時,幾乎整天整晚。有時休息1小時或半小時,因為要整理自己、照顧狗、擦洗房子,比方說這樣。不然的話,我都在打坐,求上天保佑我們,還有從內邊提醒大家要返回我們的本來面目,就是有慈悲心,也就是佛性。







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清海無上師透過網際網路視訊會議以英文對德國漢堡同修開示 2002.10.06




Sincerity and Concentration Determine the Effects of Group Meditation

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Videoconference with initiates
from San Jose, Costa Rica,
September 28, 2002
(Originally in English)

Q: During group meditation, the karma and energy are shared. How much does this affect the practitioners?

M: It depends on your sincerity and concentration at the time. The more concentrated and sincere you are, the more blessing you get from your share. You only get as much as you can receive so concentrate, be sincere!

Overcome the Karmic Obstacles on the Spiritual Path

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Videoconference with initiates
from Hamburg, Germany, October 6, 2002 (Originally in English)

Q: Everyone has reached a certain level so is it possible for us to fall to a lower level?

M: For a while, yes, but mostly not. For example, if you’re going upward and then suddenly accrue some bad karma, of course you have to be cleansed. And it seems as though you’re going downward, but you’re not. It’s just a cleansing process. Most of the time you just go up. You never go downward and anything that happens just slows down your progress. It’s like an obstacle, like you’re driving on the highway very nicely and suddenly there’s a stone in the road or a carcass or some dead animal, and you have to stop or go sideways and then around it or remove the obstacle and go on. It only slows you down.

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Concentration Can Be Affected
by Many Factors

Q: I have a little bit of difficulty with my concentration. There are times I can concentrate better than others, but sometimes my concentration is scattered. And I just wanted to know if You could help me find the best way to try and concentrate better so that my concentration is more strong and one-pointed. Because I find sometimes I have difficulty with that.

M: I know, I know. They all do: Ask them! You are not the only one; you can say “we.” You don’t have to say “I.” (Laughter) Don’t worry. The concentration doesn’t always depend on you alone. It can depend on what you have just eaten, or whom you have just met, or which television show you’ve just seen or what magazine you’ve just read. It’s very tricky. Or, wherever you’ve just been, meaning the environment or the energy of that place. But it’s always like that. So just try your best; that’s all I can say. Try your best, and don’t worry.


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清海無上師以英文講於英國舍瑞 2006.01.02 



















Life's Challenges Can't Be Solved with Absolute Answers

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai,
Surrey, United Kingdom
January 2, 2006 (Originally in English)

M: When you have any problem, the only solution is to meditate. I don’t know what else to say. And then, the answer might not come right away, but it will come if you concentrate well. Then the idea will just come. And if you’re still not sure, then just take one red and one green candy, and toss them around like this. Pray to Master: “Green is ‘OK’; red is ‘No.’” (Laughter) But this is not always accurate. Do you know why? You know why it’s not always accurate?

Practitioners 1: There’s only a 50 percent chance of being right.

M: But why?

P1: It’s like gambling. Basically, it’s just destiny.

M: You mean you can’t change your fate, because of destiny?

P1: You can change it. So if you picked green, then you could change it through your meditation.

M: No, I asked you why it is not always accurate. My brother, what is it? How come you men don’t listen well! (Master allows another person to speak) Tell me!

Practitioners 2: The karma’s always changing.

M: That’s possible.

Practitioner 3: You didn’t concentrate well enough when you meditated.

M: True, also!

Practitioner 4: Because of the mind.

M: Yes! Mind, meditation and karma..

Practitioner 5: There could be a few solutions to one situation.

M: Also, yes! You guys are good! (Master jokes) Good misunderstanding! There’s not always a definite ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to a solution. There’s always some string attached, so you choose whatever way you think is the best. And every time we choose something, there is something else to go with it, like an extra ‘gift.’ So unless you go really high and then you can see very well, you otherwise mostly have to rely on intuition and karmic destination.

And even then, if you go very high up and you know the things well, sometimes you still cannot act according to what you want, really. Because the karma from ‘behind,’ be it from the past lives, the present life and the other people involved - the friends, the enemies, the ex-life relatives, the ex-life husband or wife -- all these things can sometimes make our life difficult, colorful and challenging. And that’s what we call life. C’est la vie! (Such is life!)


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清海無上師以英文講於澳洲布里斯本 1993.03.20(影帶編號#337)










清海無上師以英文講於美國加州洛杉磯 1999.10.30 (影帶編號#665上集)


Selected Questions and Answers

Learn to be Compassionate from Small Ways

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Brisbane, Australia, March 20, 1993 (Originally in English) Videotape #337

Q: What should a non-compassionate person (someone who is not compassionate, but who recognizes that he is not compassionate) do with himself? Fake compassion or gain it in stages?

M: I would recommend the second. [Laughter] If we don’t have it, then at least we start with learning. I wouldn’t say fake compassion, but learn compassion. Just like a student who has not been able to speak English, but he may repeat it from the teacher. Even though he doesn’t know the whole vocabulary in English literature, at least he learns a few phrases and memorizes a few pages each day until he completes his course. Each one has to learn. There’s no one who is a fake; it’s just that he hasn’t learned. No one has taught him, and he has not practiced the art of compassion. Try to do it in a small way and gradually increase until you’re completely being compassionate without knowing, without self-consciously being compassionate.


The Highest Realms 
Are Ruled with Love and Grace

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Stockholm, Sweden, 
May 31, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #655 (Part I)

Q: What is universal law?

M: Universal law has two classes: One is the law of absolute love and grace, while the other is the law of action and retribution. When we’re in the higher dimensions of the Kingdom, then we have only love and grace; that’s the only law. But when we’re in the lower scales of the universe such as this physical dimension, we have to abide by the law of cause and effect. That’s what is meant by As you sow, so shall you reap in the Bible.

So, most people who are not in contact with God have to suffer the law of cause and retribution. But for those who can ascend to a higher dimension, they enjoy only grace and love. God never judges us. 


Give Unconditionally and Let God Take Care of the Rest

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Los Angeles, CA, USA, October 30, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #665 (Part I)

Q: Master, I often encounter beggars on the streets, and they ask for money. And I don’t know whether they want to use the money for food or for alcohol or drugs. What’s the spiritually noble thing to do in such cases?

M: Give it to him just on the chance that he might be honest. Why do you suspect a man who has nothing? He can’t lose any more than he already has, and if he wants to lose his dignity as well, that’s his problem.

Don’t worry. Just worry about whether you have compassion or not. Give to him with love. Give to a man who is in need and that’s it. Whatever he does or if he wants to cheat you, that’s his problem.

I once saw a very cool picture in the newspaper. There were two guys sitting together who had both lost a lot of teeth in the front, but they still smiled with their empty gums. They were smiling very innocently sitting next to each other.

The one on the left had a sign in front of him that read, “Why tell a lie? I need a pint.” And, “Make it 40 ounces.” He held it in front of him. And the other one next to him, also with no teeth and grinning very happily had a sign in front of him that read, “Me, too!” And people gave them money even.

We should do everything unconditionally. Some people might cheat us, but just on the chance that they won’t, give it to them. They look so downtrodden and so undignified already, there’s no need to hurt them more by thinking that they’re bad. 




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清海無上師以英文講於美國加州洛杉磯 1999.10.30
(DVD#665上集 師徒共度萬聖節


























The Essence of Work is Fulfilling Ourselves 
Not Attaining a Position

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
Los Angeles, CA, USA, October 30, 1999 
(Originally in English) 
Videotape #665A

Q: How do we get away from the pressures of our profession?

M: There is no gain without pain. Any profession has pressure. You can ask anyone if they don’t have pressure. Even if they do housework, they have pressure. If you raise your own children, you have pressure. So, what do you do?

Q: I teach Chinese literature.

M: Do the students give you pressure?

Q: The students complain and there’s competition between colleagues. So we have the problem of competing in a very vigorous professional field to get our tenure.

M: Why?

Q: Because every junior faculty member has to go through an evaluation period of five or six years before their job can be secured. So there are teaching evaluations, scholarships and publications, and it’s a highly competitive field. A lot of times we’re left with no time and I know that everyone has this problem of no time, but in our case there’s simply no time to do anything more relaxed.

M: Rushing all the time.

Q: Right, and then I lose patience. I used to be a very patient person but I don’t think I am anymore.

M: So, there’s a lot of pressure. Do you also do housewife work at home?

Q: No.

M: Just your professional work?

Q: Yes. When I go home I write and try to do research for publications so I can get tenure as a professor. I’ll lose my job if I don’t get that.

M: Do you like this job?

Q: It’s enjoyable to a certain extent.

M: Would you prefer to do something else? Never mind any doctrine about what you should or should not do: Would you prefer to do something else?

Q: No, that’s the thing I like to do.

M: Then continue with that and pay the price. What makes you always be in such a hurry? Why don’t you have time?

Q: There’s so much that you have to finish. For example, once you finish preparing for a class, you have to take care of the students and you have a commitment to the publications.

M: Yes, and then you have to read more homework.

Q: But Master, You’re very busy Yourself.

M: No, I’m not really busy. Look, I’m just sitting here talking. Does it look like I’m busy doing anything? (Laughter)

Q: But when you’re busy, do you lose your temper?

M: I do! I lose it all the time, even when I’m not busy! (Laughter) No, of course when you’re busy, you have more pressure. But that’s normal, OK? Forgive yourself. Be cool if you can, but if you cannot, then just be yourself. Hold something in your hand or wear something for the times you get angry or you lose your temper.

Q: Squeeze it?

M: Yes hold it, just to remind yourself. Squeeze my picture or whatever. You can also cut out things that are unnecessary. For example, in your teaching of Chinese literature, select only the best. Don’t read any other garbage; otherwise you read too much, which takes up all your time. You should know by now which ones are the best so choose things that are more spiritual and more nourishing for the students.

Choose what you like best and use it; that will be good for them, too. They also don’t need to know too much garbage about Chinese literature. Any literature contains garbage! So pick out what you enjoy best, and limit it only to certain subjects. Don’t read just anything. It’s difficult, but over time you will know which ones you should select and read. Find it on your own so you can give that out to the students.

Select it well. If you don’t know or if someone else recommends something, research it somewhere like the Internet. See which are the best, the most crisp, the most profitable for the students and the ones you also enjoy. That way you won’t have to spend a lot of time researching things that are not really fruitful. It will save you time.

And if you have to read their homework, read it fast. You have to learn speed-reading. That will help you, too. You can read one book in a few minutes. So invest some time to learn this, which will help you tremendously when you have to read books and review students’ homework. This will also save you a lot of time. OK, what else is it that takes up your time?.

Q: Competition and a sense of insecurity.

M: No, there’s no competition with anyone! Just do what you do, and if you lose, you lose, all right? Be a good loser. Look here: That’s what makes problems for you. You want this position too much. Don’t want it; just do it for fun. Do it to help the students gain knowledge. Do it for the self- fulfillment of your life. If you lose a job, you lose it. Forget the job. You don’t do it for the job; you do it to pass your day in a perfect way, the way you want to.

Just do your best but forget the job. When I do a painting, I never think about selling it. I do whatever I feel like doing because it’s just for me. And that’s how it works. You do it for yourself; do what you want. If you get the job, fine; if you don’t get the job, there’s another job to do. So don’t need the job too much.

Q: But what if you don’t perform well?

M: No, it’s not that! Do your best but forget the job. Don’t do it to get the position; do it for the students’ knowledge and for your own fulfillment. Have fun! Have fun with your job. Forget about the position. If you do it just to get the position, then I’m sorry but you’re cheap. So, don’t do it for anything. Do it to help the students gain the best knowledge you can offer. Give them the best that you know; meanwhile you’re fulfilling yourself because you’re doing your best. You’re not doing it for competition, understand? That’s the best way to do any job. Don’t worry about the position. (Applause)

Even the president of the United States: Do you know how much time is spent campaigning and how many millions of dollars are wasted every year just to get into office for only four years? And sometimes the candidates even lose all their money and don’t get anything. So your effort is not much. It’s nothing. You make money while they may lose it. They don’t even know if they’ll become president; if not, they lose all the money. My God! I feel sorry for all the money they spend. (Laughter)

So you’re doing this good job for the benefit of the younger people. You’re doing your best, giving what you think is best for them. That’s how you feel the best about yourself, and if the world gives you this position, it’s fine, it’s God’s will. If not, you know you did your best and that’s the best reward. That’s your reward and that’s your position - in your heart. It’s being the best professor, that’s all, not to get the job or to gain more money. That’s cheap. We’re practitioners. We don’t think about that.

And there’s one other thing as well: You’re never sure if you’ll live another day to get that position or this position. (Laughter and applause) Most pressure we give to ourselves. You’re not even sure if you’ll live until tomorrow. So, don’t say, “I’ll sit here and wait for five years until I get that professor job.” What pressure! Sometimes we can’t help it because we work with other people and they give us pressure for nothing because they’re stupid. It’s true. We have to work with idiots sometimes; it’s sad but that’s the way it is. But if we can control it by taking things into our own hands, we do the best we can and that’s it.

For example, if you go into work and say, “OK, here it goes again. ‘This job may not be good enough for me,’” then you have to think right away, “Who knows? Maybe this is a good company. Maybe I’ll get a promotion. Maybe I’ll be paid better here; maybe it’s a better environment; maybe it’s a better job; maybe there’s a better working atmosphere here; maybe I’ll meet a boyfriend here or maybe I’ll even get married to the boss next year. Maybe he’ll love me so much. I’ll inherit the whole company.” (Laughter) Why not? Who knows? Who can guarantee that you won’t have that?

But if you say, “This will never happen; it’s impossible!” how do you know that all those negative things you’re thinking will be possible, anyway? Who can guarantee both sides? So just think positively. Then, even if it doesn’t come true, it won’t cost you anything. At least you’ve tried a new job and had fun getting to know new people. That’s exciting. Even if you don’t like that job, you’ll still have plenty of chances to get out. Getting in is difficult; getting out is easy. You know that. So you have choices all the time. If you don’t like one job, you can get others until you find the one you like. So, just have fun.

Be patient and give yourself time to get used to the environment and your colleagues; have fun with them. Get to know new people; you can learn from them. They might teach you something new or acquaint you with other new people. They might teach you something you didn’t know or take you to a new restaurant that you like, or maybe you’ll find an apartment that’s better than you ever thought. So, just try it. The worst thing is only that you might lose that job because you can’t find an apartment or you didn’t get paid enough money. Then you’ll know, but until then don’t give an answer yet. Just do it first.

Think to yourself, “What would the Master do in my position?” Try to think, “OK. What would She do now? Would She run away? Would She think as I do now, or would She just try? Would She think about the positive things and hope for the best?” Or, you can think of what Jesus would think right now. Think of what Buddha would think right now. Think of what the God inside you would like to do right now in your situation. Think; use your God inside as your guide and have fun. A job can be fun; new colleagues can be fun; a new company can be fun.

Just make it a fun adventure. Adventure is full of risks, right? No one can guarantee you that if you go to Africa you’ll find a rhinoceros and ride on it and then your picture will be on CNN. No, maybe the rhino will kill you! But that’s the fun of adventure. 


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Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, 
Four-day Retreat in Florida, USA, 
February 15, 1999 
(Originally in English) 
Videotape #635

Q: I have a yearning to do art.

M: Then do it; why not?

Q: But can we become attached to it?

M: You are attached in your mind right now anyhow so just do it. I don’t encourage anything; I don’t emphasize anything. If you need something and you ask me, then I encourage you and you alone. But I don’t make it a big theme so that everyone has to follow my opinion. That’s the difference: I respond according to what you ask; I answer according to what you need. But I don’t make it into a theory, like, “OK, in my house, in my school, this is good and you must or you should do this.”

I don’t encourage anything except to live a moral way of life, one that’s easy and not harmful to anyone.

Q: I don’t have a problem with doing art, but I do have a struggle between it and whether I should devote all my energy to sacrificing and serving other people. That seems to be a nobler thing than pursuing one’s hobbies.

M: You can do both.

Q: It’s hard to judge where to draw the line.

M: It’s OK. Do whatever you feel. You’re meditating and helping with the Center in some ways. That’s also helping others.

Everyone chooses their lifestyle. Each person has their own aversions and attachments. Some people like to work; they feel responsible like they should work, and some people just enjoy working. But if you have other interests aside from that, then you’re OK, too.

There are no set rules for anyone. My teachings are meant to set you free, not to tell you what to do, except the Five Precepts and meditation: nothing else.


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清海無上師以英文講於美國夏威夷 1993.03.27(影帶編號#341)








After Realizing the True Self One
is Never Lonely

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Hawaii, USA,
March 27, 1993 (Originally in English) Videotape #341


Q: Please tell me why I sometimes feel very lonesome and sorrowful. Why can’t I be happy and free of worry?

M: It’s because we’re incomplete. Everyone feels lonely now and again or even often, sometimes to the point of suicide because nothing of this world, even the whole kingdom of the Earth, can satisfy us. That’s because we know we had better things before; before we came to this world, before we got entangled in this maze and forgot our Origin. So, we must go back to where we belong and find our greatest treasure, which will satisfy every great and small need in our life. Even our sexual appetite will decrease; even the greatest beauty on Earth won’t have as enticing powers over us as it did before our enlightenment.

Enlightenment is just knowing our Self, knowing how complete we are without having to be combined with the opposite sex or opposite force because inside we have both Yin and Yang. We have positive and negative; we have the feminine and masculine aspects within our Being. If we unite them both, we balance the Yin and Yang and then we’re complete, we’re whole, we need nothing and we never feel lonely.

I can stay the whole day in my room, every day, for many months. Even if I don’t have anything to do and I don’t have to go out to give lectures, I don’t feel lonely! The more people I have to see, the lonelier I feel, and the more alone I am the less lonely I feel. Because when I’m with people, I have to go outward. My tendency has to go out, my energy goes out and my focus goes out: to take care of people, to listen to their needs, to feel one with their troubles, sorrows and loneliness. Then I become lonely because I forget my complete Self, at least for the time being. I have no time to be one with the Self, or I separate a little from it. In fact, I’m never separated from it but my mind, my focus, my attention is separated from this “complete happiness Self” so I’m lonely. But when I’m alone, I’m playing within my Self and merging with my Self and I’m just complete.

So, I’m never lonely, and that’s the paradoxical question for you. Try it and you’ll understand, but become enlightened first, please!


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清海無上師以英文講於斯洛維尼亞 流布里雅那1999.05.26(影帶編號#660)










Fate Can be Changed through Diligent Practice and God’s Grace

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
May 26, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #660


Q:  Is everything that happens to us fate or destiny? In other words, in the present and in future moments, is our fate or destiny already defined? And can it be changed?

M: Yes, fate or destiny is kind of fixed for everyone because we don’t have enough willpower to change it and we don’t have the connection with God’s grace so that we can alter it. But after the re-connection, we can change it. We don’t work with the mind anymore; instead, we work with the universal power, which makes everything possible. So after initiation, even the psychics can’t read your palm, can’t tell your future, can’t see anything because your consciousness is rising to a higher level. And from this higher standpoint, we can see more clearly and alter many things from this higher consciousness.

I’ll tell you another secret as well: Whatever is happening now, there are many other possibilities happening at the same time in the storeroom of the universe. During daily meditation, you can peep into the different possibilities and even pick one for yourself and deny whatever you don’t want to continue.

In the Kingdom of God, there’s no past, no future and no present. There’s only one continuous time, and everything is in one place; it’s like in a storeroom and there are so many choices! Jesus said, “In my Father’s house, there are many mansions,” but because we don’t know these many mansions we’re stuck with only one choice, the very low level of consciousness, which is the physical mansion. So we suffer, not knowing of any other alternatives.

Knowing God means having the key to all these different mansions so that we’re spoiled with choices, and our lives will become more fulfilled, more contented and happier. Many mansions means that many different events are happening at the same time, just like many structures (mansions) can exist within the same house and enclose different things at the same time. So we can choose one event and reject another, but only an enlightened person can have access to all these different choices. And that’s how so-called bad karma can be erased because we know where it is and we can burn or destroy it.


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Following Your Intuition is Better than Following Predictions

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Florida, USA,
February 15, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape #635b


I’ve been studying astrology as a hobby and I think to some degree it can help you analyze people’s potentials and shortcomings, not only in a material way but also spiritually. I started it as a hobby, but now I’m not sure as a practitioner if it’s right or not to tell other people what I see. I’m not sure if it really helps them or if on the other hand maybe it’s the opposite and it creates karma for me.

Well, sometimes we can influence people in a bad way. For example, if something good is coming and you tell the person, "Your luck is changing. Oh, my God! You’re going to win a million dollars!" That person might have a heart attack right there and die. Or if something bad is coming and you say, "Your girlfriend is going to kick you out and get another boyfriend." What is the use of that? Because maybe they can make up with each other due to their spiritual strength; it’s possible they could alter destiny or at least postpone it. But because you say that, they fixate on it. Then they give up and are miserable.

So what is the point of telling people their future? It’s good enough to take care of today! And the past we don’t even care to think about. Even if you tell someone, "Before, in your last life, you were a butcher. That’s why you look like a pig right now." (Laughter) So what’s new? He still looks like a pig, and his temper won’t change just because you told him that he was a butcher in his last life. So, what’s new in the universe?

Q:But Master, what if I can analyze people’s potential, say, in a spiritual way?
M:Do you mean outside people?

M:Do what you like; nothing is forbidden, OK?

Q:It’s just that many people are concerned about their karma. Especially recently I notice that many people are not just concerned about worldly things like marriage or relationships but also about their future in terms of spiritual practice.
M:If they want it, you can let them know, but I don’t know if it will be accurate or not.

Q: I think it is.
M:But things can always change, always! Even the weather can change according to some person’s consciousness or the group consciousness or someone’s magical touch. So it doesn’t matter if we predict that something will happen; it might not happen. Or it might happen, but so what? People still do what they do. A lot of people go to fortune tellers and become sad or happy accordingly.

So I think you should just live naturally. Most of the time if you practice the Quan Yin Method you have an intuition about what is going to happen and you just do the most correct thing. Even if you do not know it at the time, later you discover, "Oh! I did that and it was right."

Q:Yes. That’s true.
M:And so sometimes even though the astrology is really correct, if you’ve already matched your thinking and doing with the astrology, it’s also good. You can feel that it is correct. You don’t have to read the astrology; you just do the correct thing all the time.

So your intuition is enough. That way, you don’t read beforehand; you read afterwards to confirm. We do not need astrology. We can do the right thing ourselves.

Q:Do you mean that in some sense astrology can be helpful?
M:No, it’s not. There is no need for it! We are practitioners; we don’t worry much about tomorrow or yesterday. We’re just hanging in there waiting to die; we’re just hanging on. Meanwhile, we eat a lot of candy and cake because we’re not attached to not eating. (Laughter) And we can do what we like for fun.

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清海無上師以英文講於美國西雅圖 1993.04.07(影帶編號#348)









Being Open to God’s Grace Uplifts a Country’s Consciousness


Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Singapore, March 8, 1993 (Originally in English) Videotape #327

What makes one country have a higher consciousness than another? First, the government must be wise; they must let good influences come to their land and be willing to learn and sacrifice for the people. They should show the people good examples and learn more from wise persons and develop their own wisdom more thoroughly. Therefore, since ancient times, for many, many thousands of years, great kings have been worshiped by people and beloved by all. Their names are engraved in the heart of the universe. And if the governmental system is good, the people feel freer and more at ease. They look for a higher value of life because their material side is satisfied; their life security is being looked after.

It takes more to be wise than just looking after people materially, but that is one of the starting points. Then when we’re open to all kinds of good influences, wisdom will come to our land; blessings will flow forth into our country. We will feel better and better because the people are united and in one heart to develop the country and to bless the nation. In some countries, the policy is too restrictive and even wise people or good people can hardly enter. Because they fear criminals and so on, they also make restrictions on wise and good or saintly people. Then, even though our country is much developed materially, we can hardly keep it very long because we lack the blessing from God.

Enlightenment is Essential for the Advancement of Humanity

Spoken By The Supreme Master Ching Hai, Seattle, Washington, USA,
April 7, 1993 (Originally in English) Videotape #348

The age of our world has changed, and we are beginning to live in another kind of atmosphere where many more people will be enlightened, and peace will be more accessible to humankind. And let’s hope that in future generations all the rulers of Earth will not rule with armed force but with wisdom and love because all men are brothers. The different countries are different rooms, which the whole family has the right to share with each other, and to live in with each other in harmony.

As long as the majority of us are not enlightened and not using the super wisdom within us to take care of the world and to do everything, whether big or small, our world will not become what we dream or what we expect it to become. Therefore, the future of the world is in our hands; it’s not only in the hands of the political figures of any great nation. Please remember that even if there is one great king who rules the whole planet, who has great wisdom like that of Solomon or King David of old, if the whole masses of people are swimming in ignorance, he can’t do much.

It’s because in this age many people have become enlightened, and use their wisdom to bless the world or to enlighten their neighbors. And one will lead to the others, and then soon many, many more, and the majority of the people will be living in the wisdom of their birthright, and using it to bless the world, to make it become Heaven. Otherwise, it doesn’t matter how much we try with our limited knowledge of books, or of experience in our field, we can only do a very small amount of service to humankind.




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清海無上師以英文講於美國紐約 1999.08.04













Spiritual Practice is the Ultimate Way
to Care for the Planet

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, New York, USA,
August 4, 1999 (Originally in English) Videotape # 664

Q: I'm just wondering if there is something more we can do apart from meditation to make the world a better place. After all, we do live here and we all care for the planet.

M: That’s right. I’m very touched that you care. The United Nations members should care like that. I don't know if all of them care, but it's nice that you do.

So what can we do? I’ve been doing my best, but I’m getting old (laughter) and my voice is feeble; not too many people hear it. It's OK; we just do one thing at a time. Maybe you can give more lectures and raise the consciousness of people on this planet. Well, you can only do so much. It helps for a while, but then people’s enthusiasm, attention and fear of disaster die down and things start all over again and we have to do it again and again.

The thing is that the leaders of many nations should join in. They should also support spiritual practice, but most of the schools and governmental systems on this planet are all about control, material comfort and distribution. And they're not even doing a good job at that! Many countries are too poor and many countries are too rich; many countries have too little while many countries have too much and so on. So, even the material things are not being distributed well.

But it could be helped if people were more spiritual. Then everyone would be aware from within and would do things more naturally so we wouldn't even have to tell anyone what to do. But most political systems only emphasize law enforcement, material needs or the mathematics of things, and these are mostly about the physical aspects. So when our small group or others such as me or you or any of us individually make an effort, we just feel like a minority on this planet. But if the governments of all the nations knew the benefits of spiritual power, we would all do much better. That’s normally what governing means; so this should also be emphasized.

Q :When they’re looking at the problems of the world, the spiritual part should be integrated.

M: Yes, because the spiritual part is the root of most of the problems. The governments are trying hard. They’re doing their best, but they’re watering the plants on the leaves. That helps a little, but watering at the root is the most important and most efficient way of doing things. So you can go around and tell all the presidents, "Hey, get up! Do something: Meditate!"

Since ancient times, we have been stuck with this. But at least individuals like you and me and some others are making an effort; we are doing something. And it is helping; otherwise it could have been worse. If we hadn't been going strong with our spiritual practice our world would have had less blessing. Maybe our planet would have already disappeared a few years ago. Or the war could have kept going on a grander scale and become a world war. It can happen.


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清海無上師以英文講於巴拿馬記者之家 1989.11.29(影帶編號#106)




清海無上師以英文講於美國加州聖塔克拉拉 1989.11.29(影帶編號#101A)





Saving the World by 
Giving up the Meat-based Diet

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Berkeley University, California, U.S.A. October 13, 1989 (Originally in English) Videotape #101

If we did not eat meat, no one would kill, no one would raise cattle, all the food would stay where it was and they could eat it and become healthy and strong. It'd be good for every nation, and it'd be good for our nation as well. We waste a lot of money on arms and on raising animals. Most of the arable land is wasted nowadays on raising cattle, pigs and the like. So if we used these areas to cultivate wholesome, healthy food I think the nations would benefit more and our nation would have more peace and no need for armed defense.

If every nation lived according to the Bible, according to the Buddhist teachings, “Thou shall not kill, Thou shall not steal,” and so on, the world would have no more need for peace conferences, and would not need to waste so much coffee, champagne and cake at round table discussions that go nowhere. The more we talk about peace, the more war we have because we go about it in an inconsistent manner. If everyone practiced meditation and ate a wholesome diet without any killing involved, the world would have long since been in a peaceful state and we'd have no hunger. There is no need to give away your property; just give up the meat-based diet. That would be enough to save the world, as well as your own and the nation's health. 



Respect all Life and 
Your Life will be Blessed

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, House of Journalism, Panama, November 29, 1989 (Originally in English) Videotape #106

We should respect all life that’s in the creative plan of God. We can see for ourselves that all life resists suffering, resists death. If we kill or see an animal killed we notice that they suffer and try to run away, meaning that God empowers them with the instinct to want to live. So if we interfere and take their life away, we interfere with God's will. Thus, we should treat every being as we ourselves would like to be treated. Then our lives will be blessed with grace, longevity and wisdom. 


We Should Eat Like 
the First Class Beings We Are

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Santa Clara, CA, USA, October 14, 1989 
(Originally in English) Videotape #101A

It's nobler for us to eat first-hand things because we’re first class! Why do we have to eat secondhand from animals? You give grain to a chicken and then eat the chicken and re-digest it! And then you feed carrots and vegetables to a rabbit and eat the rabbit. Why don't you just eat the vegetables and grains yourself? That is first class and fresh! It is a waste of time to eat animal meat. It is a waste of energy and the national treasury and it causes world hunger. 



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清海無上師以英文講於日本東京 1993.05.22(影帶編號#375) 




http://www.animalliberationfront.com/Practical/Health/101 Reasons to go Vegetarian.htm




清海無上師以英文開示於新加坡共修會 1994.09.28(影帶編號#446)









Being Meat-free Makes Us 
Healthy and Carefree



Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai, Tokyo, Japan, May 22, 1993 
(Originally in English) Videotape #375

Q: The purpose of an animal's life here on earth is to be eaten by human beings, and if we stopped eating them they would all be dead and useless, don't You think so?

M: No, we can eat animals if we want to because we are stronger and more intelligent than they are so they’re helpless against us. But the question is whether we should use our strength and intelligence to abuse those who are weaker than we are when we have other choices by which to survive. Besides, today we are raising more cattle, pigs and chickens so more exist now than there used to be. And according to scientific research, the great amount of money, time and land used to raise animals is weakening our planet economically, financially and even health-wise.

It is even said that many wastelands, many deserts, are the result of raising animals in the past because wherever cows are raised the land is frequently unable to be used for growing crops.* We need a big land mass to be able to feed cattle or other animals, and their waste products pollute the water in our lakes and rivers, as does the fertilizer that goes into the fields to produce grass and all the other food for animals. And the antibiotics and medicines that go into the animals’ systems, the water to wash them and all the hygienic measures cost a lot of money and manpower. So in the long run it's a loss of business for the world. It's no good for us. It's not my right to tell you what to eat, but according to research, eating animals is no good for us whatsoever, economically, financially, politically, health-wise and in every other way. I am not yet telling you about the moral obligation and guilty feelings that go along with the animal diet. I’m just telling you science-wise, the scientific aspect.

Inherently we all have a great love within us for all things that move. Therefore if we eat animal flesh, we subconsciously feel very guilty. It breeds sickness and all kinds of uncomfortable feelings and unhappiness in our lives. That's why we suggest that if you want to find a truly happy life, a truly free, carefree life, you should refrain from eating other living beings. 



We Can Actually Live a Better Life

Spoken by Supreme Master Ching Hai at a Group Meditation, Singapore, September 28, 1994 (Originally in English) Videotape #446

Nowadays many sicknesses, different diseases, kill people, about eighteen million a year. Because some of us don't take precautions to guard our precious body which has been given to us by God to do some mission on earth for some purpose, and also to realize our almighty power. We do something like smoking too much, drinking too much, eating too much flesh, inviting all the bacteria from the flesh into our systems, etc. And all these killing factors make our lives a miserable time.

Actually we could live a better life if we organized more, if we appreciated our body more. If we ate just nutritious food for our body, and ate not just because of the taste, and ate just a reasonable amount, then of course, our health wouldn't be so greatly endangered. You see, most vegetarian people become healthier. Is that not so? [Audience: Yes.] Many of you became healthier after receiving initiation and switching to a vegetarian diet. Is that not so? [Audience: Yes.] Actually, the hospitals are full of meat-eating people (laughter). No problem; we can see the proof there.

It's not only because the vegetarian diet is healthy in itself, but because the vibration is very harmonious to our body whereas the vibrations of animals are not that harmonious, not so peaceful. Actually, it's very easy to live a simple, healthy life. There's not so much need for medicine, no need for so many injections. Many of us harm ourselves because we put poisonous substances into our bodies. Otherwise, if we know how to live a simple, nutritious, healthy life, we really don't need doctors so much. And the doctor can have more holidays and both of us can stay healthy. 



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